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. 2022 Dec 5;11:e78216. doi: 10.7554/eLife.78216

Key resources table.

Reagent type (species) or resource Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
Antibody Anti-PC1/Pcsk1
(rabbit polyclonal)
Abcam Cat# ab3532, RRID:AB_303882 1:750 dilution
Antibody Anti-CGRP (rabbit polyclonal) Sigma Cat# C8198, RRID:AB_259091 1:500 dilution
Antibody Anti-POMC (rabbit polyclonal) Phoenix Pharmaceuticals Cat# H-029–30 1:500 dilution
Antibody Anti-CARTPT (rabbit polyclonal) Phoenix Pharmaceuticals Cat# H-003–62 1:2000 dilution
Antibody APC–conjugated anti-mouse CD31 (mouse monoclonal) BioLegend Cat# 102409 1:800 dilution
Antibody APC-anti-mouse CD45 (mouse monoclonal) BioLegend Cat# 103111 1:800 dilution
Antibody APC-anti-mouse F4/80 (mouse monoclonal) BioLegend Cat# 123115, clone BM8 1:800 dilution
Antibody PE-Cy7-conjugated anti-mouse CD326 (mouse monoclonal) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 25-5791-80, clone G8.8 1:400 dilution
Antibody Anti-IgG A488 (goat polyclonal) Invitrogen Cat# A11034 1:250 dilution
Antibody Anti-IgG A555 (goat polyclonal) Invitrogen Cat# A21229 1:250 dilution
Antibody Anti-IgG A633 (goat polyclonal) Invitrogen Cat# 1:250 dilution
Antibody Anti-rat IgG (donkey polyclonal) Jackson ImmunoResearch Cat# 712-605-153 1:250 dilution
Biological sample (Homo sapiens, male and female) Lung tissue Stanford University NA NA
Biological sample (H. sapiens, female) Human pulmonary carcinoid tissue Stanford University NA NA
Strain, strain background (Mus musculus, male and female) Wild type: CD-1 and C57BL/6NJ Charles River Strain Code 022,
Strain Code 027
Strain, strain background (M. musculus, male and female) Ascl1 CreERT2 Kim et al., 2011a.
Strain, strain background (M. musculus, male and female) Agtr1a-Cre; B6(C3)-Agtr1atm1.1(cre)Ekrs/J The Jackson Laboratory JAX: 030553 NA
Strain, strain background (M. musculus, male and female) Agtr1a-2A-Cre; B6.FVB-Agtr1aem1(cre)Zak/J The Jackson Laboratory JAX: 031487 NA
Strain, strain background (M. musculus, male and female) Calb1-2A-dgCre: B6.Cg-Calb1tm1.1(folA/cre)Hze The Jackson Laboratory JAX: 023531 NA
Strain, strain background (M. musculus, male and female) Mouse: Rosa26Zsgreen1, B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm6(CAG-ZsGreen1)Hze/J Madisen et al., 2009 Stock No: 007906 NA
Commercial assay or kit RNAscope Hiplex in situ hybridization assay Advanced Cell Diagnostics (ACD) Cat#324140 NA
Commercial assay or kit RNAscope Hiplex assay probe Mm-Agt-T1 Advanced Cell Diagnostics (ACD) Cat#426941-T1 NA
Commercial assay or kit RNAscope Hiplex assay probe Mm-Nmb-T2 Advanced Cell Diagnostics (ACD) Cat#459931-T2 NA
Commercial assay or kit RNAscope Hiplex assay probe Mm-Adcyap1-T3 Advanced Cell Diagnostics (ACD) Cat#405911-T3 NA
Commercial assay or kit RNAscope Hiplex assay probe Mm-Cartpt-T5 Advanced Cell Diagnostics (ACD) Cat#432001-T5 NA
Commercial assay or kit RNAscope Hiplex assay probe Mm-Pomc-T6 Advanced Cell Diagnostics (ACD) Cat#314081-T6 NA
Commercial assay or kit RNAscope Hiplex assay probe Mm-Chga-T9 Advanced Cell Diagnostics (ACD) Cat#447851-T9 NA
Commercial assay or kit RNAscope Hiplex assay probe Mm-Calca-T7 Advanced Cell Diagnostics (ACD) Custom probe NA
Commercial assay or kit RNAscope Hiplex assay probe Mm-Scg5-T10 Advanced Cell Diagnostics (ACD) Custom probe NA
Software, algorithm Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV v2.4.14) Katz et al., 2010.
PMID:21057496 NA
Software, algorithm Seurat v2.3.4 Butler et al., 2018.
PMID:29608179 NA