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. 2022 Nov 18;17(11):e0272241. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0272241

A large Australian longitudinal cohort registry demonstrates sustained safety and efficacy of oral medicinal cannabis for at least two years

Alistair W Vickery 1,2,*, Sebastian Roth 1,3, Tracie Ernenwein 1, Jessica Kennedy 1, Patrizia Washer 1
Editor: Vijayaprakash Suppiah4
PMCID: PMC9674134  PMID: 36399463



Oral medicinal cannabis (MC) has been increasingly prescribed for a wide range of clinical conditions since 2016. Despite an exponential rise in prescriptions and publications, high quality clinical efficacy and safety studies are lacking. The outcomes of a large Australian clinical electronic registry cohort are presented.


A prospective cannabis-naïve patient cohort prescribed oral MC participated in an ongoing longitudinal registry at a network of specialised clinics. Patient MC dose, safety and validated outcome data were collected regularly over two years and analysed.


3,961 patients (mean age 56.07 years [SD 19.08], 51.0% female) with multimorbidity (mean diagnoses 5.14 [SD 4.08]) and polypharmacy (mean 6.26 medications [SD 4.61]) were included in this analysis. Clinical indications were for: chronic pain (71.9%), psychiatric (15.4%), neurological (2.1%), and other diagnoses (10.7%). Median total oral daily dose was 10mg for Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 22.5mg for cannabidiol (CBD). A stable dose was observed for over two years. 37.3% experienced treatment related adverse events. These were graded mild (67%), moderate (31%), severe (<2%, n = 23) and two (0.1%) serious adverse events. Statistically significant improvements at a p value of <0.001 across all outcomes were sustained for over two years, including: clinical global impression (CGI-E, +39%: CGI-I, +52%; p<0.001), pain interference and severity (BPI, 26.1% and 22.2%; p<0.001), mental health (DASS-21, depression 24.5%, anxiety 25.5%, stress 27.7%; p<0.001), insomnia (ISI, 35.0%; p<0.001), and health status (RAND SF36: physical function, 34.4%: emotional well-being, 37.3%; p<0.001). Mean number of concomitant medications did not significantly change over 2 years (p = 0.481).


Oral MC was demonstrated to be safe and well-tolerated for a sustained period in a large complex cohort of cannabis-naïve, multimorbid patients with polypharmacy. There was significant improvement (p<0.001) across all measured clinical outcomes over two years. Results are subject to limitations of Real World Data (RWD) for causation and generalisability. Future high quality randomised controlled trials are awaited.


Following regulatory access to the medical prescription of Good Manufacturing Product (GMP)-grade medicinal cannabis (MC) in November 2016, up to 100,000 Australians are now actively taking regularly prescribed MC [1]. Australians can access a prescription for MC from their treating physician for a wide range of clinical conditions via a Special Access Scheme [1, 2]. Recreational cannabis (RC) remains illegal in nearly all States and Territories. The continuing proscription of RC and initial cannabis negative urinary screen of our cohort provides a unique environment to evaluate oral MC where efficacy and safety can be assessed by Real World Data (RWD), with likely less conflation of privately consumed unregulated and indeterminate dosed RC or inhaled MC.

The number of medicinal cannabis producers and products has rapidly increased in Australia, with at least 375 available MC products and brands, varying in ranges of ratios, profiles, concentrations, excipients, and delivery systems. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Australia’s therapeutics goods regulator, has grouped MC products into five categories reflecting the varying concentrations and ratios of the two major cannabinoids, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD): 1. CBD, 2. CBD-dominant, 3. Balanced, 4. THC-dominant and 5. THC [3]. The TGA regulates MC production standards through the Therapeutic Goods (Standard for Medicinal Cannabis) (TGO 93) Order 2017 and the Office of Drug Control. This standard provides appropriate regulatory controls to ensure quality, stability, and safety. THC is a ’Controlled Drug’ under Schedule 8 (S8) of the Poisons Standard. CBD products are Schedule 4 and must be prescribed by a registered medical practitioner and contain at least 98% CBD and 2% or less of other minor cannabinoids including THC.

Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are the gold standard for assessing efficacy of pharmaceuticals but have been challenging in the area of MC because of the various formulations (oral, inhaled, topical), varying concentration and ratios of cannabinoids, and the generic nature of MC. This has limited research in RCTs [4]. RWD is a mechanism for bridging the evidentiary gap and can help to inform design of RCTs on clinical indications and doses of cannabinoids. RWD studies, by definition, have broader inclusion criteria, which can provide additional and unexpected insights into the safety and efficacy of MC for those who are either ineligible or not represented in RCTs [5].

Recent observational studies and RWD analysis of registries in the UK and Canada have reported on the safety of MC and shown improvements in outcomes such as pain, sleep, anxiety, and quality of life (QoL). Most notably, these studies have nearly all included smaller numbers of patients (fewer than 200) and have reported on shorter outcomes at 6 or 12 month follow up periods. In addition, they have little or no information on doses or ratios of THC and CBD [69]. A recent study by Schleider et al. (2022) using registry data of 10,000 patients from Israel’s largest clinic, observed high safety, decreases in pain levels and improvements in QOL on 4,166 patients that reported at a 6-month follow-up; however, this study included a range of MC formulations—smoking, vaporised or sublingual oil [10]. MC registries in other jurisdictions, where RC and inhaled products are included, have been required to estimate dose and exposure to these major cannabinoids based on patient reported usage [8, 11, 12], making it difficult to determine optimal dose.

The Australian Emyria Clinical e-Registry (AECeR) describes the longitudinal monitoring of cannabis naïve patients, who commence on a defined dose of oral MC utilising the available range of TGA regulated MC products in Australia. Oil-based plant-derived oral MC has been the dominant prescribed product in Australia, however inhaled “flower” products have recently increased, accounting for up to 40% of MC prescriptions [1]. MC products in Australia attract no government subsidy and little private subsidisation, with Department of Veteran Affairs subsidies available only for specific approved conditions [13]. Nevertheless, the out-of-pocket cost for MC is decreasing and is approximately $AUD 2–4,000 per year [1].

We present up-to-date data from the AECeR, which commenced in December 2018 and has monitored nearly 4,000 patients taking prescribed oral MC for up to 24 months.


Description of the Australian Emyria Clinical e-Registry (AECeR)

The AECeR is the first Australian national web-based medicinal cannabis treatment electronic registry. It commenced in December 2018 and is privately owned by Emyria Ltd.

This study reviews the use of medical cannabis for more than 2 years, in the largest cohort review of oral MC to date. Note that the AECeR is a continuous ongoing enrolment registry, with the number of patients commencing treatment and being tracked across follow-ups increasing over the sample period from December 2018 to April 2022. This means that there are fewer patient baseline data at earlier time points than more recent time points, as the number of enrolled patients increased. Importantly, retention rates were maintained at nearly 70% at 12 months. Patients who attended the national Emerald Clinics Network and were enrolled in the registry between December 2018 to April 2022 are all included in this analysis.

All patients included in the registry have undergone a comprehensive assessment by a multidisciplinary team. Baseline data were prospectively entered by patients and clinicians including demographic and routine clinical information, comorbidities, concomitant medication, alcohol and other drug use, and symptom-related data. Clinician and patient standardised validated questionnaires were completed and reviewed to assess the degree of impairment of physical and mental health function, daily activities, quality of life, adverse events, dosing and additional information required for personalised patient care. A urine screening test for THC was conducted at baseline. Presence of urinary-THC was an exclusion for AECeR except in compassionate use (e.g., palliative care). Moreover, pregnancy and breast feeding, serious cardiac disease, and serious mental health conditions (including past history of psychosis and suicidality) were all precluded from any prescriptions of oral MC and thus, were also omitted.

The standard practice database was of clinical trial grade, with all staff handling patient data having completed the International Conference on Harmonisation–Good Clinical Practice and data privacy training. Participants were prescribed only oral oils or capsules, available on the Special Access Scheme–Category B (SAS-B), for which a Certificate of Analysis demonstrating compliance and stability was available. This ensures that all products were within expiry and contained the prescribed active ingredients and excipients.


