Table 2.
Collagen type I physicochemical characterisation methods and expected results.
Characterisation | Method | Expectation | Reference |
Biocompatibility | |||
Biocompatibility and immunogenicity | MTT assay Live/dead assay Cell attachment Immunocytochemistry (ICC) |
Cell proliferation and growth; SEM; more than 80% cell adhesion after 24 h; integrin-related protein expression and cell attachment | Addad et al., 2011 [99], Fauzi et al., 2016 [71], Fauzi et al., 2017 [104], Thievessen et al., 2015 [105] |
Physical, Morphological, and Topographical (PMT) Characterisation for Three-dimensional stability | |||
Weight | SDS-PAGE | Type I collagen is composed of β (250 kDa), α1 (130 kDa), and α2 (115 kDa) | Peng et al., 2010 [102], Parenteau-Bareil et al., 2010 [106], Fauzi et al., 2016 [71] Inanc et al., 2017 [107] |
Native conformation | UV-circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy | CD with a positive maximum absorption band at around 222 nm | Carvalho et al., 2018 [108] |
Mechanical strength | Tensile strength and Young’s modulus | No gold standard, but fish and reptile should be more fragile than mammalian material | Amri et al. 2014 [109], Teramoto et al. 2012 [110] |
Thermal stability | Thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) |
No gold standard for what Td of biomaterial should be, but it must be stable to use normal temperatures or higher; in general, comparable or higher than native rat tail tendon collagen fibre Td of 65 °C; Td of extracted collagen in solution are 37–40 °C, 26- °C, and 6–20 °C, for mammalians, fish, and deep-sea animals, respectively | Miles and Bailey 1999 [111], Zhang et al., 2020 [112], Subhan et al., 2015 [113], Bozec and Odlyha, 2011 [114] |
Porosity and pore size | SEM | Pore size > 80 µm for fibrogenic and <20 µm for chondrogenic growth; the average mean size for ovine-, bovine-, and porcine-derived scaffolds are 73.05 ± 10.79 µm, 85.84 ± 9.51 µm, and 87.32 ± 10.69 µm, respectively | Ghodbane and Dunn 2016 [115] |
Biodegradation | Enzymatic biodegradation method | Depends on application example within 14 days for cutaneous wound healing | Mh Busra et al., 2019 [116] Salleh et al., 2022 [117] |
Swelling ratio | Swelling ratio protocol | 1000–2700% for biomaterials | Ghodbane and Dunn 2016 [115] |
Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) | WVTR method | Within range 2028.3 ± 237.8 g/m2/day to maintain a moist environment and enhance the normal healing phase | Xu et al., 2016 [118] |
Surface and particle physicality | Contact angle zeta potential |
Angle < 90° hydrophilic; isoelectric points (pIs) close to 6 at zero zeta potential |
Chen et al., 2019 [119] |
Chemical Characterisation | |||
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) | XPS | Samples should show ≈0.1 atomic % as nominal sensitivity with an elemental sensitivity that may differ as much as ≈100; for the assessment of chemical components, a sample size larger than ≈10 μm will be convenient | Baer et al., 2019 [120] |
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) | FTIR | Collagen type I functional groups include amides I, II, and III; range of peak intensity between 1450 cm−1 and 1235 cm−1 commonly indicates the helical structure of collagen; amide A at the higher peak intensity of 3350 cm−1 can be attributed to collagen type I; At peak intensity of 1632 cm−1, this indicates the higher-order arrangement of the collagen structure, which refers to β-sheet and triple helix structure | Sasmal and Begam 2014 [121] Fauzi et al., 2016 [71] |
Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) | EDX | Major elements in collagen type 1 are oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon with a higher percentage of oxygen, followed by nitrogen and carbon | Fauzi et al., 2014 [122] |
X-ray diffraction (XRD). | XRD | Collagen XRD generally consists of 2 clear peaks, where the first peak is sharper than the second peak; collagen type I from different sources of mammalian, avian, marine, fish, etc., via XRD has been proven closer to the amorphous phase rather than crystallinity | Zhang et al., 2011 [123], Fauzi et al., 2016 [71], León-Mancilla et al., 2016 [124] |