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. 2023 Feb 8;18(2):e0262504. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262504

Predictive language comprehension in Parkinson’s disease

Katharine Aveni 1, Juweiriya Ahmed 2,¤a, Arielle Borovsky 3, Ken McRae 2, Mary E Jenkins 4, Katherine Sprengel 1, J Alexander Fraser 4,5, Joseph B Orange 6,7, Thea Knowles 2,¤b, Angela C Roberts 1,6,*
Editor: Daniel Mirman8
PMCID: PMC9907838  PMID: 36753529


Verb and action knowledge deficits are reported in persons with Parkinson’s disease (PD), even in the absence of dementia or mild cognitive impairment. However, the impact of these deficits on combinatorial semantic processing is less well understood. Following on previous verb and action knowledge findings, we tested the hypothesis that PD impairs the ability to integrate event-based thematic fit information during online sentence processing. Specifically, we anticipated persons with PD with age-typical cognitive abilities would perform more poorly than healthy controls during a visual world paradigm task requiring participants to predict a target object constrained by the thematic fit of the agent-verb combination. Twenty-four PD and 24 healthy age-matched participants completed comprehensive neuropsychological assessments. We recorded participants’ eye movements as they heard predictive sentences (The fisherman rocks the boat) alongside target, agent-related, verb-related, and unrelated images. We tested effects of group (PD/control) on gaze using growth curve models. There were no significant differences between PD and control participants, suggesting that PD participants successfully and rapidly use combinatory thematic fit information to predict upcoming language. Baseline sentences with no predictive information (e.g., Look at the drum) confirmed that groups showed equivalent sentence processing and eye movement patterns. Additionally, we conducted an exploratory analysis contrasting PD and controls’ performance on low-motion-content versus high-motion-content verbs. This analysis revealed fewer predictive fixations in high-motion sentences only for healthy older adults. PD participants may adapt to their disease by relying on spared, non-action-simulation-based language processing mechanisms, although this conclusion is speculative, as the analyses of high- vs. low-motion items was highly limited by the study design. These findings provide novel evidence that individuals with PD match healthy adults in their ability to use verb meaning to predict upcoming nouns despite previous findings of verb semantic impairment in PD across a variety of tasks.



Among adults aged 65 and older, Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder globally [1, 2]. Characterized by a resting-state tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and/or postural instability, PD is often accompanied by secondary motor and non-motor features including cognitive changes that may eventually progress to dementia [37]. These impairments result, in large part, from the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra pars compacta [8] and by the disruption of neural connections among basal ganglia structures and diverse cortical regions [911]. Language impairments in PD include impaired processing of action words and concepts (e.g., [1215]), impaired comprehension of complex syntactic structures (e.g., [16]), impaired spoken language production marked by reduced information content (specifically less complete/accurate event structures), increased frequency of grammatical errors [1720], and difficulties interpreting figurative language and semantic ambiguities [2123]. Because language prediction in healthy adults relies in part on complex combinatorial and event simulation mechanisms [24], language prediction is plausibly altered in people with Parkinson’s and related diseases. However, it remains unclear whether PD impairs combinatorial language prediction based on agent- and verb-specific semantic knowledge.

Verb processing impairments in PD

Verb processing deficits are widely reported in Parkinson’s disease and have been demonstrated across a variety of comprehension and production tasks. People with PD have been shown to perform worse than control participants in semantic-based verbal fluency and action fluency tasks [25, 26], even in the absence of cognitive impairment [27, 28]. People with PD show selective deficits in action word processing [12, 15, 2932] including in verb production and naturalistic discourse tasks [13, 3337]. Several possible accounts of verb processing deficits in PD have been provided.

It has been argued that executive function/attention impairments explain language deficits in PD [3841]. Colman, Koerts [42] found that PD participants were impaired at producing verbs within a sentence context and that the degree of impairment significantly correlated with performance on set switching and working memory tasks. Additionally, altered lexical-semantic priming in PD [4346] has been attributed to potential disruption of the anterior cingulate loop [43] and associated disruptions in executive function [47]. For example, Copland [43] presented polysemous words (e.g., bank (money)-bank (river)) to participants and found that multiple word meanings were primed for a significantly extended period of time in PD participants compared to controls, suggesting that altered attention-mediated processing may drive lexical-semantic impairments. Similarly, PD participants show poor comprehension of syntactically complex sentences and long-distance dependencies [4852], perhaps because attention/executive control is needed to process sentences that have complex mappings between thematic (semantic) roles and syntactic structures [16, 51, 53].

Alternatively, proponents of embodied cognition suggest that semantic memory is distributed across, and grounded in, modality-specific sensory, motor, and emotion systems [54, 55]. Support for this theory includes evidence that the motor cortex, parietal cortex, and mirror neuron system are active during action-language processing (e.g., [5661]); that action language processing affects overt motor performance [62]; and that application of transcranial magnetic stimulation to motor brain regions may decrease response times or amplitudes of motor evoked potentials to associated verbs or sentences [6365]. In addition, action-language networks appear to involve not only motor cortex and respective mirror neuron systems but also cortical-subcortical systems [12]. Therefore, embodied cognition theories predict that the motor impairments characteristic of PD could impair action concept and verb processing even in the absence of cognitive impairment [66]. Action and body motion verbs have been shown to be more affected by PD than non-action verbs [13, 29, 37]. Additionally, people with PD without mild cognitive impairment have shown poorer comprehension of high action content discourse passages than low action content passages [35]. Studies that examined participants’ executive function abilities showed that they did not explain these action-language deficits [30, 67]. Furthermore, Roberts, Nguyen [15] showed that the degree of action word processing impairment relates to the degree of motor impairment in the action-associated limbs.

Deficits in representation and knowledge of real-world events may also explain verb processing impairments in PD, as the Two-Level Theory of verb meaning posits that event structure templates form an essential part of verb representations [68]. However, little work to date has investigated event-semantic deficits in PD. Godbout and Doyon [18] asked people with PD to produce scripts describing sequences of complex activities. They found more sequencing and intrusion errors in PD than in controls, leading the authors to suggest that changes in frontostriatal loops in PD may affect event representations. This finding is consistent with Roberts and Post [20], who found that individuals with PD generated fewer event casts (main story units grounded in an action event) than controls when producing spontaneous narratives. If event knowledge deficits are a symptom of Parkinson’s disease, then cognitively intact participants with Parkinson’s disease may show impaired processing of verbs and of their event-based semantic associates, compared to healthy adults. Online language processing may be particularly challenging for people with PD, considering that healthy adults activate event knowledge both to process and to predict language as it unfolds in real time.

Language prediction in healthy adults

In healthy adults, on-line sentence comprehension rapidly uses verb-specific syntactic and semantic information to predict upcoming words and structures [69, 70]. Healthy adults are slower to read information that violates selectional restrictions, such as a requirement for a verb’s object to be animate [71, 72]. Similarly, when listening to sentences, adults saccade to a target object more quickly when the verb’s selectional restrictions uniquely identify a target object than when the verb is nonselective [73]. Furthermore, healthy adults may predict upcoming language not only from syntactic constraints [7476] but also from event-based thematic fit information—the plausibility that a given noun phrase serves as the agent (or patient, goal, etc.) of a verbal predicate [72, 77, 78]. For example, in healthy young adults, cop is considered a typical agent of arrested but not a typical patient of arrested; longer reading times were found for sentences that violated this thematic fit expectation (e.g., The cop arrested by the detective was guilty of taking bribes; [79]). As further evidence of semantic-based language prediction, in several ERP experiments, it has been shown that semantically constrained sentences produce a semantic prediction potential in cortical locations that reflect the semantic features of the anticipated stimuli [8083]. Importantly, healthy adults may go beyond word-pair associations and anticipate upcoming material by combining event-based knowledge activated by an agent noun with the event-based knowledge of either a noun or a verb [8486]. This anticipatory effect has been demonstrated even when possible targets are not constrained by visual context [87]. Thus, healthy adults spontaneously predict upcoming semantics and syntactic structures even in situations in which prediction is contingent on multiple sources of probabilistic semantic information.

Interestingly, Pickering and Garrod [88] suggest that healthy adults are able to predict others’ language production because production and comprehension skills are intertwined. Inspired by motor control theories, Pickering and Garrod suggest that speakers create forward models—essentially, internal predictions of their own articulations—allowing speakers to compare their predicted utterances to their actual utterances as they unfold. Listeners may then use a perceived utterance to infer the production command and then use that (inferred) production command to simulate the speaker’s language output. In support of this theory, Pickering and Garrod note that: 1) interlocutors’ speech production on a shared topic often overlaps during conversational discourse, 2) language comprehension may interfere with language production [89], and 3) there appear to be shared neural pathways supporting language production and comprehension [90, 91]. Importantly, under this theory, because healthy adults predict upcoming language not only using semantic relations but also by (motor speech) simulation, language production impairments may also impair language comprehension and prediction-by-simulation. Thus, given the complexity of PD symptoms across motor and cognitive domains, even subtle impairments may significantly disrupt everyday language processing in PD.

Language prediction in PD

Interestingly, people with PD have exhibited deficits in non-linguistic prediction tasks that require using probabilistic, implicitly learned information [92, 93]. In a study of sensory decision-making, people with PD failed to appropriately adjust their response biases in situations where participants should have implicitly learned that one outcome was more common [94]. Similarly, in an eye-tracking study, Hochstadt [50] reported that PD participants showed an exaggerated bias towards incorrectly interpreting subject nouns as agents in passive sentences; in this study, for a subset of participants who showed overt comprehension errors, impaired online processing correlated with set-shifting deficits. Implicitly learned thematic fit information may be affected similarly in PD, particularly during online language processing. However, previous studies in PD have largely investigated offline language abilities and language priming effects and in some cases may have unknowingly included participants with cognitive impairment due to their use of brief cognition screening tools. Relatively few published studies have investigated predictive processing based on thematic fit in participants with PD without cognitive impairment. In a self-paced reading task in which participants were asked to indicate if and when a sentence “stopped making sense,” Whiting, Copland [95] found that people with PD were less sensitive to violations of verb selectional restrictions than controls. This study demonstrated on-line differences in sentence processing in PD but was implemented in a self-paced reading study and relied on relatively coarse-grained manipulations of thematic roles such as animacy violations. Santerre [96] recorded eye movements using a visual world paradigm to compare healthy older adult and PD participants’ abilities to predict target objects based on selective verbs (e.g., eat) versus nonselective verbs (e.g., see). Surprisingly, despite previous findings showing that PD participants experience difficulty accessing action concepts, PD participants showed a similar proportion of fixations on the target objects as did controls in the selective verb trials. The groups’ similarity in anticipatory gaze patterns suggests that people with PD show intact on-line processing in relatively simple predictive contexts, in which participants are required to activate and use the meaning of only a single verb.

The experimental methods used in these existing studies may not be particularly sensitive to subtle differences in predictive processing. While there is no broad consensus on the nature of the mechanism(s) supporting language prediction, Huettig [24] suggests that a minimum of four predictive mechanisms are needed to fully account for language prediction abilities in healthy adults–a production-based mechanism, a simple associative mechanism, a combinatorial mechanism, and an event simulation-based mechanism. Under Huettig’s account, even when simple associative prediction ability is intact in PD, “smarter” combinatorial routes to language prediction may be impaired. Thus, what remains unclear is whether language prediction deficits appear in PD in situations that require rapid integration of concepts for combinatorial processing, as in combining agent-based and verb-based sources of semantic information.

Present study

Objectives and hypothesis

Central to the present study are findings that have shown that event knowledge informs thematic fit processing [8486]. Our objective was to test, using highly sensitive experimental methods and in a well-characterized group of participants, whether Parkinson’s disease impairs online language prediction based on combinatorial thematic fit information (e.g., using the combination of fisherman and rocks to predict the target object boat; or using the combination of grandmother and rocks to predict the target object cradle.) We hypothesized that people with PD evince impairments in action and event semantic knowledge that limit their ability to combine thematic fit information from an agent noun and a verb. Therefore, we predicted that PD participants would fixate the post-verb object (patient) less than controls during the predictive window, because multiple images served as plausible target objects unless participants integrated agent and verb thematic fit information. In addition, because recent studies suggest that PD particularly affects the semantic representations of action verbs, we further predicted that participants with PD would be more impaired at processing action verbs (rated as having high motion content) than non-action verbs (rated as having low motion content).

Because individual differences in working memory, speed of processing, and executive function may influence predictive sentence processing [97, 98], special consideration was given to participants’ cognitive status in the present study. Although attention, working memory, and executive function impairments have sometimes been implicated in language processing impairments in PD (e.g., [16, 43]), recent studies suggest that verb processing impairments are present even in PD participants without clear signs of cognitive impairment (e.g., [30, 67]). Therefore, the objective of the present study was to investigate combinatorial semantic language prediction abilities in a cohort without measurable and reported signs of cognitive impairment.


We used a visual world eye-tracking protocol to examine predictive language comprehension in participants with PD. Participants heard syntactically simple sentences while their eye movements to onscreen images were recorded. The timing and proportions of fixations on target versus distractor objects revealed how quickly the listener integrated relevant pieces of semantic information. The visual world paradigm provides several advantages compared to tasks involving manual responses and/or self-paced reading. First, eye-tracking does not require a manual limb response, which can be slowed in people with PD compared to healthy controls. Secondly, measuring eye movements towards images while sentences are spoken allows us to assess processing before an expected word is spoken, rather than measuring changes in processing that occur after the presentation of the word, as in reading protocols [24]. Finally, the structure of distractor images allows us to infer how multiple cues influenced participants’ evolving predictions across a sentence.

