Objective measures of schools’ wellness-promoting environments are commonly used in obesity prevention studies; however, the extent to which findings from these measures translate to policy and practice is unknown. This systematic review describes the comprehensiveness and usability (practicality, quality, and applicability) of existing objective measures to assess schools’ food and physical activity environments. A structured keyword search and standard protocol in electronic databases yielded 30 publications reporting on 23 measures that were deemed eligible to include in this review. Findings provide details to guide researchers and practitioners in selecting the best tool for use in policy and program evaluations.
1. Background
Childhood obesity and associated inequities remain a public health problem. Schools are a logical target for obesity prevention interventions, as children and adolescents spend half of their waking hours in school for more than 180 days/year (Khambalia et al., 2012; Story et al., 2006). School-based interventions to improve policies and practices that support student wellness have demonstrated potential to reduce childhood obesity inequities, given that nearly all children can benefit (Micha et al., 2018; Singh et al., 2017; Olstad et al., 2017; Morton et al., 2016). Interventions that address schools’ food and physical activity environments (i.e., physical structures/facilities that provide nutritious food options, create physical activity opportunities, reduce sedentary time) have particular promise as a mechanism for changing student behaviors (Ip et al., 2017; Sallis and Glanz, 2009; Story et al., 2009).
With this shifting focus to social and physical contexts of school, there has been increasing interest among researchers, practitioners, and policy advocates in evaluating food and physical activity environments. Such methods can examine whether policy, systems, and environmental change interventions to change school environments are being implemented as intended and are effective, and, importantly, can generate school-specific data to continue to inform improvements (Morton et al., 2016; Glanz et al., 2015). Methods to measure school contexts range from administrator surveys or semi-structured interviews to observational audits or checklists. Objective, observational methods such as audits are advantageous in that they measure the actual, rather than the perceived, school environment, thus reducing reporting bias.
Several systematic reviews have advanced our understanding of assessing nutrition and/or physical activity environments, but few have focused specifically on tools appropriate for use in a school setting (Saluja et al., 2018; Ajja et al., 2015; Mckinnon et al., 2009; Lytle and Sokol, 2017). Furthermore, while most reviews describe the psychometric properties of these measures (e.g., reliability, validity), descriptions of comprehensiveness and usability (e.g., practicality of administration, applicability across settings and populations, relevance to stakeholders) of measures is also important. To further advance our understanding of schools’ food and/or physical activity environments, and subsequently improve selection and use of existing tools for research, school improvement, and/or policy decision-making, it is critical to identify and disseminate observational tools that are simple, practical, relevant and adaptable for use by various stakeholders (Glanz et al., 2015; Glasgow and Riley, 2013; Saluja et al., 2018).
Given the need for pragmatism and generalizability of these tools, this systematic review aims to describe the (1) comprehensiveness of currently available, research-tested observational tools that assess schools’ environments for food and/or physical activity and (2) usability of those tools, specifically practicality, quality, and applicability.
2. Methods
This systematic review follows PRISMA guidelines (Moher et al., 2009). This review uses similar inclusion/exclusion criteria as a recent systematic review of audit tools for child-serving settings (Ajja et al., 2015), and builds upon that review by extracting information about tools’ comprehensiveness and usability, focusing specifically on schools. Additionally, this review aims to identify research gaps and provide recommendations for the field.
2.1. Search strategy
The study authors, including a research librarian, developed and ran searches in PubMed, CINAHL (EBSCO), Scopus (Elsevier), SocIndex (EBSCO), and ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) (EBSCO) (See Supplemental File 1). Specific search strategies were created for each database and used a combination of both controlled vocabulary (organized words or phrases used to index and retrieve content) and keyword searching. The concept of “schools” included, but was not limited to: schools, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school. Controlled vocabulary was not exploded because in many instances it generated search results related to higher education and college, which were not our focus. The concept for "audit" included: audits, observation, checklist, inventory. School environment concepts included but were not limited to: nutrition, food, wellness, exercise, schoolyard, playground. Truncation to search terms was used when appropriate, as well as title and abstract searching. Searches were originally completed in November 2016, then re-conducted in August 2018. Additional articles were identified from the reference lists of eligible articles and reviewed if appropriate based on the inclusion criteria.
2.2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria were developed to capture tools that objectively measure the structural or physical environments of schools related to food and/or physical activity. No time limits were placed on the search. Articles were excluded if they: (1) were not published in peer-reviewed journals; (2) were not published in English; (3) referred to tools used outside of K-12 schools or exclusively in after school; or (4) did not include an observational measure of the structural or physical environment that specifically pertained to food and/or physical activity (e. g., behavioral observation tools). Articles were excluded if they did not include a thorough description of items and/or the tool could not be acquired through communication with authors. Based on a previously described strategy (Lewis et al., 2015), we contacted corresponding authors via email on three separate occasions to request tools and supplemental materials. The method by which the tool was accessed (e.g., contained in article, publicly available, or via author communication) is described in Table 1. Finally, articles were excluded if they described checklists (e.g., pre-defined list of visible items, like items in a vending machine) or inventories (e.g., listing types of competitive foods sold in school stores). The availability and potential for broad use of checklists/inventories is described in detail elsewhere (Lytle and Sokol, 2017).
Table 1.
Description of observational school audit tool studies.
ID | Name of Tool (if named) | Articles | Stated Purpose | Setting | School Typec | Item Typesd | How to Access Tool and Relevant Documents |
1 | ACTION! Staff Audit | Webber et al. (2007) | Assess physical characteristics of the school and neighborhood as part of formative research for a | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA | ES | Freq, Cat, Open | Tool provided via email from author |
2 | Adachi et al, 2013 | Adachi-Mejia et al. (2013) | Assess and analyze the content, location, and advertising of vending machines in high schools in varying geographic regions | Vermont, New Hampshire, USA | HS | Freq, Cat | Tool described in publication |
3 | Belansky et al, 2013 | Belansky et al. (2013) | Verify whether schools implement planned environment and policy changes following two different intervention | Colorado, USA | ES | Scale, Freq, Cat, Open | Tool provided via email from author |
4 | Rushing and Asperin (2012) | Rushing and Asperin (2012) | Gather information on branding strategies used in high school nutrition programs | Midwest and Southeast | HS | Freq, Open | Tool described in publication |
5 | Co-SEA (COMPASS School Environment Application) | Leatherdale et al. (2014a) Hunter et al. (2016); Vine et al. (2017) | Measure aspects of the built environment associated with modifiable determinants of obesity, including using photos to supplement direct observational data | Ontario and Alberta, Canada | HS | Scale, Freq, Cat, Open, Other: photos | Tool and technical report described in publication |
5.1 | Co-SEA (Adapted) | Godin et al. (2017) | Examine the presence of water sources and industry sponsored sugar-sweetened beverage food kiosks | Guatemala | MS, HS | Scale, Freq, Open, Other:photos | Tool and technical report references provided in publication |
6 | EAPRS (Environmental Assessment of Public Recreation Spaces) | Colabianchi et al.(2011); Saelens et al., 2006) | Examine correlation between attributes of school playgrounds and playground utilization and activity level | Cleveland, OH, USA | ES | Scale, Freq, Cat, Open | Tool and scoring guide publicly available https://activelivingresearch.org/environmental-assessment-public-recreation-spaces-eaprs-tool |
7 | ENDORSE school food environment tool | Van Der Horst et al. (2008) | Assess association between eating behaviors and availability of foods and beverages in various areas of the school canteen | Netherlands | MS | Freq, Cat | Tool described in publication |
8 | Food Decision Environment Tool | Ozturk et al. (2016) | Develop structured tool to assess food-choice architecture and identify behavioral economic intervention points to improve child diet quality | South Carolina, USA | ES | Freq, Cat, Open | Tool described in publication |
