The lineage and developmental trajectory of a cell are key determinants of cellular identity. In the vascular system, endothelial cells (ECs) of blood and lymphatic vessels (LVs) differentiate and specialize to cater the unique physiological demands of each organ1,2. While LVs were shown to derive from multiple cellular origins, lymphatic ECs (LECs) are not known to generate other cell-types3,4. Here, we use recurrent imaging and lineage-tracing of ECs in zebrafish anal fins (AF), from early development through adulthood, to uncover an unexpected mechanism of specialized blood vessel formation through transdifferentiation of LECs. Moreover, we demonstrate that deriving AF vessels from lymphatic vs. blood ECs results in functional differences in the adult organism, uncovering a link between cell ontogeny and functionality. We further use scRNA-seq to characterize the different cellular populations and transition states involved in the transdifferentiation process. Finally, we show that akin to normal development, the vasculature is re-derived from lymphatics during AF regeneration, demonstrating that LECs in adult fish retain both potency and plasticity for generating blood ECs. Overall, our work highlights a new innate mechanism of blood vessel formation through LEC transdifferentiation, and provides in vivo evidence for a link between cell ontogeny and functionality in ECs.
Through lifetime, blood and lymphatic vessels acquire distinct organotypic specializations to properly serve the organ needs1,2. Here, we focus on the zebrafish anal fin (AF) (Fig. 1a), an adult-specific structure established during metamorphosis5,6 (Fig. 1a,a’), which is vascularized by secondary vessels (SVs)- a specialized blood vessel type carrying intermittent erythrocyte flow7–9. While extensive work has been devoted to understand the physiology of this peculiar blood vessel type10,11, their origins, molecular features and specialization mechanisms, remain unexplored12.
To study the formation of the AF vasculature, we used Tg(mrc1a:egfp);(prox1aBAC:KalTA4–4xUAS-E1b:uncTagRFP) reporters, whose co-localization labels bona fide lymphatic vessels (Extended Data Fig. 1a–e’), in combination with Tg(kdrl:BFP), thereby enabling simultaneous examination of the lymphatic (mrc1a+;prox1a+) and blood (kdrl+;prox1a−) vessel components (Extended Data Fig. 1f–f”). In parallel, we tracked bone formation in Tg(osx:mCherry) fish. Using recurrent imaging of individual animals between 15–30 dpf, we defined four stages of AF vascular formation (Extended Data Fig. 1g–j; Table 1). At Stage 0, before AF appearance, the median fin fold area is devoid of ECs (Fig. 1b). As AF development begins (Extended Data Fig. 1g), lymphatic sprouts arising from the thoracic duct (TD) and the cardinal collateral lymphatic vessel (CCL)13 enter the anterior and posterior poles of the AF (Stage I, Fig. 1c; Extended Data Fig. 1k) and merge to form a lymphatic arc (Fig. 1c’; Extended Data Fig. 1k’). Concomitantly, kdrl:BFP+ sprouts from the posterior cardinal vein (PCV) and cloacal (cl) blood vessels, penetrate the AF as well (Fig. 1c,c’; Extended Data Fig. 1k,k’). As the fin rays elongate (Fig. 1d,e; Extended Data Fig. 1h,i), the Lymphatic Vascular Component (LVC) of the AF ramifies (Stage II, Fig. 1f, Extended Data Fig. 1l) and grows along the developing bones (Stage III, Fig 1g–h’; Extended Data Fig. 1m). Conversely, the Blood Vascular Component (BVC) remains restricted to the dorso-anterior area (Fig. 1f,g; Extended Data Fig. 1l,m). Similar mechanisms underlie the formation of the Dorsal Fin (DF) that develops at comparable stages (Extended Data Fig. 1n–n”). The notable prevalence of the LVC over the BVC in the developing fins (Fig. 1i) is striking, given that in most cases, lymphangiogenesis lags behind blood vessel growth2,13–15.
Multiple lines of evidence support the lymphatic identity of these vessels. First, they are directly connected to trunk lymphatics (Extended Data Fig. 2a–a”; Supplementary Video 1) and besides prox1a and mrc1a, they express also Tg(lyve1b:dsRed) (Extended Data Fig. 2b–d). In addition, prox1 mRNA expression was specifically detected in the mrc1a:GFP+ LVC, but not in kdrl:GFP+ BVC, whereas pan-endothelial fli1a mRNA puncta were observed in all vessels (Extended Data Fig. 2e–j). Finally, the lymphatic vs. blood vessel identity was functionally confirmed through time-lapse imaging of Tg(gata1a:dsRed) that showed erythrocyte flow only in BVC vessels (Supplementary Video 2), and by Qdot705 angiography16 that resulted in sole kdrl+ BVC labeling (Fig. 1j,j’). Hence, our anatomical, molecular and functional analyses demonstrate that the development of the AF is specifically associated with lymphatic, rather than blood vessel growth.
We wondered why, in spite of the presence of conventional blood vessels near the AF (e.g., PCV, BVC), the tissue utilizes a lymphatic source for vascularization. One potential outcome of such unusual mechanism would be the creation of a local hypoxic environment, largely regarded as key for chondrogenesis and osteogenesis17, while enabling delivery of factors required for bone formation and growth. Indeed, when calcein was injected subcutaneously16,18,19 in the anterior trunk, it rapidly reached the lumen of the AF lymphatics, developing bones and associated mesenchyme (Extended Data Fig. 2k–k”), suggesting that the initial LVC delivers solutes to the AF while maintaining a hypoxic microenvironment (Extended Data Fig. 2,l,l’).
Strikingly, as AF growth proceeds, the expression of lymphatic markers is lost along the fin rays (Stage IV, Fig. 1k; Extended Data Fig. 2m,n). This reduction was not due to vessel pruning or retraction, as all fin vessels were detected in Tg(fli1a:dsRed) adult animals albeit with no lymphatic marker expression (Fig. 1l,m; Extended Data Fig. 2o). Moreover, intravascular injection of Qdot705 indicated that the adult AF vessels are fully lumenized and connected to blood circulation (Extended Data Fig. 2p,p’), suggesting they have acquired a blood vessel fate.
To investigate whether the AF plexus forms via transdifferentiation of the initial lymphatic network, we established a conditional EC-specific multicolor lineage tracing system (Extended Data Fig. 3a,b) (referred as ‘flibow’) and used multispectral confocal imaging to obtain the ‘spectral signature’ of individual ECs (Extended Data Fig. 3c–j’). We induced recombination at 2.5 dpf, selected larvae with differentially labeled trunk lymphatics at 6–10 dpf (prior to AF formation), and imaged them separately, every 2–4 days, to trace the formation of the AF vasculature (Table 2). As seen in sequential images of the same animal (Fig. 2a–e), we detected distinctly labelled TD and sprouts of matching clonal identity (green), penetrating the AF (Fig. 2a,b), generating the Stage II plexus (Fig. 2c) and growing along the bones (Fig. 2d,e). When extended through adult stages, our analyses indicated that the entire AF vasculature is derived from a few LECs colonizing the early AF (Fig. 2f,g). Overall, uniquely labeled clones in mature fin ray vessels, were traced back to Stage I/II lymphatic-derived sprouts of identical colors, in 95% AFs (Table 2 and Extended Data Fig. 4a). Moreover, no contribution of labeled BVC clones was detected in 98% of analysed AF ray vessels and no new colors were observed in ~94% of the cases (Table 2 and Extended Data Fig. 4a–c’).
To further test lineage relationships, we devised two alternative strategies. First, we generated Tg(kdrl:CreERT2;flibow) fish, where the flibow construct is activated only in blood ECs20. In addition, we established a flibow-independent system, by combining Tg(kdrl:CreERT2) with Tg(bactin2:loxP-BFP-loxP-DsRed)21 fish. In both cases, upon induction of kdrl:CreERT2 mediated recombination, 100% of the labeled clones found in the AF, were restricted to the BVC (Extended Data Fig. 4d–f’), and never found in the AF ray vessels. Overall, our results using multiple lineage tracing strategies demonstrate that the whole mature AF plexus originates from bona fide LECs, with no contribution from neighboring blood vessels.
Notably, while lymphatics originate from multiple sources3,4, the LEC fate was shown to be “reprogrammable” only due to mutations or other insults22–25. In contrast, there is no evidence of an innate program that utilizes differentiated LECs to generate blood vessels. To ascertain the molecular nature of this vessel fate-switch, we analyzed publicly available RNA-seq data from PROX1 downregulated-Human Dermal Lymphatic Endothelial Cells (HDLECs)26. In this setting, loss of lymphatic fate correlated with significant upregulation of well-known blood vessel markers such as KDR, FLT1, DLL4 and SOX17 (Extended Data Fig. 5a,b). Taking cues from this dataset, we assessed the expression of sox17, a transcription factor enriched in mammalian arteries27, and found sox17EGFP-labeled ECs in the developing ray vessels, from stage II onwards (Fig. 2h–k and Extended Data Fig. 5c–g). Similarly, around Stage II, a few LECs within the plexus turn on expression of Tg(flt1_9a:GFP) (Fig. 2l–l”), a flt1 enhancer that labels angioblasts and arteries, but not differentiated LECs28–30 (Extended Data Fig. 5h,h’). As the rays grow, additional lyve1b+/prox1a+ LECs upregulate flt1_9a:GFP (Extended Data Fig. 5i–j’) and kdrl:GFP (Extended Data Fig 5l–m”), indicating their progressive transition toward a less differentiated state. Of note, the pattern of expression driven by the flt1_9a enhancer was different from that of the flt1 transcript, which was found to be enriched only in the BVC (Extended Data Fig. 5k).
To globally resolve the heterogeneity of ECs generated during the transition, we carried out single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq)31 on ECs isolated from Tg(fli1a:dsRed) AFs at stages II-III, when the transdifferentiation process takes place. Five clusters (Fig. 2m) were annotated based on their differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (Fig. 2n and Table 3). The BVC cluster (purple) featured significant expression of known blood EC markers, such as cdh5, flt1 and kdrl (Fig. 2n,o and Extended Data Fig. 6a). ECs of the LVC were annotated to 3 different groups: (i) differentiated LECs (LEC, blue), enriched with lymphatic markers such as prox1a, lyve1b and mrc1a (Fig. 2n,o and Extended Data Fig. 6b); (ii) LVC1 (green), characterized by expression of sox17 and additional BV markers like hey1 and dll4 (Fig. 2n,o and Extended Data Fig. 6c), represents the LVC-derived blood vessels; and (iii) LVC2 (red), with no clear lymphatic or blood EC signature (Fig. 2n,o). Since the transdifferentiation process involves only the LVC derivatives (LEC, LVC1 and LVC2), we re-analysed these clusters. PHATE32 map (Fig. 2p), as well as Slingshot33 and PAGA34 analyses (Extended Data Fig. 6d,e), suggest LVC2 to be an intermediate population, with lymphatic marker expression gradually decreasing from LEC to LVC2 (Extended Data Fig. 6f), and blood EC gene expression increasing from LVC2 to LVC1 (Extended Data Fig. 6g). Interestingly, LVC2 features genes associated with chromatin binding and remodeling, nucleosome organization and DNA packaging (Fig. 2n,o) such as seta35, hmgb, hmgn36,37 and prmt138, shown to be enriched in undifferentiated/progenitor cells and downregulated across cell differentiation. Thus, the LVC2 signature bodes well with the idea that it represents a population of transitioning/differentiating cells.
Our imaging and scRNA-seq analyses highlight the unique expression of Sox17 in transdifferentiating ECs. To interrogate the role of Sox17 in suppressing the LEC fate, we injected UAS:Sox17 DNA into Tg(hsp70l:Gal4;lyve1b:dsRed) embryos. Heat-activation at 21 dpf rendered 25.24±8% of injected fish displaying patches of missing lyve1b expression in the AF (Extended Data Fig. 7a–b’). Moreover, mosaic overexpression of Sox17 in ECs, resulted in absence or incomplete formation of the TD in 17.94% of the injected embryos (Extended Data Fig. 7c–g). Together these results demonstrate that ECs in the developing AF progressively lose LEC identity while gaining expression of BEC markers, and point to Sox17 as potential key player in this transition.
Previous work described LEC reprogramming by blood flow shear stress24. To check whether the transdifferentiation precedes the exposure of the AF vessels to blood flow, or is rather the presence of blood flow what leads to transdifferentiation, we injected fluorescent tracers intravascularly, at various timepoints, and followed their distribution in the fin vessels vis a vis marker analysis. We found that while the fluorescent tracers remain restricted in the BVC in Stage II AFs (Fig. 3a,a’), they enter the lumen of the LVC-derivatives in Stage III AFs (Fig. 3b,b’ and Extended Data Fig. 8a–b’), indicating that patent connections with the systemic circulation were established. Notably, both sox17EGFP (Fig. 3c,c’) and flt1_9a (Extended Data Fig. 8c,c’) expression was detected in transdifferentiating ECs before exposure of the vessels to blood flow. Imaging of sox17EGFP;lyve1b:dsRed and sox17EGFP;fli1a:dsRed revealed that the connection with blood circulation is established through a “bottom-up” mechanism whereby the newly generated sox17EGFP+ vessels extend dorsally and anastomose with sprouts arising from the dorsal aorta (DA) (Fig. 3d and Extended Data Fig. 8d–g”). Accordingly, flibow lineage tracing showed that the connecting vessels arise in the AF and are LVC-derived (Extended Data Fig. 8h). Altogether, our results support the idea that LEC transdifferentiation is not elicited by blood flow.
Given that the fin ray vessels are LVC derived, we turned to flt4−/− animals, which lack most lymphatic vessels39,40 (Extended Data Fig. 9a,a’) to investigate how LEC absence would impact fin formation. Surprisingly, we found that blood, and not lymphatic vessel sprouts, generate the entire vascular network in the developing AF (Fig. 3e–h) and DF (Extended Data Fig. 9b–e) of flt4−/−animals, whereas the LVC is missing in both fins. Similarly, when lymphatics were ablated using the NTR/MTZ system41, kdrl+ BVC sprouts contributed substantially to ray vessel formation (Fig. 3i and Extended Data Fig. 9f–h). To genetically confirm the alternative origin of the ray vessels in flt4−/−, we used the flibow system. Extended Data Fig. 9i depicts a representative flibow;flt4−/− fish with a single sprout connected to the PCV and cl blood vessels, colonizing the AF. ECs of matching clonal identity are later detected in the ray vessels of the mature AF (Extended Data Fig. 9j). Thus, unlike WT animals, flt4−/− mutants possess an AF plexus that is fully derived from pre-existing blood vessels.
During embryonic development, several cell types are known to originate from more than one source. However, to what extent the ontogeny of a cell is linked to its function in the adult organism, remains an open question. Notably, WT and flt4−/− animals provide a unique opportunity to assess the functionality of vessels arising from different sources, in the same organ. Before all else, we noticed that flt4−/− AFs present unusual blood pooling and erythrocyte accumulation that were not detected in WT siblings (Fig. 3j,j’). By recording erythrocyte flow, we found that mature WT AFs display an unusual pattern of ‘intermittent’ flow, as previously reported8,10,11, whereas flt4−/− AF vessels presented continuous blood flow and high erythrocyte density both in juvenile and adult stages (Extended Data Fig. 10a–e; Supplementary Video 3,4). Likewise, we detected higher gata1a:dsRed+ erythrocyte content in the ray vessels of flt4−/− mutants (Extended Data Fig. 10f–i).
To ascertain whether the mutant’s vessel and flow properties affect AF bone formation, we used micro-computed tomography (μCT)42. Analysis of flt4−/− revealed prominent malformations, particularly in the medial radials, which were significantly shorter and less structured than those of WT counterparts (Fig 3k; Extended Data Fig. 10j–l). Thus, the different origin of the AF vasculature in flt4−/− animals leads to malformations in the skeletal structures. Altogether our results indicate that the functional properties of the mature AF vasculature are directly linked to the source of its ECs (blood vs. lymphatic), highlighting the importance of cell “biography” for proper tissue development and functionality.
We next asked whether the transdifferentiation process is recapitulated during regeneration. Certainly, resection of the AF in adult fish (Fig. 4a) triggered sprouting from the unamputated lymphatics (Fig. 4a’,b). These new LEC sprouts extended ventrally, wrapping the regenerating bones, first as a disorganized plexus and later on establishing the well-ordered vessel pattern akin to the developmental process (Extended Data Fig. 11a–b). The transdifferentiation was also fully recapitulated, as reflected by gradual appearance of sox17EGFP and flt1_9a:GFP (Fig. 4c; Extended Data Fig. 11c), and loss of lymphatic markers (Fig. 4d,e). To substantiate these findings, we lineage traced ECs before AF resection and following regeneration in the same animal. We found that ECs in the regenerated AFs were clonally related to the LECs that established the original AF plexus, and no new clones were detected in 32/34 regenerated fin rays (Extended Data Fig. 10d–f). In addition, following kdrl:CreERT;flibow induction all labeled clones within the regenerated AF, were located in the BVC (Extended Data Fig. 11g), confirming that pre-existing blood vessels do not give rise to the AF plexus during regeneration. Finally, we tracked the lineage history of the AF vasculature in the same animal, from development through adulthood, and following regeneration (Fig. 4f). As expected, we found that ECs clonally related to the LECs that generated the initial LVC-derived plexus, populate the regenerating fins (Fig. 4g–k), illuminating for the first time the lifetime and regenerative lineage history of ECs composing a vascular plexus. Of note, the use of zebrafish helped circumvent some of the intrinsic limitations associated with lineage tracing in mammals43, and enabled tracing the lineage history of ECs and their progenies throughout the lifetime of a single organism. Taken together our results indicate that AF regeneration re-activates the LEC-to-BEC transdifferentiation program observed during metamorphosis, reinforcing the importance of this mechanism for generating a proper bone-associated vasculature. Moreover, these findings indicate that LECs harbor the plasticity to give rise to blood vessels through life.
Overall, our work highlights a new mechanism of specialized blood vessel formation through LEC transdifferentiation, and provides in vivo evidence for a link between cell ontogeny and functionality of ECs. In addition, our findings help solve a long-standing controversy regarding the existence of lymphatics and SVs in teleosts44. By showing that the AF/DF vessels are in fact lymphatic-derived, we demonstrate not only that both vessel types exist in teleosts, but also that the latter do not form in the absence of lymphatics. We further provide compelling evidence demonstrating that the SVs represent a specialized blood vessel type with unique functional and molecular properties that, as other organotypic vascular beds, evolved to serve the specific needs of teleost appendages. Finally, our findings provide new insights into our current understanding of lymphatic plasticity and diversification, contributing to a growing body of literature revealing exciting new roles for lymphatic vessels 45–51.
Materials and Methods
Zebrafish husbandry and transgenic lines
Zebrafish were raised by standard methods and handled according to the guidelines of the Weizmann Institute Animal Care and Use Committee28. The Tg(lyve1b:dsRed)nz101 29, Tg(fli1ep:dsredex)um13 30, Tg(flt1_9a:EGFP)wz2 29, Tg(mrc1a:EGFP)y251 13, TgBAC(prox1a:KALTA4,4xUAS-E1B:TagRFP)nim5 29, flt4um203/um203 39, Tg(kdrl:EGFP)s843 52, Tg(kdrl:TagBFP)mu293 53, Tg(osx:mCherry)zf131 54, Tg(hsp70l:Gal4vp16)vu22 55 , Tg(kdrl:Cre-ERT2)fb13 20, Tg(UAS:NTR-mCherry)56, TgBAC(flt1:YFP)hu4624 57, Tg(bactin2:loxP-BFP-loxP-DsRed 21 and Tg(fli1a:Gal4FF)ubs3 29 were previously described.
Experiments were conducted on fish from the same clutch. Fish were initially selected based on their size (~5.2 mm for Stage I initiation) and were subsequently staged based on criteria described in Table 1, and Extended Data Fig. 1g–j. For regeneration experiments, animals were selected by age (3–6 mpf). For imaging, we used either casper (roy−/−; nacre−/−)58 background, or the embryos were treated for 6 days with 0.003% N-phenylthiourea (PTU) (Sigma, St Louis, MO) to inhibit pigment formation.
Generation of transgenic lines
The Tg(fli1a:Brainbow1.0L)mu254 (flibow) fish was generated by cloning the CMV-Brainbow-1.0 L construct (Addgene #18721) downstream to the fli1a promoter59, into a plasmid containing tol2 sites. The Tg(hsp70l:CreERT2) line was established by fusing the coding sequence of CreERT2 downstream of the heat-inducible promoter – hsp70l60. The Tg(prox1a:Gal4) line was generated using BAC DKEY-5J3 (BioScience, Cat no. HUKGB735J035Q) through transposon mediated BAC transgenesis61. All plasmids were generated using the Gateway system as described59.
The sox17EGFP knock-in line (allele pd305) was generated by TALEN-mediated targeted knock-in through non-homologous end joining. Briefly, an obligate heterodimeric TALEN pair (left arm: 5’-GATCAATAAGGATACGC-3’, right arm: 5’-CGGGACTGCTCATCTC-3’) was assembled as described62 to induce a double strand break at the start codon region of the sox17 gene. The donor vector has the same structure as described63 except that the TALEN sequences were replaced with the sox17 right arm and another left arm (5’-GTATACTACTGCGGCTAT-3’) upstream of the EGFP-polyA cassette. Vector-free knock-in line was generated by co-injection of the TALEN mRNAs, donor vector and flp mRNA at one-cell stage.
Flibow induction
To achieve efficient labelling of trunk lymphatics induction of Cre recombinase in flibow embryos was carried out at 2.5 dpf (60 hpf). First the embryos were pre-heated at 36°C for 15 mins for triggering hsp70l mediated Cre expression. Then they were subjected to combined heat (36°C) and 5µM 4-hydroxytamoxifen (diluted in E3 medium) treatment for 45mins. Upon completion of the treatment, embryos were washed three times in fresh E3 medium and returned to fresh water. Fluorescence from the ‘switched’ cells was readily detectable ~24 hours post-treatment (Extended Data Fig. 3h–j’), and remained stable in ECs and their progenies for the entire experimental period (Extended Data Fig. 3j,j’). While the heat and 4-OHT treated progenies displayed ECs with diverse spectral signatures, siblings exposed to either treatment alone, contained only tdTomato-expressing ECs both in larval and adult stages (Extended Data Fig. 3d–g). Selected animals were imaged at the appropriate AF development stages days and returned back to fresh water until the endpoint of the experiment. For triggering kdrl:CreERT2 mediated Cre expression, embryos were treated only with 5µM 4-hydroxytamoxifen between 3.5–5.5 dpf.
Sox17 overexpression
The UAS-sox17 constructs were generated by amplifying the coding sequences of sox17 (NM_131287.2) with the following primers:
sox17 F: 5’ - atgagcagtcccgatgcg −3’
sox17 R: 5’ -tcaagaattattatagccgcagt −3’
The resulting sox17 fragment was then cloned downstream of UAS using Gateway cloning. The UAS:sox17 construct was injected in Tg(fli1a:Gal4;lyve1b:dsRed) or Tg(hsp70l:Gal4; lyve1:dsRed) embryos at 1-cell stage. Heat shock was carried out at 37°C for 1h on 21dpf Tg(hsp70l:Gal4; lyve1:dsRed) animals (for juvenile induction).
NTR-MTZ mediated cell ablation
Nitroreductase-Metronidazole (NTR-Mtz) mediated cell ablation protocol was modified from41. Since prox1a:Gal4; UAS NTR-mCherry is expressed in many tissues, Mtz treatment beyond 4hrs at concentrations above 5mM were lethal. We developed a low dose multi-treatment protocol, that allowed partial ablation of lymphatics on day 1, followed by blocking of lymphatic regrowth through 4 more low-dose treatments every two days. This allowed us to observe the AF for 15–25 days post the first treatment. However, the animals did not survive till adulthood. Briefly, Mtz was diluted in E3 medium to a final 4mM concentration and 16–18 dpf prox1a:Gal4; UAS NTR-mCherry larvae, were soaked in it for 2.5hrs. Following washing and recovery, animals were treated again with 4mM Mtz for 1hr every two days.
Anal fin regeneration
Adult fish (between 3–6 mpf) were anesthetized by immersion into 0.04% tricaine (Sigma, St Louis, MO) and the AF were carefully detached using surgical blade and forceps. The animals were immediately allowed to recover in fresh water.
Angiography and lymphatic uptake assays
Angiography was performed on anesthetized larvae and juvenile animals, by injecting Qtracker705 (Invitrogen, Q21061MP), Tetramethylrhodamine Dextran (2,000,000 MW) (Thermofisher, D7139) and Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) Dextran (500,000 MW) (Sigma, 46947) into the heart using microinjection glass capillaries, as described18. In adults, heart was accessed in anesthetized animals through a small incision, followed by microinjection of Qtracker70528. In both cases, imaging was initiated within 5 mins of the injection and the animals were euthanized immediately afterwards. For lymphatic uptake, Calcein (Sigma) was injected subcutaneously16 in the trunk (above the gut). Imaging was initiated 15 mins after the injection.
Hypoxyprobe Staining
For assessment of hypoxia, Hypoxyprobe kit (Hypoxyprobe, Inc.) was used. The staining protocol was performed through modification of previous work in zebrafish64. Briefly, zebrafish of ~17–20 dpf were injected intramuscularly with 30 nl of 10 mg/ml pimonidazole solution (Hypoxyprobe, Inc.). Injections were performed in the trunk area, dorsal to the AF for 3 consecutive days. In the sham injected animals, PBS was injected in the same amount and frequency as the test animals. Following this, the animals were euthanized and the AF was fixed in 4% PFA. Whole-mount immunohistochemistry was performed through standard protocol. The samples were stained with mouse Mab at a dilution of 1:50.
Single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH)
The construction of the probe library, hybridization procedure and imaging conditions were previously described65. In brief, probe libraries were designed using the Stellaris FISH Probe Designer (Biosearch Technologies, Inc., Petaluma, CA). Both prox1a and fli1a library consisted of 48 probes, each of 20 bps length, complementary to the coding sequence of the gene (Table 4), and was coupled to Cy5 (GE Healthcare, PA25001) and Alexa Fluor 594 respectively. As a modification of the standard tissue smFISH protocol, whole mount zebrafish AFs were fixed in cold 4% PFA for 30 minutes and washed twice with PBS containing 0.3% Triton X-100 (Sigma) for 5 min, followed by cold 70% ethanol for 2.5 h. The samples were then washed in 2XSSC and incubated for 10 min with Proteinase K solution at 37°C. The next steps were performed as described65. Formamide concentration of the wash and hybridization buffers was increased to 25%. Additionally, the pre-incubation with the wash buffer was extended to 90 minutes. Slides were mounted using ProLong Gold (Molecular Probes, P36934) and imaged on a Nikon-Ti2-E inverted fluorescence microscope with 100x or 60x oil-immersion objectives connected to iXon Ultra 888 CCD camera (Andor, Oxford Instruments), using Nikon NIS Advance Elements software.
Microscopy and imaging
Confocal imaging was performed using Zeiss LSM780 or LSM880 upright confocal microscopes (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) equipped with water immersed 20x NA 1.0 or 10x NA 0.5 objective lens. Euthanized animals were mounted using 1.5% w/v low melting agarose. For reiterative imaging of same animals, a custom-built chamber was utilized. z-stacks were acquired at 2–3 μm increments. Larger images were acquired using tile-scanning, and the images were stitched using Imaris Stitcher 9.3 or Zeiss’ Zen software.
flibow confocal imaging and lambda stack acquisition were performed by single, simultaneous scans (for each z-plane) with 458nm and 514nm single photon excitation lasers. Using Zeiss multichannel detector, the resulting emission spectra were collected into 11 channels, each detecting a range of 18nm from 454nm to 650nm, which encompassed emissions from all three fluorescent proteins of flibow.
Analysis of flibow images was performed by intensity measurement of each of the 11 channels for the selected ROIs (manually drawn to select single ECs). Normalized values of these intensities were plotted for different ECs for comparison. In certain cases, when ECs displayed similar intensity profiles and same origins, we averaged intensity values of these different ECs.
Image processing
Confocal images were processed off-line using Fiji66 version of ImageJ (NIH) or Imaris 9.3 (Bitplane). The images shown in this study are single-views, 2D-reconstructions, of collected z-series stacks. The colocalization channel was created using the Imaris ‘Colocalization Module’. Co-localization thresholds were set manually.
flibow images were processed using Imaris 9.3. Each of the 11 channels were given RGB values that corresponded to the wavelength collected. Since many channels collect the emission from only one fluorescent protein, or detect noise (autofluorescence from rays and pigments), we chose 6 channels, leaving out those that were redundant or displayed a poor signal/noise ratio.
smFISH images were processed in Fiji. Background subtraction was performed using the rolling ball algorithm in Fiji. Abundance of RNA puncta within the vessels was calculated manually after selecting ROIs from the GFP (mrc1a/kdrl) channel. 3–5 ROIs per samples were selected to calculate number of puncta per unit area of the selected ROIs.
The 3D volume rendering was performed using Imaris 9.3 (Bitplane).
Micro-computed tomography (μCT) and processing
μCT was performed as described42 with some modifications. Briefly, AFs from freshly euthanized wild-type and flt4−/− adult fish (4–5 mpf) were dissected, keeping the internal radials intact, and mounted on a 1ml pipette tip filled with 0.8% low melting agarose, with both ends sealed. The sample was placed in a sample holder and observed using Xradia 520 Versa (Zeiss), with an X-ray source of 40 kV and current 75 μA. 2501 projections were scanned through 360° with 10s exposure time. The voxel size of the specimen was 2.03×2.03×2.03 μm.
The scans were analyzed and segmented using Avizo 2019.4 software.
AF erythrocyte flow analysis
Three ROIs were selected spanning different AF rays of each anesthetized juvenile or adult fish and 6 min time lapse images from a single z-plane were acquired. The imaging was performed using the transmitted light detector in the LSM880 confocal microscope, after manually determining the desirable contrast for each fin. The image size, zoom factor, pixel dwell time were kept constant for all experiments, allowing acquisition of images at a fixed frame interval of 0.152s.
The erythrocyte flux through the vessels was measured in Fiji. We plotted bright light intensity profile over time to reflect the state of erythrocyte flow. For this, a line ROI was drawn across the lumen the vessel. Erythrocytes crossing this ROI caused fluctuations in the bright light intensity measured through this ROI. We determined the threshold of minimum intensity change that corresponds to passing of a single erythrocyte, and the number of events above this threshold were counted as erythrocyte-mediated intensity spikes and quantified in our ‘spike count’ plots.
Bulk RNA-Seq analysis
To analyse RNA-seq raw counts data from 26, we selected genes that were expressed in more than 2 samples, had at least 10 reads across all samples, and their mean expression was > 4 for downstream analysis. R package DESeq2 (v1.26)67 was used to normalize raw counts, perform regularized log2 transformation (rlog) and identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) across samples (p-value<0.05). In addition, lfcShrink function using apeglm estimation was used for shrink log2 fold change (LFC) calculation, which allows to assess the expression changes in lowly expressed genes68.
Single cell RNA-Seq experiments
Cell collection
Cells were isolated from 80 AFs of Tg(fli1a:dsRed), and processed for single cell suspension. Briefly, tissues were manually chopped with a sterile razor followed by enzymatic dissociation using 2.5 ug/ml Liberase TM (Roche) diluted 1:5, incubated at 28°C for 25 minutes, manually pipetting every 5 minutes. Next, 2 volumes of Trypsin B (BI) and a dilution of 1:100 DNaseI (Roche) were added, followed by 7 minutes incubation at 28°C with manual pipetting. To stop the reaction, 3 volumes of 5% FCS were added. Cells were passed through a 70μm cell strainer and dsRed+ cells were sorted by fluorescently activated cell sorter (BD FACS Aria III) into 384 barcoded well plates. Live-dead staining was performed using Sytox blue (Invitrogen).
Library preparation, sequencing and pre-processing of single cell RNA-Seq data
Plate-based single cell RNA sequencing libraries were processed using MARS-seq protocol, as previously described31,69. Sequence ready library was sequenced using Illumina NextSeq 500 to reach ∼50,000 reads per cell. We sequenced 1036 cells from stage II/III AF. GRCz10 used for genome alignment. Data pre-processing was carried out following previously MARS-seq published protocols70–72. Cells with more than 1200 nFeatures (genes) were removed as suspected doublets; Cells with less than 200 nFeatures (genes) were removed for low coverage and cells with more than 25% mitochondrial gene content were removed for low quality. Overall, 632 cells passed quality filters for downstream analysis. Cells that passed quality filters contained a mean of 764 UMI counts and 492 genes per cell.
Single-cell RNA-seq analysis
We used Potential of Heat-diffusion for Affinity-based Trajectory Embedding (PHATE)32 for all data normalization. Library.size.normalize() function was used, and square root transformation was applied. Using Seurat R package73, we selected 2000 most variable genes with the FindVariableFeatures() function. Data was scaled using ScaleData() function, with argument vars.to.regress = ‘nCount_RNA’. For downstream analyses we selected the first 25 principal components (PCs) and clustered the cells using the FindClusters() function, with a resolution parameter of 0.7. Iterations of the resolution parameter from 0 to 1.2 to indicated cluster stability. Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) analysis was applied for dimensionality reduction. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were detected using FindAllMarkers() function with default statistical parameters. Dotplot was created using DotPlot() function in Seurat R package. Dot color intensity represents the average expression level of a gene in a cluster. Dot size corresponds to the percentage of cells expressing the gene in the cluster. PHATE maps were obtained using the normalized data of the 3 clusters determining the transdifferentiation process (LECs, LVC1 and LVC2). Single genes were plotted on UMAP and PHATE maps and presented as imputed values of the raw data using Markov Affinity-based Graph Imputation of Cells (MAGIC)74 with t = 2 parameter. For PAGA, data was imported from Seurat object to Scanpy75 using SeuratDisk R package. Nearest neighbors were computed using sc.pp.neighbors() function, with 25 PCs. PAGA graph was computed using sc.tn.paga() function with default parameters.
Trajectory inference was computed using Slingshot33 R package on UMAP embeddings and cluster labels as determined by Seurat. start.clus parameter was set to LECs.
Statistical Analyses
Statistical significance between two samples was calculated using the unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test assuming unequal variance from at least three independent experiments, unless stated otherwise. In all cases normality was assumed and variance was comparable between groups. Sample size was selected empirically following previous experience in the assessment of experimental variability. The investigators were not blinded to allocation during experiments and outcome assessment. Numerical data are the mean ± s.e.m., unless stated otherwise. Statistical calculations and the graphs for the numerical data were performed using Prism 5 software (GraphPad Software, Incorporated, La Jolla, CA, USA). Statistical analyses for single cell and bulk RNA-Seq experiments are provided in the corresponding sections.
The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available in the GEO repository, GSE197161.
All illustrations and cliparts shown in Figures and Extended Data (except Fig. 1i) were obtained from Biorender
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
The authors thank Hila Raviv, Lital Shen, Dean Robinson and Aryeh Solomon (Weizmann Institute, Israel) for technical assistance, Kamalesh Kumari (Weizmann Institute, Israel) for assistance with image analysis and illustrations, Gabriella Almog, Roy Hofi, Alla Glozman and Anna Tatarin (Weizmann Institute, Israel) for superb animal care, Moshe Biton (Weizmann Institute, Israel) for critical insights into single cell RNASeq analyses and Sergey Kapishnikov for assistance with μCT experiments. The authors are grateful to all the members of the Yaniv lab for discussion, technical assistance and continuous support. This work was supported in part by European Research Council (818858) to KY, Minerva Foundation (712610) to KY, and the H&M Kimmel Inst. for Stem Cell Research (Weizmann Institute) and the Estate of Emile Mimran (SABRA program) to KY. KY is the incumbent of the Enid Barden and Aaron J. Jade Professorial Chair and is supported by research grants from Madame Olga Klein – Astrachan and the Estate of Mady Dukler. RND was supported by EMBO long-term fellowship (ALTF 1532–2015), Edith and Edward F. Anixter Postdoctoral Fellowship and a senior postdoctoral fellowship by the Weizmann Institute of Science. WH was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (HE4585/4–1) and by the North Rhine-Westphalia “return fellowship”. RA is supported by the European Research Council (756653) and the Israel Science Foundation (1890/17). KDP acknowledges support from National Institutes of Health (R35 HL150713, R01 HD105033).
The authors declare no competing interests.
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