Aim 1 examined whether the inability to integrate multiple sources of thematic role information, grounded in deficits in event knowledge, is a source of language impairment in PD. Participants completed a visual world paradigm study in which sentences were uniquely predictable only from the combination of the agent and verb (predictive sentences: e.g., The fisherman-agent rocks-verb the boat-patient). Each trial included an image of the target (e.g., boat) and three distractor images. One distractor was an image of an object semantically related to the agent, but not to the verb (e.g., net), while another was related to the verb only (e.g., cradle). The third distractor was unrelated to the agent, verb, and target object (e.g., quilt). These sentences were designed to be canonical and syntactically simple so that they would not place high demands on participants’ cognitive abilities. When typical listeners hear the agent noun, we expect them to fixate the target and agent-related images (with fewer fixations on the verb-related and unrelated images). Shortly after the onset of the verb, typical listeners are expected to fixate predominantly on the target object. If people with PD have difficulty integrating probabilistic semantic information from agents and verbs to predict an associated patient noun, then we predict that PD participants should show reduced proportions of anticipatory fixations or reduced rate of increase in proportions of anticipatory fixations on target (patient) objects following the onset of the verb.

Aim 2 assessed whether group differences in on-line sentence processing, if present, result merely from delays in lexical activation, impaired object recognition, or altered saccadic eye movements rather than from impaired combinatorial semantic processes. If on-line sentence processing impairments in PD are specifically caused by combinatorial semantic impairments, then we predict that adults with PD should not differ from healthy adults in simple sentences where the target objects are explicit, as found in previous work [96]. To address Aim 2, we presented participants with sentences in which the final word was not semantically associated with the verb or other words in the sentence (“baseline sentences,” e.g., Look at the drum). Scenes contained a target image (e.g., drum) and three semantically and phonologically unrelated items (e.g., bathtub, strawberry, rope). These baseline sentences differed in structure from the experimental, predictive sentences because they were not designed to be compared directly with the experimental sentences. Instead, because few previously published studies used eye tracking methodology with participants with PD, these sentences served as a control condition designed to ensure that PD participants showed intact lexical activation and recognition and intact saccadic eye movements.


All study procedures were approved by the Institutional Review Board at Northwestern University. Participants provided written consent for study participation and were compensated for their study participation. All data were collected and analyzed at Northwestern University in the senior author’s research lab. Experiment delivery code and picture stimuli are archived with the Northwestern University Library system and will be provided by the corresponding author upon request. Norming data for all experimental stimuli, deidentified experimental data, and analysis scripts are publicly available using the link provided in the Data availability statement.

Norming studies for stimuli used in the predictive visual world paradigm task

Ideal target items were expected to possess high event-based associations with both the agent and the verb in the stimulus sentences. Just as importantly, distractor items were required to be minimally associated with the agent and verb. Norming studies allowed for the identification and replacement of target and distractor pairings that were not rated as expected by healthy older adults.


Healthy older participants were recruited from research registries and community sources (e.g., flyers, support group outreach programs) using a convenience sampling approach. Eligible participants between the ages of 50 and 90 were required to: have at minimum a grade 10 education; have a minimum grade 10 reading ability based on the Quick Adult Reading Inventory (QARI; [99]); and to speak English as their primary language (brief version of the Language Experience and Proficiency-Questionnaire score ≥7 speaking and understanding; [100]). Participants were excluded if they were unwilling to complete the survey in electronic format, had any past medical history of neurosurgical procedures, or had a medical history of major psychiatric or neurological illness. Participants with dementia were excluded with either the in-person (norming study 1) or telephone version (norming study 2) of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) using the respective dementia cut-off scores for each version (≥19/30 on the in-person MoCA or ≥18/22 on the telephone (MoCA; [101104]).

Individuals who participated in Norming Study 1 were also invited to participate in Norming Study 2 because there was no overlap in items between the first and second norming studies and because the studies were conducted ~8 months apart. In norming study 2, participants were allowed to complete the study from their home computer to reduce participation burden. To align the normative sample with the anticipated ages in our PD cohort, we intentionally and equitably sampled from younger-old and older-old cohorts. Full participant demographics for individuals participating in the norming studies are presented in S1 Table. For norming study 1, we enrolled 14 participants in the younger-old cohort (M = 60.6 years) and 13 in the older-old cohort (M = 75.5 years), with an overall mean participant age of 67.7 years. For norming study 2, we again recruited participants into a younger-old cohort (N = 17, M = 58.4 years) and an older-old cohort (N = 13, M = 78.4 years), with an overall mean participant age of 67.1 years.


Test sets were based on Kamide, Altmann [85] in which sentence sets included two agents and two verbs, yielding four agent-verb combinations and thus four target objects. Following Borovsky, Elman [105], stimuli sets were designed such that each object served once as the target, once as an agent-related distractor, once as a verb-related distractor, and once as an unrelated distractor so that items were fully counterbalanced across the study:

  1. The fireman rides the truck / bike / hamburger / candy.

  2. The fireman tastes the hamburger / candy / truck / bike.

  3. The girl rides the bike / truck / candy / hamburger.

  4. The girl tastes the candy / hamburger / bike / truck.

In this example, truck and hamburger serve both as targets and as agent-based distractors for sentences (1) and (2), and as verb-related and unrelated distractors in sentences (3) and (4). As a result, if, for example, participants more strongly associate fireman with truck than with hamburger, then increased fixations to the target (truck) in sentence (1) should be offset by decreased fixations to the target (hamburger) in sentence (2), since each sentence was heard by each participant.

In norming study 1, we tested 32 items (8 base sentences x 4 different agent-verb combinations) reported by Borovsky, Elman [105] and augmented those with 32 additional items developed using norms from McRae et al. ( We extracted all possible agent-verb, verb-target, and agent-target pairs from the sentence items. In norming study 1, each participant rated a total of 452 word pairs that were isolated from their sentence contexts (128 agent-target, 179 verb-target, 145 agent-verb). Based on its intended role in the stimulus set, each pairing was designated as either a “target” pairing (e.g., fireman-truck, rides-truck) or a “distractor” pairing (e.g., fireman-bike, rides-hamburger). Norming study 1 revealed at least one problematic component in each of the initially proposed stimuli sets for our older adult cohort. For example, the intended target pair fireman-hamburger was rated as less commonly associated than proposed distractor pair girl-hamburger. Therefore, in norming study 2, additional novel test stimuli were created in a similar fashion to replace problematic stimuli/targets/distractors identified in Norming Study 1. In Norming Study 2, distractor fillers were added to the agent-verb survey, which otherwise would have contained only target pairings, resulting in a total of 744 items (281 agent-target pairs, 337 verb-target pairs, and 126 agent-verb pairs).


Target objects were not necessarily required to be maximally predictable from the linguistic context because participants viewed a constrained set of four images representing the potential targets of each sentence. Target objects instead needed to be rated as significantly more probable than their on-screen distractor object counterparts. Therefore, to capture the relative strengths of association for high- and low-probability items, participants rated preselected targets using a Likert scale (rather than providing continuations in an open-ended cloze task).

Participants completed the norming study using the survey function in Qualtrics on a lab computer (Norming Study 1) or using their home computer (Norming Study 2). In Norming Study 1, participants completed the experimental blocks in a fixed order: agent-verb, agent-target, then verb-target. Questions were presented in randomized order within these blocks. However, for the agent-verb and verb-target surveys, individual items featuring the same verb were grouped together to facilitate rapid judgments. The survey questions asked participants to rate “how common” it is for various types of objects or people in the world to: “engage in various activities” (agent-verb), “participate in a single scenario” (agent-target), or to “have various actions performed on them, or performed to them” (verb-target). Participants rated the items on a scale of 1 (least common/likely) to 7 (most common/likely). Before each block, participants were given example items and ratings. Participants were instructed to provide their first impression of each object, and to use the numbers 2–6 for pairings that they believed fell between the two extremes. In norming study 2, test items were split into a form A version (338 items) and a form B version (406 items). Fifteen participants completed each form version. Study 1 revealed potential evidence of rating-fatigue, with polarized ratings for the verb-target block compared to earlier blocks, resulting in the decision to administer two form versions in the second norming study given the larger number of test items. In both norming studies, the typical time for survey completion was 45–80 minutes.


In norming study 1, target pairings were rated significantly higher (more typically related) than distractor pairings (targets’ mean = 6.19, mean SD = .93; distractors’ mean = 2.24, mean SD = 1.11; Welch’s t-test p < .0001). 75.2% of individual item pairs fell within 1.5 points of the ideal value (i.e., between 5.5–7 for target item pairings and between 1–2.5 for distractor item pairings). However, all but one of the sentence test sets contained at least one component that was rated outside of these ranges. Typically, these poorly fitting items were distractors that were rated as being overly associated with agents/verbs that they were not intended to fit.

In norming study 2, target pairings were again rated significantly higher than distractor pairings (targets’ mean = 5.88, mean SD = 1.09; distractors’ mean = 2.29, mean SD = 1.12, Welch’s t-test p < .0001). From the pool of all normed items (Study 1 and Study 2 combined), 12 sentence stimuli sets (48 sentences in total) were selected for the visual world paradigm experiment based on the ratings and the availability of suitable images for the target objects. Each target pair in the final set of sentence stimuli was rated higher than all corresponding distractor pairs (final targets’ mean = 6.30, mean SD = .87; final distractors’ mean = 1.68, mean SD = .95, Welch’s t-test p < .0001). Individual item ratings for the final stimulus items are publicly available at doi:10.18131/g3-6r76-cq21 [106], and motion content ratings are publicly available at doi:10.18131/g3-aran-nz90 [107].

In norming study 1, we additionally assessed whether the obtained norms were equally valid for participants of varying ages and MoCA scores. Participants’ mean distances from others’ ratings were 0.69 z on average. Variability in item ratings did not correlate significantly with age (Pearson’s r = 0.03, p = 0.877), suggesting that the norms are equally valid for younger-old and older-old participants. With the exclusion of one outlier participant, there was also no significant correlation between variability in item ratings and MoCA scores (Pearson’s r = -0.31, p = .127). The lack of an effect of MoCA scores suggests that the norms are equally valid in participants with fully intact cognition as in participants with scores borderline for mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

Motion content norming study

Once the 48 stimulus sentences were selected, a third norming study was conducted to quantify the degree of motion content of each selected verb. Participants for the motion content norming study consisted of a convenience sample of 20 healthy adults who primarily spoke English and were 18–42 years old (mean = 24.10, SD = 5.66). For this study, also conducted via Qualtrics, participants were instructed to “rate how much movement would typically be used to complete each of the following actions” using a 1–7 Likert scale. When rating items’ motion content, participants asked to consider the indicated verb sense (e.g., rock [cause to move back and forth or side to side]). Mean ratings for each verb were used to classify items as ‘low’ (<4) or ‘high’ (>4) motion content in subsequent motion content eye tracking analyses, resulting in 13/48 sentences being designated as ‘high’ motion content.

Experiment: Anticipatory eye movements during sentence comprehension

We assessed PD and control participants’ prediction of patients (target objects) from the combination of an agent and a verb. Performance in this task was contrasted with performance on baseline sentences (Look at the [drum]), which did not require use of combinatory semantics.


Participants were recruited using methods identical to those in norming study 1. In addition to the eligibility requirements for the norming studies, participants were required to have an in-person MoCA score of 24 or higher (reflecting an optimised cut-off score for individuals with PD; [108]). Participants also were required to have sufficient vision to read the instructions and view the images used in the study on the display monitor (≥ 20/50 vision, either corrected or uncorrected), not to have cataracts, and were required to have a pure tone audiometric average ≤ 40dB HL bilaterally at 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz, reflecting normal or only mildly impaired hearing. All PD participants had been diagnosed for a minimum of one year and were under the care of a movement disorders neurologist. Except for one de novo participant, all PD participants were on stable PD medication. Additionally, participants were excluded during the screening stage if the experimenter could not obtain reliable calibration for eye-tracking.

In total, 50/80 screened participants met all criteria and were enrolled. Two participants (one control and one with PD) were excluded after study completion but before data analysis due to poor-quality eye-tracking data. Poor-quality data was operationally defined as having >15% of trials removed due to track loss, coupled with a relative lack of fixations on target objects (reflecting lack of engagement with the task). The final analysis included 24 control participants (16 female, 8 male) and 24 participants with PD (11 female, 13 male). Table 1 includes demographic data for both the PD and control groups. There were no significant differences between groups on age, years of education, audiometric pure tone average, MoCA, or geriatric depression scale scores. The Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale [109] and Hoehn and Yahr [110] scores suggest that the PD cohort comprised mainly participants with relatively mild disease.

Table 1. Participant demographic and neuropsychological data by group.
Variable Mean (SD), 95% Confidence Interval [Lower, Upper] Range
  PD Control t-tests
Demographic Data
Age (yrs.)  68.02 (8.86) [64.28, 71.76] 52–89 66.54 (10.85) [61.96, 71.13] 53–87 t(46) = -0.52, p = 0.608
Education (yrs.) 17.38 (2.73) [16.66, 18.96] 12–26 17.81 (2.72) [16.66, 18.96] 12–23 t(46) = 0.56, p = 0.581
PTA (better ear) 21.01 (9.15) [17.15, 24.88] 8.3–35 17.89 (6.17) [15.28, 20.49] 5–40 t(46) = -1.39, p = 0.172
MoCA (/30) 27.29 (1.63) [26.60, 27.98] 24–30 27.08 (1.67) [26.38, 27.79] 24–30 t(46) = -0.44, p = 0.663
GDS (/15) 1.79 (2.50) [0.74, 2.85] 0–10 0.75 (0.90) [0.37, 1.13] 0–3 t(28.82)d = -1.92, p = 0.065
Handedness (self-report) 91.7% Right, 8.3% Left 87.5% Right, 12.5% Left -
MDS-UPDRS-III (/132)a 23.7 (11.4) [18.90, 28.56] 6–44 - -
Hoehn & Yahr (/5)b 1.77 (0.75) [1.45, 2.09] 1–4 - -
Years since PD diagnosis 5.99 (5.49) [3.67, 8.31] .9–25 - -
Neuropsychological Assessment Data
D-KEFS Trail Making Test (Switching vs. Number/Letter scaled score) 9.58 (2.98) [8.33, 10.84] 3–17 9.04 (2.10) [8.16, 9.93] 6–13 t(46) = -0.73, p = 0.470
D-KEFS Color Word Interference Test (Switching vs. Color + Word scaled score) 10.92 (2.00) [10.07, 11.76] 6–14 11.58 (2.41) [10.56, 12.60] 7–16 t(46) = 1.04, p = 0.303
Digit Span Backwards (scaled score) 8.78 (2.89) [7.56, 10.00] 3–16 8.79 (3.37) [7.37, 10.22] 3–15 t(46) = 0.01, p = 0.992
Semantic Fluency (Animals, scaled score) 11.75 (3.14) [10.42, 13.08] 6–19 11.00 (2.27) [10.04, 11.96] 7–16 t(46) = -0.95, p = 0.347
CLOX I (Free-draw scaled score) 10.96 (1.81) [10.20, 11.72] 6–13 11.42 (1.18) [10.92, 11.91] 9–13 t(39.55)d = 1.04, p = 0.304
CLOX II (Copy trial scaled score) 9.17 (2.87) [7.96, 10.38] 1–12 9.38 (3.46) [7.91, 10.84] 3–12 t(46) = 0.23, p = 0.821
Boston Naming Test (/30) 27.67 (2.24) [26.72, 28.61] 22–30 28.13 (2.33) [27.14, 29.11] 22–30 t(46) = 0.70, p = 0.491
Northwestern Naming Battery (/31) 30.74 (0.53) [30.52, 30.97] 29–31 30.75 (0.68) [30.46, 31.03] 28–31 t(46) = 0.02, p = 0.984
NAVS sentence comprehension (/30) 29.88 (0.34) [29.73, 30.02] 29–30 29.75 (0.53) [29.53, 29.97] 28–30 t(38.97)d = -0.97, p = 0.337
Pyramids and Palm Trees (/14) 13.92 (0.28) [13.80, 14.04] 13–14 13.96 (0.20) [13.87, 14.04] 13–14 t(46) = 0.59, p = 0.561
HVLT-R total recall (t-score) 47.38 (9.16) [43.51, 51.24] 30–66 49.67 (7.19) [46.63, 52.70] 32–64 t(46) = 0.96, p = 0.340
BVMT-R total recall (t-score)e 52.83 (9.06) [49.01, 56.66] 34–68 53.96 (14.85) [47.69, 60.23] 20–73 t(38.1)d = 0.32, p = 0.753

Note. PTA = Pure Tone Average (of 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz). MoCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment. GDS = Geriatric Depression Scale. D-KEFS = Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System. NAVS = Northwestern Assessment of Verbs and Sentences. HVLT-R = Hopkins Verbal Learning Test- Revised. BVMT-R = Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised.

aAll PD participants were assessed using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale motor section (MDS-UPDRS-III; [109]) and the modified Hoehn and Yahr Scale [110] by a certified examiner. The UPDRS-III is a standardized measure of motor impairment in PD and assesses tremor, slowness (bradykinesia), stiffness (rigidity), and balance.

bThe Hoehn and Yahr Scale is a standardized measure of disease severity, with scores ranging from 0 (asymptomatic) to 5 (wheelchair-bound).

c Calculated by averaging participants’ scaled scores from: digit span backwards, D-KEFS trail-making test switching versus composite number and letter sequencing, D-KEFS color-word inhibition test switching versus composite color and word reading, semantic fluency, and CLOX I [112]. Scaled scores for the semantic fluency and CLOX I tests were converted from t-scores and z-scores, respectively.

dlower d.f. due to Welch’s test for unequal variances

eBVMT-R normative values for participants aged 80–89 were drawn from Gale, Baxter, Connor, Herring, and Comer (2007)

General study procedures

In most cases, participants completed the study in two visits, within a 7- to 10-day window. When participants had current neuropsychological assessment data available from our lab (within 6 months of the eye-tracking experiment) we reduced study burden and preserved assessment fidelity by using those existing assessment data (N = 10 PD; 1 control). In these cases, participants completed only a single study visit. Participants with PD completed the experiment in “on” medication state. While day to day fluctuations are common in PD, testing at the same time of day ensured participants were medicated at similar levels during both their testing sessions. Study visit 1 typically included the screening and neuropsychological assessment, which lasted approximately 2 hours. Study visit 2 typically included the eye-tracking tasks, which lasted approximately 1 hour.

Neuropsychological assessment

A detailed description of each test and the domains assessed is presented in S2 Table. Tests were administered by a single examiner and were administered according to protocols outlined in published procedural manuals. Assessment sessions were audio/video recorded for double-scoring and fidelity procedures. Disagreements in test scoring were resolved through consensus procedures. Neuropsychological test data are presented in Table 1. The absence of dementia was confirmed neuropsychologically. All participants were independent in activities of daily living, and with none scoring below 2 SD on more than one cognitive test, no participant met standard criteria for dementia [111]. Three control participants and one PD participant scored between 1.5 and 2 SD below normal limits on multiple tests and thus met criteria for mild cognitive impairment [112]. However, the majority of these participants scored below normal limits on two tests in two different domains, which may be less indicative of progressive cognitive impairment compared to failing two tests within the same domain [113]. In the present study, only one control participant was impaired on multiple tests within a single domain. In addition, these participants met the minimum cognitive screening requirement and showed essentially normal task performance upon visual inspection of the eye-tracking data. Thus, we judged that these participants’ cognitive impairment was mild enough not to significantly interfere with participants’ ability to complete the task, and so they were not excluded from analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics for the neuropsychological tests were calculated using the mean(), sd(), and t.test() functions in R version 3.6.0.

General eye-tracking method

Eye movements were recorded monocularly using a desktop-mounted SR Research Eyelink 1000+ camera set to record at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz. Participants were seated with their eyes approximately 57 cm from the monitor and 52 cm from the camera with their heads stabilized using a SR Research chinrest. The computer was set to its native resolution of 1920 x 1080 and the use portion of the screen was adjusted to 30.5 cm horizontally and 25.4 cm vertically, resulting in 29.9 (width) × 25.1 (height) degrees of visual angle to accommodate the participant-monitor distance. The remaining portion of the screen was blacked out both during the experimental trials and calibration to keep luminosity consistent and to minimize inaccurate calibration due to changes in pupil size. Calibration and validation area proportions were adjusted accordingly. Experimental stimuli were presented using Experiment Builder, Version 2.1.140 software. Calibration and validation procedures were performed before each experimental block and whenever the participant moved their head and calibration became inaccurate (detected automatically at the beginning of each trial). Eyelids sometimes obscure the pupil, particularly in older adults [114], and this can lead to track loss when pupils are tracked via the centroid method [115]. Therefore, pupils were tracked via the ellipse method for all participants.

We used color images of each of the target objects in both predictive and non-predictive trials to enhance recognizability [116]. All sentences were recorded in an ANSI-standard audiometric testing booth by a native Midwestern American English male speaker. Recordings were made in 44.1 kHz sampling rate and mono format using an AKG C 520 head-mounted condenser microphone connected to a laptop via a SoundDevices USBPre 2 pre-amplifier. See S1 and S2 Appendices for additional detail on image selection, audio recording, audio stimuli selection, and editing procedures.

Each eye-tracking session began with a comfortable listening level task to ensure stimulus audibility given the increased risk of hearing impairment in older adults. Participants heard a practice list of words, and the experimenter raised or lowered the volume progressively, introducing new lists of phonologically similar practice words, until a volume level was reached where 100% of words were repeated accurately and/or the participant indicated that the volume could no longer be increased without becoming uncomfortably loud.

Visual world paradigm procedures

To address Aim 1, participants listened to predictive sentences in a visual world paradigm task. In the predictive sentence condition, the agent was more associated with the target object and an agent-based distractor object than with the verb-based and unrelated distractors. The verb was more associated with the target object and a verb-based distractor object than with the agent-based and unrelated distractors.

However, interpretation of group differences in anticipatory looks to target objects can be accounted for by factors unrelated to predictive processes, such as systematic group differences in saccadic latencies or systematic issues with the prerequisite steps of quickly identifying pictured objects, maintaining objects’ locations, and rapidly comprehending simple spoken sentences. Therefore, we also included a baseline sentence condition modeled on Santerre [96] that included sentences in the form Look at the [target]. Null group effects on the baseline condition would argue against these alternative interpretations, allowing more robust conclusions regarding the role of language prediction on the predictive sentence condition. The two conditions were presented in a fixed order with the baseline sentence condition following the predictive sentences for all participants.

Visual world paradigm stimuli

A schematic of the eye tracking task from the participant’s perspective is shown in Fig 1 below. In order to moderate visual bias that would potentially obscure predictive eye movements, we allowed a 2000 millisecond preview period.

Fig 1.

Fig 1

A schematic of the trial sequence, (A) for predictive sentences and (B) for baseline sentences. The left-most panel depicts the fixation cross, which participants had to fixate in order to launch the trial. The middle panel depicts the preview period when participants simultaneously previewed the four items. The right-most panel shows the screen layout when the sentence audio began. Images remained onscreen for the full duration of the sentence. Images were displayed in a balanced quadrant in the center of a white background, with ~1.5 inches between images horizontally, ~0.5 inches between images vertically, and ~1 inch between the edge of the image and the edge of the white portion of the screen. Stimuli images displayed in Fig 1 are similar but not identical to the original images and are therefore for illustrative purposes only. Pool net and strawberry reprinted from Brodeur, Dionne-Dostie [117] under a CC BY license, with permission from Mathieu Brodeur, original copyright 2009, 2010. Cradle [match_0188] and bathtub [object_0075] reprinted from Kovalenko, Chaumon [118] under a CC BY license, with permission from Niko Busch, original copyright 2012. Rope reprinted from Brady, Konkle [119] stimulus set; canoe reprinted from Konkle and Caramazza [120]; drum reprinted from Konkle and Oliva [121] under a CC BY license, with permission from Talia Konkle, original copyright 2008, 2011, 2013. Quilt original photo under a CC BY license, with permission from H.R. Templeton C.D. Hancok, original copyright 2021.

Each stimulus set contained four sentences, with each image serving once as the target object, once as an agent-related distractor, once as a verb-related distractor, and once as an unrelated distractor. Each participant saw the same stimuli. However, the order of sentences was pseudorandomized into ten different pre-determined trial orders using a random number generator. When necessary, items were rearranged manually to prevent the target object from appearing in the same quadrant of the screen on more than two consecutive trials and to prevent sentences from the same set appearing consecutively (e.g., The fisherman rocks the boat could not be followed by The grandmother rocks the cradle). There were 8 practice trials and 48 experimental trials of this sentence type (S3 and S4 Tables; high motion content sentences marked ‘H’).

Baseline sentence stimuli were presented in a single block at the end of the eye tracking session, following all predictive sentences, so that the differing task directions would not influence participants’ performance on predictive sentences. Baseline sentences followed the same randomization procedures as the predictive trials. During each of these trials, participants viewed four objects that were phonologically and semantically unrelated to each other and that were not present in the prediction trials. Items were balanced so that each object appeared three or four times. In addition, each trial contained at least one object that was never used as the target object. This was done to minimize participants’ ability to predict the target object by ignoring objects that had been the target of previous sentences. There were 5 practice trials and 20 experimental trials featuring baseline sentence stimuli (S5 and S6 Tables).

To ensure that participants were attending to the sentences, attention check questions were added at randomly chosen intervals throughout the predictive trials (2 questions during practice items, 12 in experimental items). Questions were manually re-arranged as needed to appear at least two sentences apart. During these comprehension question trials; participants saw a single word on-screen along with the prompt: Say “YES” if you heard this word in the last sentence: [word]. Otherwise, do not say anything. Words that had not appeared in the most recent trial also did not appear anywhere else in the experimental sentences, making it relatively easy for participants to identify the unused words. Participants answered all questions correctly except for one participant, who responded to two of the questions by repeating the onscreen word but otherwise answered all questions correctly. There were no such questions for the non-predictive sentences.

Instructions for the predictive sentence blocks were presented simultaneously verbally and onscreen as follows: “You will hear a sentence and see four images on the screen. Pay attention to the sentence and the pictures. You may look around the images freely. Sometimes we will ask you whether you heard a certain word in the last trial. When this happens, if you just heard that word, say yes. If you did not just hear that word, please wait quietly.” Instructions for the baseline sentences were presented verbally and onscreen as follows: “You will see a display with four pictures while hearing a sentence. Look at whatever picture you are told to look at. We will not ask you any questions.”

Pre-processing of eye-tracking data

Data were exported using the sample report in EyeLink Data Viewer software package (SR Research Ltd., version 3.2.48) and thus included both longer fixations and shorter fixations broken up by saccades. The eye-tracking data were pre-processed using a custom script in R (version 3.6.0) that made extensive use of the eyetrackingR package [version 0.1.8; 122]. Fixations outside of the four interest areas were excluded from analysis. The eyetrackingR package was used to subset the data into agent-only, verb-only, and target-only analysis windows for the predictive trials and a target-only window for the non-predictive trials. To account for saccade programming time, all time windows were created with a 200ms delay from the auditory onset of the relevant word [123, 124]. The data were binned into 50ms intervals in order to mitigate eye-movement based dependencies [125]. Time windows were extended or truncated slightly as needed to avoid creating bins with systematically fewer samples. For the predictive trials (Aim 1), the beginning of the agent window was extended 24ms into the first article, the end of the verb window was extended 37ms into the second article, and the end of the target object window was truncated by 4ms. For the baseline trials (Aim 2), the end of the target object window was extended by 25ms.