9 | GRF-OT (The Great Recess Framework – Observational Tool) | Massey et al. (2018a, 2018b) | Develop tool to measure contextual factors (e.g., safety, transitions) associated with recess behaviors | Midwestern USA | ES | Scale | Tool, manual/guide, and scoring guide publicly available |
10 | Hecht et al, 2017 | Hecht et al. (2017) | Validate administrator surveys in order to better or more efficiently characterize water access in the schools | San Francisco, USA | ES, MS, HS | Freq, Cat, Open | Tool described in publication |
11 | ISAT (International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and Environment School) Audit Toolb | Katzmarzyk et al. (2013); Broyles et al. (2015), Lewis et al. (2016) | Develop a single tool that can be used world-wide to assess PA environment in schools and its relationship to PA | Australia and 12 other countries | ES | Scale, Freq, Cat, Open | Tool, manual/guide, supporting materials provided in publication |
12 | Laurie et al, 2017 | Laurie et al. (2017) | Assess food garden attributes (size, physical aspects, and use) to improve understanding of sustainable food productive practices | South Africa | ES | Scale, Cat, Open | Tool provided via email from author |
13 | LCFO (Lunch and Competitive Foods Observation) Form | Ritchie et al. (2015) | Gather information about the nutrition environment (e.g., competitive food venues, school meal items and service, and dining facilities) in schools across the USA | Multiple sites, USA | ES, MS | Scale, Freq, Cat, Open | Tool described in publication, manual/guide provided via email from author |
14 | PARA (Physical Activity Resource Assessment) | Findholt et al. (2011); Lee et al. (2005) | Identify quantity and quality of publicly accessible PA resources in rural communities | Oregon, USA | ES | Scale, Freq, Cat | Tool and manual/guide described in publication and publicly available https://snaped.fns.usda.gov/library/materials/physical-activity-resource-assessment-para-instrument |
14.1 | PARA (Adapted) | Pate et al. (2015) | Assess the variety and quality of school ground features and amenities and document evidence of unsociable behaviors | Multiple sites, USA | ES, MS | Scale, Freq, Cat, Open | Tool reference provided and adaptation described in publication |
15 | Patel et al, 2009 | Patel et al. (2009) | Conduct site visits to define state of schools’ food environment, and improve environments and policy implementation | Los Angeles, California, USA | MS | Freq, Cat, Open, Other: mapping | Tool provided via email from author |
16 | School Food Environment Scan | Spruance et al. (2017) | Assess school-level factors (e.g., other food sources, cafeteria environment) related to students’ use of salad bars | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA | MS, HS | Scale, Freq, Cat, Open | Tool described in publication, manual/guide provided via email from author |
17 | School Lunchroom Audits | Thomas et al. (2016) | Provide a process measure to assess fidelity of a Smarter Lunchrooms intervention | Multiple sites, USA | MS | Freq, Open, Other: photos | Tool described in publication |
18 | SF-EAT (School Food Environment Assessment Tool) | Black et al. (2015) | Assess extent to which schools integrate healthy food initiatives (with equal emphasis on sustainability), and identify potential local and school-specific action | Vancouver, Canada | ES, MS, HS | Scale, Freq, Open | Tool provided via email from author |
19 | SNDA-III (School Nutrition and Dietary Assessment) | Finkelstein et al. (2008); Briefel et al. (2009); Fox et al. (2009a), Fox et al. (2009b) | Assess USDA school meals and other aspects of the school food environment and policies | Multiple sites, USA | ES, MS, HS | Freq, Cat, | Tool and scoring guide publicly available https://www.fns.usda.gov/school-nutrition-dietary-assessment-study-iii |
20 | SNEO (School Nutrition Environment Checklist) | Newton et al. (2011) | Assess the cafeteria environment, including both items related to suggested alterations and items related to unhealthy elements | Rural Louisiana, USA | ES, MS | Freq, Cat, Open | Tool provided via email from author |
21 | SPACE (Spatial Planning and Children’s Exercise) Checklist | Van Kann et al. (2016) | Investigate influence of schoolyard characteristics (equipment, green space, upkeep) with child PA levels | Southern Limburg, Netherlands | ES | Scale, Freq, Cat | Tool described and provided in publication |
22 | SPAN-ET (School Physical Activity and Nutrition Environment Tool) | John et al. (2016) | Measure the school PA/nutrition environment categories related to childhood obesity prevention in order to quantify environmental change | Oregon, USA | ES | Scale, Cat, Open | Tool and manual/guide provided via email from author |
23 | SPEEDY school grounds audit | Jones et al. (2010); Van Sluijs et al. (2011); Mantjes et al. (2012) | Measure the environmental characteristics of schools’ external grounds, including their suitability for PA | Norfolk, England | ES | Scale, Freq, Cat | Tool described in publication |
23.1 | SPEEDY school grounds audit (Adapted) | Harrison et al. (2016) | Measure the environmental characteristics of schools’ external grounds, and assess if and how these characteristics change between primary and secondary school | Norfolk, England | MS | Scale, Freq, Cat | Tool reference provided, adaptation described in publication, manual/guide provided via email from author |
23.2 | SPEEDY school grounds audit (Adapted) | Dias et al. (2017) | Evaluate how quality/quantity of outdoor play structures correlates with practicing PA in physical education class and recess | Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | HS | Scale, Freq | Tool reference provided and adaptation described in publication |
23.3 | SPEEDY school grounds audit (Adapted) | Tarun et al. (2017) | Measure and describe the characteristics of the outdoor school grounds in order to inform future intervention targets | Delhi, India | ES, MS, HS | Scale, Freq, Cat | Tool reference provided and adaptation described in publication |
23.4 | SPEEDY school grounds audit (Unadapted) | Chalkley et al. (2018) | Assess opportunities for PA in the school environment prior to program implementation | East Midlands, UK | ES | Scale, Freq, Cat | Tool reference provided in publication |
23.5 | SPEEDY school grounds audit (Unadapted) | Hyndman and Chancellor (2017) | Describe active play opportunities in secondary school environments in order to inform policy/practice for adolescents | New South Wales, Australia | MS | Scale, Freq, Cat | Tool reference provided in publication |
ISAT tool was partially adapted from SPEEDY tool.
ES = Elementary; MS = Middle; HS=High/Secondary.
Scale = Rating scale; Freq = Frequency/Counts; Cat = Categorical or Binary; Open = Open Response.
2.3. Tool selection
After both searches (November 2016, August 2018) were conducted, initial titles were screened by four authors (HL, RD, EH, LT) to eliminate non-peer reviewed articles. Two research assistants then conducted the title and abstract review, with disputes resolved by a third reviewer (HL). A full text review was conducted by three authors (HL, HC, RD). Each article was reviewed for inclusion, then coded by two of the three authors, who met after coding to resolve discrepancies. If they could not reach consensus, the third author reviewed the article and provided a final judgement. For eligible articles, an email was sent to the corresponding author to request any additional publicly available, non-proprietary documents that may contain information on tool comprehensiveness and usability.
2.4. Data extraction
The data extraction protocol was developed iteratively by the authors. The protocol drew upon gaps identified in previous reviews of school audit tools, and existing frameworks describing characteristics of pragmatic, useful measures (Saluja et al., 2018; Ajja et al., 2015; Lewis et al., 2015; Glasgow and Riley, 2013). The entire authorship team drafted the initial protocol, pilot-coded one article, then made refinements. Three authors (HL, HC, RD) coded an additional six articles and discussed them as a team before finalizing the extraction protocol.
The extraction protocol was derived from two existing frameworks: Glasgow and Riley’s criteria for pragmatic measures and Lewis et al.‘s evidence-based assessment. Glasgow and Riley (2013) cited the gap in translation from research to effective public health practice as partially attributed to the impracticality of measures. They suggested criteria to increase the applicability and pragmatism of measures (e.g., important to stakeholders, low burden for respondents and staff). Lewis et al. (2015) provided a detailed review of various measures related to a core set of seven implementation outcomes (e.g. acceptability, fidelity). These frameworks provide criteria for measures that are not just sufficiently rigorous to address a research question, but also practical enough to be useable in real-world settings and to provide recommendations for policy, intervention, and evaluation. For this review, the protocol was divided into two concepts, comprehensiveness and usability, and constructs were adapted based on the unique needs of environmental measures that may be used for monitoring implementation processes and outcomes. The protocol considered the context of existing best practices related to healthy eating and physical activity during school, and with the understanding that these were organizational, rather than individual-level measures (CDC, 2017; WHO, 2017 Alliance For A Healthier Generation, 2016; USDA, 2010; USDA 2016).
