Extended Data Fig. 12. Characterisation of yolk sac, endothelium and extraembryonic ectoderm in ETiX embryoids.
a,b. Partially dissected natural embryos (a) cultured from E6.5 to E8.5 and day 8 ETiX embryoids (b) highlighting their development within extraembryonic membranes. Legend: HF: headfolds, H: heart, T: tailbud and All: allantois. Scale bars, 100 μm c. Subclustered UMAP of extraembryonic endoderm in the tiny sci-RNA-seq dataset and contribution of each individual timepoint to the subclustered UMAP of the extraembryonic endoderm. d,e. Expression of selected parietal endoderm genes in the subclustered UMAP of extraembryonic endoderm shown separately for natural embryos (d) and ETiX embryoids (e). f,g. Expression of selected extraembryonic visceral endoderm genes in the subclustered UMAP of extraembryonic endoderm shown separately for natural embryos (f) and ETiX embryoids (g). h. Expression of selected markers of endothelium Pecam1, Cd34, Icam1, Tek, Vegfa and Cdh5 in natural embryos and ETiX embryoids in tiny sci-RNA-seq dataset. i. Eomes, Cdx2, Sox2, Sox21 and Bmp4 identified a trophoblast progenitor population in natural embryos in the tiny sci-RNA-seq dataset. j. Expression of selected markers of the ectoplacental cone lineage. High levels of Hand1 (left side arrow) show the developmental progression of the ECP lineage towards spongiotrophoblast cells and trophoblast giant cells. Co-expression of Ascl2 and Chsy1 indicates committed ECP cells, Tpbpa identifies mature spongiotrophoblasts and expression of Hand1 and prolactin genes (Fig. 5i) denotes the trophoblast giant cells. k. Expression of selected markers of chorion progenitors (right side of arrow in Hand1 UMAP), chorion and differentiated chorion derivatives in natural embryos. Wnt7b indicates chorion progenitors, Tfrc indicates the chorion cluster, Epha4 identifies cells of the syncytiotrophoblast layer I and Gcm1 identifies the syncytiotrophoblast layer II. l–o Expression of marker genes presented in (i-k) in the ETiX embryoids UMAP