We mistakenly stated that the modified Composite International Diagnostic Interview 2 (CIDI-2) will be used to assess substance use disorders. However, we will actually use the modified World Mental Health-CIDI [WMH-CIDI] (http://www.hcp.med.harvard.edu/wmhcidi/index.php).
The heading on page 23 should read: 5.3 Modified World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WMH CIDI) for substance use disorders. The first sentence under that heading should read: “The WMH CIDI, an updated version of the CIDI-2 [30], was modified and used to determine whether individuals met the DSM-5 criteria for opioid and cocaine use disorders or remission in the 12 months prior to baseline and during the one-month period prior to the 3, 6, and 12 month study assessments.” In Table 1, modified CIDI-2 SAM = modified Composite International Diagnostic Interview 2 Substance Abuse Module should be replaced with modified WMH CIDI = Modified World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview.