A globally invasive form of the mosquito Aedes aegypti specializes in biting humans, making it an efficient disease vector1. Host-seeking females strongly prefer human odour over the odour of non-human animals2,3, but exactly how they distinguish the two is not known. Vertebrate odours are complex blends of volatile chemicals with many shared components4–7, making discrimination an interesting sensory coding challenge. Here we show that human and animal odour blends evoke activity in distinct combinations of olfactory glomeruli within the Aedes aegypti antennal lobe. One glomerulus in particular is strongly activated by human odour but responds weakly, or not at all, to animal odour. This ‘human-sensitive’ glomerulus is selectively tuned to the long-chain aldehydes decanal and undecanal, which we show are consistently enriched in human odour and which likely originate from unique human skin lipids. Using synthetic blends, we further demonstrate that signalling in the human-sensitive glomerulus significantly enhances long-range host-seeking behaviour in a wind tunnel, recapitulating preference for human over animal odour. Our work suggests that animal brains may distill complex odour stimuli of innate biological relevance into simple neural codes and reveals novel targets for the design of next-generation mosquito-control strategies.
The discrimination of odour cues is a challenging problem faced by animals in nature. Decades of olfactory research have revealed the principles by which animals may identify individual compounds or simple mixtures—using combinatorial codes for flexible, learned behaviours8–11 or labelled lines for hard-wired, innate responses12–15. However, most natural odours are blends of tens to hundreds of compounds4,16,17. How animals evolve to efficiently recognize these more complex stimuli, especially those with important innate meaning, is poorly understood18–21.
This problem is particularly relevant for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which have recently evolved to specialize in biting humans and thus become the primary worldwide vectors of human arboviral disease1,22. Females can detect vertebrate animals using the carbon dioxide in breath and other general cues such as body heat, humidity, and visual contrast23. However, they rely heavily on body odour for discrimination among species24 and show a robust preference for human odour over the odour of non-human animals2,3 (hereafter ‘animals’) (Fig. 1a–d). The apparent ease with which they distinguish these stimuli is remarkable since vertebrate body odours are complex blends of relatively common compounds that are frequently shared across species4–7. Females require a multi-component blend for strong attraction25,26 and may discriminate based on the ratios in which different components are mixed. Understanding exactly which features of human body odour are used for discrimination and how these features are detected at the neural level would provide basic insight into olfactory coding and potential targets for use in vector control.
New tools for mosquito olfactory imaging
Mosquitoes detect most volatile chemical cues using receptors expressed in thousands of olfactory sensory neurons scattered across the antennae and maxillary palps27. Neurons that express the same complement of ligand-specific receptors are believed to send axons to a single olfactory glomerulus within the antennal lobe of the brain28 (Fig. 1e), making this an ideal location to decipher the coding of human odour blends across sensory neuron classes10,19 (Fig. 1f). We therefore developed tools to visualize odour-evoked responses in the axon terminals of olfactory sensory neurons at this critical junction. We focus in particular on the subset of neurons that express receptors in the odorant receptor (OR) family, as these play a critical role in fine-grained host discrimination: females carrying mutations in the conserved OR co-receptor orco are attracted to hosts, but discriminate only weakly between humans and animals29.
We used CRISPR/Cas9 to generate knock-in mosquitoes that express the calcium indicator GCaMP6f under the endogenous control of the orco locus30 (Fig. 2a, Methods). Transgenic adults showed GCaMP6f expression in sensory neurons on the antenna and maxillary palp that project to approximately 34 of 60 glomeruli in the dorso-medial antennal lobe (Fig. 2b, Extended Data Fig. 1; see Methods for discussion of variability among recent estimates of glomerulus number in Ae. aegypti). We also observed GCaMP6f in sensory neurons that project to the suboesophageal zone from the labellum31 and, most likely, the legs (Extended Data Fig. 1j–l). Together with a two-photon microscope custom-designed for fast, volumetric imaging (Fig. 2c) and a novel analytical pipeline (Fig. 2d, Extended Data Fig. 2), the new strain allowed us to capture odour-evoked responses in all Orco+ glomeruli at ~4 Hz.
We next collected natural odours and developed methods to faithfully deliver these stimuli to mosquitoes during imaging. We sampled odour from humans (n=8), rats (n=2), guinea pigs (n=2), quail (n=2), sheep wool (n=1), dog hair (n=4), and two nectar-related stimuli that mosquitoes find attractive—milkweed flowers32 and honey29 (Fig. 2e). Individual human samples were kept separate, while those from animals were pooled by species to generate independent replicates for the human–animal comparison. For delivery, most studies use a solvent to elute odour extracts from sorbent collection tubes and then allow the solution to evaporate from a vial, septum, or filter paper. However, the diverse odorants in a blend often require different solvents and will evaporate from solution at different rates based on volatility33, changing the character of a blend over time. We therefore developed a novel odour-delivery system involving thermal desorption34 that allowed us to deliver natural extracts directly from sorbent tubes to mosquitoes with precise quantitative control (Fig. 2f, Extended Data Fig. 3). Importantly, we were able to match the total odour concentration of diverse samples delivered to the same mosquito (Fig. 2g) and to deliver replicate puffs of the same sample to different mosquitoes, while maintaining the original blend ratios (Fig. 2h).
Human odour evokes unique neural response
With these new tools and odour samples in hand, we set out to characterize the response of Orco+ glomeruli to human and animal odours. There are several ways in which the activity of key glomeruli might help female mosquitoes discriminate, including increased sensitivity to human odour, exclusive activation by human odour, or more-complex patterns (Fig. 1f). To explore these possibilities, we first imaged responses to the odour of a single human and two animal species across a concentration gradient. We chose rat and sheep for the animals because they are common in human environments and provided ample odour in our extractions. All host odours were delivered at the same four total blend concentrations, ranging from 1/25X to 5X, where 1X roughly matches the odour of a whole human body funnelled to a mosquito in real time (see Methods).
Three glomeruli dominated responses at low and middle doses (Fig. 3a–d). One was strongly activated by the odour of all three species (cyan arrowheads), while another responded strongly to human odour but was insensitive or only weakly sensitive to animals (green arrowheads). A third glomerulus was strongly activated by both animals, but not human (orange arrowheads). We tentatively refer to these as the ‘broadly tuned’ (B), ‘human-sensitive’ (H), and ‘animal-sensitive’ (A) glomeruli, respectively. While additional glomeruli were activated by the highest dose of each host blend (Fig. 3b–d), and there may be weak responses below the sensitivity threshold of our preparation, we were struck by the simplicity of this pattern. The relative activity of three glomeruli cleanly separated human and animal odours across the concentration gradient (Fig. 3e,f).
The preference of Ae. aegypti for humans over animals is robust to within-group variation, with most humans being preferred over most animals (Fig. 1a–d). We therefore asked whether the patterns of glomerular activity described above were similarly robust by imaging responses to odour from 7 additional humans (8 total), 3 more animal species (5 total), and the two nectar-related stimuli at a single concentration (1X) (Fig. 3g,h, Extended Data Fig. 4). The B glomerulus was again strongly activated by all odour extracts, including the two nectar odours, while H and A were most strongly activated by human and animal odours, respectively. The separation of human and animal odours based on activity in three glomeruli is thus robust to within-group variation (Fig. 3i). To ensure we had not missed additional discriminatory signals among Orco+ glomeruli, we also used an automated pipeline to match and quantify the response of as many glomeruli as possible across mosquitoes (Extended Data Fig. 2c). B, H, and A again explained most of the variation at 1X (Extended Data Fig. 2i–l). This analysis also revealed a fourth glomerulus just posterior to B that responded to all vertebrate odours (Extended Data Fig. 2i–l) and may be the target of well-known, 1-octen-3-ol-sensing neurons that project to this region from the palp35,36. In summary, our results indicate that human and animal odours activate distinct combinations of glomeruli in the antennal lobe of Ae. aegypti, including both shared signals and those selectively tuned to either human or animal blends.
