Extended Data Fig. 1. Illustration of MINERvA detector.
A 3D illustration of the MINERvA detector (left), a flat cross-sectional portrayal (reproduced from ref .11, right). The detector comprises 120 hexagonal modules, each consists of an Inner Detector (ID), side Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL), and side Hadronic Calorimeter (HCAL) arranged outwards from the center. Horizontally along the beam direction in the ID region are four sub-detectors: nuclear target detector, active scintillator detector, the ECAL and the HCAL. Each scintillator plane in the detector is arranged in one of “X”, “U”, or “V” (bottom) orientations. A liquid helium tank is located upstream of the nuclear target detector. Downstream of the MINERvA detector is the magnetized MINOS36 near detector acting as MINERvA’s muon spectrometer.