Phospholipid levels are influenced by peripheral metabolism. Within the central nervous system, synaptic phospholipids regulate glutamatergic transmission and cortical excitability. Whether changes in peripheral metabolism affect brain lipid levels and cortical excitability remains unknown. Here we show that levels of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) species in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid are elevated after overnight fasting and lead to higher cortical excitability. LPA-related cortical excitability increases fasting-induced hyperphagia, and is decreased following inhibition of LPA synthesis. Mice expressing a human mutation leading to higher synaptic lipid-mediated cortical excitability (Prg-1R346T) display increased fasting-induced hyperphagia. Accordingly, human subjects with this mutation have higher body mass index and prevalence of type 2 diabetes. We further show that the effects of LPA following fasting are under the control of hypothalamic agouti-related peptide (AgRP) neurons. Depletion of AgRP-expressing cells in adult mice decreases fasting-induced elevation of circulating LPAs, as well as cortical excitability, while blunting hyperphagia. These findings reveal a direct influence of circulating LPAs under the control of hypothalamic AgRP neurons on cortical excitability, unmasking an alternative non-neuronal route by which the hypothalamus can exert a robust impact on the cortex affecting food intake.
Keywords: Metabolism, synaptic lipid signaling, cortical excitability, ATX-inhibition, cortical control of food intake, rebound hyperphagia
Recent research has shown that bioactive phospholipids such as lysophosphatidic acids (LPA) play an important regulatory role in synaptic neurotransmission and plasticity1–4. LPA is a short-lived, but potent signaling molecule5 that acts via specific G-protein coupled receptors, LPA-R1-66,7. LPA-levels are tightly regulated by specific phosphatases (LPP1-38) suggesting that LPA synthesis and action are locally restricted. We have previously shown that LPA is locally synthesized at the synaptic cleft of glutamatergic synapses by autotaxin (ATX/Enpp2 9–11), which is expressed by astrocytic processes covering cortical glutamatergic synapses4. Here, LPA is a powerful modulator of presynaptic glutamate release by activation of presynaptic LPA2 receptors, which regulate glutamate release probabilities and hereby neuronal excitabilty1. In cortical networks, LPA regulates the cortical excitation-inhibition (E/I) balance and controls cortical sensory information processing in mice and humans3. LPA synthesis in the brain depends on the presence of its precursor lysophosphatidyl choline (LPC), which is secreted by the liver and reflects changes in peripheral energy metabolism 12,13, and is actively transported via the blood-brain barrier14. However, in contrast to blood plasma, LPC is only present at very low concentrations in the CSF 6,15,16, indicating that LPC-levels may be a limiting factor for LPA-synthesis in the CNS. Taken together, these findings suggest that changes in peripheral energy metabolism may affect brain lipid levels and thereby cortical excitability. Since food restriction rapidly depletes glycogen stores and induces lipolysis, thereby altering body lipid levels17, and hypothalamic AgRP neurons have been shown to control peripheral lipid metabolism 18,19 and complex behaviors beyond feeding 19–21, we interrogated the effect of fasting and AgRP circuit integrity on brain phospholipid levels, as well as its impact on cortical excitability, and on food intake control.
Fasting increases cortical excitability via synaptic lipid signaling
Overnight fasting of mice is sufficient to deplete liver glycogen content, it significantly reduces blood glucose levels and induces liver lipolysis and lipid secretion into the blood 17. One lipid secreted by the liver is LPC, which is rapidly converted to LPA by ATX, an enzyme that is abundantly present in blood 11. We analyzed fasting-induced LPA-levels (experimental scheme in Fig. 1a) and found that overnight fasting resulted in increased blood plasma levels as well as in an increase of most LPA subtypes in blood plasma (Fig. 1b,c). Moreover, we found higher levels of LPA18:1, which was described to have a high affinity to the presynaptic LPA2-receptor 22 and to be a potent mediator in the periphery 23 (Fig. 1d). Further analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) revealed significantly increased LPA-levels including LPA 18:1 after overnight fasting (Fig. 1e,f).