Comprehensiveness information for each tool included number and type of settings/domains (relevant areas of the school, which correspond to best practices) covered (see Table 2). Usability information consisted of fifteen items, which were extracted from each study. Six items described practicality, including the time, resources, and training/expertise required for administration. An additional four items described quality. While quality is typically defined by psychometric properties of reliability and validity (or trustworthiness, for qualitative data), our expanded definition includes describing the development and/or adaptation process and scoring protocol. Finally, five items described applicability, defined as the potential use for future research and school improvement, and policy/practice relevance. The applicability construct also included any “calls to action” or methods for disseminating results with stakeholders. Each construct was selected to provide tool users (practitioners and researchers) with information that would help determine which tool was suited for the users’ available resources and purpose of the research or evaluation study, with a focus on translation from research/evaluation to practice. Each item was coded as yes (described) or no (not described). Itemsare defined in Tables 3–5. Details were extracted from the publication(s), with additional information acquired when the training manual or user’s guide was accessed.
Table 2.
Comprehensiveness (out of 8 possible domains + other) of Observational School Audit Tools (n = 23).
ID | Tool Name (or study author) | Total Domainsa | Water access (presence, quality of water sources) | Marketing (presence and quality of posters, branding) | Cafeteria (layout, service line) | Vending/A la carte (location, content) | Classroom (n/a) | Indoor Play Area (equipment condition, number of facilities) | Outdoor Play Area (equipment condition, number of facilities | Garden/Landscape (size, condition of garden) | Otherb |
1 | ACTION! Staff Audit | 8 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
2 | Adachi et al, 2013 | 1 | X | ||||||||
3 | Belansky et al, 2013 | 5 | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
4 | Branding Checklist | 2 | X | X | |||||||
5 | Co-SEA | 6 | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||
6 | EAPRS | 1 | X | ||||||||
7 | ENDORSE | 2 | X | X | |||||||
8 | Food Decision Environment Tool | 2 | X | X | |||||||
9 | GRF-OT | 1 | X | ||||||||
10 | Hecht et al, 2017 | 1 | X | ||||||||
11 | ISAT | 6 | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||
12 | Laurie et al, | 1 | X | ||||||||
13 | LCFO | 3 | X | X | X | ||||||
14 | PARA | 2 | X | X | |||||||
15 | Patel et al, | 4 | X | X | X | X | |||||
16 | School Food Environment Scan | 2 | X | X | |||||||
17 | School Lunchroom Audits | 2 | X | X | |||||||
18 | SF-EAT | 2 | X | X | |||||||
19 | SNDA-III | 1 | X | ||||||||
20 | SNEO | 1 | X | ||||||||
21 | SPACE Checklist | 1 | X | ||||||||
22 | SPAN-ET | 5 | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
23 | SPEEDY | 4 | X | X | X | X | |||||
Total Tools | 9 | 7 | 12 | 10 | 0 | 5 | 11 | 6 | 3 |
Mean domains covered = 2.7 (SD = 2.0).
Other: active transport infrastructure (ISAT, SPEEDY), facilities (e.g., fast food restaurants) in view (ISAT, ACTION).
Table 3.
Practicality reporting of observational school audit tool studies (n = 30).
ID | How many items in observational component? | How long does it take to complete? | What device is used (i.e., paper vs electronic)? | How many raters are there per school? | What is the expertise of the rater(s)? | How are the rater (s) trained? | Total Items Reported | |
1 | ACTION! Staff Audit | 50+ | 1 to 2 | Research staff assisted by school personnel | 3 | |||
2 | Adachi et al, 2013 | ~4 items for each vending machine | 1 | |||||
3 | Belansky et al, 2013 | 80+ | ~1 day | 2 | 3 | |||
4 | Branding Checklist | 24 | 2 | Research staff | 3 | |||
5 | Co-SEA | Software application (audit + photos) | 1 | 2 | ||||
5.1 | Co-SEA Unadapted | 1 (with occasional auditor) | Research staff | 2 in-person trainings | 3 | |||
6 | EAPRS | 600+ items in 14 exposure categories | Average 67 min | Pencil/paper | 2 | Research staff | Trained by senior staff, supervised audit | 6 |
7 | ENDORSE | 38 items in 4 categories | 2 | 2 | ||||
8 | Food Decision Environment Tool | 50+ | 1–2 h | 1 to 2 | Economics and public health nutrition faculty | 4 | ||
9 | GRF-OT | 7 items in 2 categories | 30–45 min (before and during recess) | 2 | Research staff | Multi-day in-person series, supervised audit | 5 | |
10 | Hecht et al, 2017 | 2 | Research staff | 2 | ||||
11 | ISAT | Range: 21–44 (Countries varied) in 6 categories | 57 min on average (Range: 15–160) | Pencil/paper | 1 (5% had 2) | Research staff | In-person training, web-based exam, supervised audit | 6 |
12 | Laurie et al, 2017 | 13 | National Department of Basic Education fieldworkers | 2 | ||||
13 | LCFO | >50 | −25 min (less in elementary schools) | 1 to 2 | Research staff | 2.5 h in-person, supervised audit | 5 | |
14 | PARA | −50 | 10 min on average (up to 30 min) | 2 | Research staff | 4–8 in-person and 6 field hours, supervised audit | 5 | |
14.1 | PARA (Adapted) | −40 | 1 (with occasional auditor) | Community liaisons hired by research staff | In-person, supervised audit | 4 | ||
15 | Patel et al, 2009 | −25 | 1.5 h, before and during lunch | At least 2 | Community–academic partnership team | 3 h in-person training | 5 | |
16 | School Food Environment Scan | 52 | 1 lunch period (over 2 different days) | Pencil/paper + photos | 2 | Enumerator/Dietetic Intern | 5 | |
17 | School Lunchroom Audits | Range: 9–15 (Intervention groups varied) | Research staff | 2 | ||||
18 | SF-EAT | 8 detailed items + photos | Pencil/paper + photos | 1 to 2 | Research staff | 4 | ||
19 | SNDA-III | 20 | Pencil/paper | 2 | ||||
20 | SNEO | 25 | Research staff | Trained by senior staff | 3 | |||
21 | SPACE Checklist | 14 | 2 | Research staff | 3 | |||
22 | SPAN-ET | 50+ items in 27 categories | 10–12 h (includes non-obs. Items) | 2 | County extension educators, school personnel | 2-day (10 h) in-person | 5 | |
23 | SPEEDY | 44 items in 6 categories | 30 min | Pencil/paper | 2 to 5 | Full day in-person, supervised audit | 5 | |
23.1 | SPEEDY (Adapted; Dias et al., 2017) | 8 items in 1 category | Pencil/paper | 1 | Research staff | 4 | ||
23.2 | SPEEDY (Adapted; Harrison et al., 2016) | 47 items in 6 categories | Pencil/paper | Research staff | 3 | |||
23.3 | SPEEDY (Adapted; Tarun et al., 2017) | 39 items in 6 categories | Pencil/paper | 2 (sometimes accompanied by 3rd school official) | Research staff | 5 h, in-person | 5 | |
23.4 | SPEEDY (Unadapted; Chalkley et al., 2018) | Pencil/paper | 1 | Research staff | 3 | |||
23.5 | SPEEDY (Unadapted; Hyndman and Chancellor, 2017) | 44 items in 6 categories | 30 min | Pencil/paper | 3 |
Table 5.
Applicability reporting of observational school audit tool studies.
