Many aspects of plant photoperception are mediated by the phytochrome (Phy) family of bilin-containing photoreceptors that reversibly interconvert between inactive Pr and active Pfr conformers1,2. Despite extensive biochemical studies, full understanding of plant Phy signalling has remained unclear due to the absence of relevant 3D models. Here we report a cryo-electron microscopy structure of Arabidopsis PhyB in the Pr state that reveals a topologically complex dimeric organization that is substantially distinct from its prokaryotic relatives. Instead of an anticipated parallel architecture, the C-terminal histidine-kinase-related domains (HKRDs) associate head-to-head, whereas the N-terminal photosensory regions associate head-to-tail to form a parallelogram-shaped platform with near two-fold symmetry. The platform is internally linked by the second of two internal Per/Arnt/Sim domains that binds to the photosensory module of the opposing protomer and a preceding ‘modulator’ loop that assembles tightly with the photosensory module of its own protomer. Both connections accelerate the thermal reversion of Pfr back to Pr, consistent with an inverse relationship between dimer assembly and Pfr stability. Lopsided contacts between the HKRDs and the platform create profound asymmetry to PhyB that might imbue distinct signalling potentials to the protomers. We propose that this unique structural dynamism creates an extensive photostate-sensitive surface for conformation-dependent interactions between plant Phy photoreceptors and their signalling partners.
Many organisms use an array of photoreceptors that help to tune their growth/motility and development to their ambient light environment. One prominent class includes the Phy photoreceptors, which are universal among plants and widely scattered throughout the fungal and bacterial kingdoms2–4. Phy photoreceptors autocatalytically bind to a bilin (or open-chain tetrapyrrole) prosthetic group to enable the sensation of red and far-red light through Pr–Pfr photointerconversion and thermal reversion of Pfr back to Pr. In plants, this Pr–Pfr exchange provides a master photoswitch for quantifying light fluence rate, duration and spectral quality, which in turn enables responses to day–night cycles, photoperiod and neighbour competition1,5. Moreover, some plant Phy photoreceptors sense temperature through thermal reversion, the rate of which strongly accelerates as temperature rises6–8.
Phy photoreceptors typically comprise a photosensory module (PSM) formed by sequential N-terminal Per/Arnt/Sim (nPAS), cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase/adenylyl cyclase/FhlA (GAF) and Phy-specific (PHY) domains, followed by a region that promotes dimerization (Fig. 1a). PSM geometry is stabilized by (1) a figure-of-eight knot that links the GAF domain to an N-terminal extension (NTE) upstream of the nPAS domain; (2) a helical spine connecting the GAF and PHY domains; and (3) a hairpin (or tongue) motif extending from the PHY domain to contact the GAF domain near the chromophore9–11. The GAF domain cradles the bilin through numerous chromophore–protein interactions, which are altered during photoconversion by rotation of the D pyrrole through a Z to E isomerization of the C15=C16 methine bridge10,12–15. Studies with bacterial Phy photoreceptors showed that this rotation induces refolding of the hairpin from β-stranded to α-helical, which displaces the PHY domain relative to the GAF domain12,13,15,16. As a transmitter histidine kinase (HK) module is often appended downstream, a common outcome of these conformational changes is the initiation/suppression of a two-component kinase cascade3,17,18.
Although considerable progress has been made in understanding prokaryotic Phy photoreceptors, we do not yet appreciate how plant Phy photoreceptors signal despite their importance to numerous agriculturally relevant processes, ranging from seed germination and chloroplast development to shade avoidance and flowering time1,5. Major differences compared with their microbial relatives include the insertion of two predicted PAS domains (PAS1 and PAS2) after the PSM that could influence signal transmission internally19,20 (Fig. 1a), and substantial divergence of their HKRDs from those in bona fide transmitter kinases that might compromise a phosphotransferase activity21–23. A prevailing notion is that plant Phy photoreceptors in the Pfr state translocate from the cytoplasm to the nucleus where they associate with a collection of binding partners1. This includes a family of Phy-interacting factor (PIF) transcriptional regulators of which their actions are minimized by Pfr-induced, ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis1,24. In fact, these photoreversible Phy–PIF interactions are retained in heterologous systems, therefore inviting various optogenetic applications25–28. How plant Phy photoreceptors bind to PIFs in a light-regulated manner, the role(s) of the internal PAS domains, the function(s) of the HKRD beyond its dimerization potential29,30 and even whether plant Phy architectures resemble their prokaryotic brethren are currently unclear.
