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. 2022 Nov 23;17(11):e0277419. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0277419

Estimating the economic burden of typhoid in children and adults in Blantyre, Malawi: A costing cohort study

Fumbani Limani 1, Christopher Smith 1, Richard Wachepa 1, Hlulose Chafuwa 1, James Meiring 1, Patrick Noah 2, Pratiksha Patel 1, Priyanka D Patel 1, Frédéric Debellut 3, Clint Pecenka 3, Melita A Gordon 1,4, Naor Bar-Zeev 1,5,*
Editor: Tai-Heng Chen6
PMCID: PMC9683590  PMID: 36417455



Typhoid causes preventable death and disease. The World Health Organization recommends Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine for endemic countries, but introduction decisions depend on cost-effectiveness. We estimated household and healthcare economic burdens of typhoid in Blantyre, Malawi.


In a prospective cohort of culture-confirmed typhoid cases at two primary- and a referral-level health facility, we collected direct medical, non-medical costs (2020 U.S. dollars) to healthcare provider, plus indirect costs to households.


From July 2019-March 2020, of 109 cases, 63 (58%) were <15 years old, 44 (40%) were inpatients. Mean hospitalization length was 7.7 days (SD 4.1). For inpatients, mean total household and provider costs were $93.85 (95%CI: 68.87–118.84) and $296.52 (95%CI: 225.79–367.25), respectively. For outpatients, these costs were $19.05 (95%CI: 4.38–33.71) and $39.65 (95%CI: 33.93–45.39), respectively. Household costs were due mainly to direct non-medical and indirect costs, medical care was free. Catastrophic illness cost, defined as cost >40% of non-food monthly household expenditure, occurred in 48 (44%) households.


Typhoid can be economically catastrophic for families, despite accessible free medical care. Typhoid is costly for government healthcare provision. These data make an economic case for TCV introduction in Malawi and the region and will be used to derive vaccine cost-effectiveness.


Typhoid is caused by a Gram-negative bacillus, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi [1]. It is estimated that over 9 million people worldwide contracted typhoid in 2019, of whom over 110,000 died [27]. Typhoid is common in low- and middle-income countries [5,6]. In 2019, Malawi experienced an estimated 6,639 cases, 115 deaths, and 8,787 disability-adjusted life-years lost to typhoid [2]. A recent surveillance study in Blantyre, Malawi estimates an incidence per 100,000 person-years of 477 (95% credible interval: 372–770) [8]. With the global advent of multidrug-resistant typhoid [9,10], typhoid is becoming more challenging to treat, especially in low-income countries that often have reduced access to blood culture diagnostics or second-line therapeutics. The burden of typhoid can be lessened by improved water and sanitation and, importantly, also by vaccination [7]. In randomized, controlled vaccine trials in Nepal and in Malawi, a single dose of typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV) had 81.6% (95%CI 58.8, 91.8) and 80.7% (64.2, 89.6) efficacy in preventing typhoid bacteraemia in children, respectively [11,12].

In April 2018, the World Health Organization recommended the introduction of TCV in typhoid-endemic countries [13]. Malawi currently plans to introduce TCV in late 2022 as a single dose at 9 months of age with a catch-up campaign for children aged 9 months to 15 years. Vaccine introduction requires investment and poses opportunity costs. Determining the cost-effectiveness of TCV is essential for appropriate investment, introduction, and evaluation. A key component of cost-effectiveness evaluation is the cost of typhoid episodes from the perspectives of the government healthcare provider and of households. Several typhoid cost of illness studies have been conducted in Asia, but there are few cost of illness data from Africa apart from a costing study of 17 typhoid cases in Tanzania [14,15]. We conducted a prospective facility-based costing cohort study to estimate the cost of illness among children and adults with laboratory-confirmed typhoid presenting to primary healthcare and referral-level government facilities in Blantyre, Malawi.


Study site, population, and design

Malawi is a low-income country with free primary and referral-level government-provided healthcare, including cost of drugs, laboratory tests and procedures, staff, and lodging for admitted patients. We recruited participants from three government health facilities that have established blood culture surveillance capacity: Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH), the largest hospital in Malawi and the only government hospital for Blantyre district’s 1.3 million population, with inpatient bed capacity of 1200 and extensive outpatient care services [16]; Ndirande Health Centre, the largest of Blantyre’s 32 health centers; and Zingwangwa Health Centre, a moderately sized urban primary health center [17].

Children and adults presenting to the three sites with reported fever ≥72 hours or objective fever ≥38.5°C on presentation had blood drawn for bacterial culture in accordance with existing surveillance guidelines [17]. Patients with laboratory-confirmed typhoid were invited to participate in the study. Patients who usually resided outside Blantyre district, who were unable to provide written informed consent, who were admitted to another hospital for at least 24 hours before presentation to the study site, and who had a terminal illness (e.g., cancer) were not eligible to participate.

Data collection

Electronic data capture by trained research nurses and fieldworkers occurred over a total of 3 interviews. Interviews took place at recruitment facilities (with care to ensure privacy and confidentiality, and with daily chart review until discharge for admitted patients) and at days 30 and 90 at participants’ homes to gather information on post-discharge ongoing illness-related expenditures and to assess housing quality and amenities. Data validation and data cleaning were done in real time throughout the data collection period. Identifiable data were not recorded on the electronic case reporting forms. Data were stored on secure, ethics committee restricted-access-approved servers, in compliance with data management guidelines of the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme.

Household costs

Direct medical, direct non-medical, and indirect costs incurred by the individual from symptom onset of the current typhoid illness were collected. Direct medical costs comprised the sum of all expenditures from symptom onset to full convalescence for all consultations, drugs, and investigations. Direct non-medical costs included transportation to and from the health facility and subsistence for the patient, parent (or family member acting as full-time hospital care-attendant), and family visitors. Indirect costs included the parent’s self-reported income lost while taking care of child participants, or self-reported lost earning of individual adult participants. Information was gathered for the duration of illness, from symptom onset to full convalescence and included pre-facility healthcare seeking visits, the visit to the recruiting facility, and the post-facility period.

Healthcare provider costs

The cost of staff managing admitted patients was calculated per bed day based on the overall total daily salary of all staff cadres serving each hospital ward to which participants were admitted. Costs included staff covering all shifts per 24-hour period, divided by beds per ward, and then multiplied by the length of a participant’s hospital stay in a given ward for admitted participants. Hotel costs such as food, laundry, electricity, water, and security were based on actual hospital expenditures per bed multiplied by individual length of stay. Unit costs associated with each hotel cost were collected from the QECH hospital administrator using direct itemized costing of actual expenditures. Drug doses dispensed and their formulation were recorded on a daily basis. All drugs and medical supplies used in government health facilities are purchased from Malawi Central Medical Stores Trust with an itemized pricelist. Laboratory investigation costs were calculated by multiplying the unit cost of laboratory tests by the type and number of such investigations performed in individual participants.

Household socioeconomic survey

Household economic surveys were conducted during follow-up home visits. Information on monthly income by source, itemized monthly expenditure, housing quality, amenities, and owned fixed assets were collected.

Sample size and analysis

Using the number of confirmed typhoid cases in Blantyre in the previous years, we anticipated to recruit at least 200 laboratory-confirmed typhoid cases. This would have provided capacity across a range of plausible mean costs to estimate mean cost to within a margin of error of ± 10%. Data were analyzed using Stata version 17.1. Participant characteristics were summarized with proportions and means with standard deviations as appropriate. Household and healthcare provider costs collected in Malawi Kwacha are presented in 2020 US dollars based on Reserve Bank of Malawi mid-exchange rate as of March 2020 and reported as mean with 95% confidence bounds. No a priori hypothesis testing was planned. Complete case analysis was done, we did not impute data for missing follow-up visits. Prior to analysis, data were examined visually for outliers, these were confirmed against clinical status (e.g. intensive care admission is more costly) and other related expenditures in each case to ensure erroneous terminal 0’s did not skew data by an order of magnitude.


All adult participants (18 years and older) and parents/guardians of participating children provided written informed consent. Participating children aged 8 years or older provided written informed assent. Ethical approval was obtained from the University of Malawi College of Medicine Research Ethics Committee (Protocol P.03/18/2372) and by the Institutional Review Boards of Johns Hopkins University (Protocol 8895) and PATH (Protocol 1199169–3).



Between 1st July 2019 and 20th March 2020, 109 cases of laboratory-confirmed typhoid were recruited (Table 1). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, recruitment of new participants stopped on advice of the Sponsor and relevant Institutional Review Boards on 29th March 2020. We switched from face-to-face interviews to phone-call interviews to minimize potential coronavirus exposure to our participants and study staff. All participants were alive at day 30. Ninety-six participants (88%) were contactable at day 90, the remainder were lost to follow-up. The mean age for all study participants was 14 years (standard deviation (SD) 11.6) with 58% younger than 15 years. Females constituted 49.5% of the cohort, but among admitted adult inpatients there was a male preponderance (16/23, 69.6%). Sixty percent of participants were managed as outpatients, while for admitted inpatients, mean length of stay was 7.7 (SD 4.1) days. One adult and one child were admitted to intensive care. The adult was admitted for inotropic support following laparotomy. Another child was admitted to a high dependency unit and received oxygen support. One child had concurrent severe acute malnutrition and was managed in a specialised nutritional care unit. All patients survived, and no long-term sequelae were observed.

Table 1. Participant characteristics.

Inpatients Outpatients
N 21 42
Mean age in years (SD) 6.6 (4.1) 7.0 (3.7)
Male (%) 10 (47.6) 20 (47.6)
Informant: parent 18 (85.7) 40 (95.2)
Mother deceased 0 1
Maternal highest education
No formal education 2 (9.5) 6 (14.3)
Primary school 8 (38.1) 15 (35.7)
Secondary school 11 (52.4) 20 (47.6)
Tertiary education 0 1 (2.4)
Father deceased 1 1
Paternal highest education
No formal education 2 (9.5) 5 (11.9)
Primary school 5 (23.8) 13 (31.0)
Secondary school 13 (61.9) 19 (45.2)
Tertiary education 1 (4.76) 5 (11.9)
Mean number of persons in household (SD) 5.2 (1.4) 4.9 (2.0)
Mean number of persons per room (SD) 2.6 (0.9) 2.9 (1.3)
Mean days of hospital stay (SD) 6.1 (3.9) NA
Mean total household monthly income* (SD) 120.46 (67.15) 88.07 (59.39)
Mean total household monthly expenditure* (SD) 44.98 (30.79) 73.25 (62.93)
N 23 23
Age 23.6 (7.2) 28.6 (10.4)
Male 16 (69.6) 9 (39.1)
Informant: self 18 (78.3) 21 (91.3)
Mean number of persons in household (SD) 5.4 (2.5) 4.6 (1.5)
Mean number of persons per room (SD) 2.5 (0.9) 2.4 (1.1)
Mean days of hospital stay (SD) 6.5 (3.0) NA
Mean total household monthly income* (SD) 141.83 (119.18) 100.75 (90.18)
Mean total household monthly expenditure* (SD) 65.63 (58.02) 64.22 (40.19)

*2020 US dollars.

Household costs

Despite mean household membership of 5.0 (SD 1.9) persons, 27 (24.8%) participants were living in houses with one sleeping room and only two participants (1.8%) were living in houses with four sleeping rooms. Mean (95% confidence bounds) monthly household income and expenditure was $107.83 (90.66, 125.01) and $63.85 (52.98, 74.73), respectively. Mean monthly household income per household member was $23.71 (19.62, 27.81) or equivalently $0.78 (0.64, 0.91) per person per day. In 27 (24.8%) households, monthly expenditure exceeded income (Table 1). Mean total household illness costs for inpatients and for outpatients respectively were $93.85 (68.87, 118.84) and $19.05 (4.38, 33.71). Mean direct medical costs for households were $2.21 (1.04, 3.38) for inpatients and $1.13 (0.48, 1.78) for outpatients. Direct non-medical costs for inpatients and outpatients respectively were $36.97 (27.41, 46.53) and $1.12 (0.54, 1.70). Self-reported indirect costs were widely variant, but were respectively $57.47 (33.52, 81.42) and $21.34 (3.26, 39.42) (Table 2).

Table 2. Mean (95% confidence bounds) household and healthcare provider costs (2020 US dollars).

Household costs Inpatients Outpatients
Direct medical costs 2.36 (0.38, 4.35) 1.11 (0.36, 1.85)
Direct non-medical costs 28.09 (19.48, 36.70) 1.13 (0.32, 1.93)
Indirect costs 47.00 (20.00, 74.00) 28.14 (0, 58.50)
Direct medical costs 2.07 (0.61, 3.54) 1.17 (0, 2.47)
Direct non-medical costs 45.08 (28.53, 61.62) 1.11 (0.32, 1.91)
Indirect costs 66.52 (26.63, 106.40) 11.63 (0.69, 22.57)
Healthcare provider costs
Hotel 13.91 (8.39, 19.42) 0.03 (0.02, 0.04)
Drug 20.04 (6.60, 33.47) 0.23 (0.08, 0.37)
Staff 81.60 (49.68, 113.52) 2.69 (1.54, 3.84)
Investigations 118.50 (74.01, 162.99) 36.96 (30.26, 43.66)
Total 230.15 (160.93, 299.38) 40.71 (33.24, 48.19)
Hotel 11.80 (9.58, 14.02) 0.02 (0.02, 0.02)
Drug 52.83 (26.48, 79.19) 0.23 (0.07, 0.38)
Staff 86.37 (33.22, 139.52) 2.02 (0.93, 3.12)
Investigations 208.87 (142.24, 275.50) 34.98 (25.83, 44.14)
Total 359.87 (238.44, 481.30) 37.77 (28.41, 47.13)

Direct medical costs accounted for 9.2%, direct non-medical for 50.8%, and indirect costs for 41.9% of total household losses. Despite available free healthcare, in 48 (44.0%) households, total costs of illness exceeded 40% of reported monthly non-food expenditure, a metric of catastrophic costs [18]. Further, in 17 (15.6%) households, illness costs exceeded total monthly income (Fig 1). Ratio of mean total illness household costs to mean total monthly household income was 1.2 (1.7) and 0.3 (0.7) for inpatients and outpatients, respectively.

Fig 1. Total household illness costs vs total monthly household income in 2020 US dollars.

Fig 1

Healthcare provider

Overall mean (95% confidence bounds) cost of inpatient healthcare was $296.52 (225.79, 367.25), but was substantially higher for adult than for child inpatients (Table 2). The drivers of mean costs of inpatients for the healthcare provider in decreasing order were laboratory investigations $164.73, staffing $84.10, drugs $36.82 and hotel costs $12.83. Mean cost of outpatient healthcare was $39.67 (33.96, 45.39). Mean and median costs differed because of several outliers with complicated disease, two requiring critical care admission, one with small bowel perforation, and one with obtundation and suspected meningitis.

Sensitivity analyses

Participants reported illness-associated work time lost in addition to reporting illness-associated income loss. We recalculated loss of income by multiplying reported household income by reported time lost off work. Using this method, indirect costs were $62.71 (32.81, 92.61) for inpatients and $45.06 (15.78, 74.34) for outpatients, in both cases higher than self-reported losses. Separately, we used World Bank estimates for annual gross domestic product per capita for Malawi of $440.50 to derive daily loss and multiplied this by reported days worktime lost. Using this method, monthly income per person was $31.67 and loss of income for inpatients and outpatients was $14.97 (10.99, 18.94) and $12.18 (5.53, 18.81), respectively.


We have quantified the costs of typhoid for adult and child inpatients and outpatients in urban Malawi, a low-income country with high typhoid burden [19,20]. The age range of cases, with median age 15, closely resembles other reported sequential case series, indicating that our case-mix is representative [10]. Despite high uptake of Malawi’s free government-provided healthcare being evidenced in the reported low direct medical costs for households, illness still resulted in substantial direct non-medical costs and income loss that were catastrophic for a large proportion of households. For outpatients, indirect costs due to loss of income were substantial. For inpatients, both direct non-medical costs and indirect costs were drivers of total cost. In a study of cholera in southern Malawi, indirect costs were also major drivers of total household costs [21] with many households consequently falling into debt.

In Malawi, household surplus savings are uncommon, and expenditure is dependent upon recent income [22,23]. Few families have the financial buffer to absorb catastrophic costs of illness. In our cohort, most participants reported reducing expenses, using savings, and incurring debt to cover typhoid illness costs. Borrowing money has economic consequences on households. Families may fall into debt, forgo basic necessities such as education for their children, or consume fewer meals a day [24]. Malawi has made major investments in making free primary healthcare accessible to the vast majority of the population, as is reflected in direct non-medical costs for outpatients. Yet for typhoid severe enough to require hospital admission, direct non-medical costs remain high. Loss of income is high even for outpatients, as was also evident in the only other typhoid costing study in East Africa from Pemba, Tanzania [15]. In Jakarta, Indonesia, the mean household cost of an outpatient was 23% of monthly income and exceeded monthly income in all hospitalized patients [14]. Our findings were similar. This economic burden occurring in the face of widely accessible free health infrastructure that provides appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic care argues for the potential value of introduction of typhoid prevention measures such as vaccination with typhoid conjugate vaccines. By preventing illness and hospitalization and their associated costs, typhoid vaccination would protect households from impoverishment and help ensure societal productivity.

From a healthcare provider perspective, the cost to the Malawian government is substantial for typhoid. On a per-episode basis, the cost of typhoid exceeds the costs of other–admittedly more common–childhood illnesses we have studied in the same context [25,26]. Hospital investigations were major contributors, in part driven by blood culture costs, and these latter investigations may not be ubiquitously available where suspected (yet unconfirmed) typhoid cases occur. Health system planners may wish to consider diagnostic costs as mitigating potential future complication costs among those in whom disease is missed and undertreated. These findings differ from those seen in India, China, and Indonesia, where staff cost was higher [14]. This may be due to higher pay and greater staff-to-patient ratios in those contexts compared to Malawi. The highest costs were incurred for inpatients with severe disease, an outcome not uncommon in Malawi’s context [27]. Although few such outlying cases may occur, they contribute to the overall cost burden and should be planned for in facility budgeting.

Although noted post hoc, we observed a higher representation of males among hospitalized inpatients (Table 1). We hazard to conjecture but by design cannot prove, that this could represent possible delay in presentation to health care centers among male breadwinners, leading to increased severity at presentation that warrants admission. This requires qualitative confirmation but is consistent with past reports of male preponderance in admission and in fatality in our setting. If correct, it serves to highlight further the complex bidirectional interplay between illness and impoverishment [28]. Care seeking is rationally delayed if perceptions of financial loss are borne out.

Our study stopped recruitment prematurely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This means our cost estimates are less precise than we had planned, though the overall cost drivers were consistent among the participants we recruited. Despite early stopping, our recruited sample size is of similar magnitude to that of many other costing studies [14,15]. We did not value school days lost due to typhoid illness in a study population whose majority were school-going children. We relied on self-reported income and expenditure and note that income was about 75% of Malawi’s reported gross national income per person. This could be because persons with foodborne illness represent a poorer sector of the population, or the discrepancy may arise from complex reporting or respondent biases or expectations among our participants. Study staff were well trained, mindful of the sensitive nature of financial questioning and issues around accuracy, and therefore probed carefully. Self-reported losses were somewhat lower than the loss we calculated based on income days lost, suggesting reporting bias if present was modest. In a cash economy such as Malawi, confirming through observed receipts or bank statement audits is all but impossible.

A study examining the cost of typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV) introduction is currently underway in Malawi. Together with the impressive efficacy demonstrated by recent vaccine trials, our findings will help quantify TCV cost-effectiveness. When health funding is limited, planners must spend available funds wisely and choose among competing needs. Investment in prevention of infectious diseases through vaccination is not only an inherent good, but also provides other benefits beyond immediate disease prevention to families and society writ large. Such benefits include prevention of impoverishment and prevention of lost schooling and education, though these additional benefits, or indeed indirect effects through mitigation of community carriage, are not commonly incorporated into evaluation of total value of vaccines. Typhoid is uncommon in wealthy countries, even in absence of vaccination. Through harnessing economic development, vaccination may well usher in benefits well beyond disease prevention.


We thank participants and their families. We thank our study nurses and field officers, clinic staff, and MLW support staff. We thank the Typhoid Vaccine Acceleration Consortium (TyVAC), a partnership between the Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the Oxford Vaccine Group at the University of Oxford, and PATH, an international non-profit.

Data Availability

The dataset is available by contacting the data archivist of the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme (MLW). The data reside on the MLW Data Portal here:, and are accessible with appropriate ethical approval and in compliance with Data Sharing Policy of the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme.

Funding Statement

This work was supported by a grant from PATH, as part of the Typhoid Vaccine Acceleration Consortium (TyVAC). TyVAC is a partnership between the Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the Oxford Vaccine Group at the University of Oxford, and PATH, an international non-profit. TyVAC is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1151153). There was no additional external funding received for this study.


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Tai-Heng Chen

30 Aug 2022

PONE-D-22-03057Estimating the economic burden of typhoid in children and adults in Blantyre, Malawi: a costing cohort studyPLOS ONE

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Partly


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Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

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Reviewer #1: Very clearly written. One small issue is the use of the word catastrophic as this is a contentious one in WHO used by health financing team as well as TB department. Can the timeframe of one month income lost be catastrophic?

Reviewer #2: The paper is written and explained in a very professional scientific style to be understood in a very simple way.

The article covers an important topic of Typhoid burden in Malawi. Many families suffer from catastrophic economic impact normally described as ‘out of pocket expenditure’ in spite of free medical care provided. This is due the direct medical and non-medical and indirect costs incurred on the typhoid illness at household and healthcare provider’s level.

Line 81-82 - “Several typhoid cost of illness studies have been conducted in Asia”, this literature review part of introduction may include the few costs related data from such studies to enlighten the present study significance and requirement for such estimates. Though discussed later in discussion parts.

Line 147- How the Sample size of 200 laboratory confirmed typhoid cases arrived at based on last years confirmed cases? Then sampling technique used to recruit participants or all reported laboratory confirmed cases included.

Line 155 – Ethics part may add how the privacy, confidentiality of data including validity ,missed, outliers data etc. were managed.

Results –

Line 164 – “Between 1st July 2019 and 20th March 2020, 109 cases of laboratory-confirmed typhoid were

165 recruited (Table 1).” However, Table 1 – N reflects 21 inpatients and 42 outpatients. The number of outpatients visits to healthcare settings is not clear.

Typhoid mortality was nil in recruited participants but how many participants develop complications of typhoid.

Discussion –

Line 300 – Since WHO has already recommended use of single dose of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine at 9 months of age this part should highlight probable estimates how much costs /out of pocket expenditure on typhoid disease may be reduced if Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine is included in routine immunisation program of Malawi. The international cost of single dose typhoid conjugate vaccine may also be included to make audience aware.

Typhoid carrier state in community, an epidemiological dangerous aspect may also figure in discussion part which will also be prevented ,cutting further the economic burden of typhoid disease.


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Reviewer #1: Yes: Andrew Siroka

Reviewer #2: Yes: Prof. Dr. Neeraj Bedi


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PLoS One. 2022 Nov 23;17(11):e0277419. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0277419.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

20 Sep 2022

Sept 16, 2022

Dear Editor Tai-Heng Chen and editorial team,

Re: PONE-D-22-03057

Estimating the economic burden of typhoid in children and adults in Blantyre, Malawi: a costing cohort study

Herewith our response to Journal editorial requirements and to Reviewer’s comments. We address each in turn. We would be happy to revert with any further changes that are required, and in particular seek guidance on the question of the Competing Interests as outlined in the relevant sections below.

Many thanks

Naor Bar-Zeev on behalf of all authors.

Journal Requirements:

When submitting your revision, we need you to address these additional requirements.

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>>> Author’s response:

We have follow revised the manuscript to meet PLOS ONE’s style requirements.

2. Thank you for stating in your Funding Statement:

“This work was supported by a grant from PATH Seattle ( to NBZ, as part of the Typhoid Vaccine Acceleration Consortium (TyVAC). TyVAC is a partnership between the Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the Oxford Vaccine Group at the University of Oxford, and PATH, an international non-profit. TyVAC is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ( (OPP1151153). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.”

Please provide an amended statement that declares *all* the funding or sources of support (whether external or internal to your organization) received during this study, as detailed online in our guide for authors at Please also include the statement “There was no additional external funding received for this study.” in your updated Funding Statement.

Please include your amended Funding Statement within your cover letter. We will change the online submission form on your behalf.

>>> Authors’ response:

We have provided *all* sources of funding and support. We have added the sentence “There was no additional external funding received for this study.”

3. Thank you for stating the following in the Competing Interests section:

“I have read the journal's policy and the authors of this manuscript have the following competing interests: NBZ is in receipt of research grants from Johnson & Johnson and the Serum Institute of India for work outside of Malawi entirely unrelated to this manuscript. Other authors declare that no competing interests exist.”

We note that one or more of the authors are employed by a commercial company: Johnson & Johnson and the Serum Institute of India

>>> Authors’ response:

This is not correct. No author is employed by these or any pharmaceutical company. NBZ is in receipt of research grants to Johns Hopkins University from Johnson & Johnson and from the Serum Institute of India, in both cases as co-investigator, for separate work occurring outside Malawi and entirely unrelated to this manuscript. We have rephrased Competing Interests section as follows: “NBZ is co-investigator on research grants to Johns Hopkins University from Serum Institute of India and from Johnson & Johnson, both outside this work.”

a. Please provide an amended Funding Statement declaring this commercial affiliation, as well as a statement regarding the Role of Funders in your study. If the funding organization did not play a role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript and only provided financial support in the form of authors' salaries and/or research materials, please review your statements relating to the author contributions, and ensure you have specifically and accurately indicated the role(s) that these authors had in your study. You can update author roles in the Author Contributions section of the online submission form.

>>> Authors’ response:

NBZ was a co-investigator on research grants to his university from the mentioned entities. He did not and does not have any commercial affiliation with any funder. This is not a correct representation of the relationship. I would ask the editor for advice on the correct framing of this issue please.

Please also include the following statement within your amended Funding Statement.

“The funder provided support in the form of salaries for authors [insert relevant initials], but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of these authors are articulated in the ‘author contributions’ section.”

>>> Authors’ response:

NBZ was co-investigator on research grants to his university, he was not in receipt of salary from these funders. It is incorrect to state the latter in the Funding Statement. We have not amended the Funding Statement, and seek editorial guidance on this issue given our clarification as to the nature of the relationship.

If your commercial affiliation did play a role in your study, please state and explain this role within your updated Funding Statement.

b. Please also provide an updated Competing Interests Statement declaring this commercial affiliation along with any other relevant declarations relating to employment, consultancy, patents, products in development, or marketed products, etc.

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Please include both an updated Funding Statement and Competing Interests Statement in your cover letter. We will change the online submission form on your behalf.

>>> Authors’ response:

As mentioned above, this was not a commercial affiliation, and it would be incorrect to state that it was. We have disclosed all the funding sources during the life of the study for full disclosure. But we would ask that the nature of the funding be correctly described.

4. Your ethics statement should only appear in the Methods section of your manuscript. If your ethics statement is written in any section besides the Methods, please delete it from any other section.

>>> Authors’ response:

Ethics statement is in Methods section.

5. Please review your reference list to ensure that it is complete and correct. If you have cited papers that have been retracted, please include the rationale for doing so in the manuscript text, or remove these references and replace them with relevant current references. Any changes to the reference list should be mentioned in the rebuttal letter that accompanies your revised manuscript. If you need to cite a retracted article, indicate the article’s retracted status in the References list and also include a citation and full reference for the retraction notice.

>>> Authors’ response:

Reference list is complete and correct.

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Partly

>>> Authors’ response:

Thank you. Since no further details are given by Reviewer #2 we are uncertain how to address this concern.


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1:

“Very clearly written.”

>>> Authors’ response:

Thank you.

“One small issue is the use of the word catastrophic as this is a contentious one in WHO used by health financing team as well as TB department.”

>>> Authors’ response:

The question of definition of ‘catastrophic costs’ and the ability to distinguish poverty affects from health expenditure effects is a fecund area of ongoing research and discussion. We acknowledge this, and understand that nomenclature may be applied differently by different users. See for example the exchange between Suzanne Duryea of the Inter-American Development Bank and Ke Xu of the WHO in Health Affairs Nov/Dec 2007 ( We have used the “the more standard definition” (quoting Xu, op cit.) which has validity across settings, and we have provided the reference to our definition. The reference we used is also used by important studies in Bangladesh, in Vietnam and the Mekong Delta Subregion, and in multi-country evaluations, respectively:

JAM Khan, S Ahmed, TG Evans. Catastrophic healthcare expenditure and poverty related to out-of-pocket payments for healthcare in Bangladesh-an estimation of financial risk protection of universal health coverage. Health Policy Plan. 2017 Oct 1;32(8):1102-1110.

S Ahmed, S Szabo, K Nilsen. Catastrophic healthcare expenditure and impoverishment in tropical deltas: evidence from the Mekong Delta region Int J Equity Health. 2018 Apr 27;17(1):53.

K Xu, DB Evans, K Kawabata, R Zeramdini, J Klavus, CJL Murray. Household catastrophic health expenditure: a multicountry analysis. Lancet . 2003 Jul 12;362(9378):111-7.

Readers of interest are welcome to consider the relative merits of various alternative definitions, to extend our academic understanding and more pointedly to optimize mitigating actions on this important issue.

“Can the timeframe of one month income lost be catastrophic?”

>>> Authors’ response:

We are not entirely clear as to the Reviewer’s intention here. “One month income lost” does not refer to a timeframe, but to an amount of money lost, which is at least as much as a household’s reported total monthly income under normal circumstances. Though we note that this is not the standard definition of catastrophic costs that we use, we do highlight the comparison of healthcare costs to income in Figure 1, and by scaling the line of unity we show costs greater than a month total household income. Formal definitions notwithstanding, if the reviewer is asking informally whether in our view a month income loss can be devastating to already impoverished families in Malawi, who have no savings buffer and for whom expenditure on that day’s food so often depends on daily income earned, then the answer is a resounding yes. We briefly discuss this on line 244. Certainly anecdotally we can attest to families going with less or no food, let alone school fees, shoes or spectacles, because of emergency health related costs to family members. Such repeated costs contribute to rates of anthropometric stunting in Malawi, and many other economic and health effects. We also note in the Discussion (line 254) that in Indonesia inpatient costs also exceeded monthly income.

Reviewer #2: “The paper is written and explained in a very professional scientific style to be understood in a very simple way. The article covers an important topic of Typhoid burden in Malawi. Many families suffer from catastrophic economic impact normally described as ‘out of pocket expenditure’ in spite of free medical care provided. This is due the direct medical and non-medical and indirect costs incurred on the typhoid illness at household and healthcare provider’s level.”

>>> Authors’ response:

Thank you. Regarding the Reviewer’s phrase “catastrophic economic impact normally described as ‘out of pocket expenditure’” we would like to clarify that out of pocket expenditure is only categorized as catastrophic when it meets the formal definition. Not every out of pocket cost is catastrophic.

“Line 81-82 - “Several typhoid cost of illness studies have been conducted in Asia”, this literature review part of introduction may include the few costs related data from such studies to enlighten the present study significance and requirement for such estimates. Though discussed later in discussion parts.”

>>> Authors’ response:

Thank you. As the reviewer notes, there are several studies in Asia. We reference Poulos C, Riewpaiboon A, Stewart JF et al since it covers five countries (China, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and Vietnam), though there are others we have not referenced. We specifically did not report on the actual cost of illness data in these studies because studies in Asia have less relevance to African settings, the economies and the health systems are rather different, and one should generalize with caution from one setting to the other. The study from Tanzania was very small, we discuss it descriptively but are cautious of drawing any inference from its specific cost findings.

Line 147- How the Sample size of 200 laboratory confirmed typhoid cases arrived at based on last years confirmed cases? Then sampling technique used to recruit participants or all reported laboratory confirmed cases included.

>>> Authors’ response:

This was the anticipated case burden, it was not a formal a priori sample size calculation aiming to achieve pre-specified statistical power. We aimed to recruit every case, and estimated how many such cases would occur on the basis of past disease burden observed. There was no sampling technique, since we recruited all hospital presenting laboratory confirmed cases, we did not recruit a sample of the cases but recruited all the cases.

Line 155 – Ethics part may add how the privacy, confidentiality of data including validity ,missed, outliers data etc. were managed.

>>> Authors’ response:

Thank you for these important points. We have now addressed the Reviewer’s comments, but for the sake of flow of the manuscript we did not add to the Ethics section, but instead:

• To the section Data collection we have added: “Interviews took place at recruitment facilities (with care to ensure privacy and confidentiality…)” and also added: “Data validation and data cleaning were done in real time throughout the data collection period. Identifiable data were not recorded on the electronic case reporting forms. Data were stored on secure, ethics committee restricted-access-approved servers, in compliance with data management guidelines of the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme.”

• To the section on Sample Size and analysis we have added: “Complete case analysis was done, we did not impute data for missing follow-up visits. Prior to analysis, data were examined visually for outliers, these were confirmed against clinical status (e.g. intensive care admission is more costly) and other related expenditures in each case to ensure erroneous terminal 0’s did not skew data by an order of magnitude.”

Results –

Line 164 – “Between 1st July 2019 and 20th March 2020, 109 cases of laboratory-confirmed typhoid were

recruited (Table 1).” However, Table 1 – N reflects 21 inpatients and 42 outpatients. The number of outpatients visits to healthcare settings is not clear.

>>> Authors’ response:

Table 1 reports separately children and adults as outpatients and inpatients. The Table shows clearly among children 21 inpatients and 42 outpatients, and among adults 23 inpatients and 23 outpatients, thus grand total 109 cases.

Typhoid mortality was nil in recruited participants but how many participants develop complications of typhoid.

>>> Authors’ response:

We have amended Results Participants section and now state: “One adult and one child were admitted to intensive care. The adult was admitted for inotropic support following laparotomy for repair of small bowel perforation. Another child was admitted to a high dependency unit and received oxygen support. One child had concurrent severe acute malnutrition and was managed in a specialised nutritional care unit. All patients survived, and no long-term sequelae were observed.”

Discussion –

Line 300 – Since WHO has already recommended use of single dose of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine at 9 months of age this part should highlight probable estimates how much costs /out of pocket expenditure on typhoid disease may be reduced if Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine is included in routine immunisation program of Malawi. The international cost of single dose typhoid conjugate vaccine may also be included to make audience aware.

>>> Authors’ response:

We agree with the Reviewer that cost of vaccine delivery and overall cost-effectiveness are very important for policy decision making. However, these are beyond the scope of this manuscript which is a cost of illness study. Separate studies are underway regarding cost of vaccine delivery in the Malawian context (as we mention in the Discussion, line 308), as well as work estimating cost-effectiveness, which depends on vaccine efficacy, cost of delivery and cost of illness. It is this latter element that is the subject matter of this manuscript.

Typhoid carrier state in community, an epidemiological dangerous aspect may also figure in discussion part which will also be prevented ,cutting further the economic burden of typhoid disease.

>>> Authors’ response:

Thank you. Again we do agree with the Reviewer’s insightful comments regarding possible vaccine impact on carriage and therefore indirect vaccine effects, which would serve to further increase overall population impact and cost-effectiveness. Though this is well beyond our manuscript for two reasons. First, we did not conduct a cross-sectional survey of pathogen carriage in stool samples from well persons in the community. This is a big undertaken, though may certainly be of value. Second, evaluating indirect effects is rarely incorporated into calculations of value of vaccines, though we wholeheartedly agree that reliable methods for incorporating indirect effects and downstream effects should be standardized and included in total economic evaluation of vaccines. The field of vaccine economics is moving in that direction, but these developments are well outside the scope of this manuscript. We have however added to the Discussion the following on line 315: “Such benefits include prevention of impoverishment and prevention of lost schooling and education, though these additional benefits, or indeed indirect effects through mitigation of community carriage, are not commonly incorporated into evaluation of total value of vaccines.”




Submitted filename: TyCOi_reponse_to_reviewers_220916.docx

Decision Letter 1

Tai-Heng Chen

27 Oct 2022

Estimating the economic burden of typhoid in children and adults in Blantyre, Malawi: a costing cohort study


Dear Dr. Bar-Zeev,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Tai-Heng Chen, M.D.

Academic Editor


Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Tai-Heng Chen

15 Nov 2022


Estimating the economic burden of typhoid in children and adults in Blantyre, Malawi: a costing cohort study

Dear Dr. Bar-Zeev:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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Dr. Tai-Heng Chen

Academic Editor


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    Submitted filename: TyCOi_reponse_to_reviewers_220916.docx

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    The dataset is available by contacting the data archivist of the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme (MLW). The data reside on the MLW Data Portal here:, and are accessible with appropriate ethical approval and in compliance with Data Sharing Policy of the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme.

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