Antibodies to PNAG and crossing of the blood brain barrier. (a) Bacterial levels in the brain, liver and spleen of C3-deficient mice infected by E. coli K1 and immunized with either polyclonal antibodies against PNAG (black dots) or by a normal serum (red dots). Dots = individual mice; lines = medians. P value determined by non-parametric T-test. NGS=Normal goat serum. (b, c) Goat polyclonal antibodies (b) and human monoclonal antibodies (c) to PNAG activity on E. coli K1 adherence to HBMEC cultures. (d) Goat polyclonal antibodies to the synthetic oligosaccharide 9GlcNH2-TT activity on E. coli K1 E11 adherence to HCMEC/D3 cultures. (e) Goat polyclonal antibodies activity on adherence by E. coli K1 E11 Δpga to HBMEC cultures. Symbols are individual wells, lines medians, P values = unpaired t-tests. All cell lines experiments were done in duplicate at two different time, each time with technical triplicates.