1. Is olive oil the main culinary fat used? |
Yes/No |
2. How many teaspoons of olive oil do you consume per day (including that used for frying, salads, eating out, etc.)? |
4 or more/2 or 3/1 or less |
3. How many portions of vegetables (cooked and raw potatoes and beans are not included) do you eat per day? (One portion = half a large plate) |
3 or more/1 or 2/less than 1 |
4. How many servings of fresh fruit do you consume per day? (Serving size = one unit of medium-sized fruit, one large cup of sliced fruit, one slice of medium-sized melon/watermelon, or one cup of fresh juice) |
3 or more/1 or 2/less than 1 |
5. How many servings of red meat (veal, beef, mutton)/hamburgers/other meat products (salami, merguez, sausage…) do you consume per day? (One serving = 100 to 150 g = one quarter to half of a meal dish) |
1 or less/2 to 4/5 to 6/7 or more |
6. How many portions of butter, margarine or cream do you consume per day? (One portion = 12 g = one dessert spoon for butter and margarine, 2 tablespoons for cream) |
Less than 1/one/more than 1 |
7. How much sugary drinks (industrial juices)/carbonated drinks/sodas do you consume per day? (One serving equals 330 mL) |
Less than 1/1 or more |
8. How many glasses/cups of wine do you consume per week? |
More than 14 glasses (more than 2 glasses per day)/7 to 14 glasses (1 or 2 glasses per day)/2 to 6 glasses (sometimes but not every day)/one glass or less (occasionally)/none |
9. How many portions of legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas…) do you consume per week? (One portion = 150 g = one dish or glass) |
3 or more/1 to 2/less than 1 |
10. How many portions of fish and seafood do you eat per week? (One portion = 100 to 150 g = a quarter to half of a meal dish) |
3 or more/1 to 2/less than 1 |
11. How many times a week do you consume industrial (not homemade) desserts/confectionery/pastries? (Including cakes, biscuits, ice cream, etc.) |
Less than 1/1 to 2/3 or more |
12. How many servings of nuts (unsalted) do you consume per week? (Including unsalted peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, etc. One serving = 30 g = one handful) |
3 or more/1 to 2/less than 1 |
13. Do you prefer to consume chicken, turkey, or rabbit meat, or a vegetarian protein source, rather than red meat or derived products? |
Yes/No |
14. How many times a week do you eat dishes cooked with tomatoes or tomato sauce, onion and/or garlic and olive oil? |
Twice or more/once or less |