Human odour is enriched for key compounds
The neural response to human odour must be traceable to chemical features of human odour blends. Human blends contain an array of common volatile compounds that originate from skin secretions, the skin microbiome, or their interaction4. They differ consistently from animal blends in the relative abundance of at least two or three components, but quantitative, cross-species comparisons are rare and usually focus on a single compound3,6,7,37,38. We therefore lack a clear picture of the relative ratios and other chemical features mosquitoes may use to discriminate.
To help fill this gap, we analysed the composition of the human, animal, and nectar-related odour samples used for imaging, plus 8 new human samples (Fig. 4a, Extended Data Fig. 5a–d). Importantly, we quantified the abundance of all compounds that made up at least 2% of any blend, excluding acids (sensed primarily by non-OR pathways39,40) and other highly polar or volatile compounds that cannot be quantified reliably within the same framework (see Methods). Consistent with previous work, the vertebrate odours were dominated by aliphatic aldehydes4,5,7, whereas nectar odours were enriched in terpenes16 (Fig. 4a). Also as expected, human and animal odours shared almost all components (Extended Data Fig. 5c).
Despite the overlap in blend components, human and animal samples differed consistently in blend ratios, leading to clear separation in a principal components analysis (PCA) (Fig. 4b, Extended Data Fig. 5e). Loadings on the human–animal axis of the PCA showed that human odour was enriched in three ketones: sulcatone, geranylacetone, and acetoin (Fig. 4c). Human odour also stood out for its high relative abundance of the long-chain aldehyde decanal (10 carbons) and low relative abundance of the short-chain aldehydes hexanal and heptanal (6 and 7 carbons) (Fig. 4a,c). Sulcatone, geranylacetone, and decanal are widely recognized as abundant in human odour4, but consistent enrichment compared to animal odours has only been previously documented for sulcatone3. Interestingly, these three compounds are oxidation products of squalene and sapienic acid41, unique components of human sebum that may play a role in skin protection42,43 (Fig. 4d).
The unscaled PCA gives the most weight to abundant compounds. When we extended our analysis to minor components via compound-specific comparisons (Extended Data Fig. 5f,g) we found that human odour is also enriched for a second long-chain aldehyde: undecanal (11 carbons). An independent analysis that considers all detected ions, rather than a subset of curated compounds, identified a largely overlapping set of human- and animal-enriched odorants (Extended Data Fig. 5h,i). Taken together, human odour can be distinguished from animal odours by the relative abundance of a diverse set of compounds, none of which are unique to humans, but which come together in characteristic ratios to produce a uniquely human bouquet.
H is tuned to long-chain aldehydes
To connect the unique pattern of neural activity evoked by human odour (Fig. 3) to its chemical composition (Fig. 4), we conducted additional imaging with synthetic odorants and blends delivered using standard approaches (Extended Data Fig. 6). We first asked if the neural response to a representative human sample could be explained by the response to its major components delivered either individually or in a ‘combo’ blend. We considered each of the 11 most abundant compounds in the human sample with two exceptions: geranylacetone was excluded because it is unstable under lab conditions, and acetoin was delivered singly but absent from the combo since it requires a different solvent. We carefully calibrated the liquid dilution ratio of each stimulus (Fig. 5a) to generate vapour-phase concentrations characteristic of the human odour sample at 1X (Fig. 5b).
Decanal, undecanal, and the combo stimulus that contained them all evoked strong and prolonged activity in H (Fig. 5c–e, Extended Data Fig. 7a). The B glomerulus was strongly activated by acetoin and modestly activated by the combo of non-acetoin compounds (Fig. 5c,e), likely the sum of a number of weak individual responses (Extended Data Fig. 7a). No human odour components evoked activity in the A glomerulus at physiological concentrations. Previous work implicated a sulcatone-sensitive receptor in Ae. aegypti preference for humans3. While we did not see consistent activity in response to this compound at its concentration in 1X human odour (Fig. 5c), several glomeruli responded at higher doses (data not shown), suggesting it may be more relevant to behaviour at close range. Taken together, the antennal lobe response to 1X human odour is largely explained by individual responses to a subset of perceptually dominant components, including long-chain aldehydes and acetoin (Fig. 5e).
The strong response of the H glomerulus to physiological concentrations of decanal and undecanal in human odour (Fig. 5d) suggests it may be selectively tuned to long-chain aldehydes. To rigorously test this hypothesis and more broadly explore the tuning of all three focal glomeruli, we next imaged the response of H, B, and A to a panel of 50 compounds all delivered at approximately the same vapour-phase concentration (Fig. 5f, Extended Data Fig. 7b–d, target concentration set to that of sulcatone in 1X human odour). The panel included compounds that were (1) identified in our odour extracts (≥0.1% abundance in any host blend), (2) suggested by the literature to be ecologically relevant for mosquitoes, or (3) structurally similar to decanal/undecanal (see Methods for details).
As hypothesized, the H glomerulus responded selectively to long-chain aldehydes (Fig. 5f, Extended Data Fig. 7b). Both response amplitude and duration increased with aldehyde chain length, from the 6-carbon hexanal that evoked no response to the 11-carbon undecanal that evoked strong activity lasting 40+ seconds beyond the 3-second puff (Fig. 5g). Compounds chosen for their chemical similarity to decanal and undecanal sometimes generated modest responses, but these were weaker than those evoked by the long-chain aldehydes themselves (Fig. 5f, Extended Data Fig. 7b). The B glomerulus, in contrast, showed broad tuning. It responded to more than half of all compounds in the panel, including human-biased, animal-biased, and unbiased odorants (Fig. 5f, Extended Data Fig. 7b), consistent with its broad response to all complex blends in our sample.
The A glomerulus was strongly activated by four compounds found in our host odour blends (Fig. 5f). One of these (acetoin) was human-biased (Fig. 4c), but present in 1X human odour at a concentration too low to evoke consistent activity in A (Fig. 5c). The other three (dimethyl sulfone, phenol, p-cresol) were animal-biased in our samples (Extended Data Fig. 5f,i). However, they were previously shown to be enriched in vertebrate faeces and urine17,44, which were occasionally passed by the smaller animal species during odour extraction (Fig. 2e). Further work will therefore be needed to determine whether the A glomerulus truly provides an animal-biased signal useful for host discrimination. In contrast, it is clear that H is selectively activated by human odour due to its narrow tuning to long-chain aldehydes, and B responds to a wide array of natural blends due to broad tuning at the single-odorant level.
H activation enhances host-seeking
Human odour evoked consistent activity in both B and H glomeruli, while animal odour evoked strong activity in B, but no activity or only weak activity in H (Fig. 6a). While not the only host-responsive signals in the antennal lobe, these two glomeruli alone generate a simple neural code capable of robustly separating human and animal blends at the single-trial level (Fig. 6b). Do female mosquitoes leverage these signals for host seeking and discrimination? To answer this question, we characterized the behaviour of females exposed to a synthetic binary blend that is distinct from human odour, but formulated to evoke similar strong activity in B and H glomeruli (Fig. 6c, see Methods). We specifically tested long-range attraction in a wind tunnel (Fig. 6d), reasoning that this stage of the host-seeking behavioural sequence is likely to rely on the olfactory responses that dominate at low to moderate host-odour concentrations. Signals evoked by more concentrated host odour, as well as thermal and visual cues, likely come into play at close range23.
When combined with the mosquito activator carbon dioxide, the binary blend evoked a characteristic plume-tracking behaviour similar to that evoked by a human-worn sock but rarely observed in response to a solvent control45 (Fig. 6e). This behaviour was dose-dependent, peaking at a concentration that generated neural activity similar to 1/5X human odour (Fig. 6f–i, Extended Data Fig. 8). It also depended on activity in both B and H, as revealed by testing of single blend components that activate either glomerulus individually (Fig. 6j–m, Extended Data Fig. 8). Most importantly, coactivation of B and H elicited stronger host seeking than activation of B alone (Fig. 6j–m), just as human odour elicits stronger host seeking than animal odour (Fig 1a–d).