All registered patients (or legal guardians of those without capacity to give consent, including minors) gave written informed consent and agreed to the use of their de-identified data for research purposes. Review by a Human Research Committee was not required, as all assessments were conducted as part of routine clinical care in line with the Special Access Scheme requirements. This publication involves the use of existing collections of data or records that contain only non-identifiable data about human beings. Australian research is guided by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council’s “National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007, updated 2018)” [14], which permits non-Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) pathways for research that is deemed to be of low or negligible risk. Consistent with this provision, and in following internal research review Emyria additionally consulted an independent ethics committee chair and an independent ethics consultant, who agreed that the collection and use of de-identified patient data for this registry protects the rights safety and well-being without risk to the individuals.

Description of the patient cohort

The patient cohort described had regular, approximately two monthly, clinical monitoring visits. Data collection was repeated, reviewed, and monitored for adherence and validity. The patients’ physical and mental health status was assessed through clinical assessment and validated surveys completed by the patient and health care professionals. The surveys included: Clinical Global Impression (CGI), Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale 21 (DASS-21), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) and the RAND 36 Item Short Form Survey (SF-36). Where clinically appropriate, additional questionnaires were also completed, such as the Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test (CUDIT), Douleur Neuropathique en 4 (DN4), IBS Symptom Severity Score (IBS-SSS) for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and the Autistic Behaviour Checklist (ABC) for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These instruments were selected to ensure quality-assured, validated and standardised documentation of all treatment-relevant data for the routine care of patients.

All patients provided written informed consent for health data collection and use, and agreed to the prescription and regular monitoring of unregistered prescription medication/s. Health data included information related to adverse effects, concomitant medications and Australian regulatory restrictions or exclusions for the use of MC. Restrictions on driving, use of heavy machinery and certain vocational activities were adhered to as per current Australian regulations. Current ‘zero tolerance’ drug driving legal frameworks in Australia criminalise the presence of THC in bodily fluids irrespective of impairment.

Emerald Clinical Network is independent from and has no affiliation with MC producers. All clinicians were independent contractors who choose individually for whom, when and what MC product to prescribe for referred patients. Patients who were eligible were prescribed oral MC products, which were dispensed at independent pharmacies. MC products in Australia are grouped by the TGA into five categories based on the proportion of CBD content (or THC, in the case of THC-dominant and THC only categories) compared with the total cannabinoid content rather than total milligrams (mg) per volume. Table 1 provides an overview of the different MC categories by percentage. Note that throughout our analysis, we convert the total dose values to daily oral dosages of THC and CBD in mg/day to facilitate readability.

Table 1. Medicinal cannabis treatment categories by active ingredients of cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol.

Category CBD content THC content Category description
CBD only ≥ 98% 0% to ≤ 2% Comprises 98% or more CBD, with the remainder derived from other cannabinoids including THC
CBD-dominant ≥ 60% to < 98% 0% to ≤ 40% Comprises 60% or more to less than 98% of CBD, with the remainder principally THC and other cannabinoids
Balanced ≥ 40% to < 60% 0% to ≤ 60% Comprises between 40% or more and less than 60% of CBD, with the remainder principally THC and other cannabinoids
THC-dominant ≥ 2% to ≤ 40% ≥ 60% to ≤ 98% Comprises 60% or more to 98% or less of THC, with the remainder principally CBD and other cannabinoids
THC only < 2% > 98% Comprises 98% or more of THC, with the remainder principally CBD and other cannabinoids

Patients underwent a two-week carefully monitored deliberate dose titration and were monitored at least every 8-weeks for up to 12 months and then 12-weekly. Treatment Related Adverse Events (TRAEs) were collected at each subsequent prescription visit. This continuously accumulating registry has approximately 120–150 new enrolments every month (or approximately 1800 new enrolments per year).

Description of the validated questionnaires presented

The RAND Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) is a patient self-report 36 item quality of life questionnaire [15] used for the routine monitoring and assessment of well-being and care outcomes. Questions include items related to physical functioning, bodily pain, role limitations due to physical health, personal or emotional problems, emotional well-being, social functioning, energy/fatigue and general health perceptions.

The Brief Pain Inventory–Short Form (BPI-SF) is a validated self-report participant questionnaire [16] which assesses the severity of pain and its impact on daily functions. Assessment areas include severity of pain, impact of pain on daily function, location of pain, pain medications and amount of pain relief in the past 24 hours or the past week. The BPI-SF assesses pain scores by Numeric Rating Scale, with responses ranging from 0–10, with 0 = no pain, to 10 = pain as bad as you can imagine.

The Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) is a validated symptom scale designed to measure the state of depression, anxiety and stress [17]. The DASS-21 asks patients to rate 21 statements from a 4-point score of 0–3 according to the following: 0 = it did not apply to me at all–“Never”, 1 = Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time–“Sometimes”, 2 = Applied to me to a considerable degree, or a good part of time–“Often”, and 3 = Applied to me very much, or most of the time–“Almost always”.

The Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) is a validated patient self-report 7-item questionnaire that assesses the nature, severity and impact of insomnia [18]. The dimensions evaluated include severity of sleep onset, sleep maintenance, early morning awakening, sleep dissatisfaction, interference of sleep, difficulties with daytime functioning, noticeability of sleep problems by others and distress caused by the sleep difficulties. The ISI uses a 5-point Likert scale of 0–4 to rate each item (0 = no problem; 4 = very severe problem), yielding a total score ranging from 0 to 28. The total score is interpreted as follows: absence of insomnia (0–7); sub-threshold insomnia (8–14); moderate insomnia (15–21); and severe insomnia (22–28).

The Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI) was developed to provide a clinician’s global assessment of the patient’s functioning before and after commencement of medication [19]. Using a 7-point scale to assess the patient change since initiation of treatment (1 = very much improved 2 = much improved; 3 = minimally improved; 4 = no change; 5 = minimally worse; 6 = much worse; 7 = very much worse) This takes into account the experienced clinician’s knowledge of the patient’s history, circumstances, symptoms, behaviour, and function as well as the 16-point Efficacy Index which considers both medication efficacy and safety.

In addition to the validated questionnaires, clinicians also collected information on all adverse events reported by patients at each visit. Adverse event terminology was described by the patient and coded retrospectively using Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) terminology [20]. All adverse events were graded as mild (not causing discomfort, no intervention or change to prescribed dose/product required), moderate (can cause discomfort, intervention and/or change to prescribed dose/product required), severe (causing severe discomfort, cessation of prescribed product required) or serious (medical emergency, life threatening, disabling, causing hospitalisation or death). Clinicians used medical judgement to determine if the adverse event was likely, possibly, unlikely or not at all related to the prescribed medicinal cannabis product. All adverse events classified as “likely” or “possibly” related to the prescribed product are considered to be Treatment Related Adverse Events (TRAEs).

Statistical methods

Data were extracted from the AECeR registry in April 2022. Descriptive statistics presenting the respective numbers and proportions of patients–as well as means and standard deviations (SD), where applicable–were used to describe the demographic, clinical, medication use, and adverse events of patients included in the registry. To assess the patterns over time regarding patient and clinician reported outcomes, each outcome measure was plotted at baseline (before going on treatment) as well as select follow-up windows–that is, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after commencing MC. As this is continuous RWD registry data there are fewer participants at the end time points than the beginning time points. Retention rates at those intervals were 100, 98, 68, 45, and 35 percent, respectively. In addition, and to test whether the observed differences when undergoing this health intervention are not only quantitatively meaningful but also statistically important on conventional levels of statistical significance, independent t-tests were performed between baseline and the corresponding follow-up scores. Note that statistical significance was tested at the p = 0.05 level throughout. Finally, all analyses were performed using R 4.2.1.


Of 6,523 patients enrolled for assessment at Emerald Clinics between Dec 2018 and April 2022, 3,961 patients completed initial assessments and questionnaires for prescription of oral MC. Patient demographics at baseline are reported in Table 2, showing an even distribution of gender, a mean age of 56.1 years (range 2–96 years, SD 19.28). Of the 57.9% who reported education level, only 8.8% did not complete secondary schooling, and 53.4% of patients were not part of the labour force due largely to being retirees. This also includes children and those electing not to work.

Table 2. Basic demographic details of Emyria patients (N = 3,961) at baseline (before treatment).

Variable n (%)
    Female 2,039 (51.5)
    Male 1,822 (46.0)
    Other 100 (2.5)
Age (in years); mean (std. dev.) 56.1 (19.2)
Educational attainment
    Postgraduate degree 134 (3.4)
    Bachelor or honors 364 (9.2)
    Advanced diploma or certificate 612 (15.5)
    Year 12 820 (20.7)
    High school not completed 351 (8.9)
    Not reporteda 1,680 (42.4)
Labour force status
    Employed full-time 543 (13.7)
    Employed part-time 375 (9.5)
    Not in the labour forceb 1,916 (48.4)
    Not reported 1,127 (28.5)


a Includes those still attending primary or high school as well as anyone where the highest level of educational achievement could not be determined.

b Includes individuals looking for full-time or part-time work, students, retirees, and those not working by choice (such as homemakers), in addition to anyone unable to work due to a medical or health condition.

