Figure 1. F plasmid exhibits true regularly positioning along the long axis of the cell.
(A) Timelapse of a single mother machine growth channel (E. coli strain DLT3125, phase contrast overlayed with ParB-mVenus fluorescence signal). Segmentation and tracking is indicated by coloured outlines. ParB-mVenus foci are highlighted by red dots. Time interval is 1 min. (B) Four example trajectories of tracked ParB-mVenus foci from different cells. Dashed lines indicate cell boundaries. (C) Distribution of foci positions as a function of cell length in cells containing one ParB-mVenus focus. Data from 879 cell cycles. (D) As in (C) but for cells containing two ParB-mVenus foci. Data from 5044 cell cycles. Red lines indicate the position of each peak as obtained by fitting to the sum of two Gaussian functions. (E) Top: Mean velocity of plasmids as a function of position relative to the trajectory mean in cells containing one plasmid. The velocity is measured over two consecutive frames, taken 1 min apart. Light and dark shading indicate standard deviation and standard error respectively. The red line indicates a linear fit. Note that the standard deviation of the velocity does not depend on position. Bottom: Probability density of plasmid position relative to mean of trajectory. Standard deviation 0.182 μm. Dashed lines indicate the region used for fitting which includes at least 68.27% of all data points. (F) As in (E) but for cells containing two ParB-mVenus foci and the position is relative to the indicated lines in (D). Standard deviations are 0.175 μm (old pole proximal) and 0.181 μm (new pole proximal). In (B–F), positions and velocities are measured along the long cell axis. Position values are negative towards the old pole. See also Figure 1—figure supplement 1 and Figure 1—figure supplement 2.