Figure 2.
Localizing the efficacy
(A) Dark-adapted sensitivities to a 500 nm target across a vertical profile centered at the fovea, in study eyes pre- and post-treatment (days 11 to M3 for P1, and day 12 to M3 for P2). An increase in sensitivity co-located with the injection bleb (orange line shows extent along vertical median) is evident (top). Bottom, photoreceptor mediation (C, R, M for cone, rod and mixed rod/cone, respectively; dashes: mediation unable to be determined due to floor effect). The time sequence indicates the appearance of rod mediation after treatment. Squares, Pre; circles, latest visit; I, inferior; S, superior visual field.
(B) Microperimetry measurements of sensitivity to white stimuli on a dim red mesopic background as a function of eccentricity in the inferior field. Loci where the brightest available stimulus was not seen are plotted below the 0 dB line. Insets, NIR reflectance images overlaid with the loci tested (white squares) with perimetry (A) and microperimetry (B), the location of the injection bleb (white dashed lines), and the anatomical fovea (black cross).