Since increases in synaptic LPA have been associated with higher miniature excitatory postsynaptic current (mEPSC) frequencies, which reflect glutamatergic release probabilities 1,2, we assessed mEPSCs in hippocampal neurons, which are located in regions with high expression of the LPA-synthesizing molecule ATX and of the LPA-interacting molecule PRG-1 (for expression of Atx and Prg-1 see Extended Data Fig. 1a–j). First, we measured mEPSCs in fasted animals finding significantly increased mEPSC frequencies after overnight fasting (Fig. 1g,h). In order to interrogate that the above described changes in cortical excitability are the result of increased LPA, we inhibited LPA synthesis at the synaptic cleft by application of HA-130 blocking the LPA-synthesizing enzyme ATX, which is released from perisynaptic astrocyte processes 4. In fact, we have previously shown that HA130 decreased mEPSC frequencies to control values under conditions of hyperexcitability while not affecting mEPSCs under control conditions 4. HA130 application after fasting resulted in mEPSC frequencies at control levels (Fig 1g,h). Since unsaturated LPA subtypes like LPA 18:1 have a preference to LPA2 receptors 22, and this LPA subtype was increased after fasting, we tested the action of the LPA 18:1 on presynaptic glutamatergic release probabilities. LPA 18:1 significantly enhanced mEPSC frequencies (Extended Data Fig. 2a–c), while the saturated LPA 18:0 showed no significant changes in mEPSC frequencies (Extended Data Fig. 2d–f). This is consistent with previous in-vitro reports using LPA receptor expression in heterologous systems 22. Thus, these data show that during fasting, synaptically active LPA subtype levels like LPA 18:1 (acting via presynaptic LPA2-R as described 1,22) were enhanced in the brain leading to increased cortical excitability.
Fasting-related cortical excitability affects exploratory behavior
According to the high expression of the LPA modulating molecules ATX and PRG-1 in the upper cortical layers (shown also in Extended Data Fig. 1), we assessed the effect of fasting-increased cortical excitability on a cortex-related behavior. Here, we tested the exploratory behavior of mice exposed to a novel, non-food related object 24 finding a significantly longer interaction time of fasted animals exposed to a novel object (Extended Data Fig. 3b). However, inhibition of the LPA synthesis molecule ATX by PF8380, which significantly reduced synaptic active LPA 18:1 levels in the CSF (Extended Data Fig. 4b), completely blunted the fasting-induced exploratory drive (Extended Data Fig. 3b), while it did not affect basic motor function (Extended Data Fig. 4c). To prove the involvement of fasting-related LPA-changes in the cortex, we disrupted cortical LPA signaling (AtxΔcortex using a cortex-specific Emx-1 Cre mouse line). Cortical ATX-disruption resulted in a decreased exploratory behavior after fasting while no differences were observed under control conditions (Extended Data Fig. 3c). Interestingly, following cortical ATX-disruption, exploratory drive was not significantly different in non-fasted and fasted mice (Extended Data Fig. 3d) and was not affected anymore by ATX-inhibition (Extended Data Fig. 3e). In sum, these data suggest that fasting-induced exploratory behavior is modulated by cortical ATX. In order to further confirm the impact of synaptic LPA signaling on exploratory behavior, we assessed the role of the downstream presynaptic LPA2-receptor, which has been shown to mediate LPA-related cortical excitability 1. Here, exploratory behavior of fasted LPA2-receptor knockout mice (Lpa2−/−) was significantly lower than their wild type litters, while no difference was observed under non-fasted conditions or after ATX-inhibition (Extended Data Fig. 3f,g).
Finally, we tested whether a pre-existing, synaptic LPA-related increase in cortical excitability is able to potentiate the fasting-induced cortex-related behavior. To do this, we assessed exploratory behavior of fasted Prg-1R346T/+ mice, which express a monoallelic single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the plasticity-related gene (Prg-1/Lppr4), as described in humans 3. This SNP (with a population frequency of around 0.6% in humans) leads to a single amino acid change (PRG-1R346T) resulting in a loss of PRG-1`s ability to take up LPA and to clear it from the synaptic cleft, which would thus lead to increased synaptic LPA signaling and altered glutamatergic transmission 3,4. Overnight fasted Prg-1R346T/+ mice showed a significant increase in exploration time compared to their fasted wild type litters (Extended Data Fig. 3h). In line with the predominant cortical PRG-1 expression on glutamatergic neurons and due to the fact that the human PRG-1R345T variant is a loss-of-function mutation selectively affecting the ability to remove LPA from the synaptic cleft 3, these data suggest that following fasting, increased synaptic LPA signaling in the cortex leads to a higher exploratory drive, which in the normal habitat of an animal is part of the food search activity.