Table 3 shows the medications used by participating patients recorded at baseline. Note that the level of non-prescribed or recreational cannabinoids was low (0.7%), further highlighting not only the continued prohibition of RC in Australia but also the key inclusion requirement of returning a THC-negative urinary result before commencing treatment (with the only exception being under compassionate grounds, which corresponds to an exceedingly small number of patients to date, i.e., 3). 46.2% of patients were taking opioids, whilst 41.8% were taking antidepressants and 33.7% benzodiazepines. “Other” includes medication for concomitant chronic disease such as diabetes, hypertension or chronic lung disease.

Table 3. Concomitant medication use by Emyria patients (N = 3,961) at baseline.

Variable n (%)
Medication categories
    Simple analgesics 2,032 (51.3)
    Opioids 1,830 (46.2)
    Antidepressants 1,656 (41.8)
    Benzodiazepines 1,333 (33.7)
    GABA analogues 807 (20.4)
    Other pain medications 399 (10.1)
    Antipsychotics 201 (5.1)
    Compound analgesics 154 (3.9)
    Cannabinoidsa 27 (0.7)
    Other 3,036 (76.6)
Total number of medications; median (range) 6 (0–34)


a Corresponds to (medicinal) cannabis use by individuals at baseline prior to commencing treatment.

The primary diagnosis of participating patients is noted in Table 4 and indicates the majority (71.9%) of patients were prescribed oral MC for: chronic pain related conditions, mental health disorders (15.4%). Other conditions include neurodegenerative diseases, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Table 4. Primary diagnosis as well as number of comorbidities of Emyria patients (N = 3,961) at baseline.

Variable n (%)
Primary diagnosis
        Chronic non-cancer pain 2,528 (63.8)
        Cancer pain 256 (6.5)
        Migraine/headache 60 (1.5)
        Othera 2 (0.1)
        Insomnia 260 (6.6)
        Anxiety 154 (3.9)
        Post-traumatic stress disorder 119 (3.0)
        Depression 76 (1.9)
        Parkinson’s disease 52 (1.3)
        Epilepsy 31 (0.8)
        Multiple sclerosis 1 (0.0)
    Otherb 422 (10.7)
Number of comorbidities (in addition to the primary diagnosis); mean (std. dev.) 5.00 (4.04)


a Includes back pain and complex regional pain syndrome.

b Includes alcohol use disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, anorexia and wasting, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, behavioural disorder, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, chronic fatigue syndrome, dementia, endometriosis, essential tremor, hereditary spastic paraplegia, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, motor neuron disease, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder and benzodiazepine dependence, refractory nausea and vomiting, spasticity, tinnitus, and Tourette syndrome.

Table 5 describes the number of oral MC products prescribed with 11,951 (81.2%) prescriptions for patients taking one oral MC product mostly containing a “Balanced” ratio of TCH/CBD 7,400 (50.3%) and 4,570 (31.1%) taking "CBD-only". For those taking more than one product the majority were taking "CBD-only" during the day and a “THC-dominant" product at night (data not shown). The overall median daily dose was: THC 10.0 mg, CBD 22.5mg.

Table 5. Medical cannabis prescriptions (N = 14,718) by number of products and across different categories.

Variable n (%)
Number of medical cannabis products
    One 11,951 (81.2)
    Two 2,159 (14.7)
    Three or more 608 (4.1)
Medical cannabis categories
    Balanced 7,400 (50.3)
    CBD only 4,570 (31.1)
    THC-dominant 2,030 (13.8)
    CBD-dominant 652 (4.4)
    THC only 66 (0.4)

Fig 1 demonstrates prescribing patterns over time for THC/CBD dose and ratios. Total cannabinoid dose rose to 87.9mg at 6 months and remained stable over the next 2 years. Historically, prescribing ratios have changed over two years. Balanced product was predominant in 2019 (90%) down in 2022 to 33%, and a rise of CBD-only product from <10% in 2019 to 45% of all prescribed products in 2022.

Fig 1.

Fig 1

Fig 2 shows scores from the RAND 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) for routine monitoring and assessment of well-being and care outcomes. Note that the eight subscale scores are divided into the respective Physical (Panel A) and Mental health (Panel B) component domains. Overall, the figures indicate a statistically significant and sustained (p<0.001) improvement across all measured parameters over the two year sample window (see Table 6 for the associated p-values).

Fig 2.

Fig 2

Table 6. Survey scores across different treatment periods.

Variable Baseline 3 Month p-value a 12 Month p-value b 24 Month p-value c
n mean n mean n mean n mean
[95% ci] [95% ci] [95% ci] [95% ci]
Bodily pain 2,963 29.71 603 40.53 < .001 1,535 44.67 < .001 376 41.61 < .001
[28.84–30.57] [38.56–42.50] [43.46–45.88] [39.19–44.03]
General health 2,963 40.08 603 43.54 < .001 1,535 47.48 < .001 376 45.49 < .001
[39.28–40.89] [41.75–45.34] [46.34–48.62] [43.12–47.87]
Physical functioning 2,963 40.67 603 46.23 < .001 1,535 47.06 < .001 376 46.25 .001
[39.57–41.78] [43.79–48.67] [45.54–48.59] [43.03–49.47]
Role-physical 2,963 13.66 603 24.13 < .001 1,535 29.76 < .001 376 25.07 < .001
[12.63–14.69] [21.30–26.96] [27.82–31.69] [21.34–28.79]
Mental health 2,963 53.93 603 60.47 < .001 1,535 64.35 < .001 376 65.22 < .001
[53.12–54.74] [58.80–62.15] [63.30–65.40] [63.07–67.37]
Role-emotional 2,963 27.81 603 43.45 < .001 1,535 46.58 < .001 376 42.55 < .001
[26.48–29.14] [39.93–46.97] [44.46–48.70] [38.22–46.88]
Social functioning 2,963 36.46 603 48.34 < .001 1,535 54.19 < .001 376 53.09 < .001
[35.49–37.43] [46.10–50.59] [52.80–55.57] [50.03–56.16]
Vitality 2,963 29.87 603 36.63 < .001 1,535 41.79 < .001 376 42.42 < .001
[29.13–30.62] [34.90–38.37] [40.67–42.90] [40.06–44.79]
Anxiety 3,441 11.78 2,160 8.98 < .001 1,874 9.50 < .001 480 8.68 < .001
[11.48–12.08] [8.67–9.30] [9.13–9.86] [8.01–9.35]
Depression 3,441 15.65 2,160 12.21 < .001 1,874 11.82 < .001 480 11.76 < .001
[15.28–16.01] [11.79–12.63] [11.36–12.28] [10.88–12.64]
Stress 3,441 18.35 2,160 13.96 < .001 1,874 14.10 < .001 480 13.20 < .001
[18.00–18.69] [13.57–14.36] [13.68–14.53] [12.41–13.98]
Pain severity 2,449 5.53 1,857 4.45 < .001 1,651 4.20 < .001 431 4.31 < .001
[5.45–5.61] [4.35–4.55] [4.10–4.31] [4.10–4.52]
Pain interference 2,449 6.17 1,857 4.59 < .001 1,651 4.47 < .001 431 4.52 < .001
[6.08–6.27] [4.48–4.71] [4.34–4.59] [4.28–4.76]
Insomnia 3,476 15.58 2,191 10.99 < .001 1,902 10.52 < .001 488 9.94 < .001
[15.35–15.82] [10.71–11.27] [10.22–10.82] [9.37–10.50]
Efficacy index 3,282 7.03 2,984 5.02 890 4.85
[6.89–7.16] [4.91–5.13] [4.70–5.00]
Global improvement 3,282 2.57 2,984 2.02 890 1.92
[2.53–2.60] [1.99–2.05] [1.88–1.96]
Severity of illness 1,085 4.70 3,282 4.24 < .001 2,984 4.19 < .001 890 4.43 < .001
[4.66–4.75] [4.21–4.27] [4.16–4.23] [4.37–4.48]
# of medications 3,961 6.26 7,427 3.28 < .001 4,182 5.06 < .001 1,096 6.38 .481
[6.11–6.40] [3.18–3.38] [4.91–5.20] [6.08–6.67]


a Compares the respective scores between baseline and 3 months after.

b Compares the respective scores between baseline and 12 months after. c Compares the respective scores between baseline and 24 months after

Fig 3 then displays scores from the Brief Pain Inventory–Short Form (Panel A), the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (Panel B) and the Insomnia Severity Index questionnaires (Panel C) used for routine assessment of well-being, sleep and care outcomes. Here as well, the corresponding figures suggest both a sustained and statistically meaningful (p<0.001) improvement in all measured parameters over the sample period.

Fig 3.

Fig 3

Next, Fig 4 demonstrates the clinician reported outcomes based on the respective Clinical Global Impression (CGI) subscale scores. Most notably, these measures are suggestive of a statistically relevant and persistent clinician perceived improvement of the average patient’s global functioning after initiating MC (p<0.001). This finding is perhaps particularly remarkable when considering the substantial efficacy of this health intervention, even after accounting for potential adverse effects experienced by patients (as captured by the Efficacy Index subscale of the CGI measure).

Fig 4.

Fig 4

Finally, Table 6 compares mean scores between baseline and the respective follow-up windows at 3, 12, and 24 months after commencing treatment. The results confirm the findings in Figs 24 –that is, we observe statistically important differences in scores at least at the 0.1 percent level of statistical significance for each follow-up window relative to the corresponding baseline for up to two years. Moreover, the mean number of medications each patient was taking initially (6.3: 95%CI 6.1–6.4) nearly halved at 3 months (3.3: 95%CI 3.2–3.4, p<0.001) continued to be significantly reduced at 12 months (5.1: 95%CI 4.9–5.2, p<0.001), but by 24 months was not significantly different (6.4: 95%CI 6.1–6.7), p = 0.5).

Treatment related adverse events

Of the 3,961 patients included in the analysis, 1,477 patients (37.3 percent) reported experiencing at least one adverse event deemed by the treating doctor to be possibly, likely or definitely related to the oral MC treatment. Table 7 represents an overview of the most frequent types of treatment related adverse events (TRAEs) across the different levels of clinician-assessed severity. Sedation/sleepiness and dry mouth are the two most commonly reported TRAEs, with the majority (68.2 percent and 79.9 percent, respectively) assessed as “mild”. There were 77 severe TRAEs (<2%) requiring a dose adjustment or cessation of oral MC treatment without lasting sequelae. Two isolated TRAEs (hallucination and mania) were considered serious, which is defined as an important medical event requiring hospitalisation or lifesaving intervention.

Table 7. Types of adverse events (possibly) relating to medical cannabis treatment reported by Emyria patients (N = 3,961) across different levels of severity.

Adverse Event Severity
Mild Moderate Severe Serious Unspecified Total
n n n n n n (%)
Sedation/sleepiness 302 134 7 0 0 443 (11.2)
Dry mouth 290 72 1 0 0 363 (9.2)
Lethargy/tiredness 156 82 2 0 0 240 (6.1)
Dizziness 160 68 4 0 0 232 (5.9)
Nausea 119 81 11 0 0 211 (5.3)
Concentration difficulty 134 68 2 0 0 204 (5.2)
Feeling high 114 45 1 0 0 160 (4.0)
Diarrhoea/loose stools 107 41 8 0 2 158 (4.0)
Increased appetite 96 32 0 0 0 128 (3.2)
Headache 60 36 6 0 0 102 (2.6)
Anxiety/panic attack 28 47 7 0 0 82 (2.1)
Vivid dreams 28 19 0 0 1 48 (1.2)
Hallucination 15 27 4 1 0 47 (1.2)
Impaired coordination 28 12 1 0 0 41 (1.0)
Other 313 208 30 1 3 555 (14.0)


This is the largest and longest real-world analysis of the efficacy and safety of GMP-like oral medicinal cannabis (MC) in a continuous enrolment cohort registry. 3,961 heterogenous, cannabis naïve patients with a wide range of ages, clinical and complex conditions, and concomitant medications, prescribed oral MC, demonstrated a rapid and significant improvement across all measured patient and clinical reported validated outcomes. This significant improvement at a p value of <0.001, was maintained and sustained for over two years. Oral MC was well tolerated, with fewer than 2% experiencing severe TRAEs and only 2 serious TRAEs (hallucination and mania). This safety is particularly salient in contrast to the safety and tolerability of prescribed long-term opioids [21].

The Australian Emyria Clinical e-Registry (AECeR) collected clinical, demographic, dosing and safety data, as well as over 200,000 individual standardised validated questionnaires over this period. Naturally, large samples drawn from RWD have weaknesses. Such data sets can often be unstructured, incomplete or inconsistent [22]. In this context, the development of the bespoke AECeR data system has auditing and compliance mechanisms to improve the rigor and comprehensiveness of the data capture. Patient adherence to monitoring and questionnaire compliance in normal administrative data sets can be uneven. Quality RWD requires ongoing maintenance and support.

The cohort were cannabis naïve with those testing positive for urinary THC at baseline excluded except on compassionate grounds. The mean age at baseline was 56.07 years (SD 19.18) and ranged in age from 2 years to 96 years. The Emerald Clinical Network is a private clinic with supplemental Medicare funding but largely patient self-funded. In Australia, oral MC is not subsidised, costing the patient an additional $AUD 2,000–4,000 per year. Despite this the retention rate in the AECeR was over 90% at six months and nearly 70% at 12 months. The average number of concomitant medications 6.26 (SD 4.61) was high, demonstrating polypharmacy with multiple analgesic medications and other medications associated with a high number of comorbidities (5.14, SD 4.08) such as hypertension, diabetes or other chronic diseases. There were over 40 different primary clinical indications for prescription of oral MC: pain (71.9%), psychiatric (15.4%) and neurological (2.1%).

The average number of concomitant medications over time initially significantly decreased but by 2 years was not significantly lower. This may be because the cohort of patients who remain in treatment after 2 years, have initially a higher average number of medications (7.55: 95%CI 7.12–7.99) as well as throughout the intervention. In a separate analysis (data not shown), once we account for differences in initial medication use the previously insignificant comparison to the 24 months follow-up window shows a significantly (p-value <0.001) lower number of average concomitant medications at 2 years.

Previous smaller studies have demonstrated improvements in patient reported outcomes over shorter periods of time and with mixed cannabis delivery systems including inhaled and oromucosal medications [7, 23], and for specific clinical conditions in pain [24, 25], anxiety [26, 27], cancer [28, 29], and sleep [30]. This is the first comprehensive analysis of this magnitude and length of time for oral MC daily dosages prescribed in a cannabis naïve cohort. The very low levels of non-prescribed or recreational cannabinoids (0.7%) distinguishes this study from these other medical cannabis studies.

The Emerald Clinical Network is independent of oral MC licensed producers and the non-aligned clinicians select from the range of products available from five TGA categories of products subject to the Therapeutic Goods -(Standard for Medicinal Cannabis) (TGO 93) Order 2017. The TGO 93 regulatory controls ensure that the quality of medicinal cannabis is of acceptable standard and is safe for consumers in the Australian market. The use of oral MC in this analysis provides increased understanding of dose (mg) and ratio (THC:CBD) for efficacy and safety of oral MC. The oral cannabinoid dose and ratio remained stable over two years (Fig 1.) following careful titration over six months and did not result in tachyphylaxis or dose escalation. No addictive or dependence behaviours were detected and there was no increase in concomitant medications. The median daily total dose of THC was 10mg concomitant with 22.5mg of CBD.

Regular recreational users according to the Australian National Alcohol and Drug Knowledgebase (NADK) [31] use 150-250mg THC per day with unknown concentrations and doses of the hundreds of other cannabinoids, including CBD. In cancer patients using inhaled and/or sublingual MC daily, doses of THC were 70-100mg [28]. The median daily dose of oral THC for the AECeR cohort is approximately 10% of the average recreational user. Recreational cannabis even for medical purposes is largely inhaled [32]. Inhaled cannabis is rapidly absorbed and reaches peak serum concentration (Cmax) in minutes giving the well-known “high”. In contrast oral oils are slowly absorbed over hours [33]. All patients presented in the AECeR cohort were prescribed oral oil-based MC with careful titration of dose and ratio to safely achieve clinical goals with minimal Adverse Effects (AEs). AEs importantly include all cognitive effects ascribed to THC such as sedation, “feeling high”, “lack of concentration”. These were recognised treatment related AEs and subsequently required alteration of the MC ratio and often reduction in THC dose.

The RAND SF36 scores (Fig 2) are significantly improved for over two years across all of the measured parameters. The developers of the SF-36 advise that a five-point difference is considered ’clinically and socially relevant’ [34]. Across all parameters the average improvement was greater than ten, two times the reported minimum clinically important difference (MCID) This was particularly pronounced in mental health (65 points) and less in physical function (5 points).

For the Insomnia Severity Score (Fig 3) it is believed that a 6-point reduction represents a clinically meaningful improvement in individuals with primary insomnia [35]. The cohort presented here most often had secondary insomnia from chronic persistent pain. Baseline mean 15.58 (CI15.35–15.82) decreasing at 24 months to 9.94 (CI9.37–10.50). The mean difference reduction was 5 points that was maintained over two years.

For the DASS-21 measures (Fig 3) the negative emotional states of depression, anxiety and stress. A normative sample of 1,794 members of the general adult UK population (979 female, 815 male) demonstrated mean scores for Depression, Anxiety and Stress as 5.66 (SD 7.74), 3.76 (SD 5.90) and 9.46 (SD 8.40) respectively [36]. For this cohort the baseline mean for Depression 15.65 (CI15.28–16.05), Anxiety 11.78(CI11.48–12.08), and Stress 18.35 (CI18.00–18.69) scores falling at three months to 11.91, 9.86 and 14.08 points (p<0.001) respectively and those scores maintained and sustained for over two years. The MCID for the DASS subscales is defined as a change of 5 or more points coupled with a move to a different severity category [37].

The Brief Pain Inventory across the entire cohort showed a reduction of approximately 25% for pain interference and 24% for pain severity which is maintained for 2 years (p<0,001). The IMMPACT group recommendation for assessing clinical significance is that a point change of greater than or equal to 10% represents MCID and greater than or equal to 30% represents a moderate clinically important change [38]. In addition, the Clinical global impression (Fig 4) derived from the GCP trained expert clinicians gives a global assessment of patient outcomes demonstrating consistently overall improvement and improved efficacy with minimal impact of adverse events from the commencement of oral MC.

Importantly the group mean change in patient reported outcomes is underestimated as all questionnaire results are incorporated including those with normal scores. Although numerical, a ‘normal’ response for patient reported outcomes gives a value above zero (ie a DASS-21 anxiety score <8 is normal). These normal results are included in the total group mean change for completeness across this large heterogenous cohort. In patient reported outcomes someone with a “normal” score is likely to continue over time to register a “normal” score. This is true for all of the PROMs measured. For instance, in our cohort for anxiety, 54% of 3,350 responses at baseline were normal (<8), mild/moderate 14%, severe 16%, extremely severe 16%. Similarly other observational studies have shown effect on moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety, but not mild symptoms of anxiety [11]. Further sub analysis of the AECeR registry will be conducted to determine outcome differences in different severity categories.


Real-world evidence enables analysis of a range of clinical experience across a large and diverse heterogenous distribution of patients, providing insights into real-world treatment patterns. However, this study design is not without limitations including lack of randomisation which reduces the internal validity of the data. The lack of a control group precludes ruling out regression to the mean, placebo effects, selection and survival bias among other biases, in contributing to changes in Patient and Clinician Reported Outcome Measures over time. The placebo effect has previously been shown to have maximal effect within the first four to six months and then stabilises before gradually wearing off [39]. For this study, although observed effects cannot be causally attributed to oral MC, the size, ubiquity, and sustainability of the improvements over time provides greater confidence to the reliability of the outcomes.

Additionally, due to continuous ongoing enrolment and drop out in the registry, there were fewer data available at later time points although retention rates were maintained at nearly 70% at 12 months. As such there is greater uncertainty in outcome estimates at later relative to earlier time points. It is not clear if attrition is related to treatment cost, adverse effects, ineffectiveness, or another reason. It is also noted that not all participants consistently completed questionnaires at all timepoints, which may have impacted data consistency. This is not uncommon in RWD collection settings where greater flexibility is required in participant scheduling and assessments as compared to RCTs. It is important that real‐world evidence is used to complement rather than replace randomised controlled trial evidence on oral MC but it provides another evidentiary mechanism.

This uncontrolled cohort real-world analysis presents observed data and all data have been included across the entire cohort. Emerald Clinical Network does not have any affiliation with the MC producers and clinicians at the Emerald Clinical Network are independent contractors that choose for whom, when and what to prescribe for patients referred to the clinic. Clinicians are not provided inducement or instruction to prescribe any brand or formulation of MC product.


This large Australian longitudinal cohort registry of cannabis naïve, complex chronic disease patients treated with oral MC for over 24 consecutive months, demonstrates safety of oral generic medicinal cannabis, and demonstrated oral MC improves patient and clinician reported impact of pain, sleep and well-being.

The AECeR addresses some of the limitations inherent to RWD and previously published cannabis registries. The detailed data curation and rigour of a very large bespoke registry, with a heterogeneous complex cohort, over an extended period of time, with high retention rates, provides greater reassurance about efficacy and safety of oral MC. It also provides detailed information on oral doses of THC and CBD to inform future studies. Further sub analyses with regard to specific clinical indications and patient reported outcomes are planned and future matched cohort or appropriately powered randomised controlled studies should be considered.

Supporting information

S1 Data



The authors would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedicated data collection of all of our doctors, nurses, data team and administrative staff in creating a comprehensive, validated clinical registry.

Data Availability

All data are included in the Supporting Information files. All the datasets used in the analysis as well as a set of instructions detailing the replication process for all the tables and figures generated and displayed in the paper are included.

Funding Statement

Yes. All authors of this manuscript and the analysis are employees of Emyria Pty Ltd, a public company that owns specialist medical clinics, Emerald Clinical Network, AV is the only author who is a clinician prescribing for patients in the clinic. This uncontrolled cohort real-world analysis presents observed data and all data have been included across the entire cohort. Emerald Clinical Network does not have any affiliation with the MC producers and clinicians at the Emerald Clinical Network are independent contractors that choose for whom, when and what to prescribe for patients referred to the clinic. Clinicians are not provided inducement or instruction to prescribe any specific brand, type or formulation of Medicinal cannabis product.


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Decision Letter 0

Vijayaprakash Suppiah

2 Sep 2022

PONE-D-22-19762A large Australian longitudinal cohort registry demonstrates sustained safety and efficacy of oral oral medicinal cannabis for at least two yearsPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Vickery,

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This uncontrolled cohort real-world analysis presents observed data and all data have been included across the entire cohort. Emerald Clinical Network does not have any affiliation with the MC producers and clinicians at the Emerald Clinical Network are independent contractors that choose for whom, when and what to prescribe for patients referred to the clinic. Clinicians are not provided inducement or instruction to prescribe any brand or formulation of Medicinal cannabis product.”

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes


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5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Many thanks for the opportunity to review this manuscript. It is an important contribution to medical cannabis literature, however I have some suggestions which could improve its quality.

Major Issues


1. I am unfortunately not clear whether only the inclusion criteria were those who had completed 2 years’ worth of treatment or those who had initially enrolled at least 2 years prior to analysis. This is a key point to provide to assess whether reduction in numbers at follow up is secondary to attrition or whether it is due to participant compliance with completing the questionnaires.

2. Table 1 – Are the percentages provided as a proportion of active ingredients. Percentages are also used to represent concentrations in mg/ml. For category 5 this would be equivalent to 980mg/ml with this terminology. Please just make clearer.

3. How are you measuring severity of adverse events?

4. How are you determining what is a treatment-related adverse event compared to non-treatment related adverse events? I understand from the results this is deemed by the treating doctor, but what criteria do they use to determine this or is it just a decision based on their intuition? Also please make sure this is reported in your methods, rather than results.


1. You mention that there were some patients who had non-prescribed/recreational cannabinoids (0.01%), it would be interesting for you to reconcile this with the drug screen. Were these just non-prescription CBD products?

2. You need to report the p values of the data, it is not sufficient to just say the results were significant

3. There is no such thing as ‘highly significant’ it is significant or non-significant

4. Please can you explain how the medication number increases at 24 months?


1. It is important to place your results in the context of wider literature. This is the major limitation of this write up at present. Whilst I appreciate this is the largest analysis of its kind, it is important to compare these findings to those identified from other observational studies and randomised controlled trials with respect to the outcomes you sought to analyse.

Minor Issues


1. You switch between real world evidence, Real World Evidence and real-world evidence. Please make sure consistent.


1. Title incorrectly contains the word ‘oral’ twice on submission portal


1. P2L28-80: Missing ‘were included in this analysis’ or an equivalent change to the sentence for it to make sense

2. P2L32-34: This sentence doesn’t quite make sense. You can’t determine severity of adverse events by the type of adverse event, only by graded severity by a CTCAE or equivalent, similar for dose-related. You have the total number of adverse events, and their severity why don’t insert here the proportion of overall adverse events that were mild?

3. P2L34 Report % for serious adverse events

4. P2L35 Remove the term ‘highly’, results are either significant or not significant

5. P2L36-38 The acronyms need introducing the introduction

6. P3L40: Report p value please

7. P3L42: Remove term ‘highly’ as above


1. P4L52-55: I am not aware of any Australian specific data – however there is data from other jurisdictions that suggests that there is still recreational/illicit cannabis use amongst individuals with MC prescriptions. Therefore would suggest providing citation to back up statement with respect to Australia or amendment to statement that is less definitive that there is no conflation from recreational cannabis.

a. Of note the fact that you have to complete urinary drug screening to take part in the registry is more suggestive of this fact

2. P4L48: More recent data is available on medical cannabis prescribing in Australia suggesting in excess of 150,000 SAS-B approvals have been issued

a. MacPhail SL, Bedoya-Pérez MA, Cohen R, Kotsirilos V, McGregor IS, Cairns EA. Medicinal cannabis prescribing in Australia: an analysis of trends over the first five years. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2022;13.

3. P4L63-65: You don’t use ODC, S4 or S8 again in manuscript so suggest removal for clarity

4. P4L64-65: Repetition that CBD is a schedule 4 product.

5. P4L71: Please change RCT to RCTs

6. P4L71: You have already introduced RWD as an acronym earlier in introduction – can just use.

7. P5L88/89: The term oral MCs doesn’t quite make sense as using the acronym is like saying oral medicinal cannabises, would keep as oral MC or oral MC products.


1. There is switching throughout of the past and present tense, please make sure to keep consistent throughout.

2. P6L112-114: Please make clear that listed contraindications are reasons to not prescribe medical cannabis, and this is why they were excluded, rather than these patients otherwise being prescribed medical cannabis but their data just not being captured by the registry.

3. P10L178: You have put the citation in a different position here compared to rest of document. Just need to make sure consistent throughout.

4. P10L186-P11L207: Would move this section to beginning of methods section after L114

5. P11L196: Please outline what your independent advice was?

6. P11L196: Missing full stop at end of paragraph.

7. P12L219: How did you decide your data was parametric

8. P12L219: Should use paired t-tests if you are comparing same patients data against baseline

9. P12L221: Should be p0.05, and also throughout all results, not just tables and figures


1. You switch between the number of decimal places you report to throughout – please make sure you are consistent throughout

2. P13L232-233: Please avoid comparison with other studies in your results, this should be in the discussion

3. P15L244-255: Please report raw figures


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: Yes: Simon Erridge


[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.

PLoS One. 2022 Nov 18;17(11):e0272241. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0272241.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

27 Oct 2022

Response to Academic Editor and Reviewer #1

A large Australian longitudinal cohort registry demonstrates sustained safety and efficacy of oral medicinal cannabis for at least two years

Thank you for your clear comments that have helped us to improve the paper. Please see below our responses, printed in blue under each respective comment.

Journal Additional Requirements:

When submitting your revision, we need you to address these additional requirements.

1. Please ensure that your manuscript meets PLOS ONE's style requirements, including those for file naming. The PLOS ONE style templates can be found at

Response: Thank you for providing these helpful templates, which we have closely followed and implemented throughout the revised manuscript

2. In line with the expectations of the Australian National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, please confirm in the methods section of your manuscript that your research involves the use of existing collections of data or records that contain only non-identifiable data about human beings.

Response: This is an important point which we did not highlight sufficiently in our original version. We have now added the following statement to the methods section:

“This publication involves the use of existing collections of data or records that contain only non-identifiable data about human beings.”

3. Please update the ethics statement in the manuscript and in the online submission form with information you provided in the supplementary file 'Emyria Quality Assurance Ethics Review'.

Response: Thank you, we have now incorporated the following ethics statement in both manuscript as well as the corresponding online submission form:

“All registered patients (or legal guardians of those without capacity to give consent, including minors) gave written informed consent and agreed to the use of their de-identified data for research purposes. Review by a Human Research Committee was not required, as all assessments were conducted as part of routine clinical care in line with the Special Access Scheme requirements. This publication involves the use of existing collections of data or records that contain only non-identifiable data about human beings. Australian research is guided by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council’s “National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007, updated 2018)”[19], which permits non-Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) pathways for research that is deemed to be of low or negligible risk. Consistent with this provision, and in following internal research review Emyria additionally consulted an independent ethics committee chair and an independent ethics consultant, who agreed that the collection and use of de-identified patient data for this registry protects the rights safety and well-being without risk to the individuals.”

We understand your concern about having ethical review – we did have several discussions with the chairperson from our independent ethics committee (Bellberry, Ltd) as well as with our independent ethics consultant (Prof Nik Zeps), and were advised that because the collection of these data was done 1. As part of routine medical care, and 2. In a de-identified manner with patients who signed written informed consent, that formal ethical review was not required because it conformed with the provision for non-HREC review within the NHMRC’s “National Statement on Ethics Conduct in Human Research”.

We have included both the Emerald Clinics consent form and the Emyria Quality assurance Ethics review document in the Supplementary files.

4. In your Methods section, please ensure you have also stated whether you obtained consent from parents or guardians of the minors included in the registry (if applicable).

Response: Thank you we have added specific information on written informed consent from legal guardians for minors and those without capacity to provide informed consent in the ethics statement (see comment 3 above).

5. In your Data Availability statement, you have not specified where the minimal data set underlying the results described in your manuscript can be found. PLOS defines a study's minimal data set as the underlying data used to reach the conclusions drawn in the manuscript and any additional data required to replicate the reported study findings in their entirety. All PLOS journals require that the minimal data set be made fully available. For more information about our data policy, please see

We will update your Data Availability statement to reflect the information you provide in your cover letter.

Response: Thank you once again for providing some helpful guidelines for us to follow. We have now included in the Supporting Information files in a folder (labelled Data) containing all the datasets used in the analysis as well as a set of instructions detailing the replication process for all the tables and figures generated and displayed in the manuscript.

6. We note that the grant information you provided in the ‘Funding Information’ and ‘Financial Disclosure’ sections do not match.

When you resubmit, please ensure that you provide the correct grant numbers for the awards you received for your study in the ‘Funding Information’ section.

Response: Thank you for pointing out this discrepancy which we can assure you was an accidental oversight. We have now ensured that the corresponding information displayed is consistent across both sections.

7. Thank you for stating the following in the Competing Interests section:

“I have read the journal's policy and the authors of this manuscript have the following competing interests: All authors of this manuscript and the analysis are employees of Emyria Pty Ltd, a public company that owns specialist medical clinics, Emerald Clinical Network, AV is the only author who is a clinician prescribing for patients in the clinic.

This uncontrolled cohort real-world analysis presents observed data and all data have been included across the entire cohort. Emerald Clinical Network does not have any affiliation with the MC producers and clinicians at the Emerald Clinical Network are independent contractors that choose for whom, when and what to prescribe for patients referred to the clinic. Clinicians are not provided inducement or instruction to prescribe any brand or formulation of Medicinal cannabis product.”

Please confirm that this does not alter your adherence to all PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials, by including the following statement: "This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.” (as detailed online in our guide for authors If there are restrictions on sharing of data and/or materials, please state these. Please note that we cannot proceed with consideration of your article until this information has been declared.

Please include your updated Competing Interests statement in your cover letter; we will change the online submission form on your behalf.

Response: In addition to the original statement provided in the Competing Interests section, the following required line has now also been included:

“This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.”

8. Please upload a new copy of all figures (1-4) as the detail is not clear. Please follow the link for more information:"

Response: Thank you for providing us with these useful links. We have now ensured that all respective figures used in the manuscript follow the recommended format.

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: No

Response: As detailed above in comment #5, we have now made all the corresponding data used in the analysis of the manuscript available without restriction.

4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

Reviewer #1: Yes

5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Many thanks for the opportunity to review this manuscript. It is an important contribution to medical cannabis literature, however I have some suggestions which could improve its quality.

Response: Thank you for your positive assessment and particularly for your detailed comments below. We appreciate your time and dedication in providing comments, all of which have helped to substantially improve the paper.

Major Issues


1. I am unfortunately not clear whether only the inclusion criteria were those who had completed 2 years’ worth of treatment or those who had initially enrolled at least 2 years prior to analysis. This is a key point to provide to assess whether reduction in numbers at follow up is secondary to attrition or whether it is due to participant compliance with completing the questionnaires.

Response: We agree that the sample selection and overall inclusion criteria for this study were less well described in the original submission. This difficulty relates to our approach to include all patients without bias to (i) showcase the outcomes, particularly for patients with up to 2 years of data, from a “continuous accumulating registry with approximately 120-150 new enrolments every month (or approximately 1800 new enrolments per year” (as stated in the manuscript), while (ii) also reducing potential concerns regarding selection bias by incorporating all available patient data where possible. Nonetheless, we have now clarified and emphasised the nature of the continuous enrolment by changing the methodology paragraph to the following:

“This study reviews the use of medical cannabis for more than 2 years, in the largest cohort review of oral MC to date. Note that the AECeR is a continuous ongoing enrolment registry, with the number of patients commencing treatment and being tracked across follow-ups increasing over the sample period from December 2018 to April 2022. This means that there are fewer patient baseline data at earlier time points than more recent time points, as the number of enrolled patients increased. Importantly, retention rates were maintained at nearly 70% at 12 months. Patients who attended the national Emerald Clinics Network and were enrolled in the registry between December 2018 to April 2022 are all included in this analysis.”

2. Table 1 – Are the percentages provided as a proportion of active ingredients. Percentages are also used to represent concentrations in mg/ml. For category 5 this would be equivalent to 980mg/ml with this terminology. Please just make clearer.

Response: This is a great point, and upon reviewing the respective section and table, we now see what we believe caused the confusion: The percentages and ranges displayed in Table 1 are based on those provided by the TGA to categorise products in terms of the relative concentrations of CBD and THC of the total cannabinoid content of the medicine. These are not related to the number of mg/ml, but rather used in a way to “group” the products of individual pharmaceutical companies with typically varying mg/ml and total volume dispensing. For example, a “CBD-only” product may contain 100mg/ml CBD (i.e., at least 98mg/ml CBD and 2mg/ml from other cannabinoids including THC). Further, a “Balanced” category 3 product could contain 10mg THC/10mg CBD per ml, whereas the actual volume dispensed for said product may be between 25 and 100ml. Conversely, another MC oil could contain 25mgTHC/25mg CBD per ml. In both instances, the product would fall within the category 3 “Balanced” descriptor of between 40-60% THC and 40-60% CBD. At this point, it may be useful to also highlight that Fig. 1 plots the daily doses in mg/day for the average patient in our cohort. Moreover, the median daily total dose of THC was 10mg concomitant with 22.5mg of CBD. Nevertheless, for clarity we have now included the following statement in the manuscript:

“MC products in Australia are grouped by the TGA into five categories based on the proportion of CBD content (or THC, in the case of THC-dominant and THC only categories) compared with the total cannabinoid content rather than total milligrams (mg) per volume. Table 1 provides an overview of the different MC categories by percentage. Note that throughout our analysis, we convert the total dose values to daily oral dosages of THC and CBD in mg/day to facilitate readability.”

3. How are you measuring severity of adverse events?

Response: This comment as well as comment #4 below are valuable suggestions, and we have now added the following paragraph to the “Description of the validated questionnaires presented” section for clarity:

“In addition to the validated questionnaires, clinicians also collected information on all adverse events reported by patients at each visit. Adverse event terminology was described by the patient and coded retrospectively using MedDra terminology. [29] All adverse events were graded as mild (not causing discomfort, no intervention or change to prescribed dose/product required), moderate (can cause discomfort, intervention and/or change to prescribed dose/product required), severe (causing severe discomfort, cessation of prescribed product required) or serious (medical emergency, life threatening, disabling, causing hospitalisation or death). Clinicians used medical judgement to determine if the adverse event was likely, possibly, unlikely or not at all related to the prescribed medicinal cannabis product. All adverse events classified as “likely” or “possibly” related to the prescribed product are considered to be Treatment Related Adverse Events (TRAEs).”

4. How are you determining what is a treatment-related adverse event compared to non-treatment related adverse events? I understand from the results this is deemed by the treating doctor, but what criteria do they use to determine this or is it just a decision based on their intuition? Also please make sure this is reported in your methods, rather than results.

Response: As included above (comment #3), the clarifying paragraph has been amended.


1. You mention that there were some patients who had non-prescribed/recreational cannabinoids (0.01%), it would be interesting for you to reconcile this with the drug screen. Were these just non-prescription CBD products?

Response: We agree that this result should carefully be assessed with regards to one of the key exclusion criteria for undertaking MC treatment (as highlighted in the methods section). The exclusion critera was for presence of urinary THC from any source at baseline except on compassionate grounds such as metastic cancer or motor neurone disease. We have modified that particular sentence as follows:

“Note that the level of non-prescribed or recreational cannabinoids was low (0.7%), further highlighting not only the continued prohibition of RC in Australia but also the key inclusion requirement of returning a THC-negative urinary result before commencing treatment (with the only exception being under compassionate grounds, which corresponds to an exceedingly small number of patients to date, i.e., 3).”

2. You need to report the p values of the data, it is not sufficient to just say the results were significant

Response: This is an important point which we did not emphasised sufficiently enough in our initial version, particularly beyond simply referring to Table 6. We have now followed your recommendations and amended the text to reinforce that the respective p-values for each of the outcomes were indeed 0.001. On this note, we would also like to draw your attention to the figures reported throughout the manuscript which all display 95 percent confidence intervals, further highlighting the statistical relevance of our main results.

3. There is no such thing as ‘highly significant’ it is significant or non-significant

Response: Thank you, we have replaced “highly significant” with “significant at a p-value of 0.001”.

4. Please can you explain how the medication number increases at 24 months?

Response: This is also an interesting question that we had not addressed in our initial version in the discussion. We have now included one possible reason, found in the data, that may explain this finding:

“The average number of concomitant medications over time initially significantly decreased but by 2 years was not significantly lower. This may be because the cohort of patients who remain in treatment after 2 years, have initially a higher average number of medications (7.55: 95%CI 7.12-7.99) as well as throughout the intervention. In a separate analysis (data not shown), once we account for differences in initial medication use the previously insignificant comparison to the 24 months follow-up window shows a significantly (p-value 0.001) lower number of average concomitant medications at 2 years.”


1. It is important to place your results in the context of wider literature. This is the major limitation of this write up at present. Whilst I appreciate this is the largest analysis of its kind, it is important to compare these findings to those identified from other observational studies and randomised controlled trials with respect to the outcomes you sought to analyse.

Response: Thank you for your assessment regarding the paper’s motivation and writing, which we took to heart and carefully pursued to address by revisiting the surrounding literature. From this exercise, we believe that the paragraph in the discussion encapsulates the context of the wider literature, referencing 9 similar observational studies. This reviews a wide literature list for respective outcomes from studies with shorter timeframes or mixed cannabis delivery doses and ratios and we believe that further comparisons are unlikely to add any further insight. We have avoided referring to systematic reviews, as these tend to conflate recreational and medicinal cannabis literature. Finally, and to the best of our knowledge, from a thorough review of the literature, there appear to be no comparable observational trials with oral GMP-grade medicinal cannabis oils (ie not inhaled recreational or medicinal cannabis) of a comparable cohort size or length of time.

Paragraph regarding literature context:

“Previous smaller studies have demonstrated improvements in patient reported outcomes over shorter periods of time and with mixed cannabis delivery systems including inhaled and oromucosal medications [7, 22], and for specific clinical conditions in pain [23, 24], anxiety [25,26], cancer [27,28], and sleep [29]. This is the first comprehensive analysis of this magnitude and length of time for oral MC daily dosages prescribed in a cannabis naïve cohort.”

Minor Issues


1. You switch between real world evidence, Real World Evidence and real-world evidence. Please make sure consistent.

Response: Thank you for also providing useful feedback on not only this minor issue, but also those listed below, which we have strived to address and correct (such as, in this case). Note that, given the largely straight-forward nature of the comments that follow, from here on out we will simply respond with “Corrected”, unless of course we thought a more detailed response was warranted.


1. Title incorrectly contains the word ‘oral’ twice on submission portal

Response: Corrected.


1. P2L28-80: Missing ‘were included in this analysis’ or an equivalent change to the sentence for it to make sense

Response: We have now incorporated the suggested change, with the sentence reading as follows:

“3,961 patients (mean age 56.07 years [SD 19.08], 51.0% female) with multimorbidity (mean diagnoses 5.14 [SD 4.08]). and polypharmacy (mean 6.26 medications [SD 4.61]) were included in this analysis.”

2. P2L32-34: This sentence doesn’t quite make sense. You can’t determine severity of adverse events by the type of adverse event, only by graded severity by a CTCAE or equivalent, similar for dose-related. You have the total number of adverse events, and their severity why don’t insert here the proportion of overall adverse events that were mild?

Response: Thank you for this interesting suggestion, which we have now included in the following sentences:

“37.3% experienced treatment related adverse events. These were graded mild (67%), moderate (31%), severe (2%, n=23) and two (0.1%) serious adverse events.”

3. P2L34 Report % for serious adverse events

Response: Corrected.

4. P2L35 Remove the term ‘highly’, results are either significant or not significant

Response: Corrected.

5. P2L36-38 The acronyms need introducing the introduction

Response: This is a valid point, and in fact, in an earlier version of the manuscript we introduced all terms in full in the introduction portion of the abstract. However, due to brevity (and more importantly, word count) we reluctantly reserved the main description of these acronyms for the methods section instead.

6. P3L40: Report p value please

Response: Corrected.

7. P3L42: Remove term ‘highly’ as above

Response: Corrected.


1. P4L52-55: I am not aware of any Australian specific data – however there is data from other jurisdictions that suggests that there is still recreational/illicit cannabis use amongst individuals with MC prescriptions. Therefore would suggest providing citation to back up statement with respect to Australia or amendment to statement that is less definitive that there is no conflation from recreational cannabis.

Response: We agree that this statement was likely too definitive, and has now been amended as follows:

“The continuing proscription of RC, and initial cannabis negative urinary screen of our cohort at baseline, provides a unique environment to evaluate oral MC where efficacy and safety can be assessed by Real World Data (RWD), with likely less conflation of privately consumed unregulated and indeterminate dosed RC or inhaled MC.”

a. Of note the fact that you have to complete urinary drug screening to take part in the registry is more suggestive of this fact

Response: Corrected (see also response to comment above).

2. P4L48: More recent data is available on medical cannabis prescribing in Australia suggesting in excess of 150,000 SAS-B approvals have been issued

Response: We agree with this statement regarding the total number of SAS-B approvals for MC prescriptions; however, in this instance our manuscript was actually referring to the estimated number of “active” on-going users of medicinal cannabis – as highlighted within the associated reference [i.e., Report H2 2021 | Medicinal Cannabis Industry in Australia (] – and not the number of SAS-B approvals for prescription.

a. MacPhail SL, Bedoya-Pérez MA, Cohen R, Kotsirilos V, McGregor IS, Cairns EA. Medicinal cannabis prescribing in Australia: an analysis of trends over the first five years. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2022;13.

Response: Following on from the previous response, it is worth noting that the data used in the paper mentioned above (MacPhail 2022) only includes SAS-B prescriptions from January 2020. Nearly 50% of prescriptions in Australia for medicinal cannabis are derived from the TGA Authorised prescriber pathway which are not included in the SAS-B pathway. Further, in our setting, the data used in the manuscript includes patients who have been taking medicinal cannabis since December 2018.

3. P4L63-65: You don’t use ODC, S4 or S8 again in manuscript so suggest removal for clarity

Response: Thank you. Corrected.

4. P4L64-65: Repetition that CBD is a schedule 4 product.

Response: Thank you for pointing out this slight oversight. The respective paragraph now reads:

“THC is a 'Controlled Drug' under Schedule 8 of the Poisons Standard. CBD products are Schedule 4 and must be prescribed by a registered medical practitioner and contain at least 98% CBD and 2% or less of other minor cannabinoids including THC”

5. P4L71: Please change RCT to RCTs

Response: Corrected.

6. P4L71: You have already introduced RWD as an acronym earlier in introduction – can just use.

Response: Corrected.

7. P5L88/89: The term oral MCs doesn’t quite make sense as using the acronym is like saying oral medicinal cannabises, would keep as oral MC or oral MC products.

Response: Corrected.


1. There is switching throughout of the past and present tense, please make sure to keep consistent throughout.

Response: Corrected. Thank you. The switching confusion relates to the difference between the description of the AECeR, which is an ongoing continuing contemporary registry of patients (present tense), and the cohort for analysis which is described in the past tense in the analysis. Apologies for the confusion and this has been made consistent in the past tense throughout.

2. P6L112-114: Please make clear that listed contraindications are reasons to not prescribe medical cannabis, and this is why they were excluded, rather than these patients otherwise being prescribed medical cannabis but their data just not being captured by the registry.

Response: We agree that the original description may have come across as less clear and have amended the corresponding statement as follows:

“Presence of urinary-THC was an exclusion for AECeR except in compassionate use (e.g., palliative care). Moreover, pregnancy and breast feeding, serious cardiac disease, and serious mental health conditions (including past history of psychosis and suicidality) were all precluded from any prescriptions of oral MC and thus, were also omitted.”

3. P10L178: You have put the citation in a different position here compared to rest of document. Just need to make sure consistent throughout.

Response: Corrected

4. P10L186-P11L207: Would move this section to beginning of methods section after L114

Response: Corrected.

5. P11L196: Please outline what your independent advice was?

Response: As regarding our ethics statement (comment#3) independent advice was provided by Professor Nik Zeps inaugural Group Director of Research for Epworth HealthCare, to ensure that it met all ethical standards.

6. P11L196: Missing full stop at end of paragraph.

Response: Corrected.

7. P12L219: How did you decide your data was parametric

Response: This is another key question that may have been less clearly pointed out in our initial version of the manuscript. In particular, analysis does not assume that our data were following any certain distribution (such as a non-skewed, normal one) or displaying the same variability/dispersion between groups, which in our case would be between baseline and follow-up. Instead, our main approach, for both the sample selection as well as the analysis, was to examine data which incorporated all observations on patients where available. To this end, and in line with the literature when N 30 and the normal assumption can be dropped, our analysis moved to the conventional strategy of employing a two-sided t-test framework.

8. P12L219: Should use paired t-tests if you are comparing same patients data against baseline

Response: We fully agree that the standard approach when comparing before and after data of the same individuals is to perform a paired t-tests. However, because we included all available observations on patients where possible, this was not possible (as not every patient was observed in each follow-up window and the continuing enrolment registry means that the cohort in each time window were not the same individuals). Thus, we employed a two sample t-test instead. Nevertheless, we have also conducted separate analysis (available upon request), where we restricted the sample to patients with full information from baseline to 24 months after commencing oral MC, thereby permitting us to perform a paired t-test. Notably, the corresponding results remained significant and consistent with our main findings in the paper.

9. P12L221: Should be p0.05, and also throughout all results, not just tables and figures

Response: Corrected.


1. You switch between the number of decimal places you report to throughout – please make sure you are consistent throughout

Response: Corrected.

2. P13L232-233: Please avoid comparison with other studies in your results, this should be in the discussion

Response: Corrected.

3. P15L244-255: Please report raw figures

Response: Corrected.

6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: Yes: Simon Erridge

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers 14102022.docx

Decision Letter 1

Vijayaprakash Suppiah

2 Nov 2022

A large Australian longitudinal cohort registry demonstrates sustained safety and efficacy of oral medicinal cannabis for at least two years


Dear Dr. Vickery,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

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Kind regards,

Vijayaprakash Suppiah, PhD

Academic Editor


Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

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Reviewer #1: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

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Reviewer #1: Many thanks for the kind opportunity to re-review this manuscript and taking on board previous feedback.

I am happy to recommend this study for publication as a result without further suggested amendments.


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Reviewer #1: Yes: Simon Erridge


Acceptance letter

Vijayaprakash Suppiah

9 Nov 2022


A large Australian longitudinal cohort registry demonstrates sustained safety and efficacy of oral medicinal cannabis for at least two years

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