Blood lactate levels and swimming time. (a) Blood lactate levels collected at resting and 2 min after performing the exhaustive swimming test. (b) Swimming time. AIN-93M: group not submitted to ET that received a standard diet; AIN-93M ET: group submitted to the exhaustion test that received a standard diet; WPC + CCM: group not submitted to ET that received curcumin-added whey protein concentrate; WPC + CCM ET: group submitted to the exhaustion test that received curcumin-added whey protein concentrate; CCM: group not submitted to ET that received curcumin; CCM ET: group submitted to the exhaustion test that received curcumin; ET: exhaustion test. * indicates significant differences within the same treatment group (before ET × after ET), according to the t-test (p < 0.05). According to ANOVA, different lowercase letters (a,b) indicate significant mean differences among the groups, followed by the Newman–Keuls test, at 5% probability. Same lowercase letters indicate that there was no significant mean difference among the groups. Data expressed as mean ± standard deviation.