ID | Does tool relate to a policy, program or ongoing intervention study? | Are tool limitations described? | Are future/potential uses of the tool described? | Are results or analyses reported to schools or districts? | Do authors provide a “call to action” for schools based on findings? | Total Items Reported | |
1 | ACTION! Staff Audit | Formative research for ACTION! (group randomized staff wellness study) | 1 | ||||
2 | Adachi et al, 2013 | Some information cannot be described, including: calorie content, comparing water to flavored water, replacement frequency, or sold out status | Be aware that vending machines are still prevalent, and a potent source of both energy-dense, low-nutrient calories as well as advertising to students | 2 | |||
3 | Belansky et al, 2013 | School Environment Project (pair randomized study to test two strategies for wellness environment and policy changes through a university-school partnership in Colorado) | May lack generalizability (only used in rural schools) | Appoint staff champions to coordinate/monitor changes; involve administrator in school-university-partnership, support changes that will improve student behavior | 3 | ||
4 | Branding Checklist | Small sample size | Provides six strategies for schools/districts to develop school nutrition brand personality; school professionals should be trained to implement strategies | 2 | |||
5 | Co-SEA | COMPASS (longitudinal, quasi-experimental study of how changes in programs, policies, and built environments relate to child behaviors and health in Canada) | Measurement error may have occurred when assessing condition of facilities | Photo-taking aspect can inform future methods; Could harmonize data collection across school based studies for generalizability | All schools receive School Health Profiles, which include school-specific data, evidence-based recommendations, and contact information to take action | 4 | |
5.1 | Co-SEA (Unadapted) | Should have been adapted with unique consideration of Guatemalan school culture | Can use in other countries; recommend adaptation and translation due to school differences across countries | All schools receive School Health Profiles, which include school-specific data, evidence-based recommendations, and contact information to take action | Increase availability of free drinking water, and decrease access, restrict marketing, and enforce sale legislation on sale of sugar-sweetened beverages | 4 | |
6 | EAPRS | School Grounds as Community Parks study (quasi-experimental study of schoolyard renovations in Cleveland, Ohio) | Some confusion with scale items; subjective items had poor reliability; dynamic items not captured; lack variability; may lack generalizability | Could be adapted for parks or playgrounds in other regions to create more user-friendly PA spaces at school; establish predictors of park use | 3 | ||
7 | ENDORSE | ENDORSE (Environmental Determinants of Obesity in Rotterdam Schoolchildren, prospective 2-year study in adolescents) | Crude constructs of availability; cross-section; possible non-sensitive categorization; no gold standard to test validity | 2 | |||
8 | Food Decision Environment Tool | As a result of tailoring, it may lack generalizability to other settings where choice points may be different | Useful approach to identify targets for research and intervention planning that is aimed toward improving quality of children’s food choices | 2 | |||
9 | GRF-OT | Aligned with Playworks (nonprofit organization aiming to help schools create recess and play environments for all children) | Framework represents an adult view of recess quality and does not get child perspective; reliability data limited to one large urban public school district. | Could be used to evaluate CDC and SHAPE America recess initiatives nationwide, to ensure consistency and inclusivity of key context variables | 3 | ||
10 | Hecht et al, 2017 | 0 | |||||
11 | ISAT | International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle, Environment (ISCOLE) (cross-sectional, lifestyle correlates of childhood obesity in 12 countries) | Possible “ceiling effect” with amount of equipment; tool does not record aesthetic qualities; inter-rater only reliability measure | Use of single tool across many countries can facilitate global work to promote healthy school environments | Shift focus from increasing facilities and sports to addressing other drivers of PA (e.g., PE and fitness programs, active breaks and curriculum, etc) | 4 | |
12 | Laurie et al, 2017 | South African National School Nutrition Program’s Sustainable Food Production in Schools (SFPS) pillar | Seek outside support to sustain gardens, and links should be created to improve consistency and training, increase garden size, production, equipment, management | 2 | |||
13 | LCFO | Healthy Communities Study (longitudinal study of associations between community programs and policies and child/adolescent behaviors and health across USA) | Single day of observation may not fully reflect whether school meets USDA meal standards | 2 | |||
14 | PARA (Adapted) | Healthy Communities Study (longitudinal study of associations between community programs and policies and child/adolescent behaviors and health across USA) | 1 | ||||
14.1 | PARA (unadapted) | Mixed methods cross-sectional study to identify environmental influences on children’s physical activity and diet in rural communities/schools | Small sample size, only in rural schools | Also used for other neighborhood physical activity resources (e.g., parks, trails, etc) | Consider low-cost ways to make environment health-promoting (e.g., walking school bus, exercise breaks); provide age-appropriate and fun games at recess | 4 | |
15 | Patel et al, 2009 | Community-academic partnership’s evaluation of Los Angeles School District’s 2005 Cafeteria Improvement Motion (aims to increase NSLP participation, improve school meal marketing) | Qualitative analysis limits quantification of results; small sample size | Other community-academic teams, including school policy stakeholders, should conduct similar site visits to assess policies are implemented as intended | Enabled community-academic partnership to determine priorities for program to help LAUSD translate Cafeteria Improvement Motion into practice | School-specific actions taken as a result of the findings include: creating larger signs to display menu, ordering pre-sliced fruit, offering free, chilled water | 5 |
16 | School Food Environment Scan | Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools Initiative | May lack generalizability (only used in schools with high concentration of African American students) | Consider promotion and placement to increase salad bar use; Address individual factors that may lead to use | 3 | ||
17 | School Lunchroom Audits | National School Lunch Program requirements and Smarter Lunchroom strategies | Single point-in-time audit | To better implement Smarter Lunchrooms, schools need to improve provider engagement and buy-in | 3 | ||
18 | SF-EAT | Think&EatGreen @School Alliance (community-university research alliance), provincial guidelines for food and beverage sales in British Columbia, Canada | May lack generalizability (only Vancouver public schools); scoring process not designed to track small differences; cross-sectional | Schools could use as a needs assessment to understand engagement in each domain and/or determine future actions; Could modify for other local or national contexts or priorities using similar development process | School stakeholders should communicate frequently about a clear definition of sustainable food, and develop policies that incentivize and train food service workers to promote sustainable food use | 4 | |
19 | SNDA-III | 2004 Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act (federal act require schools to have local wellness policies) | Did not investigate the hours when vending machines were accessible to students | Districts should include specific policy language to prohibit certain foods/beverages in all school areas, and work with food and nutrition professionals | 3 | ||
20 | SNEO | Louisiana Health (randomized controlled trial to test efficacy of two multi-component, school-based childhood obesity prevention interventions) | Small sample size | Methods can be useful in developing future process evaluation measures, and expanding to include dose and reach | 3 | ||
21 | SPACE Checklist | Active Living (study encouraging PA in primary school children in Southern Limburg, Netherlands) | Limited variation was found for schoolyard characteristics | Ensure presence of fixed equipment and opportunities to use that equipment, consider amount/type of green space to incorporate, expand open hours | 3 | ||
22 | SPAN-ET | Federal policies, best practices, and SNAP-Ed priorities | May lack generalizability (small rural sample); not able to correlate findings with actual child behavior | Could repeat beyond Oregon to assess ability to detect change between schools; could pair with annual behavioral surveillance data to help schools meet national agendas | Tailored results were presented to school stakeholders by extension educators in various formats, including best practice resources specific to “poor” categories | Tailored calls-to-action (and accompanying resources) were provided for each school depending on their scores | 5 |
23 | SPEEDY | SPEEDY (Sport, Physical Activity and Eating Behavior: Environment Determinants in Young People, cohort study to understand patterns of influence on diet/PA among children) | Not sensitive to between-school variability; some subjectivity; hard to differentiate sports; no loose equipment captured; Kappa not good for binary items | 3 | |||
23.1 | SPEEDY (Adapted; Dias et al, 2017)s | Only addresses one factor related to environment (structures), only cross-sectional | Schools should have spaces with good structural conditions to favor planned activities, which can increase student PA | 2 | |||
23.2 | SPEEDY (Adapted; Harrison et al, 2016) | SPEEDY study (4-year follow-up) | No reliability or validity for middle school, (items may be less relevant and others may be missed); no loose equipment or access policies captured | 2 | |||
23.3 | SPEEDY (Adapted; Tarun et al, 2017) | May lack generalizability (only private schools); no focus on indoor areas; reliability/validity not re-tested for Indian schools | Need multi-pronged policy approach to promot PA, including schools supporting curricula with PA time, investing in and maintaining grounds equipment and space | 2 | |||
23.4 | SPEEDY (Unadapted; Chalkley et al, 2018) | Marathon Kids UK (primary school-based running program delivered by Kids Run Free and Nike) | Protocol indicates that findings will be shared with schools and other stakeholders at a joint dissemination event | 3 | |||
23.5 | SPEEDY (Unadapted; Hyndman and Chancellor, 2017) | No loose equipment captured; school leaders knew of the visit so may have prepared outdoor areas | Schools should address differences between primary and secondary, provide opportunities for social and non-competitive active play, update garden features, facilities, surface type | 2 |
3. Results
3.1. Search results
A total of 4691 unique articles were initially identified through the electronic search. After title and abstract review, 243 articles were reviewed for eligibility. A total of 43 articles describing 30 studies were included (Fig. 1). These studies included use of 23 eligible tools.
