Fig. 1.
Variations in gut archaeome across healthy individuals. a Geographical distribution of the studied Chinese populations. Yunnan Province was the sampling region. Urban individuals were recruited and sampled from the Kunming City (the provincial capital of Yunnan Province), consisting of individuals from 6 ethnicities (Han, Zang, Miao, Bai, Dai, and Hani). Rural populations corresponding to each ethnicity were individually recruited and sampled at each rural region circumferential of Kunming. b Number of subjects recruited in this study (n = 792). c An overview of study design and data collection regime, including archaeome and bacteriome profiling, metadata questionnaire investigation, diet record (food frequency questionnaire) investigation, and blood biochemical measurements. d Variations in gut archaeome composition at the order level across all study subjects, plotted according to the ranking abundance of archaeal orders. e Order-level gut archaeome compositions plotted according to ethnicity (Han, Zang, Miao, Bai, Dai, and Hani) and residency (rural versus urban)