LPA-modulated cortical excitability influences fasting-induced hyperphagia
Fasting-induced hyperphagia is a well-described phenomenon leading to rapid reversal of fasting-induced changes in peripheral energy metabolism 17. While part of the effect of fasting-induced hyperphagia was associated with ghrelin signaling 25 or specific potassium currents in hypothalamic neurons 26, the role of higher order cortical regulation as well as the underlying metabolic signaling pathway are not yet clear. Since we found synaptic lipid signaling to be modulated by changes in peripheral energy metabolism, we assessed the effect of ATX inhibition by PF8380 on fasting-induced hyperphagia (see schematic experimental overview in Fig. 2a). ATX-inhibition by PF8380 significantly decreased fasting-induced hyperphagia when compared to non-treated fasted mice, while ATX-inhibition had no effect on food intake under non-fasted conditions (Fig. 2b). The cortex-dominated action was corroborated by cortical deletion of the LPA-synthesizing molecule ATX (AtxΔcortex mice) as well as by deletion of the LPA2 receptor (Lpa2−/− mice), both of which have been previously reported to reduce LPA-related cortical excitability to wild type levels 1,4. Here, we observed a significant reduction of fasting-induced hyperphagia after disruption of the ATX-LPA-LPA2 signaling axis when compared to wild type litters, while food intake in these transgenic mouse lines was not different to their wild type litters under non-fasting conditions (Fig. 2c,d) suggesting that the ATX-LPA-LPA2 signaling axis is activated under altered metabolic conditions.
Next, we tested whether a pre-existing, synaptic LPA-related increase in cortical excitability is able to potentiate fasting-induced hyperphagia. To accomplish this, we assessed Prg-1+/− animals, which have been previously shown to display a gene-dosage effect leading to 50% reduction in PRG-1 protein levels and resulting in a cortical hyperexcitability half-way between wild type and Prg-1−/− animals 1. Here, Prg-1+/− animals showed a significant increase in fasting-induced hyperphagia when compared to their wild type litters while food intake per se was not altered under non-fasting conditions (Fig. 2e). In order to assess the translational potential of our findings, we next assessed fasting-induced hyperphagia in Prg-1R346T/+ mice. Loss of PRG-1`s synaptic function, as induced by the Prg-1R346T SNP, would thus lead to increased synaptic LPA signaling and augmented glutamatergic transmission 3,4. To test for this, we first assessed mEPSCs in PRG-1R346T animals. We detected an increased glutamatergic release probability pointing to a constitutively higher cortical network excitability under baseline conditions (Fig. 2f,g). Prg-1R346T/+ mice displayed a significant increase in fasting-induced hyperphagia, which was comparable to fasting-induced hyperphagia in Prg-1R346T/+ animals and points to a critical role of LPA-mediated cortical excitability in food-intake control (Fig. 2h, Extended Data Fig. 5a). In order to exclude that our observations might have been influenced by secondary effects like altered locomotion, we assessed spontaneous locomotion of non-fasted and fasted animals in an open field setting. Here, we did not observe a significant changes in locomotion after 18h fasting (Extended Data. Fig. 4c–f), which is in line with data from other groups for a similar fasting period 27.
In sum, our observation may thus point to a causal relationship between cortical hyperexcitability in human subjects with eating disorders, as successful therapeutic intervention modulating cortical excitability was shown in these subjects by repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) 28.
