Keywords: 股骨颈骨折, 内固定, 全螺纹空心加压螺钉, 部分螺纹空心螺钉
To compare the effectiveness of full thread compression cannulated screw and partial thread cannulated screw in the treatment of femoral neck fracture.
A retrospective analysis was made on 152 patients with femoral neck fractures, who met the selection criteria, between April 2013 and February 2021. The fractures were fixed with the full thread compression cannulated screws in 74 cases (trial group) and the partial thread cannulated screws in 78 cases (control group). There was no significant difference in general data such as age, gender, body mass index, cause of injury, time from injury to operation, and the side, Garden typing, Pauwels typing of fracture between the two groups (P>0.05). The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, hospital stay, follow-up time, and Harris score were recorded in both groups. X-ray films were performed to evaluate the quality of fracture reduction and bone healing, the changes of neck-shaft angle, the changes of femoral neck, as well as the occurrence of internal fixation failure, screw back-out, and osteonecrosis of the femoral head.
There was no significant difference in operation time and hospital stay between the two groups (P>0.05). However, the intraoperative blood loss in the trial group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). Patients in both groups were followed up, with the follow-up time of (24.11±4.04) months in the trial group and (24.10±4.42) months in the control group, and the difference was not significant (P>0.05). Postoperative X-ray films showed that there was no significant difference in fracture reduction grading between the two groups (P>0.05). Six cases in the trial group developed bone nonunion and 7 cases in the control group, the fractures of the other patients healed, and the healing time was significantly shorter in the trial group than in the control group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the incidence of bone nonunion between the two groups (P>0.05). During follow-up, 2 cases in the trial group and 5 cases in the control group had osteonecrosis of the femoral head, the difference was not significant (P>0.05), and the patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head were treated with secondary operation. The screw back-out occurred in 3 cases of the trial group and in 9 cases of the control group, showing no significant difference (P>0.05). But the screw back-out distance was significantly shorter in the trial group than in the control group (P<0.05). The incidence of internal fixation failure in the trial group (4 cases) was significantly lower than that in the control group (14 cases) (P<0.05). The incidence of femoral neck shortening and the change of neck-shaft angle at 1 year after operation were significantly lower in the trial group than in the control group (P<0.05). The Harris score at last follow-up was significantly higher in the trial group than in the control group (P<0.05).
Compared with the partial threaded cannulated screws, the full threaded cannulated compression screws can effectively maintain fracture reduction, avoid femoral neck shortening, and internal fixation failure. It is a better choice for femoral neck fracture.
Keywords: Femoral neck fracture, internal fixation, full thread compression cannulated screw, partial thread cannulated screw
1. 临床资料
1.1. 一般资料
纳入标准:① 闭合性股骨颈骨折;② 受伤3周内手术。排除标准:① 年龄>65岁或<18岁;② 肿瘤或病理性股骨颈骨折;③ 存在髋关节手术史,同侧或患侧髋关节或股骨畸形、发育不良;④ 长期服用激素类药物;⑤ 有长期酗酒及吸烟史;⑥ 失访患者。
表 1.
项目 Item |
试验组(n=74) Trial group (n=74) |
对照组(n=78) Control group (n=78) |
统计值 Statistic |
年龄(,岁) | 54.65±11.88 | 53.35±9.80 |
t=–0.739 P=0.461 |
性别 [例(%)] | |||
男 | 27(36.49) | 37(47.44) | χ2=1.868 |
女 | 47(63.51) | 41(52.56) | P=0.172 |
身体质量指数(, kg/m2) | 26.18±4.82 | 26.74±4.01 |
t=0.791 P=0.430 |
致伤原因 [例(%)] | |||
摔伤 | 67(90.54) | 62(79.49) | χ2=3.909 |
交通事故伤 | 3(4.05) | 9(11.54) | P=0.142 |
高处坠落伤 | 4(5.41) | 7(8.97) | |
受伤至手术时间(, d) | 4.21±1.50 | 4.39±1.59 |
t=1.353 P=0.177 |
骨折侧别 [例(%)] | |||
左侧 | 32(43.24) | 34(43.59) | χ2=0.002 |
右侧 | 42(56.76) | 44(56.41) | P=0.996 |
Garden 分型 [例(%)] | |||
Ⅰ型 | 17(22.97) | 8(10.26) | Z=–1.154 |
Ⅱ型 | 12(16.22) | 15(19.23) | P=0.249 |
Ⅲ型 | 24(32.43) | 32(41.03) | |
Ⅳ型 | 21(28.38) | 23(29.49) | |
Pauwels分型 [例(%)] | |||
Ⅰ型 | 4(5.41) | 7(8.97) | Z=–0.717 |
Ⅱ型 | 20(27.03) | 22(28.21) | P=0.473 |
Ⅲ型 | 50(67.57) | 49(62.82) |
1.2. 手术方法
两组手术均由同一组术者完成。根据患者一般情况选择椎管内麻醉或全身麻醉后,患者仰卧于牵引床上,健侧半截石位固定,患髋先外展外旋位牵引,然后保持牵引内收内旋复位,C臂X线机透视复位满意后固定牵引。复位满意标准:股骨正位X线片示骨折端解剖复位或者阳性支撑,Garden对线指数>160°;侧位Garden对线指数为180°;正、侧位均可见Lowell S形曲线。于股骨近端外侧切开皮肤、阔筋膜张肌,导针平行呈倒三角形分布,正、侧位透视见导针位置满意后,经导针植入全螺纹空心加压螺钉(长度80~100 mm,尾部直径7.5 mm,头部直径6.5 mm;Acumed公司,美国)或者部分螺纹空心螺钉(长度80~100 mm,直径6.5 mm;Stryker公司,美国)。C臂X线机透视明确螺钉位置合适并且无“in-out-in”现象后,缝合切口。
1.3. 术后处理
1.4. 疗效评价指标
术后行股骨正侧位X线片检查,观测以下指标。① 术后5 d内基于Garden对线指数评价骨折复位质量,分为4级。Ⅰ级,正位片上股骨干内缘与股骨头内侧压力骨小梁夹角达160°,侧位片上股骨头轴线与股骨颈轴线呈一直线(180°);Ⅱ级,正位155°,侧位180°;Ⅲ级,正位<155°或者侧位>180°;Ⅳ级,正位150°,侧位>180°。② 术后1年颈干角(正位片上股骨干纵轴线与股骨颈轴线夹角)、股骨颈长度(正位片上股骨头顶点至大、小转子连线中心距离),计算上述两指标健、患侧差值,分别表示颈干角变化、股骨颈短缩程度。③ 随访期间观察内固定失败、股骨头坏死发生情况。内固定失败标准:内翻角>10°、骨折移位>5 mm、股骨颈短缩>10 mm。④ 观察骨折愈合情况及时间。骨折愈合标准:骨折线模糊、有连续骨痂通过骨折线。⑤ 观察有无退钉发生,并测算螺钉回退距离(术后5 d内及1年正位片上螺钉尾部至外侧皮质距离的差值)。
1.5. 统计学方法
2. 结果
表 2.
项目 Item |
试验组(n=74) Trial group (n=74) |
对照组(n=78) Control group (n=78) |
统计值 Statistic |
手术时间 [ M( Q1, Q3),min] | 60(50,85) | 60(47,89) |
Z=–0.033 P=0.973 |
术中出血量 [ M( Q1, Q3),mL] | 20.0(20.0,42.5) | 30.0(20.0,50.0) |
Z=–3.328 P=0.001 |
住院时间 [ M( Q1, Q3),d] | 11(9,15) | 12(10,15) |
Z=–1.930 P=0.054 |
骨折复位质量 [例(%)] | |||
Ⅰ级 | 53(71.62) | 54(69.23) | χ2=0.333 |
Ⅱ级 | 20(27.03) | 22(28.21) | P=0.945 |
Ⅲ级 | 1(1.35) | 2(2.56) | |
Ⅳ级 | 0(0) | 0(0) | |
骨折愈合时间(, 周) | 17.0±2.0 | 19.0±2.3 |
t=5.762 P<0.001 |
随访时间(, 周) | 24.11±4.04 | 24.10±4.42 |
t=–0.027 P=0.979 |
螺钉回退 [例(%)] | 3(4.05) | 9(11.54) |
χ2=2.925 P=0.087 |
螺钉回退距离 [ M( Q1, Q3),mm] | 3.00(3.00,5.00) | 6.00(5.00,6.00) |
Z=–1.970 P=0.049 |
颈干角变化(, °) | 4.35±2.42 | 5.68±2.91 |
t=3.050 P=0.003 |
股骨颈短缩(, mm) | 3.54±1.54 | 4.04±1.51 |
t=2.017 P=0.046 |
术后Harris评分 [ M( Q1, Q3)] | 93.0(89.0,95.3) | 90.0(88.0,95.0) |
Z=–2.617 P=0.009 |
并发症 [例(%)] | |||
内固定失败 | 4(5.41) | 14(17.95) |
χ2=5.723 P=0.017 |
骨不连 | 6(8.11) | 7(8.97) |
χ2=0.058 P=0.081 |
股骨头坏死 | 2(2.70) | 5(6.41) |
χ2=1.188 P=0.443 |
股骨颈短缩 | 4(5.41) | 12(15.38) |
χ2=4.015 P=0.045 |
3. 讨论
结合本研究分析结果,我们认为全螺纹空心加压螺钉与部分螺纹空心螺钉相比,具有以下优势:① 全螺纹空心加压螺钉固定使骨折端处于绝对稳定状态。全螺纹空心加压螺钉螺纹增加了与骨质的接触,尾端螺纹加强了对股骨干外侧皮质的把持,中部螺纹增加了对股骨颈周围骨质的切割,固定后股骨颈处于稳定状态,为骨折愈合创造了良好条件。② 全螺纹空心加压螺钉固定因其为非滑动加压机制,有效避免了滑动加压导致的股骨颈短缩、螺钉退出,从而确保股骨颈长度得以维持。③ 全螺纹空心加压螺钉的埋头设计降低了退钉后尾帽对软组织和皮肤的激惹,减少了相关并发症发生。此外,该类螺钉无需全部拧入,也不需要特别平行植入,操作更简便。④ 全螺纹空心加压螺钉阻止骨折端滑动同时,也可以有效抵抗剪切力。
利益冲突 在课题研究和文章撰写过程中不存在利益冲突
伦理声明 研究方案经大连医科大学附属第二医院伦理委员会批准(2022第112号)
作者贡献声明 季仁晨:起草文章,统计并分析数据;潘德悦:手术方案制定及手术实施,并对文章的知识性内容作批评性审阅;卢星华:手术实施及临床资料收集;丛日成:数据收集整理
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