Activation of Sll0726 PGM reaction by Glc-1,6-BP or by the reaction products of Slr1334. Shown is the Sll0726 PGM activity in the presence of different effectors relative to the activity in the absence of effector molecules (set as 100%, black bar). The different bars represent the following reactions: Dark gray bars: Relative PGM activity in the presence of different concentrations of activator molecule Glc-1,6-BP, as indicated. Blue bars: Relative PGM activity in the presence of the supernatant of the Slr1334 reaction carried out with different combinations of substrates, as indicated. Light gray bars: Same conditions as adjacent blue bars, except that Slr1334 was replaced by Sll0726, as a control. Three biological replicates were measured for each datapoint. Error bars represent the SD; asterisks represent the statistical significance in comparison to the reaction without effectors.