EyetrackingR functions were also used to assess and to remove trials with 25% or more track loss during the full sentence duration [126] and to calculate proportions of fixations on each interest area for each 50ms time bin in the analysis windows. The mean number of predictive trials remaining was 47.25 ± 1.66 SD. The mean number of baseline trials remaining was 18.65 ± 2.85 SD. In 27.7% of predictive trials and 25.1% of baseline trials, participants were already fixating the target image just prior to sentence onset. However, removing these trials would have resulted in substantial data loss and would result in artificial increases in fixations to the target object early on due to mere regression to the mean [127, 128]. Therefore, in our statistical analysis, we included trials that began with fixations to the target image. In S7S10 Tables, we repeated these same analyses with target-anticipated trials excluded. This resulted in only minimal changes to the model fit and no changes to the pattern of findings between PD and control participants.

Analysis of eye-tracking data

The eye-tracking observations used across all study aims were nested within participants and therefore did not meet the independent samples assumption for ANOVAs. Instead, the cleaned, subsetted eye-tracking data were fitted to a series of logistic mixed effects (multi-level) models using the glmer command in the R package lme4 version 1.1–21 [129]. All intermediate proportions of fixations on each interested area were rounded to either 0 (no fixation) or 1 (fixation) because the raw binned proportions essentially followed a binomial distribution. Therefore, rather than predicting these proportions, our models predict the odds ratio of fixations on the target versus fixations on all other distractors. This odds ratio is log-transformed into “logits” of fixations on each interest area. In addition, each clustering unit (e.g., participant) is permitted to have its own intercept, and in many cases, its own slope term as well. The fixed effects estimates are drawn from the average of these individual intercepts and slopes. The random effects characterize the degree of difference across individual intercepts and slopes.

For each time window of interest, we tested for significant differences in proportions of fixations on the target object over time, by group, and for group by time interactions (which represent differential effects of group on rate of increase in fixations on the target). To avoid collinearity issues in our assessment of time effects, we used the orthogonal time polynomials generated by the eyetrackingR package instead of natural time polynomials [130]. As a result, intercept values reflect mean values rather than values at t = 0. Linear term estimates indicate whether fixation proportions increase, decrease, or remain flat between the beginning and end of the analysis window. Finally, the quadratic term estimates indicate whether fixation proportions change at a constant rate or a changing rate. In each model, we additionally generated random intercepts and random linear slopes for subjects (to assess individual differences) and for items (to assess stimulus-driven variability). Random quadratic slopes for subjects and items were included only when they did not cause singular model fits (overfitting). Random effects were estimated with an unstructured covariance matrix. Mixed effects models of binary data have been reported previously (e.g., [131133]). In addition, simulation research suggests that growth curve analyses of binary data are feasible and result in accurate parameter estimates when sample sizes are sufficiently large, e.g., >200 for linear estimates and >1000 for quadratic estimates [134], as was the case in the present study (48 participants * 47 trials ≈ 2256 trials per model, with 10–14 measurement occasions per trial).

For predictive sentences, we modeled fixations on the target object in separate logistic models for three time windows of interest: the agent window, the verb window, and finally the target window. We additionally modeled the effect of group on fixations on the agent- and verb-related distractor objects. We then performed additional analyses designed to explore the role of the motion content of the stimuli and of PD participants’ motor abilities on fixations to the target object. Specifically, we modeled the effect of motion content (and its interactions with group) in the agent, verb, and target time windows. For the non-predictive sentences, we modeled only fixations on the target during the target window, following the spoken instruction “Look at the ___.” Group and motion content factors were both sum-coded (control -0.5, PD +0.5; low-motion -0.5, high-motion +0.5).

Results and discussion

Predictive sentences

Overall graphical results for proportions of fixations in the predictive sentences are presented in Fig 2 (logits of fixations are presented in S1 Fig), followed by statistical results for each analysis window.

Fig 2. Gaze data by group in predictive sentences.

Fig 2

Binned binomial gaze probabilities to each area of interest, averaged across subjects and trials over the duration of the predictive sentences for controls (left) and PD participants (right). The x-axis reflects the elapsed time in the trial in milliseconds, offset by 200ms to account for saccade programming/launching time. The solid vertical lines mark the onset of the agent, verb, and target words. The dotted vertical line marks the end of the verb statistical analysis window (which extends only partially into the post-verb article). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.

Fixations on the target object

See Table 2 for statistical results and Fig 3 for graphical illustrations of model fits. In each analysis window (agent, verb, and target), the linear term was significant and positive, indicating that fixations on the target object increased throughout the predictive sentences. The significant linear increase in proportions of fixations on the target object during the verb window suggests successful prediction of the target object, although target fixations did not peak until the target window. Significant negative curvature in proportion of fixations on the target was observed only for the target window, indicating that the proportion of fixations on the target objects levelled off at the end of the trials. In contrast, the proportion of fixations on the target object rose steadily throughout the verb window.

Table 2. Analyses of PD versus control gaze logits to the target object during predictive sentences.
Fixed Effects Predictive Sentences: Fixations on the Target Object
Agent Time Window Verb Window Target Window
Estimate S.E. p value Estimate S.E. p value Estimate S.E. p value
Intercept -0.862 0.08 < .001 -0.361 0.11 < .01 0.668 0.17 < .001
Linear time 0.473 0.13 < .001 0.532 0.10 < .001 1.055 0.23 < .001
Quadratic time 0.092 0.05 0.055 0.083 0.05 0.069 -0.198 0.07 < .01
Group (Control/PD) 0.033 0.10 0.745 0.204 0.16 0.198 0.295 0.30 0.330
Group x Linear 0.037 0.15 0.807 -0.095 0.13 0.458 0.336 0.35 0.343
Group x Quadratic 0.046 0.10 0.632 -0.056 0.09 0.538 -0.008 0.11 0.944

Note: Bolded values are significant at the p < .05 level

Fig 3. Agent window model fit in predictive sentences.

Fig 3

Actual vs. model-predicted log odds (logits) of fixations to the target interest area in (A) the agent window, (B) the verb window, and (C) the target window, averaged across subjects and trials over the duration of each window for controls (top) and PD participants (bottom). The x-axis reflects the elapsed time in each window in milliseconds, offset by 200ms to account for saccade programming/launching time.

There were no significant group differences in the intercept (mean), linear, or quadratic term in any analysis window. Thus, PD and control participants’ proportion of fixations and rate of increase in fixations on the target object were essentially the same throughout the predictive sentences, including during the critical verb window, the point at which the target object was uniquely predictable by combining agent and verb thematic fit information. Because each image was presented four times but used only once as the target object, by the end of the study, fixations on the target object upon sentence onsets may not have been entirely “naïve,” and thus these trials might be thought to bias the results. However, the pattern of findings did not substantially change when these analyses were re-conducted with target-anticipated trials removed rather than included. All main effects and interactions involving group remained non-significant. Significance statistics related to the overall shape of the curve changed in the following minor ways: 1) for the agent window, the quadratic term became significant (p < .001) due to the artificially low starting position of fixations on the target object, and 2) for the target window, the quadratic term became significant at the p < .001 level, rather than at the p < .01 level.

Fixations on the agent-related distractor

During the predictive window, the agent-related distractor was the critical distractor object, as continued fixations on this object would suggest that participants failed to integrate the constraining semantic information given by the verb. Therefore, as a complement to the target analyses, we also analyzed fixations to the agent-related distractor during the verb window. Overall, participants disengaged with the agent-related distractor during the verb window, as shown by a significant negative linear estimate (Estimate = -0.592, SE = 0.12, p < .001). The quadratic term was also significant and negative (Estimate = -0.275, SE = 0.05, p < .001), indicating that looks to the agent-related distractor declined more and more rapidly over the course of this time window. As with looks to the target distractor, there were no group differences in the intercept (Estimate = -0.178, SE = 0.11, p = 0.12), linear (Estimate = -0.188, SE = 0.17, p = 0.27), or quadratic terms (Estimate = -0.083, SE = 0.10, p = 0.40). In addition, a Welch’s t-test revealed that the means of participants’ fixations on the target (42.2% ± 12.1%) and agent-related distractor (32.0% ± 7.6%) differed significantly during the verb window (t(78.957) = 4.9318, p < .001), confirming that participants preferentially fixated the target image during the prediction window.

Fixations on the verb-related distractor

We conducted post-hoc analyses to assess the significance of the apparent “bump” in fixations on the verb-related distractor towards the end of the predictive sentences. The agent, verb, and target windows described above were chosen based on expected patterns in gaze towards the target object specifically. Thus, they were not optimal for analyzing fixations on the verb-related distractor, which peaked approximately in the time region in between the verb and target windows. We therefore modeled a new combined time window spanning the onset of the verb through the offset of the target when analyzing the proportion of fixations on the verb-related distractor.

There were significant negative effects of quadratic time (Estimate = -1.142, SE = 0.25, p < 0.001) and of linear time (Estimate = -1.024, SE = 0.34, p = < 0.01) on fixations on the verb-related distractor. This pattern suggests that fixations on the verb-related distractor rose briefly but significantly before declining further. In addition, Student’s t-test revealed that the means of participants’ fixations on the verb-related distractor (13.2% ± 5.5%) and unrelated distractor (10.8% ± 5.0%) differed significantly during the verb window (t(94) = 2.23, p = .028), confirming that participants fixated the verb-related image more than the unrelated image during the post-verb window. Yet there were no significant group differences on the intercept (Estimate = -0.141, SE = 0.21, p = 0.49), linear term (Estimate = -0.361, SE = 0.55, p = 0.51), or quadratic term (Estimate = -0.462, SE = 0.35, p = 0.18). Therefore, as with proportion of fixations on the target object, PD and control participants did not differ in their patterns of fixations on the verb-related distractor object.

Effect of motion content and motor abilities on fixations on the target

Using the motion content ratings obtained from healthy younger adults, we modeled the effect of motion content and its interactions with group in the agent, verb, and target time windows (see Table 3 for statistical results). Findings relating to the shape of the curve did not change. There were significant linear increases in looks to the target across all time windows and significant negative quadratic terms for the agent and target time windows, with no significant main effects of group (PD vs. control). There was also no main effect of motion content on either the intercept, linear, or quadratic term. However, we found significant group x motion content interactions in the agent and target time windows, as illustrated in Fig 4. Specifically, for PD participants but not for control participants, the mean level of fixations on the target object during the agent window (intercept term) was higher during low motion sentences. Additionally, the linear increase in looks to the target object was less steep in high-motion sentences for control participants, whereas PD participants’ looks to the target object increased at a similar rate across high- and low-motion sentences.

Table 3. Effect of motion content on gaze logits to the target entity during predictive sentences.
Fixed Effects Predictive Sentences: Fixations on the Target Object
Agent Time Window Verb Window Target Window
Estimate S.E. p value Estimate S.E. p value Estimate S.E. p value
Intercept -0.872 0.09 < .001 -0.372 0.12 < .01 0.626 0.17 < .001
Linear time 0.434 0.15 < .01 0.463 0.11 < .001 1.003 0.25 < .001
Quadratic time 0.125 0.06 < .05 0.042 0.05 0.428 -0.226 0.08 < .01
Group (Control/PD Intercept) -0.029 0.10 0.774 0.216 0.16 0.173 0.277 0.30 0.362
Motion Content (Intercept) -0.055 0.16 0.726 -0.061 0.19 0.744 -0.174 0.17 0.294
Group x Linear 0.084 0.16 0.604 0.167 0.14 0.223 0.474 0.36 0.186
Group x Quadratic 0.031 0.11 0.780 -0.124 0.11 0.241 0.084 0.13 0.517
Motion x Linear -0.183 0.27 0.497 -0.270 0.21 0.205 -0.196 0.36 0.583
Motion x Quadratic 0.126 0.11 0.256 -0.143 0.11 0.177 -0.086 0.15 0.560
Group x Motion (Intercept) -0.257 0.06 < .001 0.012 0.07 0.853 -0.088 0.06 0.151
Group x Motion x Linear 0.179 0.22 0.420 0.228 0.21 0.283 0.608 0.23 < .01
Group x Motion x Quadratic -0.112 0.22 0.612 -0.282 0.21 0.183 0.331 0.23 0.146

Note: Bolded values are significant at the p < .05 level

Fig 4. Gaze data by group and motion content in predictive sentences.

Fig 4

Binned binomial gaze probabilities to each area of interest, averaged across subjects and trials over the duration of the predictive sentences for: Controls x Low motion (upper left), Controls x High motion (lower left), PD x Low motion (upper right), PD x High motion (lower right). The x-axis reflects the elapsed time in the trial in milliseconds, offset by 200ms to account for saccade programming/launching time. The solid vertical lines mark the onset of the agent, verb, and target words. The dotted vertical line marks the end of the verb statistical analysis window (which extends only partially into the post-verb article). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.

Discussion–predictive sentences

In light of prior evidence of action and event knowledge impairments in PD, we predicted that PD participants would show impaired on-line sentence processing when required to combine information from an agent and verb to predict the post-verb object. Specifically, we predicted that PD participants would show reduced proportions and rates of increase of fixations on target (patient) objects. However, these predictions were not clearly supported by the results. When all trials were considered, proportions of anticipatory fixations on the target object did not differ in either mean level or rate of increase between PD and control participants. Additionally, within the PD group, motor severity did not predict fixations on the target object during either the verb or target object time window, as might be expected if sentence comprehension impairments in PD are driven largely by degradations in motoric brain regions and action language processing.