Fig. 1.
PRISMA flow diagram for identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion of studies describing audit tools
3.2. Study and tool description
Table 1 lists the 30 studies, including tool name, purpose, setting and school type(s) where it was used, and types of items, as well as how actual tools and other documents such as user manuals were accessed. Studies most commonly occurred in elementary/primary schools (n = 12; 40%) or both elementary/primary and middle schools (n = 3; 10%), with 17 (56.7%) in the United States. Half (n = 15; 50%) of studies included schools serving predominantly racial/ethnic minority and/or socioeconomically disadvantaged student body.
Most (n = 20; 87%) of the 23 tools were used in a single study. Two tools, the Physical Activity Resource Assessment (PARA) and the COMPASS School Environment Application (CO-SEA), were used in two different studies. Another tool, the Sport, Physical Activity and Eating behavior: Environmental Determinants in Young people (SPEEDY) outdoor grounds audit, was used in six studies (see Table 1).
3.3. Comprehensiveness of 23 rated tools
Comprehensiveness is described in Table 2. The 23 tools covered an average of 2.7 (SD = 2.0) settings/domains. Twelve of these tools covered primarily food-related domains, five covered primarily physical activity-related domains (with water sources included), and six covered both. The cafeteria was the most common domain (n = 12), followed by outdoor play areas (n = 11). The least common were garden/landscape (n = 6) and indoor play areas (n = 5), and no tools assessed classrooms. Of the 23 tools, eight covered only one domain while one tool covered all but one (Webber et al., 2007). Most studies (n = 21, 70%) augmented the observational audit with other school-level data collection methods (e.g., administrator or food service interviews/surveys, Geographic Information Systems mapping).
3.4. Usability information reported in 30 studies
Information pertaining to usability (practicality, quality, and applicability) is described for all 30 studies reviewed (Tables 3–5). Two tools were adapted across multiple studies—CO-SEA, which was adapted from Canada to Guatemala, and SPEEDY, a tool developed in England and used in six studies. This adaptation process provided information on usability; thus, all 30 studies describing 23 tools are included.
The mean score for practicality was 3.6 (SD = 1.4), based on six criteria (Table 3). Most studies (n = 26; 87%) reported the number or range of items on the tool that assessed the structural environment. The data collection method (e.g., paper vs electronic) and length of time to complete the tool were less frequently reported (both n = 12; 40%). Some studies reported number of raters needed per school (n = 23; 77%), rater expertise (n = 23; 77%) and training (n = 12; 40%). Among studies that reported length of time to complete the tools, times ranged from 10 min to 1–2 full days, and it was not always clear how much of that time was spent on the observational component if the tool included other data collection methods. The original CO-SEA was the only study to report using a software application rather than pencil/paper (Leatherdale et al., 2014a), and three studies reported utilizing photographs for data collection (Spruance et al., 2017; Black et al., 2015; Leatherdale et al., 2014a).
Of the 23 studies reporting on the number and expertise of raters who completed the tool at each school, most indicated 1–2 raters per school (often with the second to establish inter-rater reliability) and that raters were members of the research team. Three studies reported training non-research staff to complete the tool, including school personnel (John et al., 2016a,b), members of the community-academic partnership (Patel et al., 2009), and national fieldworkers (Laurie et al., 2017). The quality and duration of training varied. Common training strategies included certification and/or structured training using multiple methods (e.g., online and in-person), and supervised auditing.
When training manuals were available, these provided additional details regarding practicality. Manuals for the PARA (Lee et al., 2005), SPEEDY (Jones et al., 2010), ISAT (Broyles et al., 2015), and Environmental Assessment of Public Recreation Spaces (EAPRS) (Saelens et al., 2006) included a list of operational definitions to help with scale items. The ISAT manual also included a list of “quality control tips” that were likely refined throughout tool administration (Broyles et al., 2015). The Great Recess Framework Observational Tool (GRF-OT) included video examples to help auditors assess scaled items (Massey et al., 2018b). The School Food Environment Scan (Spruance et al., 2017), CO-SEA (Leatherdale et al., 2014a), and SF-EAT (Black et al., 2015) explicitly requested accompanying photographs. Manuals sometimes contained additional practical tips or instructions on navigating the school staff and environment, such as what to say to skeptical cafeteria or office staff (Spruance et al., 2017; Black et al., 2015), how to request a student or staff consultation to confirm observations (Katzmarzyk et al., 2013), or strategies for remaining objective (Ritchie et al., 2015).
Mean score for reporting of quality was 2.3 (SD = 1.1) out of four criteria. Details for each study are included in Table 4. Most (n = 24; 80%) described some form of pilot or formative testing of new tools and/or a process of adapting existing tools for a new setting, population, or use. Information about reliability and validity of tools in their designated setting/population was reported in 14 (47%) and seven (23%) studies, respectively. Inter-rater reliability was the most common form of reliability and was reported as adequate in most studies. Types of validity reported included face validity, construct validity (by comparing audit scores to child physical activity levels), and content validity (by assessing fit using structural equation modeling). One study that triangulated data from the observational tool with field notes, the Food Decision Environment Tool study, reported establishing trustworthiness (Ozturk et al., 2016). Trustworthiness is a qualitative research concept to establish credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability of methods (Lincoln and Guba, 1985).
Table 4.
Quality reporting of observational school audit tool studies.