The structure of the Arabidopsis PhyB dimer
To address these questions, we generated an atomic-resolution cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) model of the PhyB isoform from Arabidopsis thaliana assembled recombinantly with its native phytochromobilin (PΦB) chromophore8,31 (Extended Data Fig. 1a, b and Supplementary Methods). From nearly 1 million particle images, we selected through 2D and 3D classifications 154,901 images to construct and refine a 3D map at an average resolution of 3.3 Å (Extended Data Fig. 1c–h, Supplementary Video 1 and Extended Data Table 1). Using available plant PSM structures as guides32,33, we modelled nearly all residues of the PSM, residues 770–1151 encompassing the internal PAS2 domain and the dimerization histidine phosphotransfer (DHp) and catalytic ATP-binding (CA) subdomains within the HKRD, and PΦB covalently linked to Cys357 (Fig. 1b, c and Extended Data Figs. 2c and 3). Probably owing to intrinsic disorder8, well-defined EM density was absent for the first 101 residues and the last 21 residues. EM density for the predicted PAS1 domains (residues 622–769) could be seen in some 2D class averages, but were not resolved in the final 3.3 Å map. To visualize this region, we downsampled the particle images and performed 3D variability analysis to obtain a 15 Å map (Extended Data Fig. 1c) revealing PAS1 density at the expected positions but without distinguishing features (Fig. 1d).
The 3D model was confirmed by comparisons of the protomers to each other, superpositions with the X-ray crystallographic models of the PSM from Arabidopsis PhyB and other plant Phy photoreceptors32,33 and by comparisons with CA domain structures from bacterial transmitter HKs34–37 (Extended Data Figs. 2, 3 and 7e). Except for the DHp domain, the Cα positions in the PhyB model showed high congruity between sister domains across the dimer with root-mean-square deviations (r.m.s.d.) of 0.70–1.1 Å (Extended Data Table 2), and to orthologous regions from other Phy photoreceptors and transmitter HKs. Residues surrounding the bilin, many of which are essential for photochemistry8,16,32, also strongly overlapped between the EM and PSM crystallographic models of Arabidopsis PhyB (Extended Data Fig. 2f). Moreover, EM density was well defined for PΦB, which—similar to other plant Phy photoreceptors32,33—adopted a 5(Z)syn-10(Z)syn-15(Z)anti configuration in the two protomers with the D pyrrole rings tilted by 62° and 59°, respectively, relative to the co-planar A–C rings (Fig. 1c and Extended Data Fig. 2c, d).
As anticipated, the PAS2 domain was similar in structure to the nPAS domain (Extended Data Fig. 4b, c). Owing to poor local resolution, the PAS1 region was computationally modelled using TrRosetta ab initio. Its predicted PAS-type fold was consistent in size to its cryo-EM density with an α-helical segment possibly connecting it to the preceding PHY domain (Fig. 1d and Extended Data Fig. 4d).
To further support the model, we assayed PhyB for sensitivity to chymotrypsin and glutamyl endopeptidase using mass spectrometry to identify the released peptides (Extended Data Fig. 5). Most sensitive were the NTE and PAS1 regions, which are predicted to be mobile, and the α-helical tips of the DHp, which are solvent exposed, whereas the most protected were the GAF and PHY domains and regions occluded by dimerization. Cleavage N-terminal to the PAS1 domain was consistent with previous demonstrations that a region in plant Phy photoreceptors immediately after the PSM is protease hypersensitive38,39.
