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. 2022 Mar 19;90(2):459–483. doi: 10.1007/s00032-022-00349-y

Lagrangian Fibrations

D Huybrechts 1, M Mauri 2,
PMCID: PMC9708819  PMID: 36466319


We review the theory of Lagrangian fibrations of hyperkähler manifolds as initiated by Matsushita. We also discuss more recent work of Shen–Yin and Harder–Li–Shen–Yin. Occasionally, we give alternative arguments and complement the discussion by additional observations.

Assume f:XB is a Lagrangian fibration of a compact hyperkähler manifold X of complex dimension 2n, and π:XΔ is a type III degeneration of compact hyperkähler manifolds of complex dimension 2n. Then the cohomology algebra of Pn appears naturally in (at least) four different guises:

  • (i)
    As the cohomology algebra of (0, p) resp. (p, 0)-forms (both independent of f):
  • (ii)
    As the cohomology of the base of the fibration:1
  • (iii)
    As the image of the restriction to the generic fiber Xt of f:
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  • (iv)
    As the cohomology of the dual complex D(X0) of the central fiber X0 of π:

In this survey we discuss these four situations and explain how they are related. We start by reviewing basic results on Lagrangian fibrations in Sect. 1, discuss the topology of the base and the restriction to the fiber in Sect. 2, and then explain in Sect. 3 how the various occurrences of Pn are related, by sketching the proof of a key identity called P = W.

Throughout, X denotes a compact hyperkähler manifold of complex dimension 2n. A fibration of X is a surjective morphism Inline graphic with connected fibers onto a normal variety B with 0<dim(B)<2n. A submanifold TX of dimension n is Lagrangian if the restriction σ|TH0(T,ΩT2) of the holomorphic two-form σH0(X,ΩX2) is zero.

Basics on Lagrangian Fibrations

We first discuss Lagrangian submanifolds and in particular Lagrangian tori. Then we study the cohomology and the singularities of the base B. Next we show that the fibers, smooth ones as well as singular ones, of any fibration are Lagrangian and conclude that fibrations of hyperkähler manifolds over a smooth base are flat.

At the end, we mention further results and directions without proof: Matshushita’s description of the higher direct image sheaves RifOX, Beauville’s question whether Lagrangian tori are always Lagrangian fibers, smoothness of the base, etc.

Lagrangian Tori

We start with some general comments on Lagrangian manifolds and more specifically on Lagrangian tori.

Proposition 1.1

(Voisin) Any Lagrangian submanifold TX of a hyperkähler manifold X is projective. In particular,  any Lagrangian torus is an abelian variety.


We follow the proof as presented in [11]. Since the restriction of any Kähler class on X to T is non-trivial, the restriction Inline graphic is a non-trivial morphism of Hodge structures. On the other hand, as T is Lagrangian, all classes in H2,0(X)H0,2(X) have trivial restrictions. Hence, the image of Inline graphic is contained in H1,1(T,R). More precisely, the images of Inline graphic and of Inline graphic coincide. Therefore, for any Kähler class ωH1,1(X,R) there exists a rational class αH2(X,Q) such that the (1, 1)-class α|T comes arbitrarily close to the Kähler class ω|T. Thus, α|T is a rational Kähler class and, hence, T is projective.

Remark 1.2

The normal bundle of a Lagrangian submanifold TX is isomorphic to the cotangent bundle of T, so NT/XΩT. Hence, the (1, 1)-part of the restriction map Inline graphic can be identified with the natural map Inline graphic that sends a first order deformation of X to the obstruction to deform T sideways with it, see [69]:

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Clearly, as T is Lagrangian, the map Inline graphic is trivial, see the proof above. Since the restriction of a Kähler class is again Kähler, Inline graphic is certainly not trivial. Thus, TX deforms with X along a subset of codimension at least one. For smooth fibers of a Lagrangian fibration, so eventually Sect. 1.5.2 for all Lagrangian tori, the rank of the restriction map and hence the codimension of the image Inline graphic is exactly one.2

Proposition 1.3

Assume TX is a Lagrangian torus. Then the restrictions ci(X)|TH2i(T,R) of the Chern classes ci(X)H2i(X,R) are trivial.


The normal bundle sequence allows one to compute the restriction of the total Chern class of X to T. More precisely, c(TX)|T=c(TT)·c(NT/X). To conclude, use NT/XΩT and the fact that the tangent bundle of a torus is trivial.

Remark 1.4

(i) In the case when TX is the fiber of a Lagrangian fibration Inline graphic, as it always is, see Sect. 1.5.2, the restriction of the Beauville–Bogomolov–Fujiki form, thought of as a class q~H4(X,Q), is also trivial:


There does not seem to be a direct proof of this fact. However, using that the rank of the restriction map Inline graphic is one, see Theorem 2.1, it can be shown as follows. The classes q~ and c2 in H4(X,Q) both have the distinguished property that the homogenous forms Xq~·β2n-2 and c2(X)·β2n-2 defined on H2(X,Z) are non-trivial scalar multiples of q(β)n-1 and, therefore, of each other.3 If [T]H2n(X,Z) is the class of a fiber f-1(t), then up to scaling [T]=fαn for some αH2(B,Q). Hence, for a Kähler class ω on X we find (up to a non-trivial scalar factor)


Since ω|T0 and Inline graphic is generated by ω|T, this proves the claim.

(ii) For other types of Lagrangian submanifolds, the restrictions of the Chern classes of X are not trivial. For example, for a Lagrangian plane P2X one easily computes P2c2(X)|P2=15.

As remarked before, the normal bundle of a Lagrangian torus is trivial. The next observation can be seen as a converse, it applies in particular to the smooth fibers of any fibration Inline graphic.

