Table 1.
List of brain areas where massive or little apoptosis was observed in TC mutants
Area/Nucleus | Apoptosis |
Medial septum | +++ |
Nucleus of the vertical limb of the diagonal band | +++ |
Lateral hypothalamic area | ++++ |
Lateral habenular nucleus | ++ |
Cortical amygdala | ++++ |
Zona incerta (caudal area) | ++++ |
Precommissural nucleus | ++ |
Periaqueductal gray | ++++ |
Ventral tegmental area (A10) | +++ |
Substantia nigra (A9) reticular part | ++ |
Reticular formation, midbrain | +++++ |
Oculomotar nucleus | void |
Red nucleus | void |
Superior colliculus | +++ |
Reticular formation, pons | +++ |
Nucleus of the inferior colliculus | void |
Gigantocellular nucleus | +++ |
Raphe magnus nucleus (B3) | ++ |
Inferior olive | void |
“Void” indicates that apoptosis occurred significantly less in these regions compared with the neighboring regions where massive apoptosis was observed.