Loehr JA, Wang S, Cully TR, Pal R, Larina IV, Larin KV, Rodney GG. 2018. NADPH oxidase mediates microtubule alterations and diaphragm dysfunction in dystrophic mice . eLife 7:e31732. doi: 10.7554/eLife.31732.
Published 30 January 2018
As we were analysing data for an additional manuscript we found that we made a mistake in presenting the unit (or the scale) in Figure 3C. The unit (or scale) for Figure 3C should be 104 Pa instead of Pa. This is because the stress values provided in the stretch data have a unit of N/cm2 (Figure 3B) instead of N/m2 (or Pa), and 1 N/cm2=104 N/m2 (or Pa). We have corrected this error. This correction does not change the results or affect the scientific conclusions of the original report.
The corrected Figure 3C is shown here:
The originally published Figure 3C is shown for reference:
The article has been corrected accordingly.