FIG 6.
The effect of pH on cell viability, motility, and chemotaxis of P. aeruginosa PAO1. (A) Cell viability following a 1-h incubation in buffers at different pH, (B) Estimation of cell motility following a 1-h incubation in buffers of different pH. The percentage of motile cells is shown with respect to the total cell number. (C) Quantitative capillary chemotaxis assays toward 1 mM l-alanine (PctA ligand) using the chemotaxis buffers at different pH values. The number of bacteria that swam into buffer-containing capillaries was subtracted from the number of bacteria that migrated into chemoeffector containing capillaries. The number of bacteria that swam into buffer-containing capillaries were: pH 4.0: 354 ± 126; pH 5.0: 3,765 ± 1,040; pH 6.0: 6,609 ± 1,744; pH 7.0: 8,352 ± 2,574; pH 8.0: 4,337 ± 1,088; pH 9.0: 11,291 ± 2,415; pH 10.0: 1,873 ± 295. Data are the means and the standard deviations from 3 biological replicates conducted in triplicate.