Fig. 2.
Association of FCGR genotype and copy number with clinical response in RA and SLE.(a) Co-efficient, 95% confidence intervals (CI) and p-value for the effect of the indicated genotype or copy number on 2C-DAS28CRP response (adjusted for baseline 2C-DAS28CRP) at 6 months post-rituximab, compared with reference genotype. All tests were performed using univariable linear regression; negative coefficients for clinical response outcomes indicate a favourable outcome. (b) Odds ratio (OR), 95% CI and p-value for the effect of the indicated genotype or copy number on BILAG Major Clinical Response (MCR) at 6 months post-rituximab, compared with reference genotype. All tests were performed using logistic regression. The x-axis was transformed to log10 scale. For both figures, the dots represent either the co-efficient or the OR and the error bars denote the 95% CI. The vertical broken lines denote lines of no effect.