A) Scheme of the applied workflow for the RNA-seq analyses. (
B) Principal component analysis (PCA) post surrogate variable analysis (SVA) batch correction of RNA-seq data: PC1 vs PC2 showed sample separation by cell line, PC2 vs PC3 (cell lines depicted separately) showed treatment and time point separation. (
C) Volcano plots reporting up- and down-regulated differential expression (DE) genes in all treated vs control comparisons (adjusted p<0.05). (
D) Venn plot reporting the number of specific and shared up- and down-regulated DE genes between BxPC-3 and HCT-15 cells (union of DE genes in all treated vs control comparisons). (
E) Enriched gene ontology (GO) terms (p<0.05) derived from gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) on BxPC-3 and HCT-15 DE genes (union of DE genes in all treated vs control comparisons) and on shared DE genes (up- and down-regulated separately). (
F) Schematic representation of enrichment map-based selection of representative GO terms to be reported in
Figure 2C.