ID | Was formative or pilot testing done, or are adaptations described? | What type (if any) of reliability testing was done? What were the results? | What type (if any) validity testing was done? What were the results? | Is the scoring protocol described? | Total Items Reported | |
1 | ACTION! Staff Audit | New; pilot study | 1 | |||
2 | Adachi et al, 2013 | Locations described, then other items summed to reflect total number of machines, filled slots, and machine-front advertising per school | 1 | |||
3 | Belansky et al, 2013 | Combined with other data to describe implementation changes, then qualitatively classified changes as effective, promising or emerging. | 1 | |||
4 | Branding Checklist | New; pilot-tested at first school | Combined with other data sources, qualitatively analyzed using constant comparative method to find patterns | 2 | ||
5 | Co-SEA | Adapted from Endorse and SPEEDY; Pilot tested to work through technical difficulties | Scored similarly to ENDORSE and SPEEDY, with change scores calculated from Year 1 to Year 2 | 2 | ||
5.1 | Co-SEA Unadapted | Used unadapted from original COMPASS study | 1 | |||
6 | EAPRS | New; input from parks officials/users and made revisions over several iterations | Interrater (% agreement, ICC, Kappas: 66% items had good-excellent reliabiliy) | Face (Several rounds of input from parks and rec staff and park users) | Variable created for each exposure category (summed binary or frequency items, averaged categorical items) | 4 |
7 | ENDORSE | New; Reviewed by experts and pilot-tested | Summed or counted, re-coded into 8 ′′ availability” variables, which were dichotomized or categorized into tertiles | 2 | ||
8 | Food Decision Environment Tool | New; developed using behavioral economics theories, modified based on feedback from school/study stakeholders throughout | Inter-rater (system to resolve discrepancies during analysis, conducted peer debriefing meetings to clarify) | Trustworthiness of methods (e.g., credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability) were established and described | Data from observational form were summarized and triangulated using field notes, and analyzed qualitatively for emerging themes | 4 |
9 | GRF-OT | New; developed over several iterations with input from experts and field testing through PlayWorks | Inter-rater (weighted Kappa: 0.54–1.00, Scale ICC: 0.84); Test-retest (ICC: 0.95) | Convergent (associated with activity levels); Content (fit assessed using exploratory structural equation modeling) | 4-category items summed within subdomains | 2 |
10 | Hecht et al, 2017 | Inter-rater (Kappa: 0.88–1.00) | 1 | |||
11 | ISAT | Adapted from SPEEDY and IDEA, then customized by country | Inter-rater (% agreement: 83.9–100%; Kappa: 0.61–0.96) | Construct (could discriminate child PA between highest and lowest quintile schools) | Binary items were reported, and items were also summed within each category | 4 |
12 | Laurie et al, 2017 | New; developed using pre-existing polices and guidelines and piloted in 9 schools | Categorical data were expressed as frequencies and percentages | 2 | ||
13 | LCFO | Adapted from SNDA and unpublished tools, based on input from nutrition professionals | Inter-rater (% agreement: >80% with gold standard researcher; monthly quality control review) | 2 | ||
14 | PARA | Used unadapted from original PARA study of community physical activity resources | Type not specified (rs > 0.77) | Scored according to original PARA protocol (frequency of features, amenities, incivilities are summed; quality presented as a 3 or 4 item scale) | 3 | |
14.1 | PARA (Adapted) | Adapted from original PARA | Inter-rater (% agreement: >80% with research lead; monthly quality control review) | 2 | ||
15 | Patel et al, 2009 | New; developed by members community advisory board in several iterations, including a mock site visit | Inter-rater (Kappa = 0.65–1.0; ICC = 1.0) | Observers compare records to the foods/beverages that align with policy; Other info was qualitatively coded with other data sources to identify themes | 3 | |
16 | School Food Environment Scan | Inter-rater was not conducted because observers completed it together | Binary items summed into scale and dichotomized; frequency items summed and dichotomized (some vs none) | 2 | ||
17 | School Lunchroom Audits | Items are combined with field notes and photos to generate scale score for each service line; summed across all service lines in each school | 1 | |||
18 | SF-EAT | New; developed based on literature review and existing policy documents, then tested for feasibility in 7 schools | Face (circulated to Co-Is and project partners) | Items combined with other data sources into 6 pre-determined domains, each scored 1–5 based on extent to which initiatives are happening | 3 | |
19 | SNDA-III | Adapted from previous iterations of SNDA study | Binary variables on audit were combined with other data sources and summed in 3 different categories | 2 | ||
20 | SNEO | New; Conducted Q-sort with 8 research staff to select items | Inter-rater (Gewt’s AC1 = 0.73); Internal consistency (Cronbach’s a = 0.77–0.85) | Two subscales were created: recommended and non-recommended items | 3 | |
21 | SPACE Checklist | Used unadapted from SPACE (Spatial Planning and Children’s Exercise) study, but applied to school | Inter-rater (system to resolve discrepancies on-site) | 2 | ||
22 | SPAN-ET | Adapted from several existing instruments | Inter-rater (Percent agreement: 80.8–96.8%; Kappa: 0.61–0.94) | Face and content (field tested, with school personnel provided subject-matter expertise) | Binary items are summed within each category, then categories are explained by a 4-item scale | 4 |
23 | SPEEDY | New, but based on existing green space instrument | Inter-rater (% agreement: 76–90%; Kappa: 0.67–1) | Face (draft sent to 3 experts); Construct (could discriminate child PA between highest and lowest quintile schools) | Binary items were summed, frequencies were weighted by response mean, scales were weighted, then all were summed within each category | 2 |
23.1 | SPEEDY (Adapted; Dias et al, 2017) | Adapted from SPEEDY, used only sports and play facility category | Scored according to original SPEEDY protocol | 2 | ||
23.2 | SPEEDY (Adapted; Harrison et al, 2016) | Slightly adapted from SPEEDY, added 3 facilities commonly recorded as ‘other’ in original audit | Scored according to original SPEEDY protocol | 3 | ||
23.3 | SPEEDY (Adapted; Tarun et al, 2017) | Adapted from SPEEDY, removed few items and added “comments" (advised by local experts) | Inter-rater (Kappa scores: 0.4–1.0, % agreement: 61.9%–100.0%) | Scored according to original SPEEDY protocol | 3 | |
23.4 | SPEEDY (Unadapted; Chalkley et al, 2018) | 0 | ||||
23.5 | SPEEDY (Unadapted; Hyndman and Chancellor, 2017) | Used unadapted from original SPEEDY study | Scored according to original SPEEDY protocol | 2 |
Most studies (n = 23; 77%) published at least some information about scoring, although the level of detail varied. Reported scoring methods ranged in complexity, including straight scoring (e.g., creating a sum score), calculating means, weighting by mean, or developing new variables. In several studies, observational audit data was combined with other data sources (e.g., principal surveys, field notes) to create categorical variables (Thomas et al., 2016a,b; Belansky et al., 2013, Rushing and Asperin, 2012). While most tools were scored using quantitative methods, a few tools relied on qualitative scoring methods, including thematic analysis and the constant comparative method (Ozturk et al., 2016; Black et al., 2015; Belansky et al., 2013; Rushing and Asperin, 2012; Patel et al., 2009).
The level of detail provided on the tool development/adaptation process varied across studies. Several described the systematic involvement of school stakeholders (e.g., cafeteria staff) during development to ensure relevancy and/or establish face validity (Massey et al., 2018a; Ozturk et al., 2016; Patel et al., 2009). Adaptations included: adapting neighborhood or park audits for a school setting (Findholt et al., 2011; Colabianchi et al., 2011), customizing items to be appropriate for a new population or policy environment (Tarun et al., 2017; Broyles et al., 2015; Briefel et al., 2009), or combining multiple existing tools (John et al., 2016a,b; Leatherdale et al., 2014a). Some studies provided additional quality-related details on the development and use of their scoring protocols. In the SF-EAT study, authors collaborated with community and school stakeholders to develop a tool and scoring protocol and analyze the data collected (Black et al., 2015). The SPAN-ET study reported the time commitment for scoring (2 h), and provided thorough scoring instructions (John et al., 2016a,b). The ISAT study explicitly described that its rationale for developing the scoring system a priori was to increase objectivity of coders (Broyles et al., 2015), whereas the School Lunchroom Audits tool scoring system was intentionally developed after data collection, to allow the data to define the constructs so that none were missed (Thomas et al., 2016a,b). Belansky et al. (2013) described a systematic method to ensure that findings would be actionable, using literature evidence to classify the school-level changes reported in their study as “effective,” “promising” or “emerging” based on likelihood of improving behavior and weight outcomes.
Mean score for applicability was 2.7 (SD = 1.4) out of five criteria (Table 5). Most studies (n = 23; 83%) described how tools linked to implementation of a specific policy, program, or intervention. Limitations related to the tools themselves or their use were described across most (n = 25; 83%) studies. Less than half of studies reported potential future tool uses for researchers, policy makers, or school stakeholders (n = 12; 40%) and/or provided a “call to action” for schools based on the data (n = 18; 55%). Only five (17%) reported sharing findings with school stakeholders during or after the research study.
