Figure 2.
Dorsal wound area in adults male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) on days 1, 2, 7, or 12 after injury and daily local application of treatments based in the plant marcela (Achyrocline satureioides) extracts and controls. (A) Graph comparing the wound retraction data among the groups and over time. Black bar: without treatment; medium gray bar: hydrogel treatment only; dark gray bar: hydrogel treatment containing blank nanoemulsion; and light gray bar: hydrogel treatment containing AS extract incorporated in nanoemulsions. (B) Close-up photographs of the wound retraction evolution. NT: no treatment; HG: hydrogel treatment only; HNB: hydrogel treatment containing blank nanoemulsion; and HNEAS: hydrogel treatment containing extract of A. satureioides incorporated in nanoemulsions. Analysis of variance followed by the Tukey test, p > 0.05, n = 12.