The PhyB dimer has an asymmetric topology
Examination of the 3D model revealed a PhyB architecture that was considerably different from expectations. Although bacterial Phy photoreceptors mostly assume a linear and symmetric head-to-head dimeric arrangement centred at an extended helical spine40–42, the PhyB dimer architecture was more topologically complicated and asymmetric without a central axis (Fig. 1b, e and Extended Data Fig. 4a). The PSMs were arranged head-to-tail without direct contact, thus explaining why they are monomeric in isolation39. Instead, the PAS2 domain and a newly identified 19-residue β-hairpin motif between the PAS1 and PAS2 domains, designated the modulator loop, mediated dimeric assembly of the PSMs (Fig. 1b, e and Extended Data Fig. 3f). These interactions of around 1,800 Å2 involving all domains from the nPAS to the PAS2 yielded an extensive parallelogram-shaped platform of at least 8,000 Å2 (Fig. 1b, e), which could easily accommodate various binding partners1. The Arabidopsis PhyB PSM crystal structure revealed a head-to-head dimer with extensive contact along its core helices32; we now conclude that this arrangement reflects a crystal packing artifact as seen in other plant PSM models33.
By contrast, the HKRDs assemble head-to-head (Fig. 1e), similar to those from bacterial transmitter HK modules34–37. However, instead of perching symmetrically above the PSMs, the pseudo-two-fold symmetric axis of the HKRDs was tilted 53° away from the vertical, resulting in a 103° rotation and 6.8 Å shift of the DHp and CA domains in protomer B relative to their counterparts in protomer A (Figs. 1e and 2a). This profound lean was anchored by a sizable lopsided interface between the HKRDs and the topside of the PSM–PAS2 platform that included connections between the CA and PHY domains of protomer A, and between the CA and GAF domains of protomer B (Fig. 2d, e). We predict that this HKRD lean does not toggle back and forth with both sides of the platform but becomes fixed after dimer assembly given the extent of this interface, and might be common among plant Phy photoreceptors given that numerous conserved residues participate (Extended Data Fig. 6).
The tilt of the HKRDs relative to the PSM–PAS2 platform also induces a sharp bend in helix α1 within the DHp domain that transitions PhyB from antiparallel to parallel associations (Fig. 2b). Whereas DHp domains in transmitter HKs typically associate through paired long and straight α1 helices that continue from the sensory modules34–37, these α-helices in PhyB are not similarly contiguous. Rather, they arise following strand β5 of the PAS2 domain, and are kinked at Cys925, therefore generating two helical segments (H1a and H1b) (Fig. 2c). The straight H1b segments associate normally with helix α2 to form the DHp four-helix bundle, whereas the H1a segments, collectively designated the cruciates, swivel around each other and are angled nearly perpendicular to the PSM–PAS2 platform. The non-identical connections between the two CA domains and the PSM–PAS2 platform then enforce different bends in the cruciates. Whereas the axis of H1a diverges from H1b by only 35° in protomer B, it is nearly perpendicular in protomer A (Fig. 2b).
The PHY–PAS2 bidomain stabilizes the PhyB dimer
The head-to-tail followed by head-to-head architecture of Arabidopsis PhyB implies that it contributes to a unique signalling mechanism of the plant photoreceptors. Particularly notable are the PAS2–(nPAS–GAF) contacts between the two protomers and the modulator–PHY contact within each protomer, which are substantial and involve numerous conserved residues. The PAS2–(nPAS–GAF) connection includes a mix of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions between helices α3 and α4 from the PAS2 domain of one protomer and helices α1 and α6 of the GAF domain and helix α4 from the nPAS domain of the other protomer (Fig. 3a). By contrast, modulator–PHY binding involves largely invariant hydrophobic contacts which allow the modulator to wrap around the helical core and extend the PHY domain β-sheet core by two β-strands (Figs. 1e, 4a, b and Extended Data Fig. 4a). Notably, the tip of the modulator loop contains an invariant GDY motif that projects towards the hairpin, suggesting that this interface is photostate sensitive (Fig. 4b, c and Extended Data Figs. 3f, 6).
Predicting that the interprotomer PAS2–(nPAS–GAF) and intraprotomer modulator–PHY connections contribute to dimerization beyond that provided by the paired HKRDs31, we examined dimer assembly using size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) analysis of a collection of photochemically-active PhyB variants, sequentially removing the CA (N982), DHp (N928), cruciate (N908), and modulator loop and PAS2 (N778) regions (Fig. 3b and Extended Data Fig. 8). Whereas full-length PhyB is an obligate dimer31 (Fig. 3b), the N778 fragment was monomeric regardless of protein concentration, therefore locating the critical dimerization site(s) within the PAS2 and HKRD regions (Fig. 3b). The N908 and N982 fragments did not form obligate dimers but self-associated with similar moderate affinities, therefore confirming that the PSM–PAS2 and HKRD interfaces both contribute to dimerization. The HK bidomains of prokaryotic transmitter kinases assemble by two different mechanisms, one through which the CA domain makes little to no contact with the opposing protomer, and a second through which the CA domain interacts with both DHps via helix α1 of the opposing protomer and helix α2 of its own protomer37,43. PhyB does the latter using an extensive interprotomer interface contributed by 48 residues within helices α1, α2 and α4 of the CA domain and helix α1 of the opposing DHp, which probably drives strong self-assembly (Extended Data Fig. 7a–c).
We found that the PAS2–(nPAS–GAF) interprotomer interface also contributes to dimer stability by examining mutations designed to compromise key contact points within the moderately dimeric N908 truncation31 (Fig. 3a). Notably, the single antagonistic F420E and I855E substitutions eliminated dimerization, whereas the less intrusive L427A substitution reduced self-assembly (Fig. 3b). We also examined the importance of the modulator–PHY interface by introducing F780E and I783P replacements into N908 that would disrupt a hydrophobic contact and assembly of the modulator–PHY domain β-sheet, respectively, or by shortening the modulator loop with premature type-I and type-II β-turns (Fig. 4c). Each of these modulator–PHY interface mutants strongly impaired dimerization even at high protein concentrations despite not contacting the opposing protomer (Fig. 4d). Together, we conclude that PhyB dimerization involves a host of unexpected interfaces beyond those provided by HKRDs.
Dimerization affects thermal reversion
As full-length PhyA and PhyB have much faster Pfr to Pr thermal reversion compared with their respective PSMs8,31, we examined whether dimerization through these newfound interfaces in PhyB influences thermal reversion and therefore retention of the active Pfr state. Whereas the constitutively dimeric full-length chromoprotein displayed moderate reversion rates, the N928 and N908 fragments missing the CA and CA + DHp domains, respectively, were very fast, revealing that the CA domains help to stabilize Pfr despite their distance from the bilins (Fig. 3c). Notably, thermal reversion of further truncations eliminating the PAS2–nPAS–GAF and modulator–PHY interfaces (N624 and N778) were substantially slower, demonstrating that the PAS2 and modulator loop regions destabilize Pfr while stabilizing dimerization. An analysis of site-directed mutants that affect the modulator loop and PAS2 interfaces in the N908 truncation revealed a similar trend. The N908(L427A) mutation, which retained dimerization, also retained rapid thermal reversion, whereas the N908(F420E) and N908(I855E) mutants that precluded dimerization reverted more slowly (Fig. 3c). The modulator loop mutants had an even greater impact and suppressed thermal reversion of the N908 fragment to rival the slow rates of the PSM and N778 fragments (Fig. 4e).
For a direct link between thermal reversion and dimerization, we measured the reversion rates for the N908 fragment over a 10,000-fold range of protein concentrations that varied the dimer–monomer equilibrium. As shown in Fig. 3d, when tested at high concentrations to encourage dimerization, N908 reverted rapidly, whereas increasing dilutions that progressively favoured monomerization slowed reversion, eventually approaching the low rates observed for the constitutively monomeric N908(F420E) mutant that disrupts the PAS2–(nPAS–GAF) interface. From these data, a dissociation constant (Kd) of ~26 nM was calculated for the N908 dimer.
Arabidopsis PhyB is probably not a protein kinase
A long-standing hypothesis based on amino acid sequence similarity to bacterial transmitter HKs is that plant Phy photoreceptors are photoregulated protein kinases23, with a number of studies supporting or discounting this possibility21,22,29,30,44. Our 3D view of the PhyB HKRD now offers an additional perspective. When overlaid with the analogous HK regions from bona fide transmitter kinases34–37, strong structural similarity was evident for PhyB despite the weak sequence conservation, therefore confirming the predicted HK ancestry of plant Phy photoreceptors (Extended Data Fig. 7a). The DHp domains in PhyB generated the requisite four-helix bundle but, as previously noted21,22, it replaced the solvent-accessible histidine phosphodonor with a glutamine (Extended Data Figs. 3e, 7c, d), therefore negating a canonical two-component phosphotransfer. Similarly, the CA domains in PhyB superposed well with those from bacterial transmitter kinases (1.23–3.36 Å r.m.s.d.) (Extended Data Fig. 7c, e). However, close packing of helices α3 and α4 occluded the predicted ATP-binding pocket, which, together with the absence of key nucleotide-coordinating residues in PhyB (and other land plant Phy photoreceptors), suggested that this region binds poorly to ATP, if at all (Extended Data Figs. 3g, 6, 7f). Ab initio computational docking of ADP to PhyB using Rosetta also yielded untenable arrangements, even when the putative ATP-binding pocket was modelled in silico to resemble the ADP-bound conformation of bona fide transmitter HKs36 (Extended Data Fig. 7f, g).
To directly examine the potential kinase activity of PhyB, we assayed for autophosphotransferase activity in comparison to a functional Phy HK from Pseudomonas syringae (PsBphP)17. Whereas PsBphP readily directed phosphotransfer in a Pfr-dependent manner, no activity was observed for Arabidopsis PhyB when testing the full-length dimer as well as partial fragments missing the CA and DHp regions (N982) or encompassing just the PSM (N624) (Extended Data Fig. 7h, i). Collectively, our analyses raise doubts that plant Phy photoreceptors are protein kinases and suggest that the phosphotransferase activities that were previously observed for purified preparations21,44 reflect vestiges of their HK heritage.
Implications for Phy evolution and signalling
In contrast to prokaryotic Phy photoreceptors described to date40–42, our 3D model of PhyB reveals a complex topology, which we propose is critical to dimer integrity and signalling potential. Although the PSM of PhyB is structurally comparable to its bacterial progenitors with its knot, helical spine, hairpin and buried bilin features, PhyB innovated several new aspects brought about by the two PAS domains and the modulator loop separating the PSM and HKRD. Both the PAS2 domain and the modulator loop strengthen self-assembly through inter- and intramolecular contacts, respectively, while the positioning of the PAS2 and DHp cruciates enable a seamless transition from the head-to-tail association of the PSM–PAS2 platform to head-to-head association of the HKRDs. When these features are considered together with the intramolecular knot and hairpin, a strikingly high level of interconnectivity becomes apparent within PhyB, with sequence homology suggesting that it pervades all plant Phy photoreceptors. Our hypothesis is that these features help to stabilize the two protomers, both individually and after dimerization, to help to focus the conformational changes that occur during Pr–Pfr interconversion towards a productive signalling outcome.
Surprisingly, platform dimerization, the modulator–PHY interface and the HKRD each control Pfr memory by influencing thermal reversion. As reversion differs markedly among the plant Phy isoforms8,45, its adjustment through modification of the dimer interface might be fundamental to the varied photosensitivities among the isoforms—such as PhyA, which detects low-fluence light environments with high sensitivity, versus PhyB, which effectively senses full sun and photoperiod1,8,19—and to the unique ability of PhyB to sense temperature6–8. Although the function(s) of the mobile PAS1 domain are currently unclear, we expect that it also contributes to plant Phy signalling possibly by helping the PSM–PAS2 platform to accommodate Phy-binding partners.
The asymmetric architecture of the PhyB dimer probably also has implications for plant Phy signalling in relation to Pfr–Pfr homodimers versus Pr–Pfr heterodimers. For example, it has been proposed that PhyB is biologically active only as the Pfr homodimer, and inactive as the heterodimer, whereas the reverse might be true for PhyA45,46. As a consequence, PhyB would require intense light for full activation, whereas PhyA would be more effective in low-light environments in which the peak populations of heterodimers are expected. Such distinctions could be amplified by the innate structural asymmetry of the PhyB dimer, with the lean of the HKRD to one side of PSM–PAS2 platform generating two chromophore environments, one of which might be more efficient in Pr to Pfr photoconversion, and/or more resistant to Pfr to Pr thermal reversion (Figs. 1e, 2 and Supplementary Video 2). In support, previous kinetics studies of purified PhyB detected two rate constants for both photoconversion and thermal reversion that could reflect this asymmetry8. By contrast, it is possible that PhyB dimers become more symmetric after photoconversion by discouraging the tilted-platform–HKRDs interaction with concomitant ramifications on Pr–Pfr interconversion and/or signalling potential.
With respect to Phy evolution, the unexpected quaternary arrangement of the PhyB dimer should further guide phylogenetic understandings of plant Phy photoreceptors19,47. Assuming that the introduction of the internal PAS repeats was pivotal, glaucophyte algae probably contained the direct ancestors as they were the first eukaryotes to display an internal PAS domain preceding a canonical transmitter HK domain, which was followed by prasinophyte Phy photoreceptors that contained tandem PAS domains. The modulator loop seems to be unique to charophytes and land plants, as is a compromised HKRD without the phosphoacceptor histidine, suggesting that plant Phy photoreceptors then radiated monophyletically from these algal relatives after evolving a non-kinase signalling mechanism that leveraged their convoluted architecture for light-regulated PIF binding.
A compelling aspect of our PhyB structure is the sizable platform generated by the paired PSM–PAS2 regions that provides a plausible mechanism for plant Phy signalling involving reversible interactions with various binding partners1. In particular, previous studies showed that PIFs bind to monomeric PSM fragments of PhyB in a reversible manner25,27,28, with the binding site tentatively mapped to a cleft at the junction of the PAS and GAF domains48. As this cleft sits at opposite poles of the platform, it is easy to imagine that dimeric PIFs bind diagonally across this surface, with their affinity sensitive to the hairpin-driven contortions expected in each PSM during photoconversion12,13. We further speculate that PIF binding to this platform stimulates its phosphorylation, not by an activity intrinsic to PhyB given its diverged HKRD sequence and distance from the PIF-binding site, but by an associated kinase such as the PPK photoregulatory protein kinases shown to phosphorylate PIFs in a Phy-dependent manner49. This modification then triggers the degradation of both PhyB and PIFs. Clearly, this Arabidopsis PhyB model now provides an excellent entry point to appreciate Pr–Pfr interconversion of plant Phy photoreceptors, how they interact with their downstream partners, and how PhyB in particular might be optimized for PIF-driven optogenetic applications25–28.
Online content
Any methods, additional references, Nature Research reporting summaries, source data, extended data, supplementary information, acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author contributions and competing interests; and statements of data and code availability are available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04529-z.
Methods and the associated references are provided in the Supplementary Information. Statistical methods and sample sizes are included in the figure legends. No blinding or randomization was needed.
Extended Data
Extended Data Table 1 |.
Data Collection and Processing | |
Microscope | Titan Krios (ThermoFischer Scientific) |
Magnification | 130,000 |
Voltage (kV) | 300 |
Electron exposure (e−/Å2) | 54.4 |
Underfocus range (−μm) | 0.8 – 2.2 |
Pixel size (Å) | 1.029 |
Symmetry imposed | C1 |
Initial particle images | 902,965 |
Final particle images | 154,901 |
Map resolution (Å) | 3.3 |
FSC threshold | 0.143 |
Map resolution range (Å) | 2.5 – 5 |
Refinement | |
Model resolution (Å) | 3.5 |
FSC threshold | 0.5 |
Model resolution range (Å) | 2.5 – 5 |
Map sharpening B factor (Å2) | −84.83 |
Model composition | |
Non-hydrogen atoms | 13,616 |
Protein residues | 1,723 |
Ligands | 2 |
B factors (Å2) | |
Protein | 45.5 |
Ligand | 28.7 |
R.m.s. deviations | |
Bond lengths (Å) | 0.005 |
Bond angles (°) | 0.998 |
Validity | |
Molprobity score | 1.80 |
Clash score | 7.39 |
Poor rotamers (%) | 0.88 |
Ramachandran plot | |
Favored (%) | 94.24 |
Allowed (%) | 5.76 |
Disallowed (%) | 0 |
Extended Data Table 2 |.
Domain or Region | RMSD (Å) | # of Atoms | Residue Range |
| |||
nPAS | 0.82 | 91 | 117–143, 156–218 |
GAF | 0.70 | 191 | 227–378, 393–433 |
PHY | 0.83 | 177 | 444–620 |
PAS2 | 0.99 | 107 | 800–907 |
DHp (all) | 6.65 | 74 | 908–981 |
DHp (after bend) | 0.73 | 54 | 928–981 |
CA | 1.12 | 156 | 996–1151 |
Parallelogram platform | 1.07 | 616 | 102–144,
156–220 227–378, 393–620 778–907 |
Extended Data Table 3 |.
Phy | Amp1 (%) | k1 (min−1) | k2 (min−1) |
| |||
PSM (N624)b | 96 | 1.61 (0.01) × 10−2 | 2 (1) × 10−3 |
N778 | 96 | 1.83 (0.05) × 10−2 | 1.8 (0.8) × 10−3 |
N799 | 97 | 1.90 (0.01) × 10−2 | 2.4 (0.6) × 10−3 |
N908 | |||
WT | 99 | 4.1 (0.4) × 10−1 | 1.7 (0.4) × 10−2 |
F420E | 84 | 1.41 (0.01) × 10−1 | 1.13 (0.03) × 10−2 |
L427A | 97 | 5.35 (0.04) × 10−1 | 3.7 (0.02) × 10−2 |
F780E | 68 | 2.3 (0.1) × 10−2 | 1.2 (0.2) × 10−3 |
782-βI | 90 | 2.21 (0.01) × 10−2 | 5.2 (0.2) × 10−3 |
782-βII | 63 | 2.5 (0.3) × 10−2 | 1.0 (0.2) × 10−2 |
1783P | 94 | 2.45 (0.02) × 10−2 | 4.5 (0.9) × 10−3 |
1855E | 86 | 1.25 (0.01) × 10−1 | 1.5 (0.1) × 10−2 |
N928 | 98 | 4.4 (0.1) × 10−1 | 1.9 (0.4) × 10−2 |
N982 | 94 | 3.8 (0.1) × 10−1 | 2.9 (0.4) × 10−2 |
FLb | 28 | 4.7 (0.1) × 10−1 | 5.3 (0.2) × 10−2 |
Parameters represent the mean and standard deviation calculated from three technical replicates.
Data from ref. 8.
Supplementary Material
Cryo-EM data were collected using the Titan Krios system at the David Van Andel Cryo-Electron Microscopy Suite at the Van Andel Institute. We thank G. Zhao and X. Meng for help with data collection; J. Zhang for the mass spectrometry analysis; H. Zaher for help with the kinase assays; and C. Sherman and K. McLoughlin for technical assistance. This work was funded by the US National Institutes of Health R01 grants GM127892 (to R.D.V.) and GM131754 (to Huilin Li), and funds provided by the Van Andel Institute (to Huilin Li) and Washington University in St Louis (to R.D.V.).
Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this paper.
Additional information
Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04529-z.
Peer review information Nature thanks Jorge Casal, Elizabeth Getzoff and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
Reprints and permissions information is available at http://www.nature.com/reprints.
Data availability
Full versions of all SDS–PAGE gels and blots are provided in Supplementary Fig. 1. The 3D cryo-EM map of the full-length Arabidopsis PhyB at 3.3 Å resolution has been deposited in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank database under accession code EMD-24780. The corresponding atomic model has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank under accession code 7RZW. This study made use of several publicly available protein structures obtained from the RCSB Protein Data Bank (http://www.rcsb.org) under accession codes 4OUR, 6TC5, 3DGE, 4GCZ, 4U7O and 4I5S. Source data are provided with this paper.
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Associated Data
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Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
Full versions of all SDS–PAGE gels and blots are provided in Supplementary Fig. 1. The 3D cryo-EM map of the full-length Arabidopsis PhyB at 3.3 Å resolution has been deposited in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank database under accession code EMD-24780. The corresponding atomic model has been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank under accession code 7RZW. This study made use of several publicly available protein structures obtained from the RCSB Protein Data Bank (http://www.rcsb.org) under accession codes 4OUR, 6TC5, 3DGE, 4GCZ, 4U7O and 4I5S. Source data are provided with this paper.