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[Preprint]. 2023 Jan 12:2023.01.12.523823. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.01.12.523823

Virulence and genomic diversity among clinical isolates of ST1 (BI/NAP1/027) Clostridioides difficile

Qiwen Dong a,b, Huaiying Lin b, Marie-Maude Allen c, Julian R Garneau c, Jonathan K Sia d, Rita C Smith b, Fidel Haro b, Tracy McMillen e, Rosemary L Pope b,f, Carolyn Metcalfe b, Victoria Burgo b, Che Woodson b, Nicholas Dylla b, Claire Kohout b, Anitha Sundararajan b, Evan S Snitkin g, Vincent B Young g,h, Louis-Charles Fortier c, Mini Kamboj e, Eric G Pamer a,b,f,#
PMCID: PMC9882218  PMID: 36711955


Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile), a leading cause of nosocomial infection, produces toxins that damage the colonic epithelium and results in colitis that varies from mild to fulminant. Variation in disease severity is poorly understood and has been attributed to host factors (age, immune competence and intestinal microbiome composition) and/or virulence differences between C. difficile strains, with some, such as the epidemic BI/NAP1/027 (MLST1) strain, being associated with greater virulence. We tested 23 MLST1(ST1) C. difficile clinical isolates for virulence in antibiotic-treated C57BL/6 mice. All isolates encoded a complete Tcd pathogenicity locus and achieved similar colonization densities in mice. Disease severity varied, however, with 5 isolates causing lethal infections, 16 isolates causing a range of moderate infections and 2 isolates resulting in no detectable disease. The avirulent ST1 isolates did not cause disease in highly susceptible Myd88−/− or germ-free mice. Genomic analysis of the avirulent isolates revealed a 69 base-pair deletion in the N-terminus of the cdtR gene, which encodes a response regulator for binary toxin (CDT) expression. Genetic deletion of the 69 base-pair cdtR sequence in the highly virulent ST1 R20291 C. difficile strain rendered it avirulent and reduced toxin gene transcription in cecal contents. Our study demonstrates that a natural deletion within cdtR attenuates virulence in the epidemic ST1 C. difficile strain without reducing colonization and persistence in the gut. Distinguishing strains on the basis of cdtR may enhance the specificity of diagnostic tests for C. difficile colitis.

Keywords: C. difficile, ST1(RT027), clinical isolates, virulence, prophage, toxins


Clostridioides difficile is a Gram-positive, spore-forming anaerobic bacterium, and the leading cause of nosocomial infections in the United States.13 Infections are acquired by oral ingestion of C. difficile spores, which are prevalent in the environment and can survive for extended periods of time on contaminated surfaces. Upon ingestion, C. difficile spores germinate, produce toxins and cause colitis and, in severe cases, can result in mortality. The major virulence factors of C. difficile are toxins A (tcdA) and B (tcdB), which are encoded in the Pathogenicity Locus (PaLoc).4,5 These toxins glycosylate and thereby inactivate host GTPases, triggering the death of intestinal epithelial cells and lead to gut inflammation.6

C. difficile species is comprised of hundreds of strain types across more than 6 phylogenetic clades. PCR- and sequencing-based approaches, including PCR-ribotyping (RT) and multilocus sequencing typing (MLST/ST), have been used to characterize C. difficile strain types. More recently, whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has greatly contributed to our understanding of C. difficile diversity, evolution, and epidemiology.7 Almost two decades ago, the BI/NAP 1/027 strain, characterized as ST1 by MLST, emerged as a cause of severe nosocomial outbreaks and increased C. difficile infection (CDI) incidence in North America and Europe. Since then, the prevalence of ST1 has declined but it remains among the most frequently isolated strains in hospital and community-acquired CDI cases in the US.2,811 The ST1 C. difficile strain encodes the additional CDT toxin (encoded by cdtA and cdtB and also referred to as binary toxin), which is an ADP-ribosyltransferase that modifies actin and disrupts cellular cytoskeleton organization.12 The ST1 strains have higher MICs to several antibiotics, most notably fluroquinolones, and produce higher amounts of toxins A and B compared to non-STl strains.13,14 The relative virulence of the ST1 strain is controversial, however, with some studies demonstrating clinical disease severities similar to other strains.1517 Host factors can impact the severity of CDI, including underlying diseases, immune competence and microbiome composition.18,19 Whether genetic variants of ST1 explain diverse disease manifestations is unknown.

To determine intra-strain type virulence diversity, we used an antibiotic-treated mouse model of C. difficile infection to test a panel of PaLoc- and CdtLoc-encoding ST1 C. difficile clinical isolates to quantify disease severity.20 Clinical C. difficile isolates with identical PaLoc caused a range of disease severities, with two isolates causing no detectable disease in antibiotic-treated wild type, germ-free mice or Myd88-defecient mice. We identified a 69-bp deletion in the cdtR gene of these two avirulent isolates, which encodes a LytTR family response regulator that regulates CDT expression. The 69-bp deletion in the cdtR leads to reduced CDT toxin and PaLoc gene expression, resulting in loss of virulence and confirming previous studies implicating CdtR as regulator of CDT and Ted toxins expression.21 Our study is the first to describe virulence diversity within a single strain type and demonstrates the critical role of CdtR for ST1 C. difficile virulence.


Clinical ST1 C. difficile isolates demonstrate variable severities in mice.

We focus on a group of 23 C. difficile isolates belonging to ribotype 027 epidemic strains (here referred to as ST1) isolated from patients with diarrhea during a molecular surveillance program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 2013–2017.22 Whole-genome Illumina sequencing of these isolates allows us to compare them to the public collections. We plotted a UMAP analysis of the presence or absence of unique coding sequences (annotated proteins or un-annotated protein clusters) across top 10 STs of C. difficile strains in Patric (date: Feb. 10 2021).23 Different STs cluster individually and our ST1 isolates overlap with other ST1 C. difficile included in the analysis, confirming their strain type (Figure 1A). These 23 isolates demonstrate high genome-wide similarity by average nucleotide identity (ANI) score above 99.8% and encode identical Pathogenicity Locus (PaLoc) sequences (Figure S1AS1B). To study if close-related C. difficile isolates may have variable virulence, mice treated with antibiotics (metronidazole, neomycin, vancomycin in drinking water with clindamycin intraperitoneal injection) were orally infected with each of these isolates at a dose of 200 spores and C. difficile pathogenicity was monitored throughout a 7-day-timecourse (Figure 1B). Mice infected with different ST1 isolates displayed a spectrum of disease severity, including variable weight loss and mortality (Figure 1C and Figure S1C). The widely used ST1 lab strain R20291 was included in parallel for virulence comparison. Within our ST1 collection, 5 isolates resulted in mortality in mice. A few isolates caused more severe weight loss than R20291, including ST1-49, ST1-11 and ST1-12, while most ST1 isolates caused moderate and non-lethal infections. Two isolates, ST1-75 and ST1-35 demonstrated no impact on mouse body weights. No apparent colonization deficiency was observed in any of these isolates (Figure S1D). The variable pathogenicity induced by a group of ST1 isolates with identical PaLoc suggested additional regulatory mechanisms of C. difficile virulence. Therefore, we sought to examine other genomic factors that are responsible for attenuated virulence of C. difficile isolates ST1-75 and ST1-35.

Figure 1. Clinical ST1 C. difficile isolates demonstrated variable virulence in mice treated with antibiotics.

Figure 1.

(A) Plot of the a UMAP analysis of the presence or absence of unique coding sequences (annotated proteins or un-annotated protein clusters) across top 10 STs of C. difficile strains in Patric. (B) Mouse experiment schematic: wildtype C57BL/6 mice were treated with metronidazole, vancomycin, and neomycin (MNV, 0.25 g/L for each) in drinking water for 3 days and followed by one intraperitoneal injection of clindamycin (200 pg/mouse) 2 days after antibiotic recess. Then, mice were inoculated with 200 C. difficile spores via oral gavage. Daily body weight and acute disease scores were monitored for 7 days post infection. (C) %Max weight loss to baseline were calculated using the lowest weights within 7 days post infection divided by day 0 weights. N (Number of mice per strain-infected group) = 5-8 except for ST1-62 and ST1-68, which have 2 mice per group.

Two ST1 C. difficile isolates demonstrate avirulent phenotype

Among the C. difficile isolates that we examined using antibiotic-treated mice, two isolates, ST1-75 and ST1-35, caught our attention due to their strikingly attenuated phenotypes (Figure 1B). Almost no weight loss was observed throughout the 7-day-timecourse, and low acute disease scores were displayed in mice infected with ST1-75 or ST1-35, in comparison to mice infected with R20291 (Figure 2A2B and 2D2E). This avirulent phenotype was not due to colonization deficiency of ST1-75 or ST1-35, as the fecal CFU recovered from the mice infected with these two isolates were comparable to R20291-infected mice on both early and late days post-infection (Figure 2C and 2F). Fecal levels of TcdA and TcdB were also measured, and similar levels were seen in the feces at day +1 post-infection from mice infected with ST1-75 and ST1-35, compared to R20291(Figure 2G2H).

Figure 2. Two isolated clinical strains of C. difficile have no virulence in mice treated with antibiotics.

Figure 2.

Wildtype C57BL/6 mice (n=3-5 per group) were treated with metronidazole, vancomycin, and neomycin (MNV, 0.25 g/L for each) in drinking water for 3 days and followed by one intraperitoneal injection of clindamycin (200 μg /mouse) 2 days after antibiotic recess. Then, mice were inoculated with 200 C. difficile spores via oral gavage. Daily body weight and acute disease scores were monitored for 7 days post infection. (A, D) %Weight loss to baseline of mice infected with indicated strains. (B, E) Acute disease scores comprising weight loss, body temperature drop, diarrhea, morbidity of mice infected with indicated strains. (C, F) Fecal colony-forming units measured by plating on selective agar on indicated days.(G-H) Fecal toxins measured by CHO cell rounding assay 1 day post infection.

To further investigate this avirulent phenotype, we inoculated ST1-75 into MyD88−/− mice, which lack the adaptor protein for Toll-like receptor signaling.24 MyD88−/− mice fail to recruit neutrophils to the colonic tissue during early stages of C. difficile infection, and display markedly increased susceptibility to C. difficile induced colitis.25 Here, MyD88−/− mice were treated with antibiotics and infected with either ST1-75 or R20291. Mice infected with R20291 quickly succumbed to infection 2 days after spore inoculation, whereas all MyD88−/− mice infected with ST1-75 survived the experiment with minimal weight loss or disease scores (Figure 3A3B). Consistent with our results with wildtype mice, no deficiencies of colonization or toxin production were observed day+1 post infection of MyD88−/− mice (Figure 3C3D). These data suggest that the attenuation of the avirulent strain is independent of MyD88-mediated host innate immunity.

Figure 3. Avirulent C. difficile strain demonstrates no virulence in innate immune deficient mice and germ-free mice.

Figure 3.

(A-D) MyD88−/−mice (n=4 per group) were treated with MNV and clindamycin before orally administered with 200 spores of C. difficile strains. Daily body weight and acute disease scores were monitored for 7 days post infection. (A) %Weight loss to baseline of mice infected with indicated strains. (B) Acute disease scores comprising weight loss, body temperature drop, diarrhea, morbidity of mice infected with indicated strains. (C) Fecal colony-forming units measured by plating on selective agar 1 day post infection. (D) Fecal toxins measured by CHO cell rounding assay 1 day post infection. (E-H) Germ-free mice (n=3 to 5) orally administered with 200 spores of indicated C. difficile strains. Daily body weight and acute disease scores were monitored for 10 days post infection. (E) %Weight loss to baseline of mice infected with indicated strains. (F) Diarrhea scores of mice infected with indicated strains 2 days post infection. (G) Fecal colony-forming units measured by plating on selective agar at 6, 12, and 24 hours post infection. (H) Fecal toxins measured by CHO cell rounding assay at 6, 12, and 24 hours post infection. Statistical significance was calculated by Unpaired t-test, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.

Germ-free mice are highly susceptible to C. difficile infection because they microbiome-mediated colonization resistance against C. difficile.26,27 To investigate whether the gut microbiome renders ST1-75 avirulent, germ-free mice were infected with ST1-75 or R20291. Similarly, we observed no mortality or weight loss in the mice with ST1-75 infection, whereas mice infected with R20291 quickly lost weight and died (or >20% weight loss) (Figure 3E). Milder diarrhea was observed in mice with ST1-75 compared to R20291 (Figure 3F). We observed no differences in colonization or fecal toxins between ST1-75 and R20291 up to 24 hours post infection (Figure 3G3H). Similar attenuation was also seen in ST1-35 infected germ-free mice (Figure S2). In contrast, isolates that demonstrated relatively mild pathogenicity in antibiotic-treated mice, such as ST1-25 and ST1-67 (Figure 1B), led to severe weight loss and diarrhea in germ-free mice (Figure S2), reaffirming the protective role of the gut microbiome during C. difficile infection. However, the attenuation of ST1-75 and ST1-35 in mice is independent of the gut microbiome.

Novel prophages identified in avirulent strains do not impact ST1 C. difficile virulence.

We next sought to determine the genetic factors that may abrogate C. difficile virulence in ST1-75 and ST1-35. Fully circularized genomes of 14 ST1 isolates were successfully obtained using Nanopore and Illumina hybrid assembly, and pangenomic analysis was conducted on these 14 genomes and R20291 using Anvi’o pangenomics workflow.28 A group of gene clusters that is unique to ST 1-75 and ST 1-3 5 stood out, which are enriched for phage-related genes (Figure 4A). We then applied PHASTER, a tool for phage identification in bacterial genomes, to discover two unique prophages in the genomes of ST 1-75 and ST 1-3 5. One prophage resides on a 41-kb plasmid in ST 1-75 and ST 1-3 5 with 4-5 copies per cell and here is named as phiCD75-2 (Figure S3A). Blasting phiCD75-2 found high similarities to reported C. difficile phages phiCD38-2 (99.8% identity) and phiCDHSl (94.7% identity).2932 In addition, a unique 54-kb segment was found as inserted into the chromosomal DNA of ST1-75 and ST1-35 around position 1.29 Mbp and here is named as phiCD75-3 (Figure S3A). PhiCD75-3 does not show high similarity to any described C. difficile phages to date.

Figure 4. Prophages identified in avirulent C. difficile mildly impact virulence in mice treated with antibiotics.

Figure 4.

(A) Anvi’o plot displaying accessory genomes of ST1 isolates. Highlighted gene clusters in purple are unique to ST1-35 and ST1-75. Blue dashes (outmost layer) indicate phage-related genes by NCBI COG. (B) Schematic of mutant strains made using R20291 C. difficile strain. (C-E) Wildtype C57BL/6 mice (n=4 per group) were treated with MNV and clindamycin as preciously described. Then, mice were inoculated with 200 C. difficile spores via oral gavage. Daily body weight and acute disease scores were monitored for 7 days post infection. (C) %Weight loss to baseline of mice infected with indicated strains. (D) Acute disease scores comprising weight loss, body temperature drop, diarrhea, morbidity of mice infected with indicated strains. (E) Fecal colony-forming units measured by plating on selective agar 1 day post infection.

Lysogenic bacteriophages have been identified in many C. difficile genomes, and play an important role in shaping C. difficile evolution. However, their roles in C. difficile biology, especially virulence, are not well-characterized.33,34 To investigate the potential role of these two prophages on C. difficile virulence, we induced lytic phage particles of phiCD75-2 and phiCD75-3 from ST1-75 culture and infected R20291 to generate R20291 lysogens harboring these prophages. We were able to generate R20291 derivatives carrying phiCD75-2, phiCD75-3 or both prophages in their genomes (Figure 4B). Whole-genome sequencing of lysogenic R20291 strains confirmed that phiCD75-3 was inserted in situ as in ST1-75 at 1.29 Mbp. Antibiotic-treated mice infected with R20291 lysogenic strains (Figure 4B) followed the curve of virulent infection as 10% weight loss and 4-6 disease scores were seen during the peak of symptomatic infection (Figure 4C4D). The seemingly faster recovery in the lysogens was not a reproducible finding. Similar levels of colonization and toxin production were also observed (Figure 4E and S3BS3D). Here, we discover two prophages in avirulent strains ST1-75 and ST1-35, that are not present in R20291 or other ST1 strains from our collection of. However, these two prophages do not appear to impact the virulence of R20291 in antibiotic-treated mice.

Mutations in the cdtR gene eliminate ST1 C. difficile virulence in mice.

Lysogenic R20291 strains with either or both prophages did not recapitulate the avirulent phenotype of ST1-75 or ST1-35. A closer look at the chromosomal genomes of ST1-75 and ST1-35 led us discover a common mutation in their cdtR gene, which was reported previously as a transcriptional regulator for binary toxin (CDT) genes, cdtA and cdtB35 A unique 69-bp deletion was found in the cdtR gene of ST1-75 and ST1-35, leading to an inframe deletion of 23 amino acids (Figure 5A). To investigate if there is a possible loss of function of CdtR resulted from the deletion, we accessed the transcriptional level of cdtB in mouse cecum following infection of ST1-75 or R20291. More than a 2-log reduction of cdtB transcripts was observed in ST1-75 group (Figure 5B), suggesting an important role of these 69 base pairs for a fully functional cdtR gene. Next, we applied CRISPR-mediated genome editing approach to generate CdtR mutants using parental R20291 strain to study the contribution of CdtR to C. difficile virulence (Figure S4A and 5A). In accordance with a previous report21, knocking out cdtR either by deleting the whole gene (CdtRKO8.1 and CdtRKO10.3), or introducing a proximal premature stop codon (CdtRstop4.2 and CdtRstop8) led to a loss of pathogenicity in antibiotic-treated mice (Figure S4BS4C), confirming a critical role of CdtR for C. difficile virulence. Moreover, deleting the exact same 69-bp region, as in ST1-75/35, in the cdtR of R20291 (CdtRmut6.1 and CdtRmut8.1) again eliminated the virulence of C. difficile (Figure 5C5D). Thus, loss of the 69-bp in cdtR explains the avirulence phenotype of ST1-75/35. On the other hand, colonization of these CdtR mutants, assessed by CFU at day+1 post infection, was comparable to that of R20291 (Figure S4D and S4F), suggesting that CdtR is not required for colonization. Interestingly, while the fecal levels of TcdA and TcdB of CdtR mutants were comparable to R20291 in the early phase (day+1 post-infection), a significantly reduced level at a later time point (7-days post infection) was observed upon infection of CdtR mutants (Figure S4E and 5E), supporting a role of CdtR in regulating PaLoc toxins production. Further, infecting germ-free mice with CdtRmut6.1 results in no weight loss or diarrhea, perfectly recapitulating ST1-75 and ST1-35 phenotypes in germ-free mice (Figure 5F5G and Figure S4G). Collectively, CRISPR-edited CdtR mutant strains mimic phenotypes of ST1-75 and ST1-35 in mice, demonstrating that cdtR gene is necessary for in vivo virulence. Furthermore, the 69-bp region in cdtR, which is deleted in ST1-75/35, is necessary for proper CdtR function through mechanisms yet to be determined.

Figure 5. Binary toxin regulator cdtR contributes to C. difficile virulence in mice.

Figure 5.

(A) Deletion identified in ST1-35/75 and schematic of cdtR mutants generated using R20291 C. difficile strain. (B) Germ-free mice (n=3 per group) orally administered with 200 spores of indicated C. difficile strains. Binary toxin gene cdtB transcripts were measured by RT-qPCR on cecal contents harvested at 24 hours post infection. Transcripts were normalized to the adk and fold change is relative to ST1-75 condition. (C-E) Wildtype C57BL/6 mice (n=3 to 5 per group) were treated with MNV and clindamycin as preciously described. Then, mice were inoculated with 200 C. difficile spores via oral gavage. Daily body weight and acute disease scores were monitored for 7 days post infection. (C) %Weight loss to baseline of mice infected with indicated strains. (D) Acute disease scores comprising weight loss, body temperature drop, diarrhea, morbidity of mice infected with indicated strains. (E) Fecal toxins measured by CHO cell rounding assay on indicated days. (F-G) Germ-free mice (n=4) orally administered with 200 spores of indicated C. difficile strains. Daily body weight and were monitored for 5 days post infection. (F) %Weight loss to baseline of mice infected with indicated strains. (G) Diarrhea scores of mice infected with indicated strains 3 days post infection. Statistical significance was calculated by One-way ANOVA, * p <0.05, ** < p< 0.01.

Mutations in cdtR reduce PaLoc toxin transcription in vivo

CdtR mutants produce significantly reduced fecal toxins at a later time point (7-days post infection) (Figure 5E and S4E), a phenotype that was confirmed in ST1-75 and ST1-35 (Figure S5AS5B). To examine whether the 69-bp deletion in cdtR impacts PaLoc toxin production, we harvested cecal contents from germ-free mice infected with ST1-75 or R20291. In contrast to fecal toxin levels, we observed a significantly reduced cecal toxin level in mice infected with ST1-75 compared to R20291 (Figure 6A). This was not due to a slightly lower CFU of cecal ST1-75 in germ-free mice (Figure S5CS5D). We further validated the reduced toxin production in cecal content by RT-qPCR and we observed a 50-fold reduction of the tcdA and tcdB transcripts in the cecum of mice infected with ST1-75 (Figure 6B). Additionally, transcriptions of other PaLoc genes including tcdE and tcdR were also reduced in the cecum of mice infected with ST1-75 (Figure 6B). TcdE is a putative holin that mediates toxin secretion.3638 Reduced tcdE likely further impacts the amount of toxins that may reach to the intestinal epithelium. TcdR is a positive regulator of the PaLoc39,40 and is likely the common target of CdtR, which results in the observed downregulation of many PaLoc genes. Interestingly, cdtR transcripts were comparable between ST 1-75 and R20291, suggesting that the 69-bp deletion does not impact the transcripts stability but leads to a nonfunctioning product. These results were further confirmed with CdtRmut6.1 strain, though to a lesser extent (Figure S5E). Collectively, we demonstrated that a natural mutation found in cdtR of two ST1 clinical isolates results in reduced binary toxin production, reduced PaLoc toxin production (and likely secretion) in cecum of infected mice, and attenuated C. difficile virulence, independent of host innate immunity, colonization burden, microbiome constitution, or any noticeable impact of incidentally discovered prophages within these strains. This difference of toxin production in cecum at 24-hour post infection is however, not reflected in feces in parallel, but could be reflected at a later time point, likely due to cumulative differences over time.

Figure 6. CdtR regulates PaLoc toxins transcription in vivo.

Figure 6.

Germ-free mice (n=4) were orally administered with 200 spores of indicated C. difficile strains and cecal contents were harvested at 24 hours post infection. (A) Cecal toxins measured by CHO cell rounding assay. (B) Indicated gene transcripts were measured by RT-qPCR. Transcripts were all normalized to the adk and fold change is relative to ST1-75 for each of the genes. Statistical significance was calculated by Unpaired t-test, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, **** p < 0.0001.

cdtR is versatile and more prevalent than cdtA and cdtB

Our data support a regulatory role of CdtR outside CdtLoc, so we hypothesize that CdtR may evolve to impact virulence beyond regulating CDT binary toxins. To test this possibility, we surveyed the presence of cdtR, cdtA and cdtB in two major C. difficile clinical collections.23,41 As expected, the majority of clade 2 strains, including the epidemic ST1/RT027 strains, contains the CdtLoc with the presence of all three genes. Other subgroups of C. difficile strains, including MLST5 and MLST11 were also reported to encode CDT (Figure 7A) 42,43 Unexpectedly, many strain types of C. difficile that were reported as CDT-negative also encode cdtR, such as MLST2, MLST8 from clade 1 (Figure 7A). The higher prevalence of cdtR over cdtA and cdtB supports the possibility that CdtR functions beyond regulating CDT. Additional work is needed to evaluate the functions of CdtR in these CDT-negative strains. On the contrary, the presence of cdtR in CDT-positive strains may lose its function, such as in MLST11 strains, where a premature stop codon was found and results in a cdtR pseudogene42, as well as here in the case of ST1-75/35. To evaluate the prevalence of cdtR mutations that may lead to a loss of function, we aligned all cdtR genes in MLST1 strains from the two described collections and found a few strains having similar truncations at the proximal end and may have lost CdtR function, yet we did not find the exact same deletion as in ST1-75/35 within almost 500 strains (Figure S6A).

Figure 7. Binary toxin regulator cdtR is prevalent in clinical C. difficile isolates.

Figure 7.

Binary toxin cdtA, cdtB and cdtR from R20291 were used as query to BLAST against the assembled contigs. Hits with at least 85% identity and 85% coverage of the query were considered a valid match. Numbers of match in total and percentages are presented.

The high similarity between ST1-75 and ST-35 genetically and phenotypically led us reason whether they are clonal. We performed a core-genome SNP analysis across all ST1 isolates from our collection with R20291 as the reference. ST1-75 and ST1-35 shared all SNPs when compared to the genome of R20291 (Figure S6B). Additional clinical evidence supports ST1-35 and ST1-75 being clonal strains isolated from two patients that shared the same hospital room a few days apart (Figure S6C). Our survey on CdtLoc genes suggest that this locus is very versatile during evolution and cdtR is more prevalent than cdtA and cdtB, which may regulate virulence beyond CDT.


Mouse models are valuable tools to study how C. difficile strain variations may result in variable disease severities, thanks to the advantages of their identical genetic, immune background and controlled microbiome compositions. Here we focused on a group of clinical C. difficile isolates belonging to the RT027/MLST1, with high genomic similarity, that all encode PaLoc and CdtLoc. We found that these similar C. difficile isolates caused variable disease severities in mice and that a very specific mutation in the cdtR gene rendered two clinical isolates, ST1-75 and ST1-35, avirulent. Avirulence was solely dependent on the cdtR mutation, as we obtained similar observations using MyD88−/− mice, and germ-free mice, which was also further validated with CRISPR-edited cdtR mutants. Lower transcripts of binary toxin gene cdtB, toxins A tcdA, toxin B tcdB, together with other PaLoc genes including regulator tcdR and putative holin tcdE, were observed in mouse cecum infected with the CdtR mutants. Our data support a critical role of CdtR in regulating C. difficile toxin production and secretion, which is essential to ST1 virulence. However, all the other ST1 isolates in this study encoded an intact CdtLoc with wildtype cdtR, whose variations in virulence are likely attributable to alternative mechanisms.

The presence of a binary toxin locus has been associated with epidemic strains and hypervirulence of C. difficile.44,45 CDT belongs to the family of ADP-ribosylating toxins that consist of two components: CDTa (cdtA), the enzymatic active ADP-ribosyltransferase which modifies cellular actin, and CDTb (cdtB), the binding component facilitates CDTa translocation. However, despite knowing their enzymatic activities, experimental evidence is very limited to support critical roles of CDT in C. difficile virulence.46 CDTb was reported to induce TLR2-dependent pathogenic inflammation, which suppresses a protective eosinophilic response and enhances virulence of RT027 strains, however, C. difficile lacking CDTb still causes acute disease in mice.47 On the other hand, CdtR, as the transcriptional regulator of cdtA and cdtB6,35,48, has been previously linked to PaLoc toxin production21, suggesting a role as a major virulence regulator. Here, we demonstrated a critical role of CdtR as a determinant of C. difficile virulence within ST1 strains. A natural 69-bp deletion in cdtR that was found in two clinical isolates can reverse the virulence of a wildtype strain, by downregulating the expression of PaLoc genes and binary toxin genes. Additionally, higher prevalence of cdtR over cdtA or cdtB was found while surveying CdtLoc on clinical isolates from public databases. This suggests CdtR may have evolved to function beyond regulating cdtA and cdtB. Systematically examining the target genes of CdtR may give us insights on its additional functions, which may also help unveil the mechanisms by which CdtR regulates the PaLoc genes.

ST1-75 and ST1-35 are avirulent in susceptible mouse models despite producing toxins, albeit at reduced levels. This is intriguing because it is well appreciated that toxin expression is necessary for C. difficile virulence.46,49 However, our data indicate that toxin production is not sufficient for causing CDI. The amount of toxin being produced and released is likely impact the development of disease. The patients from whom we isolated ST1-75 or ST1-35 had an overall mild clinical assessment, whose symptoms may be attributable to causes other than C. difficile infection. Current CDI diagnoses largely depend on the detection of TcdB gene or toxin B positivity in feces and may lead to overdiagnosis of CDI. We, together with other reports, suggest the importance of quantifying toxins to evaluate CDI cases.5052 Incorporating adjunctive biomarkers, such as IL-Ιβ, better distinguishes CDI from asymptomatic carriage and non-CDI diarrhea.53 Here, CdtR regulates both toxin production and secretion, and is essential for C. difficile virulence in mice, suggesting it may serve as an adjunctive biomarker for CDI diagnosis.

Apart from characterizing CdtR, we also identified two prophages in ST 1-75 and ST 1-3 5. Prophages have been identified in many C. difficile genomes, and play important roles in shaping C. difficile evolution.33 While prophages are highly prevalent in C. difficile, little is known about how prophages impact C. difficile biology. A couple of pioneering studies have shown that prophages can affect C. difficile gene expression, impacting toxin production.29,54,55 In this study we identified two prophages in ST1-75/35 and named them phiCD75-2 and phiCD75-3. By making R20291 lysogenic strains harboring either or both prophages, we observed minimal impacts on C. difficile virulence by neither of the prophages in antibiotic-treated mice. PhiCD38-2 was shown to increase PaLoc gene expression and toxin production in some RT027 isolates, but not in all of them, suggesting that the genetic background influences the impact of a newly acquired prophage.29 This may explain why phiCD75-2 (a phiCD38-2 derivative) did not increase toxin production ST1-75. Certain phages also impact phase variation of the cell surface protein, biofilm formation, and carry genes involved in quorum sensing, inferring their roles in bacterial fitness.30,56,57 It would be very intriguing to investigate how phiCD75-2 and phiCD75-3 may impact C. difficile fitness, including gene expression, antibiotic resistance, and interspecies competition.

In summary, we demonstrate that ST1 C. difficile clinical isolates with identical PaLoc display variable virulence in vivo. Among them, two clonal clinical isolates, ST1-75 and ST1-35, were avirulent in mice, due to a 69-bp deletion mutation in their cdtR genes. These data suggest that specific cdtR genetic variants within the same strain type may predict disease occurrence and severity. Routine detection of these variants may enhance the specificity of NAATs for CDI diagnosis. Our data also corroborate recent clinical observations that toxin detection is unreliable as the sole criterion to distinguish between C. difficile infection and colonization.

Experimental model and subject details

C. difficile clinical isolate collection and classification

Toxigenic C. difficile -positive stool specimens were collected at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center between 2013-2017. C. difficile isolates were recovered by plating onto brain heart infusion (BHI) agar plates supplemented with yeast extract, L-cysteine (BHIS), and the antibiotics D-cycloserine and cefoxitin (BHI and yeast extract were from BD Biosciences, and the other components were from Sigma-Aldrich) in an anaerobic chamber (Coylabs). Individual colonies that were able to grow in the presence of these antibiotics and that had the characteristic phenotype of C. difficile were selected, isolated, and subjected to whole-genome sequencing and MLST classification.58

Mouse husbandry

Wild-type C57BL/6 mice, aged 6 to 8 weeks, were purchased from the Jackson Laboratories. MyD88”“ mice were maintained in augmentin (0.48 g/L and 0.07 mg/L of amoxicillin and clavulanate respectively) in the drinking water in specific-pathogen-free (SPF) facility at the University of Chicago. Germ-free C57B1/6J mice were bred and maintained in plastic gnotobiotic isolators within the University of Chicago Gnotobiotic Core Facility and fed ad libitum autoclaved standard chow diet (LabDiets 5K67) before transferring to BSL2 room for infection. Mice housed in the BSL2 animal room are fed irradiated feed and provided with acidified water. All mouse experiments were performed in compliance with University of Chicago’s institutional guidelines and were approved by its Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

Method details

C. difficile spore preparation and numeration

C. difficile sporulation and preparation was processed as described previously59 with minor modifications. Briefly, single colonies of C. difficile isolates were inoculated in deoxygenated BHIS broth and incubated anaerobically for 40-50 days. C. difficile cells were harvested by centrifugation and five washes with ice-cold water. The cells were then suspended in 20% (w/v) HistoDenz (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) and layered onto a 50% (w/v) HistoDenz solution before centrifugating at 15,000 x g for 15 minutes to separate spores from vegetative cells. The purified spores pelleted at the bottom were then collected and washed for four times with ice-cold water to remove traces of HistoDenz, and finally resuspended in sterile water. Prepared spores were heated to 60°C for 20 min to kill vegetative cells, diluted and plated on both BHIS agar and BHIS agar containing 0.1% (w/v) taurocholic acid (BHIS-TA) for numeration. Spore stocks for mouse infection were verified to have less than 1 vegetative cell per 200 spores (as the infection dose).

Virulence assessment of clinical isolates in mice

SPF mice were treated with antibiotic cocktail containing metronidazole, neomycin and vancomycin (MNV) in drinking water (0.25g/L for each antibiotic) for 3 days, 2 days after removing MNV, the mice were received one dose of clindamycin (200 pg/mouse) via intraperitoneal injection. Mice were then the next day infected with 200 C. difficile spores via oral gavage. Germ-free mice were infected with 200 C. difficile spores via oral gavage without antibiotic treatments.

Following infection, mice were monitored and scored for disease severity by four parameters60: weight loss (> 95% of initial weight = 0, 95%−90% initial weight = 1, 90%−80% initial weight = 2, < 80% = 3), surface body temperature (> 95% of initial temp= 0, 95%−90% initial temp = 1, 90%−85% initial temp = 2, < 85% = 3), diarrhea severity (formed pellets = 0, loose pellets = 1, liquid discharge = 2, no pellets/caked to fur = 3), morbidity (score of 1 for each symptoms with max score of 3; ruffled fur, hunched back, lethargy, ocular discharge).

Quantification of fecal colony forming units

Fecal pellets or cecal content from C. difficile infected mice were harvested and resuspended in deoxygenated phosphate-buffed saline (PBS), diluted and plated on BHI agar supplemented with yeast extract, taurocholic acid, L-cysteine, D-cycloserine and cefoxitin (CC-BHIS-TA) at 37°C anaerobically for overnight.61

Cell-based assay to quantify fecal and cecal toxin

The presence of C. difficile toxins was determined using a cell-based cytotoxicity assay as previously described with minor modifications.61 Briefly, Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO/dhFr-, ATCC#CRL-9096) were incubated in a 96-well plate overnight at 37°C. Tenfold dilutions of supernatant from resuspended fecal or cecal content were added to CHO/dhFr-cells, incubated overnight at 37°C. Cell rounding and death was scored the next day. The presence of C. difficile toxins was confirmed by neutralization by antitoxin antisera (Techlab, Blacksburg, VA). The data are expressed as the loglO reciprocal value of the last dilution where cell rounding was observed.

DNA extraction, RNA extraction and reverse transcription

Fecal DNA was extracted using DNeasy PowerSoil Pro Kit (Qiagen), and RNA was isolated from cecal contents using RNeasy PowerMicrobiome Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions, respectively. Complementary DNA was generated using the QuantiTect reverse transcriptase kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)

Quantitative PCR was performed on genomic DNA or complementary DNA using primers (listed in Table 1) with PowerTrack SYBR Green Master Mix (Thermo Fisher). Reactions were run on a QuantStudio 6 pro (Thermo Fisher). Relative abundance was normalized by AACt.

Table 1.

Oligonucleotides used in this study

Name Sequence 5’-3’ Reference Purpose
tcdA_qFor GTATGGATAGGTGGAGAAGTCA Babakhani 2012 J Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Forward primer for tcdA transcription analysis
tcdA_qRev CTCTTCCTCTAGTAGCTGTAATG C Babakhani 2012 J Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Reverse primer for tcdA transcription analysis
tcdB_qFor AGCAGTTGAATATAGTGGTTTAGTTAGAGTTG Wroblewski 2009 J Clin Microbiol. Forward primer for tcdB transcription analysis
tcdB_qRev CATGCTTTTTTAGTTTCTGGATTGAA Wroblewski 2009 J Clin Microbiol. Reverse primer for tcdB transcription analysis
tcdE_qFor ATAAACCTAGGAGGCGTTATGAATATGA Edwards 2020 J Bacteriology Forward primer for tcdE transcription analysis
tcdE_qRev TTATTGCACTTAAACATCCTAATAATGTATCAAA Edwards 2020 J Bacteriology Reverse primer for tcdE transcription analysis
tcdR_qFor AGCAAGAAATAACTCAGTAGATGATT Edwards 2020 J Bacteriology Forward primer for tcdR transcription analysis
tcdR_qRev TTATTAAATCTGTTTCTCCCTCTTCA Edwards 2020 J Bacteriology Reverse primer for tcdR transcription analysis
cdtB_qFor GCAGTTAAGTGGGAAGATAG Angione 2014 J Mol Diagn Forward primer for cdtB transcription analysis
cdtB_qRev TCCATACCTACTCCAACAAT Angione 2014 J Mol Diagn Reverse primer for cdtB transcription analysis
cdtR-2_qFor TTG AAACAAG CG CTATTCCACA This study Forward primer for cdtR transcription analysis
cdtR-2_qRev TGTACACGAATAAAGCATGCATC This study Reverse primer for cdtR transcription analysis
rpsJ_qFor GATCACAAGTTTCAGGACCTG Metcalf 2010 Anaerobe Forward primer for rspJ transcription analysis
rpsJ_qRev GTCTTAGGTGTTGGATTAGC Metcalf 2010 Anaerobe Reverse primer for rspJ transcription analysis
adk_qFor GTGTATGTGATGTATGCCAAG Metcalf 2010 Anaerobe Forward primer for adk transcription analysis
adk_qRev CCTAAGGCTGCGACAATATC Metcalf 2010 Anaerobe Reverse primer for adk transcription analysis
R_cdtR_up_For AAACAGCTATGACCGCGGCCGCCTAAACACACATTATCATCTCTCTG This study Forward primer amplifying upstream region of cdtR gene for cdtRKO, cdtRstop and cdtRmut
R_cdtRKO_up_Rev AACTTTCAGTTTAGCGGTCTGGGCGCCTAAATACCCTCCTATAAAAAATTCAAAAG This study Reverse primer amplifying upstream region of cdtR gene for cdtRKO
R_cdtRKO_down_For GGCGCCCAGACCGCTAAACTGAAAGTTTAAATAGAAAAAAGAGATGTCTCAAGATAAG This study Forward primer amplifying downstream region of cdtR gene for cdtRKO
R_cdtRKO_down_Rev TTATTTTTATGCTAGCTCGAGTAAGTCTTGTGCATAAATGTTATTAGG This study Reverse primer amplifying downstream region of cdtR gene for cdtRKO
R_cdtRstop_up_Rev AACTTTCAGTTTAGCGGTCTGGGCGCCTTATCAAAAATTAATATATCCACTAAATACCC This study Reverse primer amplifying upstream region of cdtR gene for cdtRstop
R_cdtRstop_down_For GGCGCCCAGACCGCTAAACTGAAAGTTTTTTGATAACGATGTTATAAGATTATATTATAA This study Forward primer amplifying downstream region of cdtR gene for cdtRstop
R_cdtRstop/mut_down_Rev TTATTTTTATGCTAGCTCGAGATCTGATAAAGACCTTAAACTTTTATAG This study Reverse primer amplifying downstream region of cdtR gene for cdtRstop and cdtRmut
R_cdtRmut_up_Rev TTATAATATAATCTTATAACATCGTTATCAAAAATTAATATATCCACTAAATACCC This study Reverse primer amplifying upstream region of cdtR gene for cdtRmut
R_cdtRmut_down_For GGGTATTTAGTGGATATATTAATTTTTGATAACGATGTTATAAGATTATATTATAA This study Forward primer amplifying downstream region of cdtR gene for cdtRmut
R_cdtR_sgRNAlc_For aattaaactgtaaatggccaAATAATATTTTAATAAAAGAGTTTTAGAGCTAGAAATAGC This study Forward primer gRNA Cloning into pCE677 digested with Mscl and Mlul
CDEP3876 aaccatctaaaaatagttgcagagcttACGCGTC Kaus 2020 J Bacteriol. Universal Reverse primer for gRNA Cloning into pCE677 digested with Mscl and Mlul

Generation of C. difficile cdtR mutants using CRISPR

CRISPR editing on C. difficile strains R20291 was performed as described in.62 The primers were listed in Table 163,65,67,69,71 Briefly, donor regions for homology were generated by separately amplifying regions −500 bp upstream and −500 bp downstream of the target of interest. The resulting regions were cloned into pCE677 between Notl and Xhol sites by Gibson Assembly. Geneious Prime (vll) was used to design sgRNAs targeting each deleted target. sgRNA fragments were then amplified by PCR from pCE677, using an upstream primer that introduces the altered guide and inserted at the MscI and Mlul sites of the pCE677-derivative with the appropriate homology region. Regions of plasmids constructed using PCR were verified by Sanger sequencing. Plasmids were then passaged through NEBturbo E. coli strain before transformation into Bacillus subtilis strain BS49. The CRISPR-Cas9 deletion plasmids which harbor the oriT (Tn916) origin of transfer, were then introduced into C. difficile strains by conjugation.64 C. difficile colonies were then screened for proper mutations in the genomes by PCR and correct clones were further validated by whole-genome sequencing.

Whole-genome sequencing and assembly

DNA was extracted using the QIAamp PowerFecal Pro DNA kit (Qiagen). Libraries were prepared using 100 ng of genomic DNA using the QIAseq FX DNA library kit (Qiagen). Briefly, DNA was fragmented enzymatically into smaller fragments and desired insert size was achieved by adjusting fragmentation conditions. Fragmented DNA was end repaired and ‘A’s’ were added to the 3’ends to stage inserts for ligation. During ligation step, Illumina compatible Unique Dual Index (UDI) adapters were added to the inserts and prepared library was PCR amplified. Amplified libraries were cleaned up, and QC was performed using Tapestation 4200 (Agilent Technologies). Libraries were sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq 500 or MiSeq platform to generate 2×150 or 2×250 bp reads respectively. Illumina reads were assembled into contigs using SPAdes66 and genes were called and annotated using Prokka (vl.14.6).68

Samples for Nanopore and Illumina hybrid assemblies were extracted using the NEB Monarch Genomic DNA Purification Kit. DNA was QC’ed using genomic Tapestation 4200. Nanopore libraries were prepared using the Ligation Sequencing Kit (SQK-LSK109), the Native Barcoding Expansions 1-12 (EXP-NBD104) and 13-24 (EXP-NBD114), and the NebNext Companion Module for Oxford Nanopore Technologies (E7180S). The shearing steps and first ethanol wash were eliminated to ensure high concentrations of long fragments. Using R9.4.1 flow cells, libraries were run on aMinlON for 72 hours at −180V. The Nanopore and Illumina hybrid assemblies were completed using Uni cycler (vO.4.8)70 either with the untrimmed or trimmed Illumina reads. The assemblies with less number of circularized contigs were used for genome analysis.

Multiple sequence alignment for Pathogenicity loci

Illumina whole-genome of twenty-five C. difficile strains including two reference genome: R20291 (accession: FN545816.1) and CD630 (accession: NC_009089.1), along with 23 in-house strains ST1-10, ST1-11, ST1-12, ST1-19, ST1-20, ST1-23, ST1-25, ST1-26, ST1-27, ST1-35, ST1-49, ST1-5, ST1-53, ST1-57, ST1-58, ST1-6, ST1-62, ST1-63, ST1-65, ST 1-67, ST 1-68, ST 1-69, and ST 1-75 were included in the pathogenicity locus (PaLoc) analysis. The PaLoc region of R20291 (NCBI accessions NC_013316, 706,660 - 725,022 bp) were extracted as the query to BLAST72 against a local database of all the above genomes. Hits with at least 85% query coverage and 85% percent identity were extracted and multiple sequence alignment were performed using Geneious Prime 2022.0.1 with default settings to compare their nucleotide differences.

Binary toxin genes prevalence analysis

C. difficile isolates (N=827) from BioProject PRJEB4556 were downloaded from NCBI, and assembled into contigs using SPAdes.66 A collection of 2143 C. difficile genomes from Patric (date: Feb. 10 2021)23 were also downloaded. MLST was determined on those contigs by mlst.73 ST type with less than 3 isolates were removed. Binary toxin cdtA, cdtB and cdtR from R20291 (NCBI accessions NC_013316) were used as query to BLAST72 against the assembled contigs, and hits with at least 85% identity and 85% coverage of the query are considered a valid match.

UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection) analysis

A subset of isolate contigs of 199 ST1, 50 ST2, 50 ST3, 49 ST6, 50 ST8, 50 ST11, 42 ST14, 50 ST15, 50 ST17, 50 ST37 and 50 ST42, totaling 690 isolates were selected from the above Patric collection. They were all sequenced by short read technology, and they are the top 10 abundant ST groups except ST1 in the Patric collection. Genes were called and annotated from their contigs using Prokka (v1.14.6).68 By combining the 23 isolates from this study, we constructed a matrix of 731 isolates by 8025 annotated genes and hypothetical protein clusters. Specifically, hypothetical protein clusters were formed by clustering hypothetical proteins at 50% identity using cd-hit.74,75 Any protein sequences that were at least 50% similar fall into an artificially cluster. UMAP analysis was performed on the basis of the presence/absence of the genes/hypothetical protein clusters by setting the n_neighbors parameter to 675.

Core-genomes SNPs analysis on ST1 isolates

SNP analysis was done on the 23 ST1 isolates from our collection against R20291 using snippy (v4.6.0).76 Then the core SNP was extracted, recombination removed using gubbins (v2.4.1)77, and a phylogenetic tree was built using fastTree (v2.1.10).78,79

MLST1 cdtR SNPs analysis

cdtR hits without starting position at the beginning of C. difficile contigs were chosen to further examine their nucleotide differences in cdtR gene to R20291 and ST 1-75. Five such isolates were found either from Patric collection or BioProject PRJEB455623,41, and multiple sequences alignment were performed in Geneious Prime 2022.0.1 with default settings.


Genomic similarity between clinical isolates were calculated using FastANI (v 1.32)80 and presented as ANI score.

Pangenomic analysis of ST1 isolates using Anvi’o

Fifteen circularized genomes of ST1 isolates generated by the Nanopore and Illumina hybrid assemblies were used for pangenomic analysis. Default settings were used based on the Anvi’o workflow for microbial pangenomcis with adjustments for minbit as 0.5 and mcl-inflation as 10.28,8183 Annotations were performed with NCBI Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COG).84 Accessory genomes were grouped by gene clusters that are not present in all 15 isolate genomes.

Prophage identification using PHASTER

Three complete prophages were identified in the genome sequence of strain ST 1-75 using PHASTER.85 Based on Blastn analyses, the phiCD75-l prophage corresponds to phi027, a prophage highly conserved among R027 isolates.86 The phiCD75-2 prophage is homologous at 99.82% to the well-described phiCD38-2 phage29, whereas the phiCD75-3 prophage seems to be a new phage with no close homolog in public databases. The detection of ORF and gene annotation on phage genomes were performed with PROKKA 68, using an E-value threshold of 10E-3 for function assignment. The most recent PHASTER database (last update Dec 22, 2020) was implemented into PROKKA to improve function prediction and overall annotation quality of phage proteins.85 The genomes were reorganized so that they started with the terminase gene. Genomic maps were generated using Benchling and finalized with Inkscape vl.2.

Prophage induction and phage amplification

To confirm the functionality of the phiCD75-2 and phiCD75-3 prophages, induction was performed in TY (2% yeast extract, 3% tryptose, pH 7.4) using two different strategies described previously. The first method was a treatment with 2.5 pg/mL mitomycin C (Novus Biologicals), and the second one was UV irradiation for 10 sec at a wavelength of 365 nm.87 The induced cultures were clarified by centrifugation, then filtered on a 0.22 pm filter and the presence of infectious phage particles was confirmed by plating on bacterial lawns of the R20291 epidemic strain using a soft agar overlay method.87 Six isolated phage plaques obtained with each induction lysate were picked, diffused in 500 pL phage buffer (50mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 8 mM MgSCU) and the identity of the induced phages was determined by PCR using primers specific for phiCD75-2 (LCF0312 5’-AGCGGTATCGGCTTGGTTGTAGAT-3’ and LCF0313 5’-TGCTAGTTTCCTGTCAAGGTCGCT-3’) and for phiCD75-3 (LCF1242 5’-CGACCCACCTAAAGGTATTCA-3‘ and LCF1243 5’-GTTCTTTAGTCCAGTTCCCATTTC-3’). Mitomycin C treatment led to induction of the phiCD75-3 prophage whereas UV treatment led to induction of the phiCD75-2 prophage. Each phage was then plaque-purified 3 times to obtain pure phage cultures. Amplification to high titers (> 108 pfu/mL) was done in TY broth using strain R20291 as the host and methods described elsewhere.29 Phage genomic DNA was extracted from each lysate and a restriction profile was established using Xbal and Hindlll to further confirm the identity of the phages, as done before.29

Creation of new lysogens

New lysogens of strain R20291 carrying either phiCD75-2, phiCD75-3 or both phages were created using a method described before.29 Briefly, soft agar overlays containing high titers (> 108 pfu/mL) of phage phiCD75-2, phiCD75-3, or both phages in equivalent amounts were prepared and bacterial dilutions of the wildtype R20291 strain were spread on top of the lawn. Phage-resistant colonies that grew after overnight incubation were picked, re-streaked 3 times on TY agar, and the presence of the respective prophage was detected by PCR and by confirming the phage-resistant phenotype upon re-infection with the corresponding phage(s).

Quantification and statistical analysis

Results represent means ± SD. Statistical significance was determined by the unpaired t test and one-way ANOVA test. Statistical analyses were performed using Prism GraphPad software v9.3.1 (* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001; **** p < 0.0001

Supplementary Material



We thank Dr. Craig D Ellermeier for his generously providing us the CRISPR editing system of C. difficile, Dr. Olga Soutourina for providing R20291 strain. We thank Melanie Spedale and the animal facilities of the University of Chicago for their help on mouse experiments. We thank Dr. Nhu Nguyen, Dr. Zhenrun Zhang and the rest of the Pamer lab members for helpful discussions. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health R01 AI095706. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.


Declaration of interests


Data availability

Whole-genome sequence data were uploaded to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Sequence Read Archive (SRA) under BioProject accessions PRJNA885086 and PRJNA595724.


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