Synaptic lipid signaling modulates food intake and body weight
Since LPA-related cortical excitability modulates fasting-induced hyperphagia, we assessed the role of cortical excitability in long-time body weight changes (see the experimental setting in Figure 3a). Already under standard diet conditions Prg-1R346T/+ mice displayed a significantly higher body weight (Fig. 3b). Regular body weight assessed over six weeks confirmed the significant higher body weight increase in Prg-1R346T/+ mice when compared to wild type animals (Fig. 3c). Food intake assessment under control conditions over a full 24h period revealed higher food intake in Prg-1R346T/+ mice when compared to WT littermates (Extended data Fig. 5b). In order to assess the translational potential of this finding, we assessed human PRG-1R345T/+ mutation carriers finding a higher BMI and a higher prevalence for Diabetes type II (Extended data Fig. 5c,d). These data suggest that higher synaptic lipid-induced cortical excitability in PRG-1R345T/+ mutation carriers leading to a putative higher food intake has long-term effects in humans resulting in a higher BMI, which is associated with metabolic disorders like Diabetes mellitus Type 2. To clarify the role of higher cortical excitability in more detail, we assessed body weight changes in wild type and Prg-1−/− animals under high fat diet finding a significant body weight increase in the latter animals when compared to wild mice (Fig. 3d). ATX-inhibition significantly reduced wild type animals body weight under continuation of high fat diet, however, it led to a significantly higher body weight reduction in Prg-1−/− animals when compared to their wild type litters (Fig. 3e). Assessment of food intake suggests that the observed weight loss could be attributed to lower food intake in PF8380-treated wild type animals when compared to non-treated litters (Fig. 3f). These data were confirmed in Prg-1+/− animals on high fat diet, which displayed significant body weight reduction and lower food intake under PF8380 treatment (Fig. 3g,h). However, pharmacological assessment of the ATX-inhibitor PF8380 showed rapid appearance of a metabolic product suggesting relatively low metabolic stability of PF8380 (Extended Data Fig. 5 e,f).
Fasting-induced cortical excitability via synaptic lipid signaling relies on AgRP circuit integrity
NPY/AgRP expressing neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus are critical for peripheral lipid mobilization and complex behaviors during food-restricted periods 19. Thus, we next tested whether hypothalamic AgRP circuit integrity is involved in fasting-associated LPA changes. We analyzed LPA-levels in the blood plasma of fasted controls and fasted animals following diphtheria toxin (DT) ablation of AgRP neurons expressing the diphtheria toxin receptor (AgRPDTR) 29. While under fed conditions control and AgRPDTR mice did not show differences in blood free fatty acids as shown previously in periadolescence 19, after fasting we found reduced total LPC and total LPA plasma levels as well as diminished LPC 18:1 and LPA 18:1 levels in the blood plasma of fasted DT-treated AgRPDTR animals when compared to fasted control animals (saline treated AgRPDTR mice; Fig. 4b,c and Extended Data Fig. 6a,b). In addition, we analyzed CSF levels of the synaptically active LPA 18:1 as well as total LPA levels. Since high inter-individual variations may obscure group differences for single metabolites 30 and due to the high variation of total CSF LPA levels in the analyzed animals (Fig. 4d and Extended Data Fig. 6c,d), LPA 18:1 levels were calculated as ratio to total CSF LPA levels as previously described by others 31,32. Here, we found a significantly reduced ratio of LPA 18:1 to total LPAs as well as reduction of other LPA subtypes ratio in the CSF of AgRPDTR mice when compared to control animals (Fig. 4e, Extended Data Fig. 6e). This ratiometric data allows for a functional understanding of phospholipid effects at the synapse where high levels of other LPA subtypes may compete out LPA 18:1. Since the LPA-modulatory molecules ATX and PRG-1 are well-expressed in the upper layers of the prefrontal cortex (Extended Data Fig. 7), we assessed mEPSCs in the prefrontal cortex (layer II/III) of fasted control and fasted AgRP neuron ablated animals (AgRPDTR). Here, we detected significant lower frequencies and lower amplitudes of mEPSCs on cortical principal cells of fasted AgRPDTR mice when compared to controls (Fig. 4f,g) pointing to reduced fasting-induced cortical excitability in AgRPDTR animals. In order to assess the magnitude of the effect of hypothalamic AgRP depletion on fasting-induced increase of cortical excitability, we compared the reduction of mEPSCs in fasted AgRPDTR mice (when compared to mEPSCs of fasted controls) to the mEPSC increase in fasted control mice (when compared to mEPSCs of non-fasted mice) finding no significant difference (Fig. 4h). These data indicate that fasting-induced LPA-increases depend on AgRP neuronal activity leading to an increased presynaptic glutamatergic release probability, which in turn results in an increased cortical network excitability. This synaptic lipid signaling has been shown to play a role in psychiatric disorders 1–4, and our data may also be relevant to other altered complex behaviors, including stereotypy and anorexia nervosa symptomatology in mice with altered AgRP neuronal activity in different ages 19,21.
