Introduction: Prostate cancer occupies the second position among cancers in males. Clinical symptoms of prostate cancer include frequent nocturnal urination, haematuria, pain on back, hips and upper thighs, painful ejaculation. In Ayurveda Rachana Shaareera, prostate gland can be correlated to ‘Pourusha Grandhi’ which is a part of Mootravaha Srotas (Urinary system). Cancer is more or less correlated to ‘Arbuda’ in Ayurveda. Considering the symptoms of prostrate carcinoma, the disease can be allied with ‘Vatashthila’ and ‘Mootra Grandhi’ among the Mootraghata Rogas described in Ayurvedic classics.
Aim: In this study highlighted to prostate cancer and its ayurvedic approach (classical view and its management).
Materials and methods: This work is an appraisal on prostate cancer in Ayurvedic perspective and its management methods in Ayurvedic system of medicine.
Results: Treatment etiquette in prostate cancer can be summarized as normalizing Apana Vayu (Type of Vata which managesto excretory function of body), Mutra Sangahara (urine retention)and Arbuda Shamana (pacify to tumour). The treatment principles include Srotosodhana (purification of macro and micro channels of body), Vataanulomana (regulalarising physiological movement of Vata), Lekhana (scrapping), Chedhana (excision)and Rasayana Chikitsa (rejuvenation therapy). Specific drugs for the treatment of prostate cancer keeping the above protocol are Chiravilwadi Kashaya for Apana Vayu Vaigunaya (viatiation of Apana Vayu), Chandraprabha Vati as Mutra Sanga Hara and Rasayana, Varatika Bhasma and Kanmada Bhasma as Mutra Sangha Hara, Arbuda Samana, Rasayana. Lokeswara Rasa as Arbuda Shamana, Sukumara Rasayana as Anulomana and Rasayana. Shiva Gulika as Rasayana, Arogyavardhini Vati as Rasayana. Based on the therapeutic action of Aushadha Dravya as Dosha Prashamanam, Dathu Pradooshanam, Swasthavritta, the above formulations are proposed to act on different stages of Roga samprapti like Paka (Suppuration), Kledana (nourishment), Vibhajana (division), Vivardhana (growth) and Samhanana (Compactness)of Dathu (tissues) mediated by Dosha. After weighing the Tara- Tama Bheda of Dosha, intensity of Dosha–Dooshya Samoorchana, a Vaidya must choose above formulations which can assure specific and symptomatic relief on prostate cancer.
Conclusion: The above formulations which are widely used in various other systemic diseases can be revived for the treatment of prostate cancer. Thus an attempt should be made to bring light to the hidden capability of these formulations in curing prostate cancer.
Keywords: Pourusha Grandhi, Mootravaha Strotas, Vatashtila, Mootra Grandhi