Table 3.
Chemical composition of Brassica spp. seeds, their derivatives (oil, meal, and cake), and sprouts obtained with different extracting solvents (%).
Chemical Composition |
Species | Subspecies/var | Sample Analyzed | Extracting Solvent | Content | Reference |
Volatile oil | B. nigra | Seeds | H2O | 25.13% (w/w) | [64] | |
Fat | B. juncea | Seed meal | nf | 2.8% (w/w) | [50] | |
B. napus | Canola | Seed meal | nf | 2.9% (w/w) | ||
Protein | B. nigra | Seeds | nf | 24.70% (w/w) | [64] | |
B. oleracea | italica cv. Legacy | Seeds | nf | 27.29% (w/w) | [36] | |
B. rapa L. | Rapa Catozza Napoletana (RCN) | Seed meal | nf | 38.2% (w/w) | [51] | |
B. carinata | Defatted cake | nf | 24.6 to 35.4% (w/w) | [74] | ||
B. juncea | Canola | Seed meal | nf | 47.4% (w/w) | [75] | |
Seed meal | nf | 41.7% (w/w) | [50] | |||
B. napus | Canola | Seed meal | nf | 41.5% (w/w) | ||
Seed meal | nf | 48.6, 49.8% (w/w) | [39,75] | |||
B. hirta | Seeds | H2O | 0.77% (w/w) | [76] | ||
B. campestris | Wild meal | nf | 26% (w/w) | [67] | ||
Dehulled, defatted meal | nf | 48% (w/w) | ||||
Carbohydrates | B. nigra | Seeds | nf | 35.40% (w/w) | [64] | |
B. oleracea | italica cv. Legacy | Seeds | nf | 58.89% (w/w) | [36] | |
Dietary fiber | B. juncea | Canola | Seed meal | nf | 25.8% (w/w) | [75] |
Seed meal | nf | 27.7% (w/w) | [50] | |||
B. napus | Canola | Seed meal | nf | 33.8% (w/w) | ||
Seed meal | nf | 26.4%, 24.1% (w/w) | [75] | |||
Crude fiber | B. oleracea | italica cv. Legacy | Seeds | nf | 15.47% (w/w) | [36] |
B. nigra | Seeds | nf | 0.30% (w/w) | [64] | ||
B. campestris | Wild meal | nf | 13.4% (w/w) | [67] | ||
Dehulled and defatted meal | nf | 3.8% (w/w) | ||||
Oligosaccharides | B. napus | Seed meal | nf | 2.1% (w/w) | [39] | |
Glycosides | B. nigra | Seeds | H2O | 20.01% (w/w) | [64] | |
Reducing sugar | B. nigra | Seeds | H2O | 5.56% (w/w) | [64] | |
Starch | B. juncea | Seed meal | nf | 3.4% (w/w) | [50] | |
B. napus | Canola | Seed meal | nf | 1% (w/w) | ||
B. napus | Seed meal | nf | 2.3% (w/w) | [39] | ||
Nonstarch polysaccharides | B. napus | Seed meal | nf | 17.5% (w/w) | ||
Sucrose | B. juncea | Canola | Seed meal | nf | 9.2% (w/w) | [75] |
B. juncea | Seed meal | nf | 6.9% (w/w) | [50] | ||
B. napus | canola | Seed meal | nf | 5.6% (w/w) | ||
B. napus | Seed meal | nf | 7.5%, 10.2% (w/w) | [39,75] | ||
Moisture | B. nigra | Seeds | nf | 4.16% (w/w) | [64] | |
B. campestris | Wild meal | nf | 4.8% (w/w) | [67] | ||
Ash | B. nigra | Seeds | nf | 5.14% (w/w) | [64] | |
B. oleracea | italica cv. Legacy | Seeds | nf | 4.45% (w/w) | [36] | |
B. campestris | Wild meal | nf | 4.4% (w/w) | [67] | ||
Dehulled and defatted meal | nf | 7% (w/w) | ||||
Phosphorus | B. napus | Seed meal | nf | 1.14% (w/w) | [39] | |
Non-phytate phosphorus | B. napus | Seed meal | nf | 0.83% (w/w) | ||
Vitamin E | B. juncea L. | Czern | Seeds | 80% methanol, 20% H2O |
0.08% (w/w) | [62] |
Vitamin C | B. oleracea |
italica Green King variety |
Seeds | 70% methanol | 0.27% AAE (w/w) | [77] |
α-tocopherol | B. nigra | Seeds | Hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol | 0.11% (w/v) | [63] | |
B. oleracea L. | var. acephala | Oil | nf | 70% (w/w) | [35] | |
Total phenolic | B. nigra | Cold-press oil | nf | 0.01% GAE (w/v) | [78] | |
B. oleracea | italica cv. Legacy | Seeds | Methanol/water (80:20) | 0.89% GAE (w/w) | [36] | |
italica Green King variety |
Seeds | 70% methanol | 1.66% GAE (w/w) | [77] | ||
Seeds | Methanol | 0.39–0.46% GAE (w/w) | [79] | |||
B.rapa L. | RCN seed meal | nf | 1.30% (w/w) | [51] | ||
B. tournefortii | Gouan | Oil | nf | 1.61% GAE (w/w) | [80] | |
Total phenolic | B. carinata | Defatted cake | Methanol | 0.04–0.13% (w/w) | [74] | |
B. hirta | Seeds | H2O | 0.63% (w/w) | [76] | ||
Cold-press oil | nf | 0.02% GAE (w/v) | [78] | |||
B. juncea | Czern | Seeds | 70% ethanol | 2.77% TAE (w/w) | [81] | |
Seeds | nf | 0.12% GAE (w/v) | [65] | |||
Dolsan mustard seeds (DMS) | 50% acetonitrile (ACN) | 40.43% GAE (w/w) | [73] | |||
B. napus | Canola | Seeds | 80% methanol | 46.23% (w/w) | [82] | |
Canola | Defatted oilseed cakes | Methanol/acetone/water (MAW) | 2.11% GAE (w/w) | [83] | ||
Total flavonoid | B. nigra | Seeds | H2O | 6.57% (w/w) | [64] | |
Cold-press oil | nf | 0.002% CE (w/v) | [78] | |||
B. oleracea var. |
italica Green King variety |
Seeds | 70% methanol | 0.37% CE (w/w) | [77] | |
italica cv. Legacy | Seeds | Methanol/water (80:20) | 3.3% QE (w/w) | [36] | ||
Seeds | Methanol | 0.26–0.40% RE (w/w) | [79] | |||
B. juncea | DMS | 50% ACN | 39.53% QE (w/w) | [73] | ||
Seeds | nf | 2.48% RE (w/w) | [65] | |||
Czern | Seeds | 70% ethanol | 12.68% QE (w/w) | [81] | ||
B. napus | Canola | Seeds | 80% methanol | 7.54% (w/w) | [82] | |
Canola | Defatted oilseed cakes | MAW | 0.04% LUE (w/w) | [83] | ||
B. hirta | Cold-press oil | nf | 0.001% CE (w/v) | [78] | ||
Vanillin | B. juncea | Czem | Seeds | 80% methanol, 20% H2O | 0.21% (w/w) | [62] |
Catechin | 0.42% (w/w) | |||||
Quercetin | 0.01% (w/w) | |||||
Alkaloids | B. nigra | Seeds | H2O | 20.58% (w/w) | [64] | |
B. juncea | Seeds | 10% acetic in ethanol | 2.25% (w/w) | [65] | ||
Tannins | B. nigra | Seeds | H2O | 15.05% (w/w) | [64] | |
B. juncea | Seeds | nf | 7.75% TAE (w/v) | [65] | ||
Saponins | B. nigra | Seeds | H2O | 12.82% (w/w) | [64] | |
B. juncea | Seeds | 80% methanol | 4.25% Diosgenin equivalent (w/w) | [65] | ||
Terpenoids | B. juncea | Seeds | Ethanol | 5.40% (w/w) | ||
Carotenoids | B. nigra | Seeds | Hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol | 1.51% (w/v) | [63] | |
Glucosinolates | B. oleracea | italica | Sprouts | nf | 0.40% (w/w) | [84] |
italica | Seeds | Aqueous methanol (80% v/v) | 1.01% sinigrin equivalent (w/w) to 2.09% sinigrin equivalent (w/w) |
[85] | ||
B. napus | Seed meal | nf | 20.8% (w/w) | [39] | ||
Seeds | Methanol, lead acetate 0,3 M, water | Oilseed group: 2.3% (w/w) Forage group: 4.88% (w/w) |
[72] | |||
B. rapa L. | RCN seed meal | nf | 0.6% (w/w) | [51] | ||
B. campestris | Dehulled and defatted meal | nf | 2.3% (w/w) | [67] | ||
Sinigrin | B. juncea L. | Czern | Seeds | 80% methanol, 20% H2O | 0.08% (w/w) | [62] |
B. juncea | DMS | 50% ACN | 5.38% (w/w) | [73] |
nf: not found in original publication, AAE: ascorbic acid equivalent, GAE: gallic acid equivalent, TAE: tannic acid equivalent, CE: catechin equivalent, QE: quercetin equivalent, LUE: luteolin equivalent.