Genes & Development 30: 2297–2309 (2016)
The above-mentioned article contained three errors in the Supplemental Figures. In Supplemental Figure 3D, both bar graphs are missing labels for the X-axes due to an oversight during figure preparation. In both instances, the first bar should be labeled “Dll4in3:LacZ” and the second bar should be labeled “Dll4in3mutMEF2:lacZ.” In Supplemental Figure 4B, panels representing DAPI and MEF2C antibody staining after treatment with MEF2A shRNA (second row, fourth through sixth panels) were inadvertently duplicated and used to represent DAPI and MEF2C antibody staining after treatment with MEF2D shRNA (bottom row, fourth through sixth panels). In Supplemental Figure 8A, the first panel (EMSA using HLX-3 ETS-b and HLX-3 ETS-d probes) was inadvertently duplicated and used to also represent the EMSA conducted with HLX-3 ETS-e and HLX-3 ETS-g probes (the second panel). All three Supplemental Figures have now been corrected in the article online. The conclusions of the manuscript are not affected, as both duplicated images showed results similar to those in the corrected images. The authors apologize for this error.
doi: 10.1101/gad.350249.122