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. 2022 Nov 8;328(18):1864–1866. doi: 10.1001/jama.2022.14847

Table 1. Sample Characteristics by Collapsing 5 Cross-sectional Waves of the PATH Study, 2013-2019.

Smokersa Nonnicotine vapersb,c Nicotine vapersb,d P valuef
No. Weighted % (95% CI)e No. Weighted % (95% CI)e No. Weighted % (95% CI)e
Overall 16 393 93.2 (92.4-94.0) 197 0.8 (0.7-1.0) 1240 5.9 (5.3-6.7)
1 (2013-2014) 4077 20.7 (20.1-21.3) 52 18.2 (13.5-24.2) 238 13.3 (11.5-15.3) <.001
2 (2014-2015) 3295 20.4 (19.8-21.0) 40 20.5 (14.5-28.2) 235 18.6 (16.4-21.1)
3 (2015-2016) 3291 20.9 (20.3-21.5) 38 24.3 (16.7-33.8) 237 20.9 (18.2-23.9)
4 (2016-2018) 3067 20.0 (19.4-20.7) 36 21.4 (15.7-28.5) 232 19.9 (17.8-22.2)
5 (2018-2019) 2663 18.0 (17.4-18.6) 31 15.6 (10.3-22.7) 298 27.3 (24.4-30.4)
Age, median (IQR), y 16 393 43.7 (32.0-55.5) 197 41.1 (24.1-56.7) 1240 35.6 (27.0-49.9) <.001
Female 8779 51.6 (49.0-54.1) 114 59.8 (51.1-67.9) 608 48.5 (42.1-54.8) .24
Male 7607 48.4 (45.9-51.0) 83 40.2 (32.1-48.9) 632 51.5 (45.2-57.9)
Race and ethnicityg
Hispanic 2351 12.7 (11.3-14.2) 42 18.5 (12.6-26.3) 109 7.0 (5.0-9.7) <.001
Black 2353 14.7 (12.8-16.8) 18 8.7 (5.1-14.5) 79 10.1 (5.9-16.8)
White 10 280 67.5 (64.9-69.9) 115 65.4 (55.7-74.0) 947 76.7 (70.3-82.1)
Otherh 1208 5.2 (4.4-6.1) 22 7.4 (4.4-12.2) 100 6.2 (4.2-9.0)
Less than high school 4937 28.2 (26.4-30.1) 47 23.6 (16.0-33.3) 202 16.3 (12.5-21.1) <.001
High school 4048 28.1 (26.0-30.4) 53 26.3 (19.0-35.2) 236 20.5 (16.7-24.9)
Some college 5791 32.8 (30.6-35.1) 83 42.9 (34.4-51.9) 616 48.5 (42.8-54.1)
College graduate 1604 10.9 (9.5-12.5) 14 7.2 (3.4-14.6) 185 14.7 (11.6-18.4)
Cigarette and e-cigarette use
Former smokersi 76 38.2 (29.4-47.9) 537 46.2 (41.8-50.8) .09
Daily e-cigarette vapers 68 37.5 (29.2-46.7) 1005 80.9 (76.6-84.6) <.001
e-Cigarette device type
Disposable 23 10.8 (6.5-17.2) 49 3.4 (2.3-5.1) <.001
Rechargeable with cartridge 66 33.0 (25.9-40.8) 327 28.8 (24.5-33.4)
Other rechargeable 109 56.3 (48.0-64.2) 862 67.8 (62.9-72.4)
No. of recent e-cigarette puffs, median (IQR)j 197 2.6 (0-6.7) 1240 14.8 (5.2-29.3) <.001

Abbreviation: PATH, Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health.


Smoked 100 cigarettes or more during their lifetime and currently smoke cigarettes every day or some days without current use of other tobacco products (defined as traditional cigars, cigarillos, filtered cigars, pipe, hookahs, smokeless tobacco, snus, dissolvable tobacco, and e-cigarettes for smokers or cigarettes for vapers).


Current users of e-cigarettes every day or some days without current use of other tobacco products.


The e-cigarettes have a nicotine concentration of 0 mg or 0%.


The e-cigarettes have a nicotine concentration greater than 0 mg or 0%.


The percentages are for the column. The analyses applied urinary sample weight, 100 replicated weights, and the balanced repeated replication method using a Fay adjustment of 0.3 to account for the complex design.


Calculated using the Rao-Scott χ2 test for categorical variables and linear regression for continuous variables.


Derived from respondents’ answers to the PATH surveys and were assessed in this study as a covariate.


American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Other Asian, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, Guamanian or Chamorro, and Samoan.


Reported smoking 100 cigarettes or more during their lifetime and not currently smoking.


Recent puffs taken from yesterday, today, and the day before yesterday.