The purpose and scope for the use of each tool varied broadly, ranging from assessing implementation of federal policies to measuring impact of small-scale interventions. When studies described limitations, they mostly pertained to use of the tool, rather than the tools themselves. Study limitations included lack of validity testing or small sample sizes for validity testing, cross-sectional administration, and limited generalizability. The version of CO-SEA (developed in Canada) used in Guatemala cited a lack of tailoring as a limitation, because data related to environmental and cultural differences were not captured (Godin et al., 2017). A longitudinal study that used SPEEDY to assess both elementary and middle schools pointed out that the instrument, which was tested for reliability in elementary schools but not tailored for middle schools, may not capture relevant differences between the two (Harrison et al., 2016a,b). Authors commonly described limitations related to using the tool in single point-in-time observation studies, as they may not reflect the dynamic aspects of policy or program implementation (Thomas et al., 2016a,b; Black et al., 2015; Ritchie et al., 2015; Van Der Horst et al., 2008; Dias et al., 2017; Colabianchi et al., 2011). Some studies discussed the limitations of the tools themselves rather than their use in the studies, including rating scales used to assess “condition” of facilities or equipment, which authors noted can be somewhat subjective and thus vulnerable to measurement error (Leatherdale et al., 2014a; Jones et al., 2010; Colabianchi et al., 2011).
Potential future uses of tools were primarily research-focused, and included expanding to other school types and regions to improve generalizability (Massey et al., 2018b; John et al., 2016a,b; Godin et al., 2017; Leatherdale et al., 2014a; Colabianchi et al., 2011), identifying future intervention targets (Ozturk et al., 2016), or developing process evaluation metrics (Newton et al., 2011). A few studies recognized potential uses by school stakeholders to monitor school-level policy implementation (John et al., 2016a,b; Patel et al., 2009) or to conduct a needs assessment (Black et al., 2015). When studies provided calls to action for schools and/or districts, they included the need to increase awareness, training, and buy-in from staff and students, and/or provided recommendations for structural, policy, or marketing changes related to the domains covered. The five studies that reported disseminating results noted that potential audiences include community advisory boards, school stakeholders, administrators, and school-based extension educators (Chalkley et al., 2018; Godin et al., 2017; John et al., 2016a,b; Leatherdale et al., 2014b; Patel et al., 2009). Only one study explicitly described the platform for stakeholder dissemination (e.g., written report, in-person conversation) and provided templates for reports in the training manual (John et al., 2016a,b). Data from the CO-SEA tool (along with other data sources) were used to generate tailored profiles, which were given to schools along with contact information for technical assistance providers (Leatherdale et al., 2014b; Godin et al., 2017). Patel et al. (2009) indicated that findings were shared with the community-academic partnership to improve implementation of a local cafeteria improvement policy, and described the specific initiatives undertaken as a result.
4. Discussion
This systematic review describes 30 studies that used 23 unique, peer-reviewed observational tools for scientific research to assess the food and/or physical activity environment of schools. While some of these tools have been identified in previous reviews (Saluja et al., 2018; Ajja et al., 2015), ours uniquely identifies tools’ wide-ranging uses and characteristics, and reports on their comprehensiveness and usability. Taken together, the studies in this review demonstrate the broad utility of school observational audit tools for many purposes, with information to assist researchers and practitioners in selecting a tool most appropriate for their purpose. Results also provide priorities for future tool developers and/or users regarding tools’ comprehensiveness, practicality, quality and applicability.
4.1. Recommendations for future tool developers and/or users
In terms of comprehensiveness, tools ranged in their coverage of domains associated with policies and best practices related to food and/or physical activity. Two specific domains assessed by the majority of tools were the cafeteria and outdoor play areas. There are a few domains that could benefit from additional measures development, including indoor play areas and classrooms. Characteristics of classrooms—such as the availability of adjustable-height desks (i.e., those that encourage standing instead of sitting) or exercise balls/chairs—are associated with less sedentary behavior among students (Hinckson et al., 2016), but no standardized tools were identified to measure these characteristics. Reliable and valid measures would allow researchers to evaluate interventions to conduct needs assessments and surveillance in these important, understudied domains.
Although the objective of this review was not to rank quality, we found that many tools have undergone rigorous psychometric testing. Reliability, validity and trustworthiness (for qualitatively-oriented tools) are critical, and they differentiate research-tested audit tools versus those that are primarily used for continuous improvement efforts. It is encouraging that inter-rater reliability was commonly reported; however, only one study reported assessing test-retest reliability (Massey et al., 2018b), which is also recommended (Gwet, 2014). Zenk et al. (2007) emphasize that assessing both forms of reliability can ensure that the operational definition is adequate, the condition is stable/clearly visible, and the raters are adequately trained. Future tool development should consider both test-retest and inter-rater reliability.
For categories of tools where there is no true existing gold standard, which is the case with environmental observations, validity testing presents a challenge. Researchers often explore weaker forms of validity, such as face validity (items, “on their face”, are logical translations of constructs) (Royal, 2016; Trochim, 2006). This was the most common type of validity reported in these studies. Two studies that used versions of the SPEEDY tool reported on construct validity (or convergent validity, the degree to which a measure relates to or converges on a construct it theoretically should relate to) by examining associations of the tool scores with high or low student physical activity behaviors (Trochim, 2006). Given that these tools are developed and used to assess hypotheses around environmental influences on behavior (i.e. understanding associations between the school environment and student behaviors), caution should be taken to differentiate between tool validation as compared to testing hypotheses about causal relationships between variables (environment and behavior).
Many tools employed qualitative methods, but only one reported on the quality of those methods using Lincoln and Guba’s trustworthiness concept (credibility, transferability, confirmability and dependability). While defining and operationalizing quality is debated among qualitative methodologists (Cypress, 2017; Leung, 2015), trustworthiness is a commonly cited method and, thus, serves as a useful starting point. Regardless of approach, qualitative tool developers should clearly articulate and provide justifications for their chosen quality standards across all stages of development, testing, scoring, and reporting (Lincoln and Guba, 1985; Qualitative Research In Implementation Science (Qualris) Group, 2019).
While establishing reliability, validity, and trustworthiness is essential for rigor and reproducibility, it is important to be mindful that these psychometric dimensions are often less important to school stakeholders than tools’ cultural appropriateness or ability to generate understandable and actionable findings. In their criteria for pragmatic measures, Glasgow and Riley (2013) emphasize the importance of psychometrically strong measures; however, they do note that in practical application, “perfect is the enemy of good.” This is particularly true of more-objective tools such as audits, which inherently have more stability. Thus, researchers selecting a measurement tool should consider giving equal weight to relevance as is typically given to rigor. Relevance can be achieved through a systematic adaptation process—or a systematic development process, in the case of tools to measure new domains. As such, the field would benefit from consensus guidelines about ensuring consistency, rigor, and relevance, and publishing details about tool development and adaptation processes.
For some purposes, such as studies with a wide geographic scope, use of lower-burden strategies may be perceived as preferable to on-site visits. However, efforts to ensure practicality can increase the utility of observational tools which may require more time and staffing to gather data. Transparency and clarity about resources, expertise, and time required to carry out observational audits can improve uptake by researchers as well as educators and community partners. Some approaches may minimize data collection time and resources needed, such as creating a phone application or electronic tool for data capture, and collecting photos as supporting evidence—similar to the CO-SEA tool (Leatherdale et al., 2014a). This may reduce data entry errors and enable swifter scoring, interpretation, and sharing. However, the trade-off could be challenges related to upkeep and required upgrades. Another option would be to provide “brief” versions that are less burdensome. In the SF-EAT study, researchers and school stakeholders created a brief version of the thorough, mixed methods tool that assessed needs at baseline in order to monitor changes over time (Black et al., 2015). As recommended by Katzmarzyk et al. (2013), efficiency, comprehensiveness, and relevance can be improved by including stakeholders in data collection. One consideration when adapting or developing measures is the trade-off between comprehensiveness and practicality. Similar to Saluja et al. (2018), we found a lack of comprehensive instruments: only one was identified, and it was developed with teachers in mind (e.g., while it assessed indoor play areas, it only did so with consideration to how it might be used by teachers) (Webber et al., 2007).
