Pyrococcus furiosus thioredoxin (PfTrx) as a scaffold for presentation of extracellular loops (ECLs). (A) ModWeb prediction of the β-barrel of Tp BamA (TP0326) (12) with ECL4 shown in red. (B) Phyre2 prediction of the PfTrx structure showing the insertion site (green) for ECLs (here BamA ECL4) and a linear map of the PfTrxBamA/ECL4 construct with N-His- and C-Avi- tags shown in pink and yellow, respectively. (C) Reactivity of PfTrxBamA/ECL4 and PfTrx with IRS, HSS, NRS, NHS, mouse anti-Avi-Tag, and rat anti-BamA ECL4 antiserum. The highly antigenic lipoprotein, Tpp17, was used as a positive control. (D) Supernatant (Sup) and elution (Elu) fractions from Protein G pull-downs of PfTrxBamA/ECL4 and PfTrx with IRS or NRS immunoblotted with Avi-Tag Abs.