Animal survival and reproduction often depend on the ability to discriminate among complex odour blends without prior experience. Here we investigate the innate preference of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes for human odour, offering insight into how such discrimination is achieved at the neural level. We show that human odour is enriched in long-chain aldehydes and that these aldehydes generate strong and prolonged activity in a selectively tuned olfactory glomerulus within the mosquito brain. Activation of this glomerulus alongside a second, broadly tuned glomerulus drives robust host seeking, resulting in a binary signal with the potential to explain preference for human over animal odour at long range. The simplicity of this pattern belies the complexity of the underlying stimuli and suggests that sparse coding may be a general feature of innate olfactory responses, even to multi-component blends18,19.
While we have shown that activation of H enhances host-seeking, current knowledge and genetic tools do not yet allow us to conduct the converse experiment — to silence H and measure the extent to which it is required for host-seeking and preference. We expect H will be required for robust discrimination between humans and animals in at least some contexts. After all, H represents the most prominent human-biased signal in the OR/Orco pathway, which is itself required for such behaviour29. Nevertheless, other Orco+ glomeruli may contribute, including those that respond only at high odour concentrations (Fig. 3b–d). It is also important to note that even orco mutants are strongly attracted to host odour and retain a weak preference for humans in olfactometer assays29. These residual responses must be largely mediated by the second major olfactory pathway in mosquitoes, made up of acid- and amine-sensing neurons that express ionotropic receptors (IRs)38–40,46. Our own preliminary imaging in mosquitoes that express GCaMP in all glomeruli revealed additional host-responsive signals in non-Orco regions of the antennal lobe, but no clear human-biased activity (Extended Data Fig. 9). A more complete characterization of IR-based responses to human and animal odours is nevertheless an important area for future research.
Our work also sheds light on the compounds mosquitoes may be using to discriminate among hosts. Most people associate human body odour with sweat, but the odorants we found to be important for host discrimination are likely derived from sebum (Fig. 4d), an oily substance secreted at the base of hair follicles. Sebum composition tends to be species-specific47, and its output is temporally stable—as high at rest as when active48. These features make sebum derivatives reliable targets for human-seeking mosquitoes. Interestingly, sebum composition49 and long-chain aldehyde levels (Fig. 4a) also vary among individual humans, albeit on a smaller scale than the difference between humans and animals. Moreover, among the handful of people who participated in our preference assays (Fig. 1), those with long-chain aldehyde levels close to the human average were more likely to be targeted by Ae. aegypti than those with lower or higher levels (Extended Data Fig. 10, see also recent work linking preference for individual humans to sebum-derived acids46). This raises the intriguing possibility that the evolution of preference for humans over animals spills over to affect the choices mosquitoes make when targeting individual humans. Altogether, our work provides new insight into mosquito preference for humans and the neural coding of complex olfactory stimuli that animal brains have evolved to discriminate.
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank Vanessa Ruta, Leslie Vosshall, Mala Murthy, Jonathan Pillow, Ellen De Obaldia, Emily Dennis, Jess Breda, Lu Yang, Meredith Mihalopoulos, and members of the McBride lab for discussion and comments on the manuscript; David Wevill of Markes for helping us adapt the thermal desorption system for stimulus delivery during neural imaging; Raphael Cohn and Alan Gelperin for advice on odour delivery systems; Silke Sachse, Ahmed Mohamed, Diego Pacheco, and David Deutsch for guidance on antennal lobe imaging; Hokto Kazama for advice on two-photon data analysis; Rob Harrell for mosquito embryo injections; Summer Kotb for help with human odour collections; Mohammed Khallaf for advice on XCMS odour-profile analysis; and Howell Living History Farm, Nassau Park Pavilion PetSmart, and several dog owners for wool/hair samples. This work was funded in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIDCD: R00DC012069, NIAID: DP2AI144246) to C.S.M., the Swedish Research Council and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (senior career award) to R.I., and the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: ME3737/3–1) to D.M. C.S.M.’s laboratory is also supported by a Pew Scholar Award, a Searle Scholar Award, a Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship, a Rosalind Franklin New Investigator Award, and the New York Stem Cell Foundation. C.S.M. is a New York Stem Cell Foundation – Robertson Investigator.
Competing interests
Princeton University has filed a patent (US 62/705,910, status pending) for using synthetic blends that mimic the response to human odour in the mosquito brain as mosquito attractants, listing C.S.M. and Z.Z. as inventors. Other authors declare no competing interests.
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