In addition to describing the adaptation/development process and reliability and validity testing, another critical component of quality in our review was the description of scoring methods employed by various studies. Without understanding how a tool is scored, data may never be interpreted, nor be useful for stakeholders (Glasgow and Riley, 2013). We found that while most studies provided actual scores, very few provided protocols or instructions. Incorporating details on scoring into training guides, such as the instructions provided in SPAN-ET’s user’s guide, could improve quality by ensuring that data are collected reliably and correctly, and consistently scored and interpreted (John et al., 2016a,b). Even if a tool’s scoring protocol is easy to use and publicized, it may still lack usability if it does not align with school or district priorities, and/or lacks actionable implementation steps (Glanz et al., 2015). The SF-EAT scoring protocol recognized the complexities of the concepts being assessed and thus, drew upon a systems theory approach, with scores compiled from various stakeholders on a given construct. This process was strengthened by including individuals with first-hand knowledge of each school in the scoring process (Black et al., 2015). Patel et al. (2009) described a community-based participatory research approach to developing the tool and scoring system. The tool described by Belansky et al. (2013) was scored within the context of Brennan’s Evidence Typology, which classified the environmental or policy changes detected by the tool as “effective,” “promising,” or “emerging” based on their potential to have clinically meaningful impact. Describing not just the change that occurred but also its potential to impact student behavior can enable schools to better plan for resource allocation. The School Nutrition Environment Observation (SNEO) used a simple protocol that involved sorting items into “recommended” (e.g., offers fruits and vegetables) versus “non-recommended” (e.g., presence of concessions) based on evidence (Newton et al., 2011). These tools demonstrate the potential for researchers and school stakeholders to work together to create high quality, well-described, actionable scoring systems that meet stakeholders’ needs.
An important future direction is to consider existing tools’ ability to detect changes over time as well as variability across schools. Sensitivity to change over setting and time is a hallmark of a pragmatic, useable measure (Glasgow and Riley, 2013), and is particularly important when recommendations and policies frequently change or evolve, as has been the reality for school nutrition and physical activity policy and practice. The SPAN-ET developers recognized the importance of developing an adaptable tool, and thus provided a simple, item-by-item scoring system to allow for revisions or additions if best practices change (John et al., 2016a,b). Tools should also be designed and tested to be able to detect whether evidence-based practices are being implemented or whether interventions focused on improving environments work. Additionally, to better tailor future policies and implementation of evidence-based practice, tools should be able to detect differences in implementation between schools, particularly between school types (e.g., elementary/primary, middle, high).
Similar to the rest of the literature in this area, the studies in our review primarily focused on contributions to research, rather than practical implications for schools. In the few cases when study authors described recommendations for schools based on their findings, it was not often clear that the schools/districts involved in the research were informed of these recommendations. We can improve applicability of tools for policy and practice in several ways. First, in addition to refining the information reported in scientific manuscripts (or supplemental materials), authors should ensure that tools and supporting materials are publicly available and that they thoroughly describe administration, scoring, and dissemination. Such materials could be provided and/or described on study protocol websites, available via email, or submitted to a federally funded website or national registry. (Glanz et al., 2015). For example, the Smarter Lunchrooms tool, PARA, and SPAN-ET are all available in the 2016 SNAP-Ed toolkit (https://snapedtoolkit.org/). We found that only a few studies reported providing results to schools or districts. School stakeholders should be involved in designing the dissemination process from the beginning of a study, not only by providing data but also by determining who should receive results and in what format. Most studies reported stakeholder involvement to some extent, but very few reported their involvement throughout development/adaptation, administration, scoring, and dissemination. According to Glasgow and Riley (2013), continuous stakeholder involvement is another hallmark of a useable, practical measure, as it increases the likelihood that findings will be applicable for policy and practice, and improves the practicality and quality of the data collection process. We recognize that the indicators related to applicability do not necessarily align with what is traditionally reported to journals or considered important components of scientific manuscripts. Indeed, it is possible that authors were more intentional about items related to “usability” but did not prioritize their discussion in publications. As such, we echo calls of other obesity prevention researchers to prioritize reporting of indicators like applicability, often referred to as “external validity” (Glanz et al., 2015; Klesges et al., 2008; Glasgow, 2008). With this review, we hope to generate reporting norms for measurement studies to include school stakeholder involvement and dissemination of findings. Reporting on the 15 usability indicators described in this review could encourage prioritization of external validity, and thus improve the translation of findings regarding school environments into actionable policies and practices.
4.2. Focusing on generalizability and understanding inequities
The studies reviewed occurred across a variety of settings, populations, and school types (e.g., elementary/primary, middle and high), with several studies using the same tools in different countries or school types. About half of the studies focused on schools serving socially disadvantaged students. The focus on the school environment across all school types is important, given that changes in school environments between elementary/primary and middle school are predictive of less-healthful behaviors as students get older (Harrison et al., 2016; Black et al., 2015; Marks et al., 2015). While a common global measure may not be possible due to differences in schools/districts and across countries, we identified several studies that showed that adaptation can happen successfully. If future studies adapt existing tools rather than developing new ones, the field could address lack of generalizability and small sample size (limitations noted in most reviewed studies), as well as strengthen tools’ ability to detect changes across locations. The six studies that used the SPEEDY tool across different countries and school types demonstrate the broad utility of the tool. These authors could conduct a pooled analysis with a variety of school types, locations, and policy environments to improve our understanding of generalizability and sensitivity to between-school differences.
Finally, we note that there was limited information about how tools can identify and address inequities in school environments. Although some studies occurred in socially disadvantaged communities, few described whether the tools are appropriate across a variety of school demographics. The availability of practical tools is particularly important for schools in these disadvantaged communities, because they are often under-resourced and over-burdened. Describing these inequities will ideally result in the intentional allocation of additional resources to improve school environments and thus, reduce inequities (Taber et al., 2015; Carlson et al., 2014). Moreover, the implementation of tools to develop an evidence-based understanding of school environment components either associated with or that impact student health behaviors among at-risk children could inform school building design decisions, particularly in lower-resource communities (Gorman et al., 2007).
4.3. Limitations of this review
There are several important limitations of this review. While we made several attempts to contact authors, we excluded 17 studies due to no response; thus, the review is not exhaustive, but it reflects what may be available for other users. An additional limitation was that, similar to other systematic reviews, relevant articles may have been published between the conclusion of our search and publication. However, our search yielded 30 high-quality articles which allowed us to make strong conclusions regarding 23 useable, practical and applicable tools to improve the school food and physical activity environments. Our review includes only what was reported in articles and other materials provided or publicly available. Given that articles varied in their purpose (e.g., tool validation versus large intervention trial) and differed in the space devoted to describing the tool, it is possible that we missed information, such as interpretability of scoring or whether and how findings were shared with schools, which was either known but not reported or not yet known. To overcome this limitation, we contacted all authors to request additional information that was publicly accessible but not available in the peer-reviewed literature. Finally, while there are many methods of assessing the school environment, these findings only pertain to observational audit tools or the observational component of tools. Non-observational methods (e.g., key informant interviews, administrator surveys, policy documents) provide different but important information, which is sometimes overlapping. Thus, it is possible that, when tools utilized observational and non-observational methods to assess the same domains, our extraction protocol may have underestimated the items covered by the observational component.
4.4. Conclusions
This review provides a list of tools for assessing school environments relevant to food and/or physical activity, the areas of the school they cover, and extensive information about the usability of each tool. We considered each tool’s usability, but found that such information was not reported often. We urge researchers using these tools or developing new tools to report usability characteristics. This review can assist researchers and practitioners in selecting appropriate tools for research, intervention planning, and evaluation of efforts to improve schools’ food and physical activity environments.
Supplementary Material
This work was support by the Centers for Disease Control’s NOPREN (Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network) and PAPRN (Physical Activity Policy Research Network) Networks; National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases [F32DK115146] and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [K12HL13830]; United States Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences [R305A150277]. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Grant [30000045856] [2016-68001-24927].
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2020.102388.
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