Fig. 1.
Assembly of VLP-S2 and characterization of MS2-SA VLP.(a) The SARS-CoV-2 spike ectodomain (PDB: 6XKL). The S1 subunit is highlighted in orange and the S2 subunit is highlighted in green. (b) Scheme illustrating the assembly of VLP-S2, where biotinylated MS2 (yellow, PDB: 2MS2) is added to streptavidin to create the VLP. S2 biotinylated at the C-terminus (green; PDB: 6XKL) is mixed with the VLP to create the VLP-S2. (c) Size exclusion chromatography trace for MS2-SA VLP. The vertical gray line represents the peak elution volume of the molecular weight standard thyroglobulin (660 kDa). The column void volume is 7.2 mL. (d) Characterization of the MS2-SA VLP by dynamic light scattering. (e) Negative-stain transmission electron micrograph of MS2-SA VLPs. Scale bar = 50 nm. (f) Cryo-EM of vitrified MS2-SA VLP. Scale bar = 50 nm.