1 Gender |
2 Where do you live? Urban region/Rural area |
3 Age |
4 Level of education |
5 How would you describe your household income compared to other households in your country? |
6 Occupation |
7 What is your household composition? |
8 How many people are currently living in your home? |
9 Have you lost your job or had any pay reduction in your salary due to COVID-19? Yes/No |
Section 2: Food buying and consumption behavior
10 Below is a list of food-related behaviors. Please indicate how that behavior has changed for you as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) becoming serious in your country (7-point response scale: never = 0; first time = 1; much less = 2; slightly less = 3; about the same = 4; moderately more = 5; much more = 6.)
Buying local food (produced in your country)
Ordering groceries online
Buying food in person from a large supermarket
Buying food in person from a small supermarket or grocery store
Having meals delivered directly to my home
11 What has changed in your shopping behavior during the outbreak of COVID-19 and lockdown?
I go shopping less than usual
I go shopping like I used to
I go shopping more than usual
12 What has changed in the extent of your purchase during the outbreak of COVID-19 and lockdown?
13 Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) became serious in your country, have you eaten or drunk more or less of the following foods? (7-point response scale)
Healthy food
Unhealthy food (Fast food)
Candy, Cookies, cakes, and pastries
Healthy Snacks
Unhealthy snacks
Packaged frozen foods
Canned food
14 Since the coronavirus (COV-19) became serious in your country, have you done more or less of the following food related activities than you used to? (7-point response scale)
Eating at home alone
Eating with family members
Eating out (e.g. restaurants/cafeteria/fast food)
Eating at someone else's place (e.g. family, friends)
Ordering take-away or fast food meals with deliveries
Cooking and preparing food
Spending a lot of time cooking
Making easy meals (e.g., instant foods, etc.)
Eating between meals (e.g. snacks)
15 Have you stocked up on food and beverages because of the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Yes/No |
16 What type of food you stocked up the most during the outbreak of COVID-19 and lockdown? (Please select all that apply)
Cereals and their products (bread, rice, pasta, flour, etc.)
Roots and tubers (potatoes, etc.)
Legumes (e.g. peas, chickpeas)
Fruits and vegetables
Meat and meat products
Fish and seafood
Milk and dairy products
Canned food
17 Since the COVID-19 outbreak, did you notice that any of these items is less available? (Please select all that apply)
Cereals and products (bread, rice, pasta, flour, etc.)
Roots and tubers (potatoes, etc.)
Legumes (e.g. peas, chickpeas)
Fruits and vegetables
Meat and meat products
Fish and seafood
Milk and dairy products
Canned food
18 Since the COVID-19 outbreak, did you notice any price increase for any of these items? (Please select all that apply)
Cereals and products (bread, rice, pasta, flour, etc.)
Roots and tubers (potatoes, etc.)
Legumes (e.g. peas, chickpeas)
Fruits and vegetables
Meat and meat products
Fish and seafood
Milk and dairy products
Canned food
19 How does stocking up on items make you feel? (5-point response scale: 1 (not at all),…5 (very much))
Stocking up on items makes me feel less anxious
Stocking up on items makes me feel more secure
Stocking up on items comforts me
Stocking up on items gives me a sense of control
20 Please indicate how concerned you have been since COVID-19 became serious in your country about the following food-related issues? 5-point response scale: 1 (not at all),…5 (very much))
21 Regarding changes in your food related behaviors since the outbreak of COVID-19: Yes/No
Do you buy more food out of fear or anxiety?
Do you eat more food out of fear, anxiety or boredom?
Are you wasting more food than usual?
Are you more aware of how much food you waste?
22 How has your food wastage changed during the outbreak of COVID-19 and lockdown?
It has become much less
Has not changed
Much more
Section 3: Emotions
23 Please indicate your negative feelings since the onset of COVID-19 (5-point response scale: 1 (not at all),…5 (very much))
24 Please indicate your positive feelings since the onset of COVID-19 (5-point response scale: 1 (not at all),… 5 (very much))