Schema depicting β-catenin LOF phenotypes associated with Lmx1aCre or Foxj1Cre drivers. (A) The cartoons illustrate all three hem-derived lineages (brown), i.e. the choroid plexus, CR cells, and the fimbrial scaffold in the E18.5 hippocampus, which also displays the Ai9 reporter (red) when recombined with Lmx1Cre. Foxj1Cre drives recombination in the CR cells and the choroid plexus but not in the fimbrial scaffold. (B) Cartoon of the control, Lmx1aCre::β-catenin LOF and Foxj1Cre::β-catenin LOF hippocampus showing the dentate migratory stream (green), the fimbrial scaffold (blue) and CR cells (orange) in the hippocampal fissure. In the Lmx1aCre::β-catenin LOF brain, fimbrial scaffold is disorganized, resulting in CR cells and dentate migratory cells accumulating in an ectopic protrusion. No such disruption is seen in the Foxj1Cre::β-catenin LOF hippocampus.