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. 2002 Jan 1;30(1):268–272. doi: 10.1093/nar/30.1.268

SUPERFAMILY: HMMs representing all proteins of known structure. SCOP sequence searches, alignments and genome assignments

Julian Gough 1,a, Cyrus Chothia 1
PMCID: PMC99153  PMID: 11752312


The SUPERFAMILY database contains a library of hidden Markov models representing all proteins of known structure. The database is based on the SCOP ‘superfamily’ level of protein domain classification which groups together the most distantly related proteins which have a common evolutionary ancestor. There is a public server at which provides three services: sequence searching, multiple alignments to sequences of known structure, and structural assignments to all complete genomes. Given an amino acid or nucleotide query sequence the server will return the domain architecture and SCOP classification. The server produces alignments of the query sequences with sequences of known structure, and includes multiple alignments of genome and PDB sequences. The structural assignments are carried out on all complete genomes (currently 59) covering approximately half of the soluble protein domains. The assignments, superfamily breakdown and statistics on them are available from the server. The database is currently used by this group and others for genome annotation, structural genomics, gene prediction and domain-based genomic studies.


The SUPERFAMILY database is based on the SCOP (1) classification of protein domains. SCOP is a structural domain-based heirarchical classification with several levels including the ‘superfamily’ level. Proteins grouped together at the superfamily level are defined as having structural, functional and sequence evidence for a common evolutionary ancestor. It is at this level, as the name suggests, that SUPERFAMILY operates because it is the level with the most distantly related protein domains. The level below is the ‘family’ level which groups more closely related domains, and the level above is the ‘fold’ level which groups domains with similar topology which are not necessarily related.

The database uses hidden Markov models (HMMs) which are profiles based on multiple sequence alignments designed to represent a protein family (or superfamily) which can be used to search sequence databases for homologues. The SAM-T99 HMM software (2) is one of the best methods for the detection of remote protein homologues. The SAM software was used to build a library of models (3) representing all proteins of known structure, which forms the core of the SUPERFAMILY database. These models have added value by expert curation and tuning designed to detect and classify SCOP domains at the superfamily level.

There are existing databases which use HMMs representing protein domains such as Pfam (4), SMART (5) and others. There are also unifying databases which have several of these methods included, e.g. InterPro (6) and CDD ( There are two main differences to SUPERFAMILY: these other databases span all proteins whereas SUPERFAMILY only covers those with a known structural representative, and they also group domains into families based on sequence similarity alone leading to a level of classification more similar to the family than the superfamily level. Structural assignments have been carried out using PSI-BLAST (7) based on the CATH (8) database but are much less extensive (


The database may be accessed directly via a public server at or via a link from each domain entry in SCOP at There are also links from some genome databases, for example, Ensembl at The underlying machinery of the database consists of a library of HMMs, a relational database and some programs. All of these are also available for download.

Structural assignments to sequences

The HMM library representing all proteins of known structure may be used to assign structural domains to sequences of unknown structure. An amino acid or nucleotide sequence may be queried against the library, and then the domain architecture and SCOP classification is returned (Fig. 1). The procedure has been optimised for remote homology detection retaining an estimated error rate of <1%. Three-dimensional models can be generated and these have been used to compare the method to other automatic structure prediction servers at LiveBench ( The server’s specificity is one of the best, especially for hard targets.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

An example of the result of a sequence query. The protein (sp│P2931│EPA2_HUMAN) is a multi-domain protein with five structural domains predicted with confidence, and shown in grey, three non-significant predictions. Each domain covers a different region of the query sequence and may be classified in a different SCOP superfamily with a different score. The ‘Align’ button links to a sequence alignment, and the ‘Assign.’ button links to all genome assignments for the given superfamily.

Nucleotide searches are carried out by translating sequences into the six reading frames and splitting across stop codons. Thus, the resulting structural assignments do not require any prior gene prediction and can be used to locate possible genes from raw DNA (Fig. 2). This does not provide gene prediction on its own, but is useful if no gene prediction is available and may suggest possible coding regions which gene prediction algorithms may not have identified.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

A section of a result of a nucleotide search of human contig AB019437.00001 clearly showing a DNA/RNA polymerase domain consisting of exons 3–7. The alignment shows how the exons combine in order to make up a complete domain.

Multiple sequence alignments

The models are used to generate multiple sequence alignments to sequences of known structure. A sequence with structural domains assigned (as above) can be aligned to a known sequence of the structural domain in question. On the public server there is a link to the alignment from the result page from a sequence query (Fig. 1). The server contains all PDB sequences and all complete genome sequences, which can be added to obtain a multiple alignment; users can also upload their own sequences for addition to the multiple alignment.

In the absence of a sequence query, the multiple alignments can be reached via links from SCOP or a keyword search on the server.

Genome assignments

The SUPERFAMILY procedure has been used to carry out structural assignments to all complete genomes (Tables 1 and 2). The assignments cover ∼35% of eukaryote and 45% of prokaryote sequence, which is estimated as half of the soluble protein domains. This coverage is expected to increase as structural genomics projects solve more novel structures, giving a more complete structural picture of the genomes.

Table 1. The genome assignments for 56 genomes using the model library and assignment procedure.

Genome A B C D E F G H
Arabidopsis thaliana at E 25 470 13 320 52 38 17 957 564
Homo sapiens hs E 23 867 11 661 49 37 21 201 595
Caenorhabditis elegans ce E 19 705 7851 40 29 12 628 537
Drosophila melanogaster dm E 14 331 6851 48 34 11 479 554
Mesorhizobium loti mk B 6752 3552 53 44 4631 433
Saccharomyces cerevisiae sc E 6297 2770 44 33 3760 461
Pseudomonas aeruginosa pa B 5570 3079 55 45 4261 439
Escherichia coli o157 eo B 5283 2502 47 41 3346 454
Escherichia coli ec B 4289 2292 53 45 3097 453
Mycobacterium tuberculosis CDC1551 mu B 4187 1911 46 41 2594 391
Bacillus subtilis bs B 4100 2027 49 44 2754 417
Bacillus halodurans bh B 4066 2000 49 43 2688 415
Mycobacterium tuberculosis mb B 3918 1959 50 41 2650 392
Vibrio cholerae vc B 3835 1852 48 42 2527 424
Caulobacter crescentus cc B 3737 1997 53 46 2663 404
Clostridium acetobutylicum ca B 3672 1819 50 41 2382 401
Cyanobacterium synechocystis cs B 3169 1589 50 42 2164 379
Deinococcus radiodurans dr B 3102 1561 50 42 2007 379
Sulfolobus solfataricus ss A 2977 1412 47 40 1790 323
Xylella fastidiosa xf B 2766 1097 40 41 1477 359
Aeropyrum pernix ap A 2694 836 31 33 1067 289
Staphylococcus aureus sa B 2594 1313 51 43 1728 368
Archaeoglobus fulgidus af A 2407 1238 51 45 1664 320
Lactococcus lactis ll B 2266 1170 52 43 1514 334
Streptococcus pneumoniae sr B 2094 1044 50 43 1351 330
Neisseria meningitidis A nn B 2065 958 46 42 1266 342
Pyrococcus horikoshii ph A 2064 904 44 40 1175 294
Halobacterium hb A 2058 1023 50 42 1351 306
Neisseria meningitidis nm B 2025 941 46 43 1264 342
Pasteurella multocida pm B 2014 1112 55 46 1467 359
Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum mt A 1869 971 52 44 1297 307
Thermotoga maritima tm B 1846 1003 54 46 1335 343
Pyrococcus abyssi pb A 1765 957 54 45 1231 298
Methanococcus jannaschii mj A 1715 872 51 45 1132 288
Haemophilus influenzae hi B 1709 943 55 48 1243 341
Streptococcus pyogenes sq B 1696 887 52 44 1189 328
Campylobacter jejuni cj B 1634 845 52 43 1095 329
Mycobacterium leprae ml B 1605 844 53 48 1215 327
Helicobacter pylori hp B 1553 670 43 38 882 295
Aquifex aeolicus aa B 1522 902 59 49 1203 334
Thermoplasma volcanium tv A 1499 795 53 45 1034 284
Helicobacter pylori J99 hq B 1491 681 46 38 896 287
Thermoplasma acidophilum ta A 1478 795 54 45 1051 286
Chlamydophila pneumoniae AR39 cq B 1110 443 40 36 625 243
Chlamydophila pneumoniae J138 cp B 1070 446 42 36 628 243
Chlamydophila pneumoniae cr B 1052 443 42 36 625 242
Treponema pallidum tp B 1031 467 45 38 655 235
Chlamydia muridarum cm B 909 423 47 39 604 234
Chlamydia trachomatis ct B 894 419 47 40 597 235
Borrelia burgdorferi bb B 850 415 49 42 574 225
Rickettsia prowazekii rp B 834 437 52 44 605 248
Mycoplasma pulmonis mq B 782 363 46 34 485 186
Mycoplasma pneumoniae mp B 677 308 45 35 414 179
Ureaplasma urealyticum uu B 611 267 44 33 367 170
Buchnera sp. bn B 564 380 67 56 560 248
Mycoplasma genitalium mg B 480 261 54 41 362 172

For each genome the table shows in order: the name of the species of the genome; a two-character code (A); the domain, where ‘E’ is for eukaryota, ‘A’ is for archea and ‘B’ is for bacteria (B); the number of genes comprising the genome (C); the number of genes which have at least one SCOP domain assigned (D); the percentage of genes with at least one domain assigned (E); the percentage of the actual sequence covered by SCOP domains because multi-domain genes may have some domains assigned but not others (F); the total number of domains assigned (G); the total number (out of a possible 859) of superfamilies represented by at least one domain in the genome (H).

Table 2. The assignments for 11 miscellaneous sequence sets including, amongst other things, five alternative human gene sets and some incomplete genomes.

Genome A B C D E F G H
Viridiplantae sequences from GenPept sp E 46 369 31 232 67 58 64 711 546
Softberry human gene predictions hv E 38 170 15 235 40 31 28 223 613
Ensembl 0.8 human gene predictions hx E 29 303 14 437 49 39 25 558 597
Ensembl 1.0 human gene predictions hs E 27 615 13 210 48 37 23 402 595
Affymetrix human gene predictions hu E 21 111 10 339 49 37 19 876 581
Mus musculus cDNAs mm E 21 076 6223 30 29 8047 496
Human known genes ht E 8243 4995 61 41 9769 531
Mus musculus incomplete genome mn E 6978 3463 50 39 5599 391
Oryza sativa incomplete genome os E 2425 759 31 28 987 177
Guillardia theta nucleomorph genome gt E 485 203 42 33 261 92
Rhizobium plasmid pn P 417 202 48 40 250 77

In Table 1 the current Ensembl (version 1.1) is used for Homo sapiens.

The SCOP classification of the structural domains in genomes provides a framework for comparing superfamilies within and across genomes. The public server provides statistics, and the breakdown of the genomes into superfamilies of different sizes. Within each superfamily of a given genome the individual genes may be displayed, with links to their domain architecture and sequence alignments.

A growing number of genome assignments are served via a distributed annotation system (DAS) server at allowing people to view the annotation from different sources in a single browser. To use this service a DAS client is required which can be obtained from


The most straightforward application is a simple sequence search, of which the public server currently (pre-publication) receives over 1000 per month. Many larger sets of sequences have been run as special requests for specific studies; the database is used on several structural genomics projects’ targets (e.g. SPiNE at

Although the assignments to nucleotide sequence do not provide complete gene predictions, they can be used as information contributing to a gene prediction. Current work is generating the data for the human genome for this purpose.

The genome assignments provide annotation of the genes, much of which is novel. This information is not just accessed by users of the database but is also used by several genome projects (including all completed large eukaryotes) to aid their annotation efforts, or verbatim as annotation in its own right.

The SUPERFAMILY data provides a framework which already forms the basis of several ongoing genomic studies (9,10). The data is also used by the HIGH database ( of immunoglobulin genes in human.



The authors thank Thomas Down for help setting up the DAS server, Matthew Bashton for contributing to web design, and the SCOP authors for helpful discussions.


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