Fasting-induced hyperphagia is dependent on AgRP circuit integrity
Finally, in support of the above data sets, we assessed fasting-related hyperphagia in control and AgRP neuron depleted animals (AgRPDTR). While under control conditions (ad libitum fed mice) control and AgRPDTR mice did not show differences in food intake as reported previously in perybupertal mice 19, here, we observed diminished fasting-related hyperphagia in fasted DT-treated AgRPDTR animals when compared to control animals (Fig. 4i). These data show that changes in peripheral energy metabolism alter cortical LPA levels and subsequent cortical excitability, which both seem to depend on the integrity of the AgRP circuit. Cortical hyperexcitability led to higher fasting-induced hyperphagia, while reduction of fasting-induced increase in the peripheral LPC/LPA axis as seen in DT-treated AgRPDTR animals, which showed no cortical hyperexcitability, resulted in significant reduction of fasting-induced hyperphagia. These findings point to a body-to-brain pathway how the hypothalamus controls cortical excitability and food-intake behaviors through peripheral modulation of lysophospholipid signaling (for schematic overview of the analyzed circuitry involving central-peripheral interaction see Fig. 4j).
It is widely accepted that changes in peripheral energy metabolism affect neuronal activity in the brain, including the cerebral cortex 33. However, the molecular pathways linking changes in peripheral energy metabolism with cortical functions are not yet well understood.. Based on principles of contemporary neurobiology pioneered by early 20th century researchers, most notably by Santiago Ramon y Cajal 34, it has been assumed that cortical functions are impacted by lower brain regions via ascending neuronal pathways originating, for example, in the hypothalamus. Indeed, increasingly sophisticated methods have been brought to bear on these issues in the past 20 years, and dozens of rigorous studies unmasked multiple ways how these hypothalamic neurons receiving metabolic signals forward ascending information via neuronal routes 35. In relation to hunger, hypothalamic AgRP neurons have been found to play a crucial role in organizing complex behaviors 19,21. In fact, our results revealed that the peripheral metabolic state under the control of hypothalamic AgRP neurons has a direct impact on cortical excitability via the LPC-LPA signaling axis (see also schematic overview in Fig. 4j). Fasting-induced cortical excitability likely resulted from peripheral adaptation of lysophospholipid metabolism, which was under control of hypothalamic AgRP neurons. In turn, these quantitative changes in circulating lipid species, specifically LPA 18:1, themselves, served as downstream signaling molecules to align cortical adaptation to the changing metabolic state. However, there are remaining important questions to be resolved. For example, we do not predict that the robust phenotype triggered by adult depletion of AgRP neurons using diphteria toxin can be rescued by central augmentation of LPA. Our work is not arguing of an exclusive role of the AgRP-LPA pathway in feeding control. For example, the kinetics of the rise of the studied lipid species during food deprivation indicate that LPA action may not explain rapid feeding triggered by opto- or chemogenetic activation of AgRP neurons. At present, we do not know what subpopulation of AgRP neurons within the arcuate nucleus are responsible for the action on LPA. Whether it is via collaterals of the same AgRP cells that are involved with other mechanisms of feeding control as well or they represent a unique sub-population of AgRP neurons, will need to be determined. With that information in hand, selective manipulation of those neurons may be achieved through which we may be able to more precisely decipher the quantitative and qualitative contribution of AgRP cells to brain functions associated with the central LPA system.
Our observations have multiple implications and identified peripheral lipid species as potential targets for control of cortical functions in physiology and disease. In this regard, it is of interest to note that we recently showed the relevance of AgRP circuit-controlled peripheral lipid metabolism as core to short- and long-term consequences in animal models of anorexia nervosa 19. Based on our current observations, we suggest that alterations in LPC and LPA species may have a direct role in the etiology of cortical hyperexcitability in anorexia nervosa 36 and other psychiatric conditions associated with changes in inhibition/excitation balance as suggested by recent studies 4. Our data suggest that optimization towards improved target engagement and metabolic stability of ATX inhibitors such as PF8380 might represent a starting point for the design of novel drugs supporting therapies of eating disorders. Along these lines, our studies give further support to the notion that AgRP circuit integrity is a significant contributor to healthy and diseased functions of the brain beyond feeding and energy homeostasis 19–21,35. Finally, while our studies do not indicate exclusivity of the pathway, we identified a lipid-mediated control of complex behaviors. In conjunctions with other works, our results suggest that the information flow between homeostatic brain regions and higher executive brain regions occur via both ascending brain circuits as well as via mediation of the periphery.
Experimental Model and Subject Details
Mouse models
Husbandry: all animal procedures were conducted in compliance with protocols approved by the local authorities (Landesuntersuchungsamt Rheinland-Pfalz or by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Yale University) and are in accordance with NIH guidelines. Mice were housed at 22-24°C in humidity-controlled rooms (55%) with 12 hr light/dark cycle. Animals had ad libitum access to water and standard rodent chow (V1124-300, sniff Spezialdiäten GmbH, D-59494 Soest, Germany) with exception of the fasting experiments.
Mouse lines
C57Bl/6J were obtained from Janvier, France. Lpa2−/− male mice were generated as previously been described 37. Generation of male Atxfl/fl mice as well as their genotyping was previously described 37. For cortex-specific deletion Atxfl/fl animals were crossed with an Emx1-Cre line 39. Prg-1R346T and PRG-1+/− male transgenic mice were generated as previously described and were genotyped accordingly 1,4. Male and female animals expressing the human diphtheria toxin receptor to the Agrp locus (AgRPDTR) were generated as previously described 29.
Ablation of AgRP neurons
Adult AgRPDTR animals were injected once with diphtheria toxin (50 μg/kg, i.p.) diluted in sterile saline (0.9% NaCl).
Fasting, behavioral experiments, refeeding and high fat diet
C57Bl/6J male animals (at least 10-12 weeks old) or genetic modified mice as indicated were acclimatized in the facility for 7 days prior to the experiment and habituated to the experimental conditions. Animals analyzed under different conditions were matched for weight and/or age. Experiments were performed – if not otherwise stated - during the light phase after a fasting period of at least 16-18h (started 1h before beginning of the dark phase on the previous day), while water was available ad libitum. For assessment of food consumption, food was weighted before and after an interval of 60 min for fasted mice, and during an interval of 4h in the light phase for obtaining baseline values of non-fasted mice. Behavioral analyses were performed following habituation to the test arena. Spontaneous activity was assessed using Noldus Ethovision video-tracking in the open field arena (50 cm x 50 cm x 50cm; illumination 120 lux). Here, mice were placed in the center and allowed to explore the open field arena for 10 min. The behavior was recorded to calculate the distance traveled. For assessment of the exploratory behavior 24 animals were exposed to a novel object and interaction was measured for 5 min. Exploration was defined as an object investigation when the mouse nose was closer than 2 cm to the object. Animals showing no interaction were excluded. High fat diet was provided by feeding DIO series diets from Research Diets, Inc. (New Brunswick, NJ, USA). Briefly, D12451 (45% kcal fat) and D12450 as a control diet. Animal weight was regularly assessed and changes were calculated to the corresponding days after diet start (± 1 day). The ATX-inhibitor PF8380 was administered daily or 3h before animal testing via i.p. application at a concentration of 30mg/Kg body weight (using DMSO as a vehicle) as previously described or by daily application during high fat diet 3,4,40. Control animals received the vehicle DMSO.
Experimentators were blind to the genotypes when analyzing animals of different genotypes. Experimental design figures were created with
Blood plasma and CSF sample collection
Mice were injected with a mixture of ketamine (100 mg/kg) and xylazine (10 mg/kg) and placed in the stereotaxic frame when deeply anesthetized. The head overlying skin was incised to expose the skull and the posterior neck muscles. The latter were cut off until the cisterna magna was visible through the translucent dura mater. After cleaning any blