The author list should read as follows:
Vincent Francis1, Walaa Alshafie1, Rahul Kumar1, Martine Girard1, Eric Krochmalnek1, Bernard Brais1, Peter S. McPherson2
The author contributions should read as follows:
Author contributions - V. F., B. B., and P. S. M. conceptualization; V. F. and P. S. M. methodology; V. F. and P. S. M. writing–original draft; V. F., W. A., R. K., and M. G. visualization; V. F., W. A., R. K., M. G. and E.K. investigation; V. F., W. A., R. K., and M. G. validation; B. B. and P. S. M. supervision; V. F. and P. S. M. writing–review and editing; R. K. software; V. F. and P. S. M. data curation.
VOLUME 298 (2022) 102320