On macroevolutionary timescales, extensive mutations and phylogenetic uncertainty mask the signals of genotype–phenotype associations underlying convergent evolution. To overcome this problem, we extended the widely used framework of non-synonymous to synonymous substitution rate ratios and developed the novel metric ωC, which measures the error-corrected convergence rate of protein evolution. While ωC distinguishes natural selection from genetic noise and phylogenetic errors in simulation and real examples, its accuracy allows an exploratory genome-wide search of adaptive molecular convergence without phenotypic hypothesis or candidate genes. Using gene expression data, we explored over 20 million branch combinations in vertebrate genes and identified the joint convergence of expression patterns and protein sequences with amino acid substitutions in functionally important sites, providing hypotheses on undiscovered phenotypes. We further extended our method with a heuristic algorithm to detect highly repetitive convergence among computationally non-trivial higher-order phylogenetic combinations. Our approach allows bidirectional searches for genotype–phenotype associations, even in lineages that diverged for hundreds of millions of years.
Subject terms: Molecular evolution, Comparative genomics
The authors develop a new metric to measure the error-corrected convergence rate of protein evolution, together with a heuristic algorithm to detect signals of adaptive protein convergence.
A central aim of modern biology is to differentiate the huge amount of non-functional genetic noise from phenotypically important changes. Evolutionary processes at the molecular level are largely neutral and stochastic, but natural selection can constrain evolutionary pathways available to the organism. If similar environmental conditions recur in divergent lineages, the adaptive response may also be similar, leading to convergence, the repeated emergence of similar features in distantly related organisms1. The prevalence of phenotypic convergence is demonstrated by various examples throughout the tree of life, such as the camera eyes of vertebrates and cephalopods, powered flight of birds and bats and trap leaves of distantly related carnivorous plants. Because the repeated emergence of such complex traits by neutral evolution alone is extremely unlikely, convergence at the phenotypic level is considered strong evidence for natural selection.
Phenotypic convergence is necessarily caused by molecular events and often coincides with detectably excess levels of convergent molecular changes in gene regulation, gene sequences, gene repertoires and other hierarchies of biological organization2,3. A meta-analysis reported that 111 out of 1,008 loci had been convergently modified to attain common phenotypic innovations, sometimes even between different phyla4, illustrating that genotype–phenotype associations are frequently observed on macroevolutionary scales. For example, several lineages of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and insects acquired resistance to toxic cardiac glycosides using largely overlapping sets of amino acid substitutions in a sodium pump5. Another example illustrated how human cancer cells and plants employed common amino acid substitutions in topoisomerase I to cope with a common toxic cellular environment generated by plant-derived anticancer drugs6.
Genome sequences are becoming more available for diverse lineages from the entire tree of life7, making it possible to explore macroevolutionary genotype–phenotype associations on large scales. However, because many molecular changes are nearly neutral (that is, almost no effect on fitness) and essentially non-functional in nature8, false positive convergence in the form of stochastic, non-adaptive, convergent events is particularly problematic when conducting a genome-scale search. Furthermore, false positives can arise from methodological biases. For molecular convergence, a major source of bias occurs because such inference is sensitive to the topology of the phylogenetic tree on which substitution events are placed9 (Fig. 1a), while alternative methods that do not place substitutions on phylogenetic trees suffer even more severe rates of false positives10–12 (Supplementary Text 1). A correctly inferred tree avoids false positives due to phylogeny13, but topological misinference due to technical errors, insufficient data or biological factors such as introgression, horizontal gene transfer (HGT), paralogy, incomplete lineage sorting and within-locus recombination can all create substantial amounts of false convergence signals even when adaptive convergence did not actually occur2,9,14,15. Importantly, false convergence events driven by topological errors tend to similarly affect both non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions (Supplementary Fig. 1a). By contrast, truly adaptive convergence should occur almost exclusively in non-synonymous substitutions (amino acid-changing substitutions), as positive selection on synonymous substitutions is negligible or at least not prevalent16 (Supplementary Fig. 1b). Therefore, synonymous convergence can potentially serve as a reliable reference for measuring the rate of expected non-synonymous convergence due to phylogenetic inference error.
A widely used framework for understanding how functionally constrained proteins evolve compared with completely unconstrained expectations is to contrast rates of non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions. The ratio of these rates within a protein-coding sequence accounts for mutation biases and is often denoted as ω, dN/dS or Ka/KS (ref. 16). Here we extend this framework to derive the new metric ratio ωC and implement it to measure phylogenetic error-corrected rates of convergence. Simulation and empirical data analysis show that this new metric has high sensitivity while suppressing false positives. We further show its capability to detect factors that affect protein convergence rates and to identify likely adaptive protein evolution in a genome-scale dataset by an exploratory analysis without a pre-existing hypothesis. We also develop a heuristic algorithm to explore convergent signals with high signal-to-noise ratios in exponentially increasing numbers of higher-order phylogenetic combinations.
Extending the substitution rate ratio framework to convergence
One of the most commonly accepted measures of the rate of protein evolution compared with completely unconstrained expectations is the ratio between non-synonymous and synonymous substitution rates, denoted as dN and dS, respectively16. In a model-based framework, the ratio dN/dS is parameterized as ω.
Inspired by ω, we developed a similar metric, ωC, that applies to substitutions that occurred repeatedly on a combination of separate phylogenetic branches (combinatorial substitutions; Supplementary Fig. 1c and Supplementary Text 2). The metric ωC estimates the relative rates of convergence obtained by contrasting the rates of non-synonymous and synonymous convergence (dNC and dSC, respectively). Using this ratio, important biological fluctuations, such as among-site rate heterogeneity and codon equilibrium frequencies, are taken into account (Supplementary Text 3 and Methods). Note that in neutrally evolving genes, the theoretical expectation of ωC is 1.0, even if ω in the underlying codon substitution matrix is not 1.0 (usually lower). Similar to previously proposed convergence metrics13,17,18, ωC is calculated from substitutions at multiple codon sites across protein-coding sequences. As a result, one ωC value is obtained for each gene for each branch pair (or for a combination of more than two branches) in the phylogenetic tree. A unique feature of ωC setting it apart from other metrics is its error tolerance. For example, if one of the branches in a branch combination is in error, ωC is a measure of the ratio of false convergence events of both kinds falsely attributed to a non-existent branch combination. In this way, the ωC values remain close to the neutral expectation of 1.0, even when topology errors are involved. Our method is implemented in the Python programme CSUBST (https://github.com/kfuku52/csubst), which takes as input a rooted phylogenetic tree and a codon sequence alignment (Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 2).
The robustness of ωC in simulated molecular evolution
Conventionally, observed levels of convergent amino acid substitutions have been contrasted either to the amount of convergence expected under a substitution model (e.g., the convergence measure R18) or to other combinations of amino acid substitution patterns that are similarly affected by site-specific constraint (that is, double divergence; C/D (refs. 13,17)) (Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Text 4). Here we focus on whether ωC performs better as a measure of convergence between branches in comparison to alternative metrics. Accordingly, we generated simulated sequences with 500 codons along a balanced phylogenetic tree ending with 32 sequences at the tips (or leaves), in all cases comparing two deeply separated tip lineages (shown as dots in Fig. 1c; Supplementary Table 2). In this analysis, we compared C/D, dNC, dSC and ωC under four evolutionary scenarios of relationships between the two tips being compared: (1) full neutral evolution along all branches (Neutral); (2) neutral evolution for nearly all branches but with convergent selection along the two deeply separated tip lineages (Convergent); (3) neutral evolution with phylogenetic tree topology error in the form of a copy-and-paste transfer from one of the two deeply separated lineages to the other, overwriting its genetic information (Transfer) or (4) neutral evolution but using a randomly reconstructed phylogenetic tree to detect convergence (Random). The metric dNC is obtained by dividing the observed value of non-synonymous convergence (OCN) by the expected value (ECN) and is essentially equivalent to the previously proposed metric called R18, but we use the dNC notation here to clarify its relationship to dSC, the ratio of observed to expected values of synonymous convergence (OCS / ECS).
During neutral evolution, sequences evolved under a constant codon substitution model without any adaptive convergence or constraint on amino acid substitutions other than those imposed by the structure of the genetic code and relative codon frequencies. In the Neutral scenario (Fig. 1c), the trees used for simulation and reconstruction were identical. C/D was much lower than 1.0, as expected, while the other three metrics (dNC, dSC and ωC) were close to but lower than the theoretical expectation of 1.0 (Fig. 1d). This observation is probably due to the fact that the convergent events must be inferred and are not actually observed, as investigated previously for the convergence measure R18. In the Convergent scenario, adaptive convergence on the focal pair of deeply separated branches (red branches in Fig. 1c) was mimicked by convergently evolving 5% of codon sites (25 sites) in the two branches under substitution models biased towards codons encoding the same randomly selected amino acid. This generated an average of four excess non-synonymous convergent substitutions on these two branch pairs (OCN in Fig. 1c). In the Convergent scenario, the three protein convergence metrics, C/D, dNC and ωC, yielded values substantially higher than they did under the Neutral scenario, while the synonymous change measure dSC remained comfortably well below 1.0. Using the distribution of metric values under the Neutral scenario as a reference, we see that 70–80% of the detection metric values in the Convergent scenario are above the 95th percentile of the 1,000 simulations in their respective neutral distributions, while only 3.5% of dSC values are above this threshold, indicating that this level of convergence is usually detected by all three of the protein convergence metrics (Fig. 1d). In ωC, this level of detection was achievable with only two to three non-synonymous convergent substitutions, and the positive rates exceeded 95% with seven or more convergent substitutions (Supplementary Fig. 3). To be thorough, we considered that ωC metrics can in general be derived for nine types of combinatorial substitution (that is, substitutions occurring at the same protein site in multiple independent branches; Supplementary Text 2) based on whether the ancestral and descendant states are the same or different, or in any state among multiple branches (Supplementary Fig. 1c). In the Convergent scenario, only the ωC metrics involved in convergence (that is, not divergence) showed a response, confirming its specificity (Supplementary Fig. 4a).
We next considered Transfer and Random scenarios that include phylogenetic error. In the Transfer scenario, we transferred one of the focal tip sequences to the other focal tip sequence in the simulation, but the phylogenetic tree used in the analysis remained unchanged, as might happen with HGT events (Fig. 1c). In the Random scenario, we fully randomized the entire reconstructed tree relative to the true tree (Fig. 1c). Excess convergence detected in either of these scenarios is considered a false positive. We determined that both C/D and dNC (and thus R too) are sensitive to the errors (Fig. 1d). By contrast, and as intended, ωC values were close to the neutral expectation because the rise in dNC due to phylogenetic error is matched by a similar increase of dSC, and they cancel each other out in the ωC metric (Fig. 1d). Further simulations supported the robustness of ωC against the rate of protein evolution, model misspecification, tree size and protein size (Supplementary Fig. 4b–f). Still, care must be taken when using simple codon substitution models, such as MG and GY models (Supplementary Text 5). Furthermore, ωC showed low false positive rates in sister branches that serve as a control for the focal branch pairs10 (Supplementary Fig. 4g). Taken together, our simulation showed that ωC effectively counteracts false positives caused by phylogenetic errors without loss of power.
ωC is robust to false convergence in empirical datasets
To test whether ωC performs well with real data, we collected protein-coding sequence datasets from known molecular convergence events in various pairs of lineages covering insects, tetrapods and flowering plants (Fig. 1e, Supplementary Fig. 5, Supplementary Fig. 6 and Supplementary Table 3). Insects that feed on milkweed (Apocynaceae) harbour amino acid substitutions in a sodium pump subunit (ATPalpha1) that confer cardiac glycoside resistance19–21 (Supplementary Fig. 5a). Echolocating bats and whales share amino acid substitutions in the hearing-related motor protein prestin to enable high-frequency hearing22,23 (Supplementary Fig. 5b). An extensive molecular convergence occurred in the mitochondrial genomes of agamid lizards and snakes, presumably due to physiological adaptations for radical fluctuations in their aerobic metabolic rates13. Specialized digestive physiology of herbivorous mammals24–26 and carnivorous plants27 led to the molecular convergence of digestive enzymes (Supplementary Fig. 5c–g). Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), a key enzyme for carbon fixation in C4 photosynthesis, shares multiple amino acid convergence28,29 (Supplementary Fig. 5h). In all these examples, ωC successfully detected convergent lineages, while it was always lower and in many cases close to the neutral expectation in the branch pairs sister to the focal lineages, which serve as a negative control10 (Fig. 1e and Supplementary Table 4). Moreover, the ωC values of the focal branch pairs tended to be high compared with background levels in the phylogenetic trees (Supplementary Fig. 5i). Analysis of different categories of combinatorial substitutions correctly recovered a trend consistent with the action of intramolecular epistasis, which did not appear in the simulations (Supplementary Text 6 and Supplementary Fig. 5j,k).
To test robustness against phylogenetic errors, we also employed reported cases of HGTs associated with C4 photosynthesis30 and plant parasitism31. We reconstructed the phylogenetic trees of the HGT genes with a constraint that enforces species tree-like topologies (Supplementary Fig. 7). This operation separates the HGT donor and acceptor lineages and creates false convergence (Supplementary Fig. 1a). Consistent with the simulation results, ωC values in HGTs were lower than the adaptive convergence events (Fig. 1e). By contrast, C/D and dNC showed values higher in HGTs than in the adaptive convergence events. Together with the simulations, these results show that the consideration of synonymous substitutions is essential for the accurate detection of molecular convergence in the presence of phylogenetic error and that ωC outperforms current alternative methods.
ωC probes a high-confidence set of convergently evolved genes
Discovering adaptive molecular convergence in genome-scale datasets, which may be translated into genotype–phenotype associations, has been challenging since it is a rare phenomenon and false positives are high10–12. To examine whether the application of ωC can generate plausible hypotheses of adaptive molecular convergence, we analysed the 21 vertebrate genomes covering a range from fish to humans (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Fig. 8a) and calculated ωC and other metrics for all independent branch pairs in 16,724 orthogroups classified by OrthoFinder32. CSUBST completed the analysis even for the largest orthogroup (OG0000000) containing 682 genes encoding zinc finger proteins and 901,636 independent branch pairs (alignment length including gaps: 31,665 bp). We obtained a total of 20,150,538 branch pairs from all orthogroups, and subsequent analyses revealed that convergence probability decreased over time probably due to intramolecular epistasis (Fig. 2b, Supplementary Fig. 5l, Supplementary Fig. 8b,c and Supplementary Text 7), that gene duplication also reduced convergence probability (Fig. 2c and Supplementary Text 8) and that ωC is robust for potential artifacts by falsely placed gene duplications and false gene grouping (Supplementary Fig. 8d,e and Supplementary Text 9).
We first extracted the branch pairs with the top 1% of C/D, dNC or ωC values with a cut-off for a minimum of three non-synonymous and synonymous convergence (OCN ≥ 3.0 and OCS ≥ 3.0) (Fig. 3a). The top 1% threshold allows different convergence metrics to be compared without introducing arbitrary thresholds in each metric. The overlap between each set of branch pairs was moderate, with 1,348 branch pairs satisfying all three criteria out of 5,659 pairs with the top 1% ωC values.
To examine which metrics better enrich for likely adaptive convergence, we compared the topological confidence scores of the selected branches. If artifacts due to tree topology errors are included, low confidence branches should be enriched. Analysis of the bootstrap-based confidence values33,34 showed that ωC selects branch pairs with higher confidence than the other two metrics (Fig. 3a). Furthermore, we examined the synonymous convergence rate (dSC), which is not expected to be greater than the theoretical expectation in the adaptive convergence, and established that only ωC satisfies such an assumption (Fig. 3a). These results indicate that ωC has excellent properties for finding adaptive protein convergence in genome-scale analyses.
Detecting convergent genes associated with a particular phenotype
As convergence metrics have been used to search for genes associated with phenotypes of interest, we next examined whether ωC might be used to discover candidate genes underlying phenotypic convergence. Here we analysed a pair of herbivorous animal lineages as an example of a search for genes associated with a complex trait (that is, herbivory): ruminants (the stem branch of the clade including cattle (Bos taurus) and red sheep (Ovis aries)) versus rabbits (the terminal branch connected to Oryctolagus cuniculus). Using minimum thresholds for the number of convergent amino acid substitutions (OCN ≥ 3.0) and protein convergence rate (ωC ≥ 3.0), we obtained 352 candidate gene branch pairs corresponding to the above pair of lineages in a genome-scale analysis of the 21 vertebrates (Supplementary Table 5). By mapping the positions of substitutions onto known conformations of homologous proteins, we identified particularly compelling cases of likely adaptive convergence that generated genotypes linked to particular phenotypes (Supplementary Fig. 9). Examples included olfactory receptors in which convergent substitutions are located in the interior of the receptor barrel (Olfactory Receptor Family 7 Subfamily A (OR7A), Olfactory Receptor Family 2 Subfamily M Member 2 (OR2M2) and Olfactory Receptor Family 1 Subfamily B Member 1 (OR1B1), where substitutions may change ligand preference associated with herbivorous behaviour.
Similarly, the barrel-like structure of some solute carriers harboured convergent substitutions in their interior sides (Solute Carrier Family 5 Member 12 (SLC5A12), SLC51A, SLC22A and SLC44A1), suggesting their involvement in the uptake or transport of plant-derived compounds. Among these, SLC51A (also known as organic solute transporter α (OSTα)) may be a particularly attractive candidate. This protein plays a major role in bile acid absorption and, hence, in dietary lipid absorption35. The convergence in SLC51A may be coupled with another convergent event detected in CYP7A1, a cytochrome P450 protein known to serve as a critical regulatory enzyme of bile acid biosynthesis36. Cytochrome P450 Family 7 Subfamily A Member 1 (CYP7A1) harboured two convergent substitutions in its substrate-binding sites (Supplementary Fig. 9). While most herbivores secrete bile acids mainly in a glycine-conjugated form, ruminant bile is mostly in the form of taurine-conjugated bile acids, which remain soluble in highly acidic conditions37. The predominance of taurine-conjugated forms is also observed in rabbits, depending on species and developmental stage38. Thus, convergence in these proteins may be related to such nutritional physiology characteristic in these herbivorous animals.
Other examples of detected convergence included two convergent substitutions in the DNA-binding sites of a member of the zinc finger protein family, which functions as a transcriptional regulator39 (Supplementary Fig. 9). Convergence in the substrate-binding sites of pancreatic elastase40 and pancreatic DNase I (ref. 41) may be related to their specialized digestion (Supplementary Fig. 9). In DNase I, amino acid sites exposed on the surface of protein structures displayed additional convergent substitutions that change the charge of their target amino acid residues (E124K, G172D and H208N), possibly resulting in convergent changes in the biochemical properties of the protein, such as optimal pH, resistance to proteolysis and post-translational modifications. Consistent with this idea, bovine and rabbit DNase I proteins are known to be more resistant to degradation by pepsin than their homologues in other animals42. Furthermore, E124K was shown to be important for the phosphorylation of bovine DNase I (ref. 43). Other convergent substitutions will be promising candidates for future characterization. Taken together, these results show how our approach can detect genetic changes (for example, molecular convergence in SLC51A, CYP7A1 and DNase I) associated with phenotypes (for example, specialized digestion for herbivory) on the macroevolutionary scale.
Exploratory analysis of molecular convergence
We further exploited the 21 vertebrate genomes to examine whether ωC might be used to discover adaptive molecular convergence that may generate hypotheses of linked phenotypes. Because convergence at multiple levels of biological organization can provide strong evidence for adaptive evolution, we searched for simultaneous convergence in protein sequences and gene expression in an exploratory manner without a predefined hypothesis on convergently evolved genes and lineages. Using the same thresholds applied to the analysis of herbivores above (OCN ≥ 3.0 and ωC ≥ 3.0), we obtained 53,805 candidate branch pairs from all orthogroups.
Although this was an exploratory analysis in which all independent branch pairs were exhaustively analysed, many studies of convergent evolution involve only a few groups of focal species. If such a research design is applied to this dataset (similar to the analysis of herbivores), the number of detected branch pairs will be much smaller. For example, because there are 861 branch pairs in the species tree, on average, 62.5 cases of protein convergence will be obtained in our genome-scale dataset for any particular analysis of two groups of species, although the numbers of analysable branch pairs and hence of detected convergence depend on several factors (Supplementary Text 10 and Supplementary Fig. 10).
To detect convergent gene expression evolution, we employed the amalgamated transcriptomes for six organs in the 21 vertebrate species44. Using this previously published dataset, we subjected curated gene expression levels (SVA-log-TMM-FPKM, log2-transformed values of fragments per kilobase of exon per million reads mapped, corrected by trimmed mean of M-values and surrogate variable analysis) to multi-optima phylogenetic Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) modelling, in which expression evolution is inferred as regime shifts of estimated optimal expression levels45 (Fig. 3b). Phylogenetic positions and the numbers of expression regime shifts were determined by a LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator)-based algorithm with Akaike Information Criterion, which was also used for finding convergent shifts towards similar optimal values. In total, we detected 12,017 cases of expression convergence in 4,308 orthogroups. Setting the thresholds for gene expression specificity at τ ≥ 0.67 (ref. 46) and expression levels at μmax ≥ 2.0 (the maximum value of fitted SVA-log-TMM-FPKM)44, we obtained a set of 2,917 high-confidence branch pairs for potentially adaptive convergence of expression patterns (Fig. 3c).
By taking the intersection of protein convergence and expression convergence, we discovered 33 cases of potentially adaptive joint convergence of expression patterns and protein sequences in 31 orthogroups (Fig. 3c and Supplementary Table 6). Gene duplication was frequently associated with joint convergence, with at least one branch experiencing gene duplication in 23 out of the 33 branch pairs (P = 3.11 × 10−25, χ2 = 107.7, χ2 test of independence). While gene duplication generally reduced the convergence rate, as discussed earlier (Fig. 2c), some of the independently generated duplicates may tend to evolve into the same sequence space when similar expression evolution takes place. Convergence of testis-specific genes was most frequently observed (19/33 orthogroups) and significantly enriched, with the effect size highest among six tissues (Supplementary Table 7). The mechanism by which the testis serves as a major place for functional evolution of duplicated genes has been explained by several factors, including the ease with which expression is acquired in spermatogenic cells47,48. This phenomenon is called the out-of-the-testis hypothesis, and our results suggest that predictable protein evolution may be enriched in this evolutionary pathway. While adaptive evolution may explain this evolutionary scenario, it is possible that partially relaxed constraints may also be involved in protein convergence, particularly at protein sites that were so constrained that almost no amino acid substitutions occurred before relaxation.
To infer the functional effect of convergent amino acid substitutions, we mapped the positions of substitutions onto known conformations of homologous proteins. Strikingly, we observed convergently evolved proteins where clusters of substitutions are localized to functionally important sites (Fig. 3d–g and Supplementary Text 11). For example, an orthogroup of dihydrodiol dehydrogenase (DHDH) showed joint convergence of expression and proteins (Fig. 3g). Possible physiological roles of this enzyme included the detoxification of cytotoxic dicarbonyl compounds, such as 3-deoxyglucosone derived from glycation49,50. Although the domain structure of proteins was well conserved among species (Supplementary Fig. 11a), the gene expression patterns of the encoding genes tended to vary. DHDH is known to show distinct tissue-specific expression patterns in mammals: kidney in monkeys (Macaca mulatta)51, kidney and liver in dogs (Canis lupus)52, liver and lens in rabbits53 and various tissues in pigs (Sus scrofa)49. Our amalgamated transcriptomes showed largely consistent species-specific expression patterns (Fig. 3g). The OU analysis recovered four lineage-specific regime shifts categorized into two pairs of convergent expression evolution. One of them, the convergence of gene expression that occurred between frogs (Xenopus) and the blind cave fish (Astyanax), which diverged approximately 435 million years ago54, is characterized by kidney-specific expression. The Xenopus gene ENSXETG00000033613 appeared to have arisen from a more widely expressed ancestral gene after a lineage-specific gene duplication. By contrast, the Astyanax gene ENSAMXG00000005808 may have acquired kidney-specific expression without any detectable duplication. In this branch pair, we detected a protein convergence rate that cannot be explained by neutral evolution alone, with a convergence of five amino acid sites (Supplementary Fig. 11a). These convergent substitutions localized around the active site, while we did not observe such a trend for the double divergence (Fig. 3g). This result suggests that the convergent substitutions may have occurred adaptively to change ancestral catalytic function.
DHDH has broad substrate specificity for carbonyl compounds. This protein oxidizes trans-cyclohexanediol, trans-dihydrodiols of aromatic hydrocarbons and monosaccharides including D-xylose, while it reduces dicarbonyl compounds, aldehydes and ketones52. Its active site is predominantly formed by hydrophobic residues, suggesting their role in catabolizing aromatic hydrocarbons55,56. Notably, the convergent substitutions in the substrate-binding pocket tended to increase amino acid hydrophobicity (Supplementary Fig. 11b), suggesting that the remodelling of the active site may have led to the acquisition of new substrates, and hence a novel detoxification ability, in Xenopus and Astyanax.
In summary, ωC was not only robust against phylogenetic errors, outperforming other methods in simulation and empirical data, but also allowed us to discover plausible adaptive convergence from a genome-scale dataset without a pre-existing hypothesis. The genotypes detected by molecular convergence analysis provide opportunities for the phenotypic association, mechanistic assessment and experimental validation in vivo. This holds even if internal branches are involved in a detected convergence event, because most species in the clade will tend to retain the convergent genotypes identified, and most species in the clade will tend to retain the phenotypic change that drove the molecular convergence. Therefore, molecular convergence revealed by our exploratory analysis will provide a basis for understanding overlooked phenotypes that are in common among species in clades descended from branches where the convergent events occurred.
Heuristic detection of highly repetitive adaptive convergence
Convergent events observed on even more than two independent lineages are exceptionally good signals of adaptive evolution, if they exist, because three or more combined convergences should be extremely rare in random noise. Conventionally, convergence in more than two branches has been analysed as multiple pairwise comparisons for which there is a prior hypothesis of convergence. The difficulty in analysing higher-order combinatorial substitutions without specific prior hypotheses lies in the need to explore a vast combinatorial space that exponentially expands as the number of branches to be combined (K) increases. For example, an evenly branching tree with 64 tips has 7,359 independent branch pairs (that is, at K = 2), but the number of branch combinations exponentially increases to 333,375 and 6,976,859 in triple (K = 3) and quadruple (K = 4) combinations, respectively, making it impractical to exhaustively search highly repetitive convergence even in a single phylogenetic tree when a hypothesis on focal lineages is unavailable.
To overcome this limitation, we developed an efficient branch-and-bound algorithm57 that progressively searches for higher-order branch combinations (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Fig. 12a). For the performance evaluation, we used the PEPC tree (Fig. 4b) because it has repeated adaptive convergence for its use in C4 photosynthesis (Fig. 1e). While the exhaustive search required 156 minutes with K = 3 to analyse 307,432 branch combinations using two central processing units (CPUs), our branch-and-bound algorithm required only 21 seconds. At K = 4, the exhaustive search completed within a practical time by using 16 CPUs (46 hours for nearly 8 million combinations) but failed to complete at K = 5 (152 million combinations). By sharp contrast, the heuristic search took about 5 minutes for the entire analysis, of which the higher-order analysis with K ranging from 3 to 6 took only about 1 minute to analyse as few as 390 combinations with two CPUs (Supplementary Table 8).
The analysed tree covered nine independent origins of C4-type PEPC, and the corresponding branch pairs of C4 lineages accounted for 1.1% of all possible pairs (94/8,308). Convergent branch pairs defined by a threshold (ωC ≥ 5.0 and OCN ≥ 2.0) enriched for the C4 lineages at K = 2 (29.9%, 26/87; Fig. 4c). The convergence of non-C4 lineages (61/87, including pairs of C4 and non-C4 branches) can be interpreted as false positives or adaptive convergence associated with other currently unknown functions. The subsequent higher-order analysis resulted in the discovery of highly repetitive convergence in combinations of as many as six branches (that is, K = 3 to K = 6). As the order increased, the lineages of C4-type PEPCs rapidly predominated and accounted for all the combinations detected at K ≥ 5 (Fig. 4c), even though the heuristic algorithm was not given any information about the C4 lineages.
In the higher-order C4 branch combinations, the detected convergence events were almost entirely non-synonymous (OCN), while synonymous convergence (OCS) was negligible (Fig. 4d). As a result, the rate of synonymous convergence (dSC) quickly approached zero (Fig. 4d). Notably, the higher-order convergent substitutions were located at functionally important protein sites. In the convergent branch combinations with K = 6, we identified three amino acid sites with a joint posterior probability of non-synonymous convergence greater than 0.5: V627I, H665N, and A780S (Supplementary Fig. 12b–d). The H665N substitution generates a putative N-glycosylation site that may be important for protein folding29. The A780S substitution, for which the signature of positive selection had been detected previously28,58,59, has been shown to change the enzyme kinetics related to the first committed step of C4 carbon fixation60–62 and is therefore considered a diagnostic substitution of C4-type PEPC28,29. The third substitution, C627I, might be a good focus for future experimentation. Application of the heuristic search to the 21 animal genomes revealed that while likely adaptive higher-order convergence could be detected, false detections arising from inconsistently represented splicing variants should be carefully avoided when performing genome-scale analyses (Supplementary Text 12, Supplementary Fig. 13 and Supplementary Table 9). Nevertheless, these results demonstrate that higher-order analysis can substantially increase the signal-to-noise ratio in convergence analysis when there is repeated selective pressure to evolve similar biochemical functions.
In this study, we introduced a measure of convergent protein evolution, ωC, designed to account for false signals due to phylogenetic error. We showed, through simulation and analysis of real biological data, that ωC mostly eliminates false positives without reduction in power to detect true signals. We also developed an approach to estimate the rates of highly repetitive convergence (that is, on more than two lineages) fully accounting for phylogenetic combinatorics and demonstrated that the specificity of ωC increases further in the higher-order analysis. Because of its improved accuracy, ωC should further drive macroevolutionary analyses where uncorrected measures have been used to identify responsible genotypes for particular phenotypes in a way similar to genome-wide association studies (GWASs). It is noteworthy that there are more direct extensions of the GWAS approaches to analyse among-species variations. Those methods, including PhyloGWAS63, can be applied to closely related species to detect convergent selection on ancestral variation or through introgression64. Although those methods are powerful, the applicability to distantly related species is limited. In our method, as in alleles identified by GWASs or the above-mentioned comparable approaches (or genes in gene-level association tests65), genes with excess convergence serve as clues to study macroevolutionary traits for which the molecular basis is unknown (Fig. 5). Furthermore, the accuracy of ωC even allows exploratory analysis (Fig. 5), as demonstrated here in vertebrate genomes (Fig. 3). By conducting a genome-wide search of convergent branch combinations, we detected signatures of likely adaptive convergence, which leads to hypothesis generation on responsible phenotypes. This outcome was possible because ωC, unlike P-values from GWASs, does not require phenotypic traits as input. Convergently evolved genes identified by exploratory analysis will, in turn, lead to the discovery of overlooked phenotypes through future experimentation.
Although ωC is a powerful means to detect convergence while removing the effect of phylogenetic error, there are other sources of stochastic error that can mask small signals. We successfully captured multiple known convergence events here, even with only two or three amino acid substitutions involved in small proteins (Fig. 1e and Supplementary Table 3). However, a convergent amino acid substitution at a single site in only two lineages may not reliably be identified as resulting from adaptation rather than random homoplasy, by ωC or any other measure. Therefore, the number of observed non-synonymous convergence (OCN) should always be considered in addition to the phylogenetic error-corrected convergence rate (ωC), especially in a genome-scale screening with only two or three focal lineages. If many amino acid sites and/or many separate lineages are involved, true convergence is, in general, more easily detected. However, it should be noted that errors due to splicing variants may not be completely eliminated in higher-order branch combinations (Supplementary Text 12). In this study, we used different threshold values of ωC and OCN, depending on the application, and our recommended usage is provided in Supplementary Text 13.
Although it is well established that phenotypes are associated with genotypes, the genetic basis for particular convergently evolved phenotypes may arise from distinct, non-convergent genetic changes66,67. These specific cases may sometimes occur because of convergent mechanisms, such as the use of similar but not identical amino acids, and the use of similar changes at adjacent residues in the protein structure68. The accumulation of knowledge about which mutations are repeatedly selected and which are not during convergent evolution may provide insight into the evolvability and constraints that govern the diversification of organisms.
While some evolutionary innovations may be unique, many traits arose convergently69. Fascinating examples not mentioned above include endothermy, hibernation, burrowing, diving, venom injection, electrogenic organs, eusociality, anhydrobiosis, bioluminescence, biomineralization, plant parasitism, mycoheterotrophy and multicellularity. In the past, the observation of similar phenotypes in multiple species led to the theory of evolution by natural selection70. The analysis of protein sequences in multiple species gave rise to the formulation of the nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution71,72. Likewise, cross-species genotype–phenotype associations illuminated through the analysis of molecular convergence, coupled with experimental evaluation of mutational effects (Supplementary Text 14), may lead to new conceptual frameworks on the constraint and adaptive changes at the molecular level that drive phenotypic change among species.
Simulated codon sequence evolution
With the input phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1c), codon sequences of specified length (500 codons) were generated with the ‘simulate’ function of CSUBST (https://github.com/kfuku52/csubst), which internally utilizes the Python package pyvolve for simulated sequence evolution73. An empirical codon substitution model with multiple nucleotide substitutions74 was adjusted with observed codon frequencies (ECMK07+F) in the vertebrate genes encoding phosphoglycerol kinases (available from the ‘dataset’ function of CSUBST). The conventional ω (dN/dS) was set to 0.2. In the Convergent scenario, 5% of codon sites were evolved convergently in focal lineages (the pair of terminal branches in Fig. 1c). At convergent codon sites, the frequency of non-synonymous substitutions to codons encoding a single randomly selected amino acid was increased so that non-synonymous substitutions to the selected codons accounted for approximately 90% of the total. This operation increases the probability of amino acid convergence without changing relative frequencies among synonymous codons. The site-specific substitution rate at convergent codon sites was also doubled (that is, rl = 2), and a higher non-synonymous/synonymous substitution rate ratio was applied (that is, ω = 5) to mimic adaptive evolution. The simulation parameters for the other scenarios are summarized in Supplementary Table 2. For the Random scenario, randomized trees were generated in 1,000 simulations with the ‘shuffle’ function of NWKIT v0.10.0 and the --label option (https://github.com/kfuku52/nwkit).
In-frame codon sequence alignment
Retrieved coding sequences (Supplementary Methods) were formatted into in-frame sequences using the ‘pad’ function of CDSKIT v0.9.1 (https://github.com/kfuku52/cdskit). Stop codons and ambiguous codons were replaced with gaps with the ‘mask’ function of CDSKIT. Amino acid sequences from translated coding sequences were aligned using MAFFT v7.455 with the --auto option75, trimmed with ClipKIT v0.1.2 with default parameters and reverse-translated with the ‘backtrim’ function of CDSKIT. Gappy codon sites were excluded with the ‘hammer’ function of CDSKIT.
Phylogenetic tree reconstruction
The gene tree was first reconstructed using IQ-TREE v2.0.3 with the general time-reversible nucleotide substitution model and four gamma categories of among-site rate variation (ASRV). To suppress branch attraction in the trees containing HGTs, topological constraints consistent with species classification were generated from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Taxonomy76 using the ‘constrain’ function of NWKIT and used for tree search. Ultrafast bootstrapping with 1,000 replicates was performed to evaluate the credibility of tree topology34 with further optimization of each bootstrapping tree (-bnni option)33. To improve tree topology, some datasets were subjected to phylogeny reconciliation with the species tree using GeneRax v1.2.2 (ref. 77) (Supplementary Table 3). Branching events in gene trees were categorized into speciation or gene duplication by a species-overlap method78 (Supplementary Methods). Arabidopsis thaliana orthologues in each clade were inferred from the tree topology. Minor differences in the methods applied to each dataset, from sequence retrieval to phylogenetic analysis, are summarized in Supplementary Table 3.
Detecting convergent expression evolution
Using the dated species tree and rooted gene trees as inputs, the divergence time of individual gene trees was estimated by RADTE (https://github.com/kfuku52/RADTE) as described previously44. Evolution of gene expression levels (SVA-log-TMM-FPKM)44 in brain, heart, kidney, liver, ovary and testis samples was modelled on the dated gene tree with phylogenetic multi-optima Ornstein–Uhlenbeck models (that is, Hansen models79) with the ‘estimate_shift_configuration’ function in the R package l1ou v1.40 (ref. 45) as described previously44. Convergent regime shifts were then detected as multiple regime shifts that lead to similar expression levels, as judged by the ‘estimate_convergent_regimes’ function45.
Classification of combinatorial substitutions
Combinatorial substitutions were collectively defined as substitutions at the same protein site that occur in multiple independent branches in a phylogenetic tree. When this occurs only in two branches, it is called a paired substitution. In unambiguous notation, we consider paired substitutions along two branches with the same specific state (spe), different states (dif) or any state (any) at the ancestral and derived nodes. The five combinatorial states that are frequently considered in the literature are paired substitutions (any→any), double divergence (any→dif), convergence (any→spe), discordant convergence (dif→spe) and congruent convergence (spe→spe) (Supplementary Fig. 1c). Convergence is discussed throughout this report because it is of particular importance in testing evolutionary genotype–phenotype associations.
Ancestral state reconstruction and parameter estimation
Our method estimates convergent substitution via ancestral reconstruction. Whereas ancestral amino acid reconstruction has been used in previous reports10,11,17,18, here we used codon sequence reconstruction. Using the input phylogenetic tree and observed codon sequences, CSUBST internally uses IQ-TREE to estimate the posterior probabilities (PP) of ancestral sequences by the empirical Bayesian method80 with the ECMK07+F+R4 model by default. At the same time, the parameters used in CSUBST are estimated: equilibrium frequencies of codon state i (πi), ASRV for a codon site l (rl), non-synonymous per synonymous substitution ratio (ω), and transition per transversion substitution ratio (κ).
Multidimensional array structures for substitution history
CSUBST stores the coding sequences and the reconstructed probable ancestral states in a three-dimensional array whose size is M × L × 61 for a phylogenetic tree with M nodes (excluding the root node) generated from an alignment of coding sequences with L codon sites, each of which can take a distribution of 61 different codon states (in the universal genetic code), excluding stop codons. We denote by Pmlj(X|D,θ) the PP of codon X for codon state j at site l on node m. The three-dimensional array for codon states is then converted to a four-dimensional array that stores the probability of substitutions with the size of B × L × 61 × 61, where B denotes the number of branches excluding the root branch. This array stores the PP of substitution Pblij(S|D,θ) for single substitution S from ancestral codon state i to derived codon state j for a codon site l in branch b. For a site l in branch b connecting ancestral node n with codon state i and descendant node m with codon state j, the PP of substitution matrix Pij(S|D,θ) is derived as
1 |
As the transition between the same codon state is not considered a substitution, the diagonal elements (iji=j) are filled with 0. Although equation (1) is an approximation that does not take into account the non-independence between nodes of a phylogenetic tree, we confirmed that the effect was negligible (Supplementary Text 15 and Supplementary Fig. 14). For efficient processing of non-synonymous and synonymous substitution probabilities with the array operation of NumPy81, the four-dimensional array is converted into a pair of five-dimensional arrays (AN and AS for non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions, respectively) whose individual size is B × L × G × I × J, where codon states are grouped into G categories (Supplementary Fig. 2a). Stored values range between 0 and 1, denoted by Pblgij(S|D,θ), the probability of single substitution S from ancestral codon i to derived codon j (i ≠ j) in codon group g at site l of branch b, given the observed sequence data D and model parameters θ that include the phylogenetic tree. The elements in the array AN dictate Pblgij(SN|D,θ), the probabilities of non-synonymous substitutions (SN), whereas those in the array AS correspond to Pblgij(SS|D,θ), the probabilities of synonymous substitutions (SS). In AN, where the PPs of synonymous codons are merged, a single 20 × 20 matrix records all the substitution probabilities, and therefore G = 1 and I = J = 20. Synonymous substitutions occur only between codons that code for the same amino acid. Because there are 20 different amino acids, G equals 20 in AS. In the case of the universal genetic code, the maximum number of codons encoding the same amino acid is six, for leucine, serine and arginine, so I = J = 6. In the matrix corresponding to these three amino acids, all values are between 0 and 1, but for amino acids with a smaller number of codons, the out-of-range indices are filled with zero. Missing sites in the sequence alignment are also treated as zero. For simplicity, we explain the case where there is no missing site in the observed sequences and ancestral states in the following sections, but the implementation in CSUBST appropriately takes into account the missing sites by subtracting its numbers from L at every necessary step in individual branches or branch combinations.
Tree rescaling
During the ancestral state reconstruction, IQ-TREE estimates the branch length as the number of nucleotide substitutions per codon site. Because our model requires the number of codon substitutions rather than the number of nucleotide substitutions, and because branch lengths are required separately for both synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions, we obtained rescaled branch length tb of branch b from the substitution probabilities as follows:
2 |
tbN and tbS for non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions were obtained with Pblgij(SN|D,θ) and Pblgij(SS|D,θ), respectively. For example, the total branch lengths of the vertebrate phosphoglycerol kinase tree before and after rescaling are 7.57 nucleotide-substitutions/codon-site and 7.21 codon-substitutions/codon-site (1.59 non-synonymous and 5.62 synonymous codon substitutions per codon site).
Observed number of combinatorial substitutions
The only true observations are the gene sequences of the extant species, and the PPs of ancestral sequences and codon substitutions are estimates. However, we refer to the PPs as ‘observations’18 to unambiguously distinguish them from the expected values described in the next section. Here we denote by Pl(SC|D,θ) the probability of combinatorial substitution SC at codon site l given observed sequences D and model θ. The probabilities of non-synonymous and synonymous combinatorial substitutions at site l are separately obtained as Pl(SCN|D,θ) and Pl(SCS|D,θ), respectively, with the following equations:
3 |
4 |
5 |
where k represents a branch of interest. We denote by K the degree of combinatorial substitutions or the number of branches to be compared. Because two branches are often compared in conventional convergence analysis, we explain here the case of K = 2. A part of array operations in equations (3)–(5) are illustrated in Supplementary Fig. 2b. The total probabilities of observed substitution pairs across sites in the branch pair are calculated as
6 |
OC is separately obtained for non-synonymous and synonymous combinatorial substitutions (OCN and OCS, respectively). By definition (Supplementary Fig. 1c), the values of OC for double divergence and discordant convergence are derived as follows at K = 2:
7 |
8 |
C/D17 corresponds to in our notation.
Expected number of combinatorial substitutions
To estimate the rate of combinatorial substitutions, the observed number OC is contrasted with the expected number EC. EC is derived from codon substitution models in a way similar to the previous application of amino acid substitution models18. The tested codon substitution models include the empirical models ECMK07 and ECMrest74 and the mechanistic models MG82 and GY83. The same model was consistently used in the ancestral state reconstruction and in deriving the model-based expectations of combinatorial substitutions. In the method described below, empirical equilibrium codon frequencies, the rescaled branch length and ASRV are also taken into account. In the empirical models, the codon substitution rate matrix Q is derived according to previous literature74,84 as follows:
9 |
where si,j denotes the exchangeabilities of codon pairs i and j (sij = sji) and πi represents the equilibrium frequencies of 61 codons estimated from the input alignment. In the mechanistic models, mechanistic substitution parameters are used instead of the exchangeabilities. In the MG model, qij is obtained with πi and non-synonymous per synonymous substitution ratio ω, whereas transition per transversion substitution ratio κ is also taken into account in the GY model. Q is then rescaled as
10 |
Finally, the diagonal elements of Q are completed as
11 |
With substitution rate rl pre-estimated by IQ-TREE, the codon transition probability matrix Pij(tb,rl) after time tb are obtained using matrix exponentiation as
12 |
where CSUBST uses the rescaled branch lengths tbN or tbS in place of tb. The distribution of expected substitutions at site l in branch b connecting ancestral node n with codon state i and a descendant node is therefore given by
13 |
Using Pklgij(Sexpected|D,θ) in place of Pklgij(S|D,θ), the total probabilities of expected substitution pairs across sites in the branch pair denoted by EC are obtained by the same procedure used to obtain OC (equations (3)–(8)). Similar to OC, the expected numbers of combinatorial substitutions (EC) are separately calculated for non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions (ECN and ECS, respectively). By definition (Supplementary Fig. 1c), the following relationships hold at K = 2:
14 |
15 |
Non-synonymous and synonymous combinatorial substitution rates
With the observed and expected numbers of combinatorial substitutions (OC and EC, respectively), the rates of non-synonymous and synonymous combinatorial substitutions are obtained, respectively, by
16 |
17 |
Both dNC and dSC are the observed number divided by the expected number. If the theoretically expected number derived from the codon substitution model fully explains the observed number, then both dNC and dSC values would be 1.0. dNC can be regarded as equivalent to R with the per-gene equilibrium amino acid frequencies (their fgene), but note that some features are different from the corresponding parts for R. In particular, we used the standard procedure to derive codon transition probabilities (equations (12) and (13) and equation 1.2 in ref. 16), whereas no matrix exponentiation is applied for R. In the 21 vertebrate genome dataset, the total expected convergence ( = 6,051,985) corresponds to 87.2% of the total observed convergence ( = 6,939,070). This expectation matches the observation with better accuracy than the previously published results with the Drosophila genomes (582.8/942 = 61.9% with their JTT-fgene model)18.
Accounting for a range of combinatorial substitution rates
Under purifying selection, which is the default evolutionary mode of many proteins, the rate of synonymous substitutions is faster than that of non-synonymous substitutions. Therefore, saturation of synonymous substitutions becomes a potential problem, especially in a counting method that cannot properly account for the effects of multiple substitutions. To account for this issue, we applied a transformation of dSC using quantile values (Up) as follows:
18 |
where denotes the quantile value of the empirical dNC distribution at , the quantile rank of the dSC value, among all branch combinations at K. This operation rescales dSC to match its distribution range with that of dNC, and the resulting ωC becomes robust for outlier values (Supplementary Fig. 15). Because of the need for quantile values, this transformation is only applicable when the branch combinations are exhaustively searched. In this work, is used at K = 2 unless otherwise mentioned.
Non-synonymous per synonymous combinatorial substitution rate ratio
A non-synonymous per synonymous combinatorial substitution rate ratio for K branches is given by
19 |
ωC can be separately calculated for different categories of combinatorial substitutions, for example, for paired substitutions, for double divergence, for convergence, for discordant convergence and for concordant convergence. For simplicity, the derivation of ωC was explained above for the combinatorial substitutions illustrated in Supplementary Fig. 1c. However, our method can be applied to other categories of combinatorial substitutions as well. For example, phenotypic convergence may be associated with the same ancestral amino acid substituted to different amino acids85, in which case may be useful for analysis.
Branch combinations
Combinatorial substitutions are a collection of independently occurring evolutionary events (Supplementary Fig. 1c). Branch combinations containing an ancestor–descendant relationship did not satisfy the evolutionary independence and were therefore excluded from the analysis. Although convergent substitutions occurring in sister branch pairs satisfy the evolutionary independence, they are difficult to discriminate and are often treated as a single ancestral substitution. For this reason, sister branches were also excluded from the analysis (Supplementary Fig. 12a).
Analysis of higher-order branch combinations
OC and EC, and hence ωC, can also be obtained for combinations of more than two branches (K > 2). The higher-order analysis is particularly useful when analysing traits with extensively repetitive convergence, such as C4 photosynthesis, which is thought to have evolved at least 62 times independently86. To efficiently explore the higher-order dimensions of branch combinations, we devised a branch-and-bound algorithm that combines the convergence metric cut-off, and the generation of K + 1 branch combinations from the branch overlaps at K − 1 (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Fig. 12a). The higher-order analysis starts with an exhaustive comparison of branch pairs (that is, K = 2). Next, convergent branch pairs are extracted with an ωC cut-off value (≥5.0 in Fig. 4). At this time, branch pairs with a small number of convergent substitutions are excluded by applying an OCN cut-off value (≥2.0 in Fig. 4). The convergent branch pairs are then subjected to the all-versus-all comparison. When a shared branch is found, their union is generated as a combination of three branches to be analysed. Before proceeding to the analysis at K = 3, branch combinations containing a sister or ancestor–descendant relationship are discarded. In this way, K is sequentially increased by one at a time. As such, the algorithm searches only for higher-order branch combinations that are guaranteed to have sufficient convergence metrics in lower-order combinations. In each round, convergent branch combinations are first extracted by the cut-offs, and then the K + 1 combinations are generated by the K − 1 overlap, as in the analysis at K = 2. For example, two, three and four branches should be shared at K = 3, K = 4 and K = 5, respectively. The increase in K continues until the algorithm no longer finds a branch combination that satisfies the criteria of ωC and OCN.
Implementation of CSUBST
The proposed methods, including the calculation of ωC and the branch-and-bound algorithm for higher-order combinations, were implemented in the ‘analyze’ function of CSUBST, which was written in Python 3 (https://www.python.org/). Phylogenetic tree processing was implemented with the Python package ETE 3 (ref. 87). Numpy81, SciPy88 and pandas (https://pandas.pydata.org/) were used for array and table data processing. Parallel computation was performed by multiprocessing with Joblib (https://joblib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). The intensive calculation was optimized with Cython89.
Mapping combinatorial substitutions to protein structures
For the analysis of protein structures, a streamlined pipeline was implemented in the ‘site’ function of CSUBST. Using the ‘--pdb besthit’ option, CSUBST requests an online MMseqs2 search90 against the RSCB Protein Data Bank (PDB)91 to obtain three-dimensional conformation data of closely related proteins. If no hit is obtained, a BLASTP search against the UniProt database is run on the QBLAST server to identify the best hit protein for which AlphaFold-predicted structure is available92,93. For some proteins, structural data were manually selected because more appropriate structures were available (for example, with substrate). Subsequently, CSUBST internally uses MAFFT to generate protein alignments to determine the homologous positions of amino acids and to write a PyMOL session file. The protein structures were visualized using Open-Source PyMOL v2.4.0 (https://github.com/schrodinger/pymol-open-source).
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Supplementary information
We acknowledge the following sources for funding: MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI 18J00178 (K.F.), the Sofja Kovalevskaja programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (K.F.), a Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigators Grant RGY0082/2021 (K.F.) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 GM083127 (D.D.P.). Computations were partially performed on the National Institute of Genetics supercomputer.
Author contributions
K.F. conceptualized the study. K.F. designed and wrote all programmes and performed data analysis. D.D.P. contributed to conceptualizing and helping guide the analysis. K.F. and D.D.P. wrote the paper.
Peer review
Peer review information
Nature Ecology & Evolution thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.
Data availability
Raw data and results are available at 10.5061/dryad.tx95x6b0v94.
Code availability
CSUBST is available from GitHub (https://github.com/kfuku52/csubst). The results reported in this study can be reproduced with CSUBST v0.20.17. The notation in this paper is consistent with CSUBST v1.0.0. Scripts used in this study are available at 10.5061/dryad.tx95x6b0v94.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Supplementary information
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41559-022-01932-7.
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Raw data and results are available at 10.5061/dryad.tx95x6b0v94.
CSUBST is available from GitHub (https://github.com/kfuku52/csubst). The results reported in this study can be reproduced with CSUBST v0.20.17. The notation in this paper is consistent with CSUBST v1.0.0. Scripts used in this study are available at 10.5061/dryad.tx95x6b0v94.