Lemma 1.5

Assume TX is Lagrangian submanifold with trivial normal bundle. Then T is a complex torus and,  therefore,  an abelian variety.


Since T is Lagrangian, the tangent bundle TTNT/X is trivial. Using the Albanese morphism, one easily proves that any compact Kähler manifold with trivial tangent bundle is a complex torus.

The Base of a Fibration

We pass on to (Lagrangian) fibrations.

Proposition 1.6

(Matsushita) Assume Inline graphic is a fibration with B smooth. Then B is a simply connected,  smooth projective variety of dimension n satisfying Hp,0(B)=H0,p(B)=0 for all p>0 and H2(B,Q)Q. In particular, 



The smoothness of B implies that the pull-back Inline graphic is injective; see Remark 1.14. Next, as α2n=0 for any class αH2(B,R), we have (fα)2n=0 and, therefore, q(fα)=0. By [9, 68], this implies (fα)n+1=0 and hence αn+1=0, which implies dim(B)n. On the other hand, again by [9, 68], (fα)n0 for every nonzero class αH2(B,R) from which we deduce ndim(B).

If αHp,0(B), then fα is a non-trivial multiple of some power of σ. Hence, α=0 if p is odd. If p=2, then fα=λ·σ and, hence, fαn=λn·σn. Since σn0 and H2n,0(B)=0, one finds λ=0. A similar argument can be made to work for all even p and an alternative argument is provided by Theorem 2.1.

Next we show H2(B,Q)Q. Using [9, 68], we have


On the other hand, the image of SnfH2(B,Q) is contained in fH2n(B,Q) which is just one-dimensional.4

Since X is Kähler, so is B, see [67]. Using H2,0(B)=H0,2(B)=0, we can conclude that there exists a rational Kähler class on B. Hence, B is projective. According to [42, Prop. 2.10.2], the natural map Inline graphic is surjective and, therefore, B is simply connected, as X is.5 Then, by the universal coefficient theorem, H2(B,Z) is torsion-free, i.e. H2(B,Z)Z. Since H1,0(B)=H2,0(B)=0, the exponential sequence gives Inline graphic.

Remark 1.7

In fact, as we shall see, Hp,q(B)=0 for all pq and Hp,p(B)Hp,p(Pn), i.e. there is an isomorphism of rational Hodge structures


There are two proofs of this fact, both eventually relying on the isomorphism H(X,OX)H(Pn,C). It seems that unlike H2(B,Q)Q, which was proved above by exploiting the structure of the subring of SH2(X,Q)H(X,Q), the proof of the identities Hk(B,Q)Hk(Pn,Q) for k>2 uses deeper information about the hyperkähler structure.

  • (i)
    The first proof for B smooth and X projective was given by Matsushita [51], as a consequence of the isomorphisms RifOXΩBi, see Sect. 1.5.1. Combining this isomorphism with the splitting RfOXRifOX[-i], see [41], one finds
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    which proves the claim.6
  • (ii)

    Another one, which also works for singular B and non-projective X, was given in [66] and roughly relies on the fact that H(B,C) can be deformed into H(X,OX), see Sect. 2.2.

Lemma 1.8

(Markushevich, Matsushita) Under the above assumptions,  B is a Fano variety,  i.e. ωB is ample.


Since B is dominated by X, we have kod(B)0 by the known case of the Iitaka conjecture; see [36, Cor. 1.2]. Hence, ωBOB or ωB is ample. However, the first case is excluded by Hn,0(B)=0.

In [32, Prop. 24.8] the assertion is deduced from the fact that X admits a Kähler–Einstein metric. The case ωBOB is excluded, because it would imply Hn,0(B)0, which was excluded above.

Remark 1.9

It turns out that as soon as the base B is smooth, then BPn. This result is due to Hwang [34] and its proof relies on the theory of minimal rational tangents. The results by Matsushita and more recently by Shen and Yin, see Remark 1.7 and Sect. 2, can be seen as strong evidence for the result. In dimension two, the result is immediate: Any smooth projective surface B with ωB ample and H2(B,Q)Q is isomorphic to P2.

It is tempting to try to find a more direct argument in higher dimension, but all attempts have failed so far. For example, according to Hirzebruch–Kodaira [29] it suffices to show that H(B,Z)H(Pn,Z) such that the first Chern class of a line bundle L corresponding to a generator of H2(B,Z) satisfies h0(B,Lk)=h0(Pn,O(k)), see [47] for a survey of further results in this direction.

Alternatively, by Kobayashi–Ochai [39], it is enough to show that ωB is divisible by n+1, i.e. the Fano manifold B has index n+1. As a first step, one could try to show that fωB is divisible by n+1.

Singularities of the Base

It is generally expected that the base manifold B is smooth, but at the moment this is only known for n2, see [7, 35, 61]. The expectation is corroborated by the following computations of invariants of the singularities of B.

Denote by IH(B,Q) the intersection cohomology of the complex variety B with middle perversity and rational coefficients. It is the hypercohomology of the intersection cohomology complex ICB, i.e. IH(B,Q)=H(B,ICB). In particular, if B is smooth or has quotient singularities, see [24, Prop. 3], then IH(B,Q)=H(B,Q).

Proposition 1.10

Assume Inline graphic is a fibration over the complex variety B.

  • (i)

    B is Q-factorial, 7 both in the Zariski and in the analytic topology.

  • (ii)

    The intersection cohomology complex ICB of B is quasi-isomorphic to the constant sheaf QB. In particular,  IH(B,Q)=H(B,Q).

  • (iii)

    (Matsushita) B has log terminal singularities.


For (i) and (ii) one only needs that Inline graphic is a connected and equidimensional morphism from a smooth variety X, while in the proof of (iii) one also needs ωX trivial.

For any tB, choose a chart Inline graphic, centered at x, and the analytic subset S:=φ-1(Λ), where ΛC2n is an n-dimensional affine subspace intersecting the fiber φ(f-1(t)) transversely. Since f is equidimensional, the restriction Inline graphic is finite over an analytic neighbourhood U of t. Therefore, U is Q-factorial by [38, Lem. 5.16].

Denote S:=Sf-1(U). By the decomposition theorem [4].8ICU is a direct summand of R(f|S)QS. Taking stalks at t, we have


because of the finiteness of f|S. Thus, the natural map Inline graphic is a quasi-isomorphism in the constructible derived category Dcb(B) with rational coefficients.

By the canonical bundle formula, there exists a Q-divisor ΔB such that the pair (B,Δ) is log terminal; see [43, Thm. 8.3.7.(4)] and [56, Thm. 2]. By the Q-factoriality, B has log terminal singularities too.

Remark 1.11

(Quotient singularities) The finiteness of the restriction Inline graphic over b suggests that B should have at worst quotient singularities. This would follow from the following conjecture.

Conjecture 1.12

[44, §2.24] Let Inline graphic be a finite and dominant morphism from a smooth variety X onto a normal variety Y. Then Y has quotient singularities.

This is known for n=2 by [10, Lem. 2.6], but it is open in higher dimension. One of the main issue is that f itself need not be a quotient map, not even locally.

Corollary 1.13

The pullback Inline graphic is injective.


By Proposition 1.10 this follows from the inclusion Inline graphic coming from the decomposition theorem.

Remark 1.14

Let Inline graphic be a surjective holomorphic map between compact complex manifolds, with M Kähler. By [70, Lem. 7.28], the pullback Inline graphic is injective. However, this may fail if N is singular, e.g. if f is a normalization of a nodal cubic, even if N has Q-factorial log terminal singularities, see for instance [52, Thm. 5.11].

Remark 1.15

Assume that B is projective. By Corollary 1.13, the smoothness of B can be dropped from the assumptions of Proposition 1.6 and Lemma 1.8, see also [50].

The Fibers of a Fibration

Next we present Matsushita’s result that any fibration of a compact hyperkähler manifold is a Lagrangian fibration.

Lemma 1.16

(Matsushita) Assume Inline graphic is a fibration. Then every smooth fiber T:=XtX is a Lagrangian torus and in fact an abelian variety.


Comparing the coefficients of xn-2yn in the polynomial (in x and y) the equation


shows X(σσ¯)ωn-2f(αn)=0 for all ωH2(X,R) and all αH2(B,R). Since [T]=f(αn) for some class α, this implies F(σσ¯)|Tωn-2|T=0, which for a Kähler class ω and using that σσ¯ is semi-positive implies σ|T=0. Then conclude by Lemma 1.5.

Lemma 1.17

(Matsushita) The symplectic form σH2,0(X) is trivial when restricted to any subvariety TX contracted to a point t under f. In particular,  all fibers of f are of dimension n,  i.e. f is equidimensional,  and if B is smooth,  f is flat.


A theorem due to Kollár [40, Thm. 2.1] and Saito [63, Thm. 2.3, Rem. 2.9.] says that R2fωX is torsion free. Since in our case ωXOX, this shows that R2fOX is torsion free. Let σ¯H2(X,OX) be the conjugate of the symplectic form, and ρ be its image in H0(B,R2fOX). Since the general fiber is Lagrangian, ρ must be torsion and hence zero. If Inline graphic is a resolution of T, then the image of σ¯ in H2(T~,OT~) is contained in the image of

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and hence trivial. This implies that the image of σ in H0(T~,ΩT~2) is trivial, i.e. σ|T=0. By semi-continuity of the dimension of the fibers, dimTn, and so T is Lagrangian.

The flatness follows from the smoothness of X and B, see [25, Exer. III.10.9].

Remark 1.18

Note that the conclusion that f is flat really needs the base to be smooth. In fact, by miracle flatness, f is flat if and only if B is smooth.

Further Results

We summarize a few further results without proof.

Higher Direct Images

The first one is the main result of [51].

Theorem 1.19

(Matsushita) Assume Inline graphic is a fibration of a projective9 hyperkähler manifold over a smooth base. Then


On the open subset BB over which Inline graphic is smooth, the result can be obtained by dualising the isomorphism


which holds because the smooth fibers of f are Lagrangian. A relative polarization is used to show that R1fOX and fΩX/B1 are dual to each other. To extend the result from B to the whole B, Theorem 1.19 uses a result of Kollár [40, Thm. 2.1] saying that RifωX are torsion free, which for X hyperkähler translates into RifOX being torsion free.

As mentioned in Remark 1.7, the theorem implies H(B,Q)H(Pn,Q).

Lagrangian Tori are Lagrangian Fibers

In [6] Beauville asked whether every Lagrangian torus TX is the fiber of a Lagrangian fibration Inline graphic. The question has been answered affirmatively:

  • (i)

    Greb–Lehn–Rollenske in [20] first dealt with the case of non-projective X and later showed in [21] the existence of an almost10 holomorphic Lagrangian fibration in dimension four.

  • (ii)

    A different approach to the existence of an almost holomorphic Lagrangian fibration with T as a fiber was provided by Amerik–Campana [1]. The four-dimensional case had been discussed before by Amerik [2].

  • (iii)

    Hwang–Weiss [33] deal with the projective case and proved the existence of an almost Lagrangian fibration with fiber T. Combined with techniques of [20] this resulted in a complete answer.

Cohomology of the Base and Cohomology of the Fiber

The aim of this section is to prove the following result.

Theorem 2.1

Assume Inline graphic is a fibration and let Xt be a smooth fiber. Then

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The first isomorphism for X projective and B smooth is originally due to Matsushita [51], see Remark 1.7. The proof we give here is a version of the one by Shen and Yin [66] that works without assuming X projective. Note also that we do not assume that the base B is smooth.

The second isomorphism in degree two is essentially due to Oguiso [60], relying on results of Voisin [69]. The paper by Shen and Yin [66] contains two proofs of the general result, one using the sl2-representation theory of the perverse filtration and another one, due to Voisin, relying on classical Hodge theory.

The proof we shall give avoids the perverse filtration as well as the various sl2×sl2-actions central for the arguments in [66]. The discussion below also proves the second result in [66, Thm. 0.2], namely the equality


between the classical and perverse Hodge numbers, see Sect. 2.3. How it fits into the setting of P = W is explained in Sect. 3.

Algebraic Preparations

To stress the purely algebraic nature of what follows we shall use the shorthand H:=H(X,C) and consider it as a graded C-algebra.

Consider a non-trivial, isotropic element β of degree two, i.e. 0βH2 with q(β)=0. Then, according to Verbitsky and Bogomolov [9, 68], one has


In particular, multiplication by β defines on H the structure of a graded C[x]/(xn+1)-algebra with x of degree two.

All that is needed in the geometric applications is then put into the following statement.

Proposition 2.2

For every two non-zero,  isotropic elements β,βH2, the induced graded C[x]/(xn+1)-algebra structures on H are isomorphic.


Consider the complex algebraic group of automorphisms Aut(H) of the graded C-algebra H and its image G under Inline graphic. Clearly, the assertion holds if β,βH2 are contained in the same G-orbit. As any two non-zero isotropic classes β,β are contained in the same orbit of the complex special orthogonal group SO(H2,q), it suffices to show that SO(H2,q)G. This follows from [65, Prop. 3.4], up to taking complex coefficients in loc. cit.

Remark 2.3

The arguments can be adapted to prove the following statement: Assume β,βH2 satisfy q(β)=q(β)0. Then the induced graded C[x]/(x2n+1)-algebra structures on H, given by letting x act by multiplication with β resp. β, are isomorphic.

For 0βH2 with q(β)=0 and dn we let

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which is called the space of β-primitive forms. Note, however, that β does not satisfy the Hard Lefschetz theorem; otherwise we would have defined primitive classes in Hd as elements in the kernel of β2n-d+1.

We will also need the two spaces

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It turns out that the map in the definition of P0 is injective, but this is not needed for the argument. Note that P0HdKer(βn)Hd for all d>0.

Corollary 2.4

The dimensions of the spaces P0Hd and P¯0Hd are independent of the choice of the non-trivial,  isotropic class βH2.

Geometric Realizations

Let us begin by looking at the obvious choice for β provided by the symplectic form σH0(X,ΩX2)H2(X,C).

Lemma 2.5

For β=σ one has





Concerning the first equality, one inclusion is obvious: Since H0(X,OX)=H0(X,C)=Hσ-pr0, we have H0(X,ΩXd)=C·σd/2P0Hd for d even and H0(X,ΩXd)=0 for d odd. For the other direction, use that Inline graphic, for pn, is an isomorphism and that, therefore, for q>0 the composition

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is injective. Hence, for dn, we have σn-d+1 is injective, i.e. Hp,q(X)Hσ-prd=0 for q>0, which is enough to conclude.

For the second part observe that Ker(σn)Hp,q(X)=p>0Hp,q(X).

As an immediate consequence of Corollary 2.4 one then finds.

Corollary 2.6

For any non-trivial,  isotropic class βH2 there exist isomorphisms


of graded vector spaces.

Next let us consider a Lagrangian fibration Inline graphic. We consider the class β:=fα, which is isotropic since αn+1=0 for dimension reasons.

Lemma 2.7

For β=fα there exists an inclusion



The assertion follows from the Lefschetz decomposition


on B, with respect to the unique ample class αH2(B,Q), see [13, Thm. 2.2.3.(c)], and the observation that pull-back via f maps IHd-2i(B,C)pr into Hβ-prd-2i.

Corollary 2.4 then immediately implies


see Remark 1.7, which proves the first part of Theorem 2.1.

We keep the isotropic class β=fα and observe that the natural inclusion

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is actually an isomorphism.

Lemma 2.8

(Voisin) Let β=fα be as before and let XtX be a smooth fiber of f. Then

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The result is proved in [66, App. B]. The assertion is shown to be equivalent to the statement that the intersection pairing on the fiber is non-degenerate on the image of the restriction map, which in turn is deduced from Deligne’s global invariant cycle theorem.

From the result one obtains a surjection

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Since P¯0HH(Pn,C) by Corollary 2.6, its image in H(Xt,C) is the subring generated by the restriction of a Kähler class. Hence, π is an isomorphism, which proves the second isomorphism in Theorem 2.1. However, it is easier to argue directly, as the equality holds in Lemma 2.8 by (2.3).

Perverse = Hodge

As in Sect. 2.1, we consider the abstract algebraic situation provided by H:=H(X,C) and the additional structure induced by the choice of a non-zero isotropic class βH2. The two spaces P0Hd and P¯0Hd defined there, both depending on β, are part of a filtration


where P0Hd is as defined before and P¯0Hd=Hd/Pd-1Hd.

In general, one defines

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If we want to stress the dependence of β, we write PkβHd. The graded objects of this filtration


in particular GrdHd=P¯0Hd, are used to define the Hodge numbers of the filtration as


As a further consequence of Proposition 2.2, one has

Corollary 2.9

The Hodge numbers Phi,j of the filtration PiH are independent of the choice of the isotropic class βH2.

Let us quickly apply this to two geometric examples.

  • (i)
    First, consider β=σ¯H2(X,OX)H0,2(X)H2(X,C), the anti-holomorphic symplectic form. Then the filtration gives back the Hodge filtration, i.e.
    To see this, one needs to use the Lefschetz decomposition with respect to σ¯:
    Note that from this example one can deduce that indeed for any choice of β one has PkβHd=0 for k<0 and PkβHd=Hd for kd.
  • (ii)

    For the second example consider a Lagrangian fibration Inline graphic and let β be the pull–back of an ample class αH2(B,Q). The induced filtration is called the perverse filtration11 and the Hodge numbers are denoted by phi,j(X).

Then [66, Thm. 0.2] becomes the following immediate consequence of Proposition 2.2 or Corollary 2.9.

Corollary 2.10

(Shen–Yin) For any Lagrangian fibration Inline graphic the Hodge numbers of the perverse filtration equal the classical Hodge numbers : 


= W

P = W for compact hyperkähler manifolds asserts that the perverse filtration associated with a Lagrangian fibration can be realised as the weight filtration of a limit mixed Hodge structure of a degeneration of compact hyperkäher manifolds. It boils down to the observation that the cup product by a semiample not big class and a logarithmic monodromy operator define nilpotent endomorphisms in cohomology which are not equal, but up to renumbering induce the same filtration.

Inspired by P = W, we provide some geometric explanation or conjecture concerning the appearance of the cohomology of Pn in the introduction and in Theorem 2.1.

The Weight Filtration of a Nilpotent Operator

Definition 3.1

Given a nilpotent endomorphism N of a finite dimensional vector space H of index l, i.e. Nl0 and Nl+1=0, the weight filtration of N centered at l is the unique increasing filtration


with the property that (1) NWkWk-2, and denoting again by N the induced endomorphism on graded pieces, (2) Nk:Grl+kWHGrl-kWH for every k0, see [16, §1.6].

The weight filtration of N on H can be constructed inductively as follows: first let W0:=ImNl, and W2l-1:=kerNl. We can replace H with W2l-1/W0, on which N is still well-defined and Nl=0. Then define

W1:=inverse image inW2l-1ofImNl-1inW2l-1/W0,W2l-2:=inverse image inW2l-1ofKerNl-1inW2l-1/W0.

Continuing inductively, we obtain the unique (!) filtration on H satisfying (1) and (2).

By the Jacobson–Morozov theorem, the nilpotent operator N can be extended to an sl2-triple with Cartan subalgebra generated by an element HN which is unique up to scaling. By the representation theory of sl2-triples, there exists a decomposition


called the weight decomposition, with the property that HN(v)=λv for all vHλ. In particular, the decomposition splits the weight filtration of N


let us apply this to some geometric examples.

  • (i)
    Any cohomology class ωH2(X,C) defines a nilpotent operator Lω on H:=H(X,C) by cup product. If ω is Kähler, then the Hard Lefschetz theorem implies that the weight filtration of Lω on H centered at 2n is12
  • (ii)
    Consider a Lagrangian fibration Inline graphic and let β be the pull–back of an ample class αH2(B,Q). Up to renumbering, the weight filtration associated with the class β on H centered at n coincides with the perverse filtration, see Sect. 2.3
    Indeed, the action of β gives the morphisms
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    The isomorphism is called the perverse Hard Lefschetz theorem [13, Prop. 5.2.3]. By Proposition 2.2, this corresponds to the isomorphism σ¯j:Hn-j(X,ΩXi)Hn+j(X,ΩXi).
  • (iii)

    Let Inline graphic be a projective degeneration of hyperkähler manifolds over the unit disk which we assume to be semistable, i.e. the central fiber X0 is reduced with simple normal crossings. For tΔ, let N denote the logarithmic monodromy operator on H(Xt,Q). The weight filtration of N centered at d on Hd(Xt,Q), denoted by WkHd(Xt,Q), is the weight filtration of the limit mixed Hodge structure associated to π, see [62, Thm. 11.40].

The degeneration Inline graphic is called of type III if N20 and N3=0 on H2(Xt,Q). In this case, the limit mixed Hodge structure is of Hodge–Tate type by [64, Thm. 3.8], and in particular Gr2i+1WH(Xt,Q)=0. Then the even graded pieces of the weight filtration are used to define the Hodge numbers


The Hodge numbers wh0,j(X) have a clear geometric description. The dual complex of X0=Δi, denoted by D(X0), is the CW complex whose k-cells are in correspondence with the irreducible components of the intersection of (k+1) divisors Δi. The Clemens–Schmid exact sequence then gives

wh0,j(X)=dimHj(D(X0),Q), 3.1

see for instance [54, §3, Cor. 1 & 2].

In order to show P = W, namely that the filtrations (ii) and (iii) can be identified, we need the notion of hyperkähler triples with their associated so(5,C)-action.

Hyperkähler Triples

A hyperkähler manifold is a Riemannian manifold (Xg) which is Kähler with respect to three complex structures I, J, and K, satisfying the standard quaternion relations I2=J2=K2=IJK=-Id. The corresponding hyperkähler triple is the triple of Kähler classes in H2(X,C)×H2(X,C)×H2(X,C) given by


The set of all hyperkähler triples on X forms a Zariski-dense subset in


In particular, all algebraic relations that can be formulated for triples in D and which hold for triples of the form (ωI,ωJ,ωK) hold in fact for all (x,y,z)D, see [66, Prop. 2.3].

The so(5,C)-Action

Recall the scaling operator

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By the Jacobson–Morozov theorem, to any ωH2(X,C) of Lefschetz type we can associate a sl2-triple (Lω,H,Λω). Let p=(x,y,z)D. The sl2-triples associated to x, y and z generate the Lie subalgebra gpEnd(H(X,C)), isomorphic to so(5,C), with Cartan subalgebra

h=H,Hp:=-1[Ly,Λz]. 3.2

There is an associated weight decomposition

H(X,C)=i,jHi,j(p) 3.3

such that for all vHi,j(p) we have


The following sl2-triples in gp

Ep:=12(Ly--1Lz)Fp:=12(Λy+-1Λz)Hp:=12(H+Hp), 3.4
Ep:=[Ep,Λx]Fp:=[Lx,Fp]Hp 3.5

induce the same weight decomposition, since for any vHi,j(p) we have


Remark 3.2

The previous identities for hyperkähler triples are due to Verbitsky. The result for a general triple p=(x,y,z)D follows from the density of hyperkähler triples in D, and the fact that the sl2-representation H(X,C) associated to x, y and z have the same weights, since x, y, and z are all of Lefschetz type, see [66, §2.4].

= W

The main result of [30] is the following.

Theorem 3.3

(P = W) For any Lagrangian fibration Inline graphic there exists a type III projective degeneration of hyperkähler manifolds Inline graphic with Xt deformation equivalent to X for all tΔ, together with a multiplicative isomorphism H(X,Q)H(Xt,Q), such that



Let β=fα be the pullback of an ample class αH2(B,Q), and ηH2(X,Q) with q(η)>0. Since βn+1=0, we have q(β)=0. Up to replacing η with η+λβ for some λQ, we can suppose that q(η)=0. Set


By scaling a nonzero vector xH2(X,C) perpendicular to y and z with respect to q, we obtain p(f)=(x,y,z)D with


Soldatenkov showed that the nilpotent operator Ep(f) is the logarithmic monodromy N of a projective type III degeneration Inline graphic of compact hyperkähler manifolds deformation equivalent to X, see [64, Lem. 4.1, Thm. 4.6].13

The weight decomposition for the sl2-triple (3.4) splits the perverse filtration associated to f, since Ep(f) acts in cohomology via the cup product by β. The weight decomposition for the sl2-triple (3.5) splits the weight filtration of the limit mixed Hodge structure associated to π, because Ep(f)=N. Hence, by Sect. 3.3, this implies P = W.

= W also provides alternative proofs of Corollary 2.10 and Theorem 2.1.

Corollary 3.4

(Numerical P = W) phi,j(X)=whi,j(X)=hi,j(X).


By Theorem 3.3 we obtain phi,j(X)=whi,j(X). The equality phi,j(X)=hi,j(X) is Corollary 2.10.

Alternatively, one can argue as follows. By [64, Thm. 3.8], the limit mixed Hodge structure (Hlim(Xt,Q)H(Xt,C),W,F) associated to π is of Hodge–Tate type, and so whi,j(X)=dimCGriFHlimi+j(Xt,C). By the classical result [62, Cor. 11.25], we have dimCGriFHlimi+j(Xt,C)=hi,j(Xt). We conclude that phi,j(X)=hi,j(Xt)=hi,j(X).

Corollary 3.5

At the boundary of the Hodge diamond of X,  P = W gives14

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In the following, we provide conjectural conceptual explanations for these identities.

A Conjectural Explanation I

Assume that X is Calabi–Yau. This can be always achieved via a MMP, at the cost of making X0 mildly singular (precisely divisorial log terminal), see [18]. Under this assumption the homeomorphism class of D(X0) is well-defined.

Then the SYZ conjecture predicts that Xt carries a special Lagrangian fibration Inline graphic with respect to a hyperkähler metric. By hyperkähler rotation [28, §3], f should become a holomorphic Lagrangian fibration Inline graphic on a hyperkähler manifold X deformation equivalent to Xt. It is conjectured that the base of a Lagrangian fibration on X is a projective space. So in brief, we should have the homeomorphisms

D(X0)PnB. 3.6

The latter equality is known to hold if n2 , see Sect. 1.3, or conditional to the smoothness of the base [34]. The former equality is known for degenerations of Hilbert schemes or generalised Kummer varieties [8]. In both case, the most delicate problem is to assess the smoothness of D(X0) or B. From this viewpoint, the identity


is a weak cohomological evidence for the conjecture (3.6).

A Conjectural Explanation II

We conjecture that the equality phi,0(X)=whi,0(X) is the result of the identification of two Lagrangian tori up to isotopy.

Definition 3.6

Let x be a zero-dimensional stratum of X0. Choose local coordinates z0,,z2n centered at x with π(z)=z0··z2n. For fixed radii 0<ri1 and t=i=02nri, a profound torus TXt is


Remark 3.7

The ambient-isotopy type of TXt does not depend on the choice of the coordinates: T is homotopic to UxXt, where Ux is a neighbourhood of x in X. More remarkably, if X is Calabi–Yau, then the isotopy class of T in Xt is independent of x. This follows at once from Kollár’s notion of P1-link (see [45, Prop. 4.37] or [26, Lem. 3.10]), or equivalently because profound tori are fibers of the same smooth fibration, by adapting [17, Prop. 6.12.]

Conjecture 3.8

(Geometric P = W) For any Lagrangian fibration Inline graphic with general fiber T, there exists a projective minimal dlt type III degeneration of hyperkähler manifolds Inline graphic with Xt deformation equivalent to X for all tΔ, such that T is isotopic to a profound torus T.

The conjecture is inspired by the geometric P = W conjecture for character varieties, see the new version of [53] (to appear soon). Lemma 2.8 and (2.1) give

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If X0 has simple normal crossings (or dlt singularities modulo adapting [26, Thm. 3.12]), one obtains that

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Therefore, Conjecture 3.8 would give a geometric explanation of P = W at the highest weight


It is not clear what a geometric formulation of P = W should be that could explain the cohomological statement in all weights.

Recent advance in the SYZ conjecture due to Li [48] suggests that profound tori can be made special Lagrangian, modulo a conjecture in non-archimedean geometry. A few months ago, the existence of a single special Lagrangian torus on Xt was a complete mystery, see [23, §5, p.152]. Note also that Li’s result is compatible with the expectation in symplectic geometry [3, Conj. 7.3]. Profound tori appear as general fibers of the SYZ fibration that Li constructed on an open set which contains an arbitrary large portion of the mass of Xt with respect to a Calabi–Yau metric, still modulo the non-archimedean conjecture. It is curious (but maybe not surprising) that also the previously quoted results [35] and [8] highly rely on non-archimedean techniques.

Multiplicativity of the Perverse Filtration

= W implies that the perverse filtration on H(X,Q) is compatible with cup product.

Corollary 3.9

(Multiplicativity of the perverse filtration) Assume f:XB is a fibration. Then the perverse filtration on H(X,Q) is multiplicative under cup product,  i.e.

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By P=W, it is sufficient to show that the weight filtration is multiplicative. To this end, endow the tensor product H(Xt,Q)H(Xt,Q) with the nilpotent endomorphism N:=N1+1N, and call W the weight filtration of N. Since the monodromy operator eN is an algebra homomorphism of H(Xt,Q), N is a derivation, i.e.


As a consequence, the construction of the weight filtration (see Sect. 3.1) gives


Together with [16, 1.6.9.(i)] which says that


we conclude that the weight filtration is multiplicative. Alternatively see [30, §5].

Remark 3.10

For an arbitrary morphism of projective varieties or Kähler manifolds, the perverse filtration is not always multiplicative [71, Exa. 1.5], but it is so for instance if it coincides with the Leray filtration, or if P = W holds. Indeed, the Leray filtration and the weight filtration of the limit mixed Hodge structure are multiplicative.

It is natural to ask whether the multiplicativity holds at a sheaf theoretic level, for RfQX, or over an affine base. The motivation for this comes from the celebrated P = W conjecture for twisted character varieties [12], which has been proved to be equivalent to the conjectural multiplicativity of the perverse filtration of the Hitchin map that is a proper holomorphic Lagrangian fibration over an affine base, see [14, Thm. 0.6]. From this viewpoint, it is remarkable that Shen and Yin give a proof of the multiplicativity in the compact case [66, Thm. A.1] which uses only the representation theory of sl(2)-triples, with no reference to the weight filtration.

Nagai’s Conjecture for Type III Degenerations

Let Inline graphic be a projective degeneration of hyperkähler manifolds with unipotent monodromy Td on Hd(Xt,Q). The index of nilpotence of Nd:=logTd is


and nilp(Nd)d by [22, Ch. IV]. It is known that H2(Xt,Q) determines the Hodge structure of Hd(Xt,Q) by means of the LLV representation, see [65]. Nagai’s conjecture investigates to what extent nilp(N2) determines nilp(Nd). The ring structure of the subalgebra generated by H2 implies the inequality nilp(N2k)k·nilp(N2), see [55, Lem. 2.4], but equality is expected.

Conjecture 3.11

(Nagai) nilp(N2k)=k·nilp(N2) for k2n.

The previous inequalities imply Nagai’s conjecture for type III degenerations, i.e. nilp(N2)=2. Remarkably, P = W explains Nagai’s conjecture in terms of the level of the Hodge structure Hd(Xt,Q), and determines nilp(Nd) even for d odd. Recall that the level of a Hodge structure H=Hp,q, denoted by level(H), is the largest difference |p-q| for which Hp,q0, or equivalently the length of the Hodge filtration on H.

Proposition 3.12

Let Inline graphic be a type III projective degeneration of hyperkähler manifolds with unipotent monodromy. Then


For k2n, the following identities hold : 

  • (i)


  • (ii)

    nilp(N2k+1)=2k-1, if H3(Xt,C)0.

Remark 3.13

The Statement (ii) is proved in [64, Prop. 3.15]. Here we present an alternative simple proof of (ii) which avoids the LLV representation.

Nagai’s conjecture is known to hold for degenerations of type I and III, i.e. for nilp(N2)=0 and 2, see [37, Thm. 6.5]. In order to establish Nagai’s conjecture in full, only the case of type II degenerations remains open, i.e. when nilp(N2)=1. For type II there are partial results: knilp(N2k)2k-2 for 2kn-1, see [37, Thm. 6.5], and nilp(N2n)=n, see [31, Thm. 1.2]. The full conjecture holds for all the known deformation types of hyperkähler manifolds by [19, Thm. 1.13]. Further comments on Nagai’s conjecture for type II can be found in [19, 27, 31].


Let ld be half of the length of the weight filtration of Nd, i.e. ld:=min{i:W2iHd(Xt,Q)=Hd(Xt,Q)}. By Definition 3.1, we have nilp(Nd)=ld.

For any type III degeneration of Hodge structures of hyperkähler type with unipotent monodromy, we know by the proof of Theorem 3.3 that the logarithmic monodromy N is of the form Ep=[β,Λx] for some β and x in H2(X,Q) with q(β)=0. Here, we use the assumption b2(Xt)5, see [64, §4.1]. Then, by Corollaries 2.9 and 3.4, we have ld=level(Hd(Xt,C)). Hence, nilp(Nd)=level(Hd(Xt,C)).

Finally, statements (i) and (ii) are equivalent to (i) H2k,0(Xt)=Cσ0, and (ii) H2k,1(Xt)0 if H2,1(Xt)0, which follows from (2.2).

Examples and Counterexamples

Example 4.1

In [57, Ex. 1.7.(iv)] Namikawa exhibits an example of a submanifold T of a hyperkähler manifold X which is isomorphic to a complex torus, but is not Lagrangian (actually it is symplectic). Let E, F be elliptic curves defined by the cubic equations f and g respectively, and let YP5 be the cubic fourfold given by the equation h:=f(x0,x1,x2)+g(y0,y1,y2)=0. The cyclic group G:=Z/3Z acts on Y by

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where ζ is a primitive third root of unity. The induced action on the Fano variety of lines X is symplectic, i.e. ϕζσ=σ for σH0(X,ΩX2). Indeed, by [5] there is a G-equivariant isomorphism H0(X,ΩX2)H1(Y,ΩY3). Denoting by Ω the canonical section of H0(P5,KP5(6)), H1(Y,ΩY3) is generated by the G-invariant residue ResY(Ω/h2), and so the action is symplectic. In particular, the fixed locus T of the G-action on X is a symplectic submanifold. One defines T as the set of lines which join two points on Y{y0=y1=y2=0}E and Y{x0=x1=x2=0}F respectively. Hence, TE×F. We conclude that T is a symplectic torus embedded in the hyperkähler manifold X.

Example 4.2

There exists a Lagrangian submanifold L of a hyperkähler manifold X with

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Let Inline graphic be an elliptic K3 surface with smooth fiber E. Define LX:=S[2] to be the locus of non-reduced length-two subschemes of S supported on E, which is isomorphic to the P1-bundle P(ΩS1|E) over E. Then, L is an irreducible component of the fiber of the Lagrangian fibration Inline graphic, thus L is Lagrangian. The exceptional divisor Exc of the Hilbert–Chow morphism Inline graphic restricts to a multiple of the tautological line bundle OP(ΩS1|E)(-1) on L. Therefore, the second cohomology group H2(L) is generated by the restriction of Exc and the pullback of an ample line bundle of S(2).

Example 4.3

There exists a Lagrangian submanifold L of a hyperkähler manifold X with

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Let C be a smooth curve of genus two in an abelian surface A. Consider the moduli space Modd(A) of stable 1-dimensional sheaves on A supported on the curve class


and Euler characteristic -1. The fiber of the Albanese morphism Inline graphic is a compact hyperkähler manifold X deformation equivalent to a generalised Kummer variety of dimension six. Taking Fitting supports defines a Lagrangian fibration

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The fiber over the curve 2C contains the locus L of stable sheaves F on A such that the composition Inline graphic factors via the natural map Inline graphic. As OC-module, F is a rank-two vector bundle, and L can be identified with the moduli space of rank-two vector bundles on C of degree one, which is isomorphic to the intersection of two quadrics in P5, see [15, 59]. The cohomology H(X) is generated by so-called tautological classes, and H(L) is generated by their restrictions, see [49] and [58, Thm. 1]. Therefore, we have

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We wish to thank Paolo Cascini for bringing to our attention Kollár’s conjecture 1.12, Thorsten Beckmann for useful conversations and in particular for suggesting Example 4.1, Fabrizio Anella and Olivier Debarre for reading a first version of this note. The second author is supported by the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics.


Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.



Here and in (iii) and (iv), one expects isomorphisms of Q-algebras, but this seems not known.


Is there an a priori reason why this is the case for Lagrangian tori? It fails for general Lagrangian submanifolds; see Sect. 4.


The non-triviality of the scalar for c2(X) follows from the fact that Xc2(X)·ω2n-20 for any Kähler class ω.


The traditional proof goes as follows: First one shows that for any non-trivial class αH2(B,R)=H1,1(B,R) and any Kähler class ω on X one has X(fα)ω2n-10. Indeed, otherwise the Hodge index theorem would imply q(fα)<0 and, therefore, (fα)n+10, which contradicts dim(B)=n. As a consequence, observe that for any two non-trivial classes α1,α2H2(B,R) there exists a linear combination α:=λ1α1+λ2α2 with X(fα)ω2n-1=0, which then implies α=0, i.e. any two classes α1,α2H2(B,R) are linearly dependent.


By Lemma 1.8 below, B is a Fano manifold, which provides an alternative argument of the simply connectedness of B.


By evoking results due to Saito [63], it should be possible to avoid the projectivity assumption in [41].


Are the singularities of B actually factorial?


Alternatively, note that the trace map Inline graphic splits the natural morphism Inline graphic.


Again, the projectivity assumption can presumably be dropped by applying results of Saito.


A meromorphic map f:XB is almost holomorphic if there exists a Zariski-open subset UB such that Inline graphic is holomorphic and proper.


The classical definition of the perverse filtration for the constructible complex RfQX due to [4] or [13, Def. 4.2.1] coincides with the present one; see [13, Prop. 5.2.4.(39)].


The equality actually holds for any Kähler manifold, not necessary hyperkähler.


One can use the Lie algebra structure of the LLV algebra to compare the present description of Ep(f) with that of [64, Lem. 4.1], see [46, Lem. 3.9]. Mind that Soldatenkov’s existence result is not constructive: it relies on lattice theory and the geometry of the period domain, and does not produce an explicit type III degeneration.


The identity dimHj(D(X0),Q)=dimHj(Pn) was first proved in [37, Thm. 7.13].

This review was prepared in the context of the seminar organized by the ERC Synergy Grant HyperK, Grant agreement ID 854361. The talk was delivered on June 4, 2021.

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