The absence of group differences in fixations on the target object during the agent window suggests that both PD and control participants successfully used agent-based (noun) information to predict the two related, likely target objects. This finding is in line with several other studies that have found intact noun processing in PD participants without cognitive impairment [12, 2932, 135]. This finding is also in keeping with Santerre [96], who found intact predictive processing in PD in simple predictive situations.

The verb analysis window was the critical interest period, as we expected group differences to appear when participants had to rapidly integrate multiple sources of semantic information about the agent and the verb to determine which object was the target. If the PD participants had been unable to make use of the semantic information provided by the verb, then their proportion of fixations on the target during the verb window would not have risen above their proportion of fixations at the end of the agent window. Thus, if PD participants were unable to use verb semantic information, they would have shown lower proportions of fixations and/or less steep increases in proportions of fixations on the target during the verb window than controls. Instead, the PD participants showed a similar overall level of fixations on the target as controls, as well as similar rates of increase in fixations on the target, suggesting an intact ability to combine agent and verb thematic fit information to predict the target. Additionally, the lack of group differences in the target window suggests that the PD participants were as capable as controls of fixating explicitly named objects.

Because fixations outside of the interest areas were excluded from our analysis, fixations away from the target object were necessarily accompanied by increased proportions of fixations on one or more distractor images. However, fixations on the verb-related distractor object also did not differentiate PD and control groups. Furthermore, the peak in average fixations on the verb-related distractor occurred in the target window for both PD and control participants. Instead of reflecting errored predictive processing, fixations on the verb-related distractor may reflect a delayed “contrast effect” reported previously in healthy adults, in which participants double-check the current target word against a plausible contrasting object [136, 137]. Alternatively, these looks to the verb-related distractor may indicate a local, non-predictive thematic priming effect also reported previously in healthy adults [98]. In the present study, to ensure diversity of agents in each study block, each block included two sentences that had the same verb but different agents. As a side effect of this design choice, towards the end of each block, the verb-related distractor images would have been the targets of prior sentences and possibly highly primed in both participant groups as a plausible alternate target.

The results comparing participants’ processing of high- and low-motion content trials did not match our initial predictions. We predicted that PD participants might be selectively impaired at processing high-motion sentences and would therefore make fewer predictive fixations to the target image in the verb window of the high-motion sentences. Instead, during the end ‘target’ window of the high-motion sentences, healthy older adults showed a pattern of slower increases in fixations on the target objects, whereas PD participants’ fixations were unaffected by the sentences’ motion content. This observed insensitivity to items’ motion content may reflect an unexpected consequence of or adaptation to Parkinson’s disease. It has been suggested that healthy older adults are ‘less embodied’ than younger adults, having been shown to favor visual processing over bodily factors in a variety of experimental tasks [138]. Similarly, Pickering and Garrod [88] propose that there are multiple routes available for language prediction, one simple associative and one motor speech simulation route. According to the ‘disrupted motor grounding hypothesis,’ embodied language processing mechanisms are disturbed in frontostriatal movement disorders such as PD [139]. Thus, it is possible that our participants with PD may have exhibited a form of accelerated aging or even strategic processing that decreased attention to verbs’ motion content and increased PD participants’ reliance on spared associative language processing mechanisms that do not rely on action simulation. In contrast, control participants appeared sensitive to the degree of sentences’ motion content, even at the cost of delayed or reduced attention to the target items, perhaps because attending to motion content is not overly detrimental to everyday language processing for healthy adults. However, we interpret these results cautiously, considering that this experiment was not designed to compare high- and low-motion content trials. In particular, the significant motion content x group interaction in the agent window is problematic as it implies that participants were sensitive to verbs’ motion content before hearing onset of the verb. This result may have been driven by uncontrolled differences in other psycholinguistic properties of the high-motion sentences, experimental ‘noise’ due to the small number of these sentences, or by differences in the order of presentation of these sentences across participants.

Baseline sentences

Graphical results for proportions of fixations in the baseline sentences, designed as a control condition to assess group differences in eye movements or lexical activation, are presented in Fig 5 (logits of fixations are presented in S2 Fig).

Fig 5. Gaze data by group in baseline sentences.

Fig 5

Binned binomial gaze probabilities to each area of interest (AOI), averaged across subjects and trials over the duration of the non-predictive sentences for control participants (left) and PD participants (right). The x-axis reflects the elapsed time in the trial in milliseconds, offset by 200ms to account for saccade programming/launching time. The vertical line marks the onset of the target word. Error bars represent standard error of the mean.

Fixations on the target window

As depicted in Fig 6, the log odds of fixations on the target object increased linearly over the course of the target window (Estimate = 3.406, SE = 0.27, p < 0.001). The quadratic term was also significantly positive, suggesting a slight positive acceleration of looks to the target during this window (Estimate = 0.384, SE = 0.14, p < 0.01). There were no significant differences in PD compared to control participants on average proportion of fixations on the target (Estimate = 0.053, SE = 0.14, p = 0.71), on the linear rate of increase in fixations on the target object (Estimate = 0.223, SE = 0.33, p = 0.50), or on the curvature of proportion of fixations on the target object (Estimate = -0.128, SE = 0.23, p = 0.57).

Fig 6. Target window model fit in baseline sentences.

Fig 6

Actual vs. model-predicted log odds (logits) of fixations to the target interest area, averaged across subjects and trials over the duration of the target window for controls (left) and PD participants (right). The x-axis reflects the elapsed time in the target window in milliseconds, offset by 200ms to account for saccade programming/launching time.

Discussion–baseline sentences

The lack of a main effect of group indicates that, as predicted, PD participants and healthy older adults did not differ significantly in their average fixations on the target objects while listening to the baseline sentences. Similarly, the lack of any significant group by time interactions shows that the groups had similar rates of increase and acceleration in proportion of fixations on the target, indicating similar processing patterns in these baseline sentences. These findings are consistent with the results from the target window in the experimental (predictive) sentences, where both groups showed equivalent proportions of fixations on target objects when the targets are named explicitly. They are also consistent with past studies reporting that people with PD demonstrate intact processing of syntactically simple sentences that do not require fine-grained on-line processing of semantic goodness of fit [49, 52]. The similarity of the obtained PD data to that of healthy adults helps validate the use of eye-tracking to study language comprehension in PD, as it suggests that saccadic behaviors in non-predictive contexts are similar between controls and individuals with PD without cognitive impairment, at least when the areas of interest are approximately 5cm2 or greater.


Strengths and limitations

One strength of the present study is that it featured largely early to mid-stage PD participants who were well characterised and with neuropsychologically-determined absence of dementia. Whereas other studies investigating core action language deficits in PD participants without cognitive impairment have relied largely on cognition screening tools [2931, 35], in the present study our stringent criteria increase our confidence in participants’ cognitive status.

The experimental design of the present study also provided several advantages. First, stimuli were counterbalanced such that each object and corresponding image served once in each role (target, agent-distractor, verb-distractor, and unrelated). As a result, each item acted as its own distractor across the course of the study, minimizing the experimental impact of any items that may have been less anticipated or less easily processed in a particular sentence context. This eliminated the typical need to control the frequencies and semantic relatedness between differing sets of target and distractor items.

In addition, the fact that the sentences that participants heard in the present study were designed to be semantically plausible is a strength of the study because readers appear to routinely monitor sentences’ plausibility [140] and because the presence of anomalous sentences in a protocol may disrupt normal processing of low-probability yet plausible items [141]. Furthermore, many of the distractor objects in the current study fit the sentences reasonably well, albeit at a lower probability than the target object. This design feature meant that participants were often required to detect subtle differences in real-world likelihood rather than attending only to selectional restrictions. Together, these aspects of the study design reinforce our confidence that the findings tested participants’ use of fine-grained, probabilistic event knowledge. Finally, this study design allowed us to analyze the degree and timing of fixations on distractor images in addition to target images. We replicated previous findings of temporarily increased fixations on the verb distractor during the verb window [85, 98] and further showed that this effect did not significantly differ by group.

One important limitation of the present study is that we did not carefully control the action content of the verbs used in the predictive sentences. Due to norming and counterbalancing constraints, sentences, this study did not contain exclusively high-motion content verbs, for which PD participants without cognitive impairment have been hypothesized to show greater impairment (e.g., [13, 29, 37, 66]). The analysis comparing low- and high-motion sentences addresses this concern, but it is complicated by the fact that 1) there were relatively few high-motion sentences, resulting in noisy data and potentially spurious findings 2) the ordering of high- vs. low-motion sentences was not controlled during psuedorandomization, and 3) the psycholinguistic properties of high- and low-motion sentence types may have differed on average. In addition, the motion content ratings used for these analyses were completed by a relatively small number of participants.

Sentences were syntactically simple to facilitate thematic role assignment and were designed to be predictable primarily upon the application of real-world event knowledge; however, the present study design did not disentangle the precise influences of event knowledge deficits versus deficits in online verb semantic or thematic role processing. Also, in spite of the counterbalancing approach taken in the present study, the interpretation of these findings is potentially limited by some characteristics of the stimuli. For example, some items fit less well in a count use compared to a non-count use (e.g., saves the money). In addition, processing speed for individual items may have been affected based on the use of some verbs that were homonyms with nouns [142] and by the use of persons and scenes for some post-verb objects [143, 144]. The fact that norming studies participants rated verbal associations rather than the picture stimuli represents an additional limitation. Modelling random effects of trials helped control for the effects of individual items but may not entirely capture the effects of these features of the stimuli on online processing.

Future directions

One important direction for future research is to assess language function in PD in a greater range of tasks. Action or event-based language deficits may emerge more prominently in production tasks, or in relatively low-context situations such as confrontation naming or single-word comprehension. Although we did not see group differences in verb confrontation naming in the present study, this is likely attributable to the fact that our participants scored essentially at ceiling on the Northwestern Naming Battery used for the present study. Indeed, studies using other verb naming tests have repeatedly found PD participants to be impaired, particularly for action verbs [13, 15, 29, 30, 37, 135]. Thus, future work should test PD participants’ language processing abilities in multiple language contexts. Future research should also test whether the finding of PD participants’ insensitivity to verbs motion content relative to control participants replicates under more stringent experimental control, and whether this finding may reflect a disruption of embodied language prediction mechanisms in PD and a subsequent shift to reliance on relatively intact, non-embodied mechanisms.


The current study sought to determine whether on-line processing of thematic fit, grounded in combinatorial event semantic knowledge, is a source of language impairment in PD. The results did not support our prediction that people with PD without cognitive impairment would differ from controls in combining semantic information to predict target objects, and instead revealed robust on-line prediction effects even in the context of disease that is argued to affect action and event knowledge. In addition, PD participants were not more impaired on high-motion than low-motion sentences, although control participants in our study did show this pattern of reduced fixations on the target objects during high-motion sentences. These findings do not appear to support strong embodied cognition theories, although they may be compatible with theories that predict that brain activity in motor regions will be reduced when processing is supported by context [145, 146] and with theories that predict disrupted use of embodied language processing mechanisms in Parkinson’s disease [139]. The present study also contributes additional evidence to the existing literature showing that healthy older adults immediately use semantic information to comprehend sentences.

Supporting information

S1 Table. Norming studies participant demographics.


S2 Table. Neuropsychological battery.


S3 Table. Predictive sentences practice.


S4 Table. Predictive sentences, full trials (Sets 1–12).


S5 Table. Baseline sentence practice.


S6 Table. Baseline trials.


S7 Table. Analyses of PD versus control gaze logits to the target object during predictive sentences, excluding anticipated trials.


S8 Table. Analyses of PD versus control gaze logits to the agent-related object during the predictive window, excluding anticipated trials.


S9 Table. Analyses of PD versus control gaze logits to the verb-related object during the combined verb + target window, excluding anticipated trials.


S10 Table. Effect of motion content on gaze logits to the target entity during predictive sentences, excluding anticipated trials.


S1 Fig. Looks to target versus distractor images in predictive sentences, in logits.


S2 Fig. Looks to target versus distractor images in baseline sentences, in logits.


S1 Appendix. Visual stimuli selection and editing.


S2 Appendix. Word onsets in sentence audio.



The authors are grateful to Dr. Jeff Elman for his inspiration and his contributions to the conceptual development of this study, the interpretation of our pilot data, and stimuli selection for the final study. Research reported in this publication was supported in part by the NIDCD of National Institutes of Health to author AR (approximately 25% of the reported project resources). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. We also thank the following individuals: Hui Zhang, Leah J. Welty, Siyuan Dong, and Matthew Walenski (statistical methods consultations); Steve Uliana (stimuli audio recordings); Marissa Esparza and Stephanie Gutierrez (data collection); Chelsea Avery, Richard Richter, Stephanie Gutierrez, Richard Martin, and Ashana Torani (stimuli selection and development); Tara Poikey, Jayna Patel, Alexander Havens, Mackenzie Barber, Erin Blaze, Madeleine Chow, Sarah Lawson, and Melanie Davis (double scoring neuropsychological assessments).

Data Availability

R packages used in the analysis are publicly available. Data from the norming studies are publicly available at and Participant-level norming study data is available at, and the norming study analysis script is available at Eye-tracking data and analysis scripts and deidentified demographic and neuropsychological testing data are publicly available in a collection at, at the following DOIs:,,,,,,,,, and Picture stimuli and experiment Builder code for delivering the experiment have been archived at the Northwestern University Library and are available by request to the corresponding author.

Funding Statement

This work was supported by a Parkinson’s Canada Pilot Grant to authors KM, MEJ., JAF, and AR. And by gifts from an anonymous donor to MEJ and from Ms. Wendy Schall to AR. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Daniel Mirman

2 Aug 2021


Predictive language comprehension in Parkinson’s disease


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Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The study investigated the capacity of patients with Parkinson’s disease to anticipate the object of sentences by measuring fixations in a visual-world paradigm. Patients with Parkinson’s disease did not show different patterns of fixation on the target (object) during sentence processing. There were differences between patients and controls for a small set of high motion verbs.

I am not surprised by the results. The analysis focused on the onset and increase of target fixation over time. However, the target was already cued by the agent (first noun) and later constrained by the verb. So, fixations on the target could be due in large part to its semantic relationship with the agent, and this aspect of language processing is well preserved in PD. This issue is not corrected by eliminating trials in which participants were already looking at the target at the beginning of the trial. Although I appreciate the authors’ rationale, it would be preferable to report the results with all trials, at least in supplementary materials. Authors should report analyses comparing the time taken by participants to stop looking at the agent distractor once the verb was presented. This word is still compatible with the agent, but disengagement from the agent distractor would be expected if people predicted the next word based on verb information. Focusing the analysis on the agent distractor and/or on a proportion between agent distractor and target fixations could be more informative. Authors might find this paper interesting:

Hochstadt, J. (2009). Set-shifting and the on-line processing of relative clauses in Parkinson's disease: Results from a novel eye-tracking method. Cortex, 45(8), 991-1011.

I provide detailed comments below.


less commonly, outright dementia = dementia is not common at disease onset, but it is common when patients are followed longitudinally

Hely, M. A., Reid, W. G., Adena, M. A., Halliday, G. M., & Morris, J. G. (2008). The Sydney multicenter study of Parkinson's disease: the inevitability of dementia at 20 years. Movement disorders, 23(6), 837-844.

Cardona et al. proposed that action-language networks involve not only motor cortex and respective mirror neuron systems but also cortical-subcortical systems. = Expand the review of papers showing the involvement of mirror neurons and motor areas for verbs and action language processing.

If event knowledge deficits are a symptom of Parkinson’s disease, then cognitively intact participants with Parkinson’s disease may show impaired processing of verbs and of their event-based semantic associates, compared to healthy adults. Online language processing may be particularly challenging for people with PD, considering that healthy adults activate event knowledge both to process and to predict language as it unfolds in real time. = This hypothesis is interesting, but it is not clear how experimental manipulations can help distinguish between event knowledge, verb semantics (motion content, lexical aspect-telicity, etc.), thematic roles, etc. This should be clarified or acknowledged as a limitation.

Under Huettig’s account, deficits in the use of verb specific thematic fit information in PD would appear capable of disrupting the proper functioning of multiple language prediction mechanisms. = The argument made in this sentence appears somewhat circular. PD patients can’t use thematic information for language predictions because processing of thematic information is impaired. Rephrase or clarify.

Relatively few published studies have investigated predictive processing based on thematic fit in cognitively intact participants with PD. = The term “cognitively intact” is charged and full of implications. Speaking of participants who do not have self-reported and measurable signs of cognitive decline might be more appropriate (see Litvan et al. 2012 for discussion on the criteria for MCI in PD and lack of consensus on how they should be applied).

Thus, what remains unclear is whether language prediction deficits appear in PD in situations that require rapid integration of concepts for combinatorial processing, as in combining agent-based and verb-based sources of semantic information. = How to integrate the results of studies on lexical activation delay in PD into this question?

We hypothesized that because people with PD evince impairments in action and event semantic knowledge, they should show impaired online processing of sentences that require rapidly combining thematic fit information from an agent noun and a verb to predict the post-verb object (patient). = I don’t think the word “require” is appropriate in this context, since participants are not made aware of the real purpose of the task. They are never “required” to fixate the target as rapidly as possible (or at all).

Although attention, working memory, and executive function impairments have sometimes been implicated in language processing impairments in PD, the objective of the present study was to investigate combinatorial semantic language prediction abilities in a cohort without concomitant cognitive impairment. = Same issue as above. No reported and measurable signs of cognitive impairment would be preferable.

Aim 1 examined whether the inability to integrate multiple sources of thematic role

information, grounded in deficits in event knowledge, is a source of language impairment in PD. = Please provide more support and citations for 1) the idea that thematic roles are related to event knowledge and 2) the idea that event knowledge (script memory?) is impaired in PD


Norming studies for stimuli used in the predictive visual world paradigm task = It is difficult for readers to understand what the problem was and what justified the inclusion of additional stimuli. Please give an example of problematic items and replacements or move this paragraph further in the section.

Provide more information on normative scores for the telephone administrated MOCA. What is the cutoff score for normal cognition? Did all participants get a score above the cutoff?

Variability in item ratings correlate significantly with age (Pearson’s r = 0.03, p = 0.877) = The correlation is not significant

Three control participants and one PD participant scored > 1.5 but < 2 SD below normal limits on multiple tests and thus met criteria for mild cognitive impairment (Litvan et al., 2012). = Replace symbols by the words above and below, respectively. Also, the fact that those participants were not include further justifies not making strong claims about recruiting “cognitively intact” participants.

In 27.7% of predictive trials and 25.1% of non-predictive trials, participants were already fixating the target image just prior to sentence onset. Because the present study intended to examine only agent-, verb-, and target-driven increases in fixations on target objects, these target-anticipated trials were removed from the analysis. = Add a note explaining this in figure captions.

By the same token, why not eliminate sentences in which the participant was already fixating the agent distractor? No move is necessary until the verb.

Even so, by the end of the agent window, the proportion of fixations on the target interest area increased to approximately 36.1%, significantly higher than chance (χ2(1564) = 102.88, p < .0001) = By the end of the agent, two words were more likely to be fixated: the target and the agent distractor. I am not convinced that it is appropriate to run analyses that use 25% for each picture as the threshold for chance fixation at that point of the experiment.

Using the same colour coding for Figure 4 as for the other Figures is misleading because the readers needs to read the methods very carefully and look at the Appendix to realise that those words were not the same as those used in the main task.

Norming = was the agent/target relationship as strong as the agent/agent distractor relationship? Was that tested? What about the verb/target and verb/verb distractor relationship?

Rating of high vs. low motion verbs seems is based on a very small number of participants. This should be acknowledged as a limitation.


Thus, the fact that all of the sentences that participants heard in the present study were

semantically plausible is a strength of the study. = Some of the sentences included words that fit better in a non-count use (e.g., The shopper saves money vs. The shopper saves the money).

In addition, many of the distractor objects in the current study fit the sentences reasonably well, albeit at a lower probability than the target object. = The assumption that “chance” fixation is 25% at all points is not met. Analyses should not rely on chance level, or chance level should be specified clearly.

One limitation of the present study is that we did not carefully control the action content

of the verbs used in the predictive sentences. = This is an important limitation. There are other limitations related with words, such as the use of verbs that are homonyms with nouns (e.g., rocks), lack of control for frequency, and the use of written words in norming tasks vs. pictures in experiments. Pictures were not necessarily the most prototypical representations of the concept, and some pictures illustrated scenes/persons instead of simple objects (e.g., jungle, fugitive, courtroom).

Reviewer #2: A visual world study investigated predictive sentence processing in Parkinson’s disease. Participants heard sentences like “The fisherman rocks…” while viewing visual arrays with targets like a boat. In contrast to the hypotheses, predictive fixations to targets did not differ between participants with PD and controls.

This research has many strengths. Prediction has important theoretical implications and is of clear interest in the sentence processing literature. This study addresses novel and interesting questions about prediction in PD, which are likely to make an important addition to the literature. In addition, the introduction is clear and synthesises the two literatures well, and the method makes effective use of norming and controls. Before I am able to recommend publication, I encourage addressing the following weaknesses.


The analyses do not compellingly address a fundamental issue: were participants predicting? The analyses establish that fixations to targets increased over time when participants heard predictive sentences (e.g., including prior to target word onset). However, a not dissimilar pattern was also observed in baseline (i.e., nonpredictive) sentences (e.g., see Figure 4, in which fixations to targets also increased prior to target word onset). It's also not clear how the targets compared to the various nontargets. Thus, I encourage reporting analyses that explicitly address whether the predictable targets were fixated significantly more than the nonpredictable nontargets, as is typical in the literature.


Relatedly, I'm concerned that eliminating target-anticipated trials may create more problems than it solves. Among them:

(1) It makes it problematic to compare predictable targets and nonpredictable nontargets (and by extension, to address whether participants were predicting).

(2) It makes it problematic to compare targets and nontargets prior to sentence onset (and by extension, to asses potential extraneous biases).

(3) Among non-target-anticipated trials, participants may be more likely to fixate targets later in the trial because they weren’t exploring these visual stimuli earlier in the trial.

(4) Only 27% of sentences involved high motion; eliminating a further 25% likely adds further noise.

Thus, I encourage an alternative approach.


Relatedly, I'm concerned that the high motion analysis may simply be too noisy to yield clear conclusions. The bottom-left plot of Figure 3 (i.e., controls + high motion) suggests that the verb-related and unrelated distractors diverged BEFORE verb onset (i.e., before they had relevant information), which is perhaps best explained by noise.


Participants with PD did not differ from controls on any of the measures in the neuropsychological battery (Table 1). Against this backdrop, the observed (i.e., visual world) similarities may be less surprising (i.e., to the extent that the visual world reflects another cognitive task). I wonder if this pattern is typical in the PD literature? In addition, it may be worthwhile to address prior individual differences research. For example, individual differences in memory, speed of processing, etc. have been linked to predictive sentence processing; if participants with PD did not differ from controls on these measures, then they might not be expected to differ in prediction:

Huettig, F., & Janse, E. (2016). Individual differences in working memory and processing speed predict anticipatory spoken language processing in the visual world. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 31(1), 80-93.

Kukona, A., Braze, D., Johns, C. L., Mencl, W. E., Van Dyke, J. A., Magnuson, J. S., ... & Tabor, W. (2016). The real-time prediction and inhibition of linguistic outcomes: Effects of language and literacy skill. Acta Psychologica, 171, 72-84.


Finally, I encourage clarifying a handful of issues:

p12 – “Norming Study 1… revealed at least one problematic component in each of the original proposed stimuli sets...”; it’s not clear why some of these materials were used if problematic.

p17 – “These analyses were conducted using the cor.test() function in R version 3.5.1”; here and throughout, the discussion can be streamlined (e.g., captured by the analysis code).

p25 – “removal also helped ensure that participants’ eye movements reflected naïve predictions based on the words in the sentences rather than predictions based on the study structure”; this raises the question, was there such structure? For example, did repeating the visual stimuli allow participants to predict targets independent of the sentences (e.g., such that once the boat was a target, it was never again a target on its subsequent presentations).

p25 – “All intermediate proportions of fixations on each interested area were rounded to either 0 (no fixation) or 1 (fixation) because the raw binned proportions essentially followed a binomial distribution”; it’s not clear why the raw eye movement data was binned if a binomial approach was to be used (i.e., prior to binning, it was presumably binomial).

p26 – “Linear term estimates indicate whether fixation proportions increase, decrease, or remain flat…”; the (i.e., logistic) analyses are modelling transformed binomial outcomes, not the curves depicted in the figures. Thus, it’s not clear if curvilinear forms are suitable.

p26 – “In each model, we additionally generated random intercepts and random linear slopes for subjects (to assess individual differences) and for items (to assess stimulus-driven variability)”; growth curve analysis is widely used to model participant fixation curves that are generated by averaging across visual world trials (i.e., yielding curvilinear forms). In contrast, it’s not clear if curvilinear forms are suitable for modelling trial-level binomial outcomes.

p28 – “by the end of the agent window, the proportion of fixations on the target interest area increased to approximately 36.1%, significantly higher than chance”; I encourage addressing important nuances within this time course. For example, was the boat fixated signifiantly more than the cradle and quilt but the same as the net?


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

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PLoS One. 2023 Feb 8;18(2):e0262504. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262504.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

8 Oct 2021

Daniel Mirman, PhD

Academic Editor


Dear Dr. Mirman,

Thank you for inviting us to submit a revised draft of our manuscript entitled "Predictive language comprehension in Parkinson’s disease", PONE-D-21-22350, to PLOS ONE. We also appreciate the time and effort you and each of the reviewers have dedicated to providing insightful feedback on ways to strengthen our paper. Thus, it is with great pleasure that we resubmit our article for further consideration. We have incorporated changes that reflect the detailed suggestions you have graciously provided. We also hope that our edits and the responses we provide below satisfactorily address all the issues and concerns you and the reviewers have noted.

To facilitate your review of our revisions, the following is a point-by-point response to the questions and comments delivered in your letter dated 8/2/2021. Page and line numbers refer to the ‘Manuscript’ version without visible tracked changes.


1. Please ensure that your manuscript meets PLOS ONE's style requirements, including those for file naming.

• RESPONSE: We have updated the manuscript formatting to adhere to PLOS ONE’s style requirements.

2. We note that the grant information you provided in the ‘Funding Information’ and ‘Financial Disclosure’ sections do not match. When you resubmit, please ensure that you provide the correct grant numbers for the awards you received for your study in the ‘Funding Information’ section.

• RESPONSE: We have removed the funding statements from the manuscript and ensured the accuracy of the funding information and financial disclosure sections of the online editor. Grant numbers are not created for Parkinson Canada (PSC) grants. We updated the funding to reflect NIH funding that was part of the reported work. While the specific grant details for the NIH funding have not been added to the manuscript, the obligatory NIH text that is required to appear in acknowledgment has been added to the revised version, specifically the proportion of the work that is attributed to NIH funding and the NIH disclosure statement.

3. We note that you have stated that you will provide repository information for your data at acceptance. Should your manuscript be accepted for publication, we will hold it until you provide the relevant accession numbers or DOIs necessary to access your data. If you wish to make changes to your Data Availability statement, please describe these changes in your cover letter and we will update your Data Availability statement to reflect the information you provide.

• RESPONSE: We have updated our cover letter to reflect that experimental data and analysis scripts are now publicly available. The data availability statement within the manuscript has been updated with specific links and DOIs.

4. We note that Figure 1 in your submission contain copyrighted images. All PLOS content is published under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), …We require you to either (1) present written permission from the copyright holder to publish these figures specifically under the CC BY 4.0 license, or (2) remove the figures from your submission: a) You may seek permission from the original copyright holder of Figure 1 to publish the content specifically under the CC BY 4.0 license.

• RESPONSE: We have replaced the copyrighted images in Figure 1 with a representative figure for which we were able to obtain all permissions from the copyright holders.


5. The study investigated the capacity of patients with Parkinson’s disease to anticipate the object of sentences by measuring fixations in a visual-world paradigm. Patients with Parkinson’s disease did not show different patterns of fixation on the target (object) during sentence processing. There were differences between patients and controls for a small set of high motion verbs.

I am not surprised by the results. The analysis focused on the onset and increase of target fixation over time. However, the target was already cued by the agent (first noun) and later constrained by the verb. So, fixations on the target could be due in large part to its semantic relationship with the agent, and this aspect of language processing is well preserved in PD. This issue is not corrected by eliminating trials in which participants were already looking at the target at the beginning of the trial. Although I appreciate the authors’ rationale, it would be preferable to report the results with all trials, at least in supplementary materials. Authors should report analyses comparing the time taken by participants to stop looking at the agent distractor once the verb was presented. This word is still compatible with the agent, but disengagement from the agent distractor would be expected if people predicted the next word based on verb information. Focusing the analysis on the agent distractor and/or on a proportion between agent distractor and target fixations could be more informative. Authors might find this paper interesting:

Hochstadt, J. (2009). Set-shifting and the on-line processing of relative clauses in Parkinson's disease: Results from a novel eye-tracking method. Cortex, 45(8), 991-1011.

• RESPONSE: We greatly appreciate this reviewer’s effort and their thoughtful and detailed comments. This reviewer is correct that, by design, there were only two likely options for the target object by the end of the verb window, although we believe that integration of verb information was required in order for participants to predominately fixate the target object over the agent distractor. We have performed additional analyses focused on fixations on the agent-related distractor and its differences from target fixations. Specifically, in the new section “Fixations on the agent-related distractor,” beginning on page 31, we have shown in an additional mixed effects model that proportions of fixation to the agent-related distractor decline significantly during the predictive window, reflecting disengagement from the agent distractor. In addition, a t-test comparing mean proportions of fixations on the target and agent distractor confirmed that participants fixate the target object significantly more often than the agent distractor during the predictive verb window. We have also re-analyzed fixations to the target, agent distractor, and verb distractor in predictive sentences with all trials included and have moved the original analyses from pages 30-36 to supplementary tables S9-S13.

6. less commonly, outright dementia = dementia is not common at disease onset, but it is common when patients are followed longitudinally

• RESPONSE: We agree that dementia, while less common at disease onset, is more common upon disease progression, and we have clarified our statement on p3, line 66.

7. Cardona et al. proposed that action-language networks involve not only motor cortex and respective mirror neuron systems but also cortical-subcortical systems. = Expand the review of papers showing the involvement of mirror neurons and motor areas for verbs and action language processing.

• RESPONSE: Thank you for your suggestion. We have expanded the review of this literature on pages 4-5.

8. If event knowledge deficits are a symptom of Parkinson’s disease, then cognitively intact participants with Parkinson’s disease may show impaired processing of verbs and of their event-based semantic associates, compared to healthy adults. Online language processing may be particularly challenging for people with PD, considering that healthy adults activate event knowledge both to process and to predict language as it unfolds in real time. = This hypothesis is interesting, but it is not clear how experimental manipulations can help distinguish between event knowledge, verb semantics (motion content, lexical aspect-telicity, etc.), thematic roles, etc. This should be clarified or acknowledged as a limitation.

• RESPONSE: We appreciate this reviewer’s insight. We have expanded the “Strengths and limitations” section on page 41 to incorporate this point as well as limitations identified in later comments.

9. Under Huettig’s account, deficits in the use of verb specific thematic fit information in PD would appear capable of disrupting the proper functioning of multiple language prediction mechanisms. = The argument made in this sentence appears somewhat circular. PD patients can’t use thematic information for language predictions because processing of thematic information is impaired. Rephrase or clarify.

• RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for raising this issue. We have re-organized and partially re-written the section “Language prediction in PD” on pages 7-9 to clarify this point.

10. Relatively few published studies have investigated predictive processing based on thematic fit in cognitively intact participants with PD. = The term “cognitively intact” is charged and full of implications. Speaking of participants who do not have self-reported and measurable signs of cognitive decline might be more appropriate (see Litvan et al. 2012 for discussion on the criteria for MCI in PD and lack of consensus on how they should be applied).

• RESPONSE: We agree with this reviewer and have incorporated this suggestion throughout our paper.

11. Thus, what remains unclear is whether language prediction deficits appear in PD in situations that require rapid integration of concepts for combinatorial processing, as in combining agent-based and verb-based sources of semantic information. = How to integrate the results of studies on lexical activation delay in PD into this question?

• RESPONSE: This is an important question. We believe the inclusion of the baseline sentences helped us to assess potential differences between groups due to lexical activation delay. We have updated page 11, line 260 and page 12, line 272 to reflect this.

12. We hypothesized that because people with PD evince impairments in action and event semantic knowledge, they should show impaired online processing of sentences that require rapidly combining thematic fit information from an agent noun and a verb to predict the post-verb object (patient). = I don’t think the word “require” is appropriate in this context, since participants are not made aware of the real purpose of the task. They are never “required” to fixate the target as rapidly as possible (or at all).

• RESPONSE: Thank you for raising this point. We have rephrased this statement on page 9, lines 212-7. We think these changes now better communicate that we expect participants who integrate agent and verb information to predictively fixate the target, despite the fact that they are never “required” to do so. We hope that you agree.

13. Although attention, working memory, and executive function impairments have sometimes been implicated in language processing impairments in PD, the objective of the present study was to investigate combinatorial semantic language prediction abilities in a cohort without concomitant cognitive impairment. = Same issue as above. No reported and measurable signs of cognitive impairment would be preferable.

• RESPONSE: We agree; please see our response to critique #10 above.

14. Aim 1 examined whether the inability to integrate multiple sources of thematic role

information, grounded in deficits in event knowledge, is a source of language impairment in PD. = Please provide more support and citations for 1) the idea that thematic roles are related to event knowledge and 2) the idea that event knowledge (script memory?) is impaired in PD

• RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for this comment. To make the link between thematic roles and event knowledge more transparent, we have raised this literature again before the presentation of the aims on page 9, lines 207-8. We have also expanded our rationale for hypothesizing event knowledge deficits in PD on page 5, lines 116-9.

15. Norming studies for stimuli used in the predictive visual world paradigm task = It is difficult for readers to understand what the problem was and what justified the inclusion of additional stimuli. Please give an example of problematic items and replacements or move this paragraph further in the section.

• RESPONSE: We regret that the initial description of the norming studies was unclear. In response to this comment, we have streamlined the explanation of the purpose of the norming studies on pages 12 and 13, lines 286-8, and we have expanded the description of problematic items on page 15, lines 337-9.

16. Provide more information on normative scores for the telephone administrated MOCA. What is the cutoff score for normal cognition? Did all participants get a score above the cutoff?

• RESPONSE: We have clarified the telephone-administered MoCA cutoff value which all participants scored above on page 13, lines 298-301.

17. Variability in item ratings correlate significantly with age (Pearson’s r = 0.03, p = 0.877) = The correlation is not significant

• RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for this important correction. We have edited page 17, line 392 to reflect that this correlation was not significant.

18. Three control participants and one PD participant scored > 1.5 but < 2 SD below normal limits on multiple tests and thus met criteria for mild cognitive impairment (Litvan et al., 2012). = Replace symbols by the words above and below, respectively. Also, the fact that those participants were not include further justifies not making strong claims about recruiting “cognitively intact” participants.

• RESPONSE: We agree and have edited pages 19-20, lines 454-61 to reflect this comment.

19. In 27.7% of predictive trials and 25.1% of non-predictive trials, participants were already fixating the target image just prior to sentence onset. Because the present study intended to examine only agent-, verb-, and target-driven increases in fixations on target objects, these target-anticipated trials were removed from the analysis. = Add a note explaining this in figure captions. By the same token, why not eliminate sentences in which the participant was already fixating the agent distractor? No move is necessary until the verb.

• RESPONSE: See our response to critique #5; all trials are now included. We note also that our rationale for excluding target-anticipated trials was to exclude trials in which the participants may have predicted the target object due to images’ recurrence throughout the experiment; initial fixations to the agent distractor were not suggestive of prediction based on the study structure.

20. Even so, by the end of the agent window, the proportion of fixations on the target interest area increased to approximately 36.1%, significantly higher than chance (χ2(1564) = 102.88, p < .0001) = By the end of the agent, two words were more likely to be fixated: the target and the agent distractor. I am not convinced that it is appropriate to run analyses that use 25% for each picture as the threshold for chance fixation at that point of the experiment.

• RESPONSE: With all trials analyzed, this analysis based on chance levels is no longer relevant to the discussion of findings during the agent window and has been deleted. We had selected 25% as the threshold because fixation proportions might be expected to rise to at least 25% even if no predictive information had been given during this time window, merely due to regression to the mean. We acknowledge that, due to the concurrent predictive information given in the sentence, actual fixation proportions should be higher than 25%.

21. Using the same colour coding for Figure 4 as for the other Figures is misleading because the readers needs to read the methods very carefully and look at the Appendix to realise that those words were not the same as those used in the main task.

• RESPONSE: We agree that re-using colors may cause reader confusion and have remade Figure 4 in greyscale.

22. Norming = was the agent/target relationship as strong as the agent/agent distractor relationship? Was that tested? What about the verb/target and verb/verb distractor relationship?

• RESPONSE: We believe that the counterbalancing approach taken in the present study negates this issue, as items serve as their own distractor over the course of the study. We hope that the reviewer concurs and have expanded upon this point on page 14, lines 324-9, and on page 41-42, lines 867-73.

23. is based on a very small number of participants. This should be acknowledged as a limitation.

• RESPONSE: We concur; see our response to critique #8 in the limitations section.

24. Thus, the fact that all of the sentences that participants heard in the present study were

semantically plausible is a strength of the study. = Some of the sentences included words that fit better in a non-count use (e.g., The shopper saves money vs. The shopper saves the money).

• RESPONSE: We believe that this issue is also largely mitigated by the counterbalancing approach taken in the present study, as described in our response to critique #22. However, we have expanded our discussion of limitations on page 43 to address this concern.

25. In addition, many of the distractor objects in the current study fit the sentences reasonably well, albeit at a lower probability than the target object. = The assumption that “chance” fixation is 25% at all points is not met. Analyses should not rely on chance level, or chance level should be specified clearly.

• RESPONSE: See our response to critique #20.

26. One limitation of the present study is that we did not carefully control the action content

of the verbs used in the predictive sentences. = This is an important limitation. There are other limitations related with words, such as the use of verbs that are homonyms with nouns (e.g., rocks), lack of control for frequency, and the use of written words in norming tasks vs. pictures in experiments. Pictures were not necessarily the most prototypical representations of the concept, and some pictures illustrated scenes/persons instead of simple objects (e.g., jungle, fugitive, courtroom).

• RESPONSE: See our response to critique #8.


27. The analyses do not compellingly address a fundamental issue: were participants predicting? The analyses establish that fixations to targets increased over time when participants heard predictive sentences (e.g., including prior to target word onset). However, a not dissimilar pattern was also observed in baseline (i.e., nonpredictive) sentences (e.g., see Figure 4, in which fixations to targets also increased prior to target word onset). It's also not clear how the targets compared to the various nontargets. Thus, I encourage reporting analyses that explicitly address whether the predictable targets were fixated significantly more than the nonpredictable nontargets, as is typical in the literature.

• RESPONSE: We greatly appreciate the time this reviewer took to provide detailed and thoughtful comments. In regards to this analysis, see our response to Reviewer 1, critique #5. Although we preferred to use mixed effects models in general due to their advantages in handling time series data, modeling polytomous categorical variables is a well-documented issue for mixed effects models (e.g., Barr, 2008). Therefore, we have performed an additional analysis that explicitly tests the difference in means between target and agent distractor fixations.

28. Relatedly, I'm concerned that eliminating target-anticipated trials may create more problems than it solves. Among them:

(1) It makes it problematic to compare predictable targets and nonpredictable nontargets (and by extension, to address whether participants were predicting).

(2) It makes it problematic to compare targets and nontargets prior to sentence onset (and by extension, to asses potential extraneous biases).

(3) Among non-target-anticipated trials, participants may be more likely to fixate targets later in the trial because they weren’t exploring these visual stimuli earlier in the trial.

(4) Only 27% of sentences involved high motion; eliminating a further 25% likely adds further noise.

• RESPONSE: See our response to critique #5 in response to Reviewer 1.

29. Relatedly, I'm concerned that the high motion analysis may simply be too noisy to yield clear conclusions. The bottom-left plot of Figure 3 (i.e., controls + high motion) suggests that the verb-related and unrelated distractors diverged BEFORE verb onset (i.e., before they had relevant information), which is perhaps best explained by noise.

• RESPONSE: We agree with the reviewer and have emphasized this point on page 39, line 824 and on page 42, lines 892-3.

30. Participants with PD did not differ from controls on any of the measures in the neuropsychological battery (Table 1). Against this backdrop, the observed (i.e., visual world) similarities may be less surprising (i.e., to the extent that the visual world reflects another cognitive task). I wonder if this pattern is typical in the PD literature? In addition, it may be worthwhile to address prior individual differences research. For example, individual differences in memory, speed of processing, etc. have been linked to predictive sentence processing; if participants with PD did not differ from controls on these measures, then they might not be expected to differ in prediction.

• RESPONSE: While this reviewer is correct about the influence of individual differences in visual world processing, our main objective was to investigate predictive processing abilities in PD based on combinatorial semantic processing, in the absence of cognitive impairment. We have clarified this point on page 10, lines 221-8.

31. p12 – “Norming Study 1… revealed at least one problematic component in each of the original proposed stimuli sets...”; it’s not clear why some of these materials were used if problematic.

• RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for raising this point of confusion. We have revised pages 12-13, lines 286-8 and page 15, lines 340-2 to clarify that problematic stimuli were detected following the completion of norming study 1 and were replaced following the completion of norming study 2.

32. p17 – “These analyses were conducted using the cor.test() function in R version 3.5.1”; here and throughout, the discussion can be streamlined (e.g., captured by the analysis code).

• RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have simplified the description of statistical analyses, except in the section “Analysis of eye-tracking data” where we felt that methodological detail was needed in the manuscript to allow the reader easily to evaluate the work.

33. p25 – “removal also helped ensure that participants’ eye movements reflected naïve predictions based on the words in the sentences rather than predictions based on the study structure”; this raises the question, was there such structure? For example, did repeating the visual stimuli allow participants to predict targets independent of the sentences (e.g., such that once the boat was a target, it was never again a target on its subsequent presentations).

• RESPONSE: The study structure did repeat the visual stimuli in the way this reviewer describes. We have clarified this rationale for removing these trials on page 31, lines 686-9.

34. p25 – “All intermediate proportions of fixations on each interested area were rounded to either 0 (no fixation) or 1 (fixation) because the raw binned proportions essentially followed a binomial distribution”; it’s not clear why the raw eye movement data was binned if a binomial approach was to be used (i.e., prior to binning, it was presumably binomial).

• RESPONSE: We have added a rationale for binning the raw data on page 27, lines 602-3.

35. p26 – “Linear term estimates indicate whether fixation proportions increase, decrease, or remain flat…”; the (i.e., logistic) analyses are modelling transformed binomial outcomes, not the curves depicted in the figures. Thus, it’s not clear if curvilinear forms are suitable. p26 – “In each model, we additionally generated random intercepts and random linear slopes for subjects (to assess individual differences) and for items (to assess stimulus-driven variability)”; growth curve analysis is widely used to model participant fixation curves that are generated by averaging across visual world trials (i.e., yielding curvilinear forms). In contrast, it’s not clear if curvilinear forms are suitable for modelling trial-level binomial outcomes.

• RESPONSE: This is an interesting query. We modelled trial-level data so that we were able to assess and control for random effects of trials due to the complex visual stimuli. We have consulted with statisticians specializing in mixed effects models to confirm that our analysis approach was appropriate and have now acknowledged these individuals. We have also cited relevant literature supporting this choice of statistical methods on page 29, lines 646-50.

36. p28 – “by the end of the agent window, the proportion of fixations on the target interest area increased to approximately 36.1%, significantly higher than chance”; I encourage addressing important nuances within this time course. For example, was the boat fixated significantly more than the cradle and quilt but the same as the net?

• REPSONSE: See our response to Reviewer 1 #27. We chose to focus this supplementary analysis on a comparison between the target and the agent distractor, as our modeling approach limited comparisons between target and various distractor curves.

Again, thank you for giving us the opportunity to strengthen our manuscript with your valuable comments and queries. We have worked hard to incorporate your feedback and hope that these revisions persuade you to accept our submission.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers PD lang prediction.docx

Decision Letter 1

Daniel Mirman

9 Nov 2021

PONE-D-21-22350R1Predictive language comprehension in Parkinson’s diseasePLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Roberts,

Thank you for submitting your revised manuscript to PLOS ONE. Both reviewers commend your response to their comments on your original submission. Reviewer 1 had no additional comments and Reviewer 2 had just a few minor suggestions for clarification and consistency. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses these points.

Please submit your revised manuscript by Dec 24 2021 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

Please include the following items when submitting your revised manuscript:

  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

  • An unmarked version of your revised paper without tracked changes. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Manuscript'.

If you would like to make changes to your financial disclosure, please include your updated statement in your cover letter. Guidelines for resubmitting your figure files are available below the reviewer comments at the end of this letter.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Daniel Mirman

Academic Editor


Journal Requirements:

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: (No Response)


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: All my comments have been addressed.

The system will not let me bypass the minimum character count, so I will add that I appreciate the efforts put into running additional analyses and integrating the comments in the revised version. The paper raises more questions than it answers, but suggestions for future studies are relevant and intriguing.

Reviewer #2: I thank the authors for their responses to my comments. The manuscript is strengthened throughout; this is particularly true of the results. I had just a few remaining minor suggestions:

1. The discussion is now clearer about the limitations of the motion results (e.g., “we interpret these results cautiously”; p39ln819). However, this isn’t reflected in the abstract, where these results receive considerable attention. Rather, I encourage acknowledging these limitations and/or limiting the discussion of these results in the abstract. Adding to this discussion (e.g., “it is unclear why a significant motion content x group interaction occurred before the onset of the verb”; p39ln821), I also encourage being explicit that these results are problematic because they imply that participants were sensitive to the content of the verbs before they’d heard them. (As a very minor comment, I think only one sentence type is described in the abstract before, “in either sentence type”; p2ln45.)

2. The verb-related distractor analyses are difficult to interpret without a baseline comparison. Paralleling the target vs. agent-related distractor t-test (p32ln710), I encourage including an analysis like a verb-related distractor vs. unrelated t-test. I also encourage reporting relevant descriptive statistics (M/SD). (As a very minor comment, I wonder if the Baseline analyses shouldn’t be presented before the Predictive analyses; as is, they almost seem unnecessary.)

3. Finally, I also encourage using graphs to capture the growth curve results in a clearer and more compelling way. For example, graphs depicting the measure under analysis (i.e., “our models predict the odds ratio of fixations on the target versus fixations on all other distractors. This odds ratio is log-transformed into “logits” of fixations on each interest area”; p28ln628) would be informative. Likewise, graphs depicting the growth curve fits would also be informative. Rather, it’s not clear how the intercept, linear, etc. growth curve results (e.g., see Table 2) map onto proportions of fixations (e.g., see Figure 2). (As a minor comment, the sample size was 48 participants, which seems at odds with, “when sample sizes are sufficiently large, e.g. >200 for linear estimates and >1000 for quadratic estimates, as was the case in the present study”; p29ln648.)


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2023 Feb 8;18(2):e0262504. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262504.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

24 Dec 2021

Thank you for inviting us to re-submit a revised draft of our manuscript entitled "Predictive language comprehension in Parkinson’s disease", PONE-D-21-22350, to PLOS ONE. We appreciate the continued support and feedback provided by you and each of the reviewers. Thus, it is with great pleasure that we resubmit our article for further consideration. We have incorporated changes that reflect the detailed suggestions you have graciously provided. We also hope that our edits and the responses we provide below satisfactorily address all the issues and concerns you and the reviewers have noted.

To facilitate your review of our revisions, the following is a point-by-point response to the questions and comments delivered in your letter dated 11/9/2021. Page and line numbers refer to the ‘Manuscript’ version without visible tracked changes.


1. Please review your reference list to ensure that it is complete and correct. If you have cited papers that have been retracted, please include the rationale for doing so in the manuscript text, or remove these references and replace them with relevant current references. Any changes to the reference list should be mentioned in the rebuttal letter that accompanies your revised manuscript. If you need to cite a retracted article, indicate the article’s retracted status in the References list and also include a citation and full reference for the retraction notice.

• RESPONSE: We have adjusted referenced article titles to follow sentence capitalization consistently. We have also corrected the title in reference #44 (Copland et al. 2000).


2. The system will not let me bypass the minimum character count, so I will add that I appreciate the efforts put into running additional analyses and integrating the comments in the revised version. The paper raises more questions than it answers, but suggestions for future studies are relevant and intriguing.

• RESPONSE: We would like to take this opportunity to thank this reviewer again for their comprehensive and insightful comments on the previous draft.


3. The discussion is now clearer about the limitations of the motion results (e.g., “we interpret these results cautiously”; p39ln819). However, this isn’t reflected in the abstract, where these results receive considerable attention. Rather, I encourage acknowledging these limitations and/or limiting the discussion of these results in the abstract. Adding to this discussion (e.g., “it is unclear why a significant motion content x group interaction occurred before the onset of the verb”; p39ln821), I also encourage being explicit that these results are problematic because they imply that participants were sensitive to the content of the verbs before they’d heard them. (As a very minor comment, I think only one sentence type is described in the abstract before, “in either sentence type”; p2ln45.).

• RESPONSE: We appreciate this reviewer’s concern and have revised the abstract (page 2, lines 52-4) and the discussion of the results (page 39, lines 834-6) accordingly. We have also revised page 2, line 45 to omit the implied reference to another sentence type.

4. The verb-related distractor analyses are difficult to interpret without a baseline comparison. Paralleling the target vs. agent-related distractor t-test (p32ln710), I encourage including an analysis like a verb-related distractor vs. unrelated t-test. I also encourage reporting relevant descriptive statistics (M/SD). (As a very minor comment, I wonder if the Baseline analyses shouldn’t be presented before the Predictive analyses; as is, they almost seem unnecessary.)

• RESPONSE: We have completed an additional t-test comparing looks to the verb-related and unrelated distractors (page 34, lines 735-9) and have updated page 32, lines 717-8 to include the requested descriptive statistics (M/SD). Although we appreciate this reviewer’s comment concerning the placement of the baseline sentences, we believe it best to present the predictive sentences first based on readers’ anticipated interest in the research questions addressed by these analyses and to follow with the baseline sentences in case of lingering questions about the reliability of the obtained eye-tracking results.

5. Finally, I also encourage using graphs to capture the growth curve results in a clearer and more compelling way. For example, graphs depicting the measure under analysis (i.e., “our models predict the odds ratio of fixations on the target versus fixations on all other distractors. This odds ratio is log-transformed into “logits” of fixations on each interest area”; p28ln628) would be informative. Likewise, graphs depicting the growth curve fits would also be informative. Rather, it’s not clear how the intercept, linear, etc. growth curve results (e.g., see Table 2) map onto proportions of fixations (e.g., see Figure 2). (As a minor comment, the sample size was 48 participants, which seems at odds with, “when sample sizes are sufficiently large, e.g. >200 for linear estimates and >1000 for quadratic estimates, as was the case in the present study”; p29ln648.)

• RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and have created two new figures (Figs 3 and 6 in the current manuscript) that depict model fits versus data in logit units. We have also created two new supplemental files (S13 and S14 Figures) that depict Figures 2 and 5 in logit units, although we have chosen not to replace Figures 2 and 5 in the main body of the manuscript because we feel that many readers will find the proportion scale more familiar and intuitive for graphical interpretation. Per the reviewer’s comment about the apparent mismatch in sample size, we have revised page 29, lines 649-651 to clarify.

Again, thank you for giving us the opportunity to strengthen our manuscript with your valuable comments and queries. We have worked hard to incorporate your feedback and hope that these revisions persuade you to accept our submission.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers PD lang prediction Dec2021.docx

Decision Letter 2

Daniel Mirman

27 Dec 2021

Predictive language comprehension in Parkinson’s disease


Dear Dr. Roberts,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements. I'm sorry there were problems with the submission portal and I'm glad they were eventually resolved.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

An invoice for payment will follow shortly after the formal acceptance. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. If you have any billing related questions, please contact our Author Billing department directly at

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Daniel Mirman

Academic Editor


Acceptance letter

Daniel Mirman

13 Jan 2023


Predictive language comprehension in Parkinson’s disease

Dear Dr. Roberts:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

If we can help with anything else, please email us at

Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Daniel Mirman

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Table. Norming studies participant demographics.


    S2 Table. Neuropsychological battery.


    S3 Table. Predictive sentences practice.


    S4 Table. Predictive sentences, full trials (Sets 1–12).


    S5 Table. Baseline sentence practice.


    S6 Table. Baseline trials.


    S7 Table. Analyses of PD versus control gaze logits to the target object during predictive sentences, excluding anticipated trials.


    S8 Table. Analyses of PD versus control gaze logits to the agent-related object during the predictive window, excluding anticipated trials.


    S9 Table. Analyses of PD versus control gaze logits to the verb-related object during the combined verb + target window, excluding anticipated trials.


    S10 Table. Effect of motion content on gaze logits to the target entity during predictive sentences, excluding anticipated trials.


    S1 Fig. Looks to target versus distractor images in predictive sentences, in logits.


    S2 Fig. Looks to target versus distractor images in baseline sentences, in logits.


    S1 Appendix. Visual stimuli selection and editing.


    S2 Appendix. Word onsets in sentence audio.



    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers PD lang prediction.docx


    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers PD lang prediction Dec2021.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    R packages used in the analysis are publicly available. Data from the norming studies are publicly available at and Participant-level norming study data is available at, and the norming study analysis script is available at Eye-tracking data and analysis scripts and deidentified demographic and neuropsychological testing data are publicly available in a collection at, at the following DOIs:,,,,,,,,, and Picture stimuli and experiment Builder code for delivering the experiment have been archived at the Northwestern University Library and are available by request to the corresponding author.

    Articles from PLOS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS