Figure 4.
Unilateral C3 expression does not cause a significant increase in amphetamine-induced rotation. (4A) Plot demonstrating mice injected with C3 (n=5) exhibited a similar mean number of rotations ipsiversive to the site of injection in comparison to control mice injected with EYFP alone (n=5) and fewer ipsiversive rotations in comparison to mice lesioned with 6-OHDA (n=4) at 14 days post-injection. (4B) Plot demonstrating greater variability regarding mean number of contraversive rotations away from the site of injection with the DIO-EYFP-C3 group exhibiting more contraversive rotations in comparison to control mice and mice lesioned with 6-OHDA at 14 days post-injection (p<0.05). Statistics: Kruskal-Wallis tests with Dunn’s multiple comparisons (* p<0.05).