Sustainability Science Correction to Supporting Information for “Biodiversity impacts and conservation implications of urban land expansion projected to 2050,” by Rohan D. Simkin, Karen C. Seto, Robert I. McDonald, and Walter Jetz, which published March 14, 2022; 10.1073/pnas.2117297119 (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 119, e2117297119).
The authors note that Supporting Dataset S02 appeared incorrectly. Results for the “SSP5 - No Regain” scenario actually contained data from the “SSP5 - Regain” scenario. In addition, the authors have reformatted the data so that the cluster names are no longer grouped in the “clusters” column in order to make it clearer that each column represents a unique combination of species and impacting cluster. The SI has been corrected online.