This article has been corrected: The authors replaced the “CXCR4shRNA (#1)/24h” image of the OVCA420 tumor cells used in the transwell invasion assay illustrated in Figure 3A. That image partially overlapped the “CXCR4shRNA (#1)/48h” image due to accidental mislabeling. Replacement was done using a representative image from the “CXCR4shRNA (#1)/24h” group from the original set of experiments.
The authors also corrected Figure 5E (SKOV3 cell invasion induced by CXCR4 overexpression, upper panel), where the control “Scramble” group image of SKOV3 cells was a duplication of the “Scramble” image in Figure 3G. The authors reused the same image because the cells used in Figures 3G (48-hour SKOV3 Scramble group) and 5E (48-hour SKOV3 Scramble group) were from the same batch of experiments. To avoid misinterpretation, the authors have replaced the “Scramble” image in Figure 5E (upper panel) with a representative image from the 48-hour SKOV3 Scramble group from the original set of experiments.
These alterations do not affect the results or conclusions drawn in this work.
Corrected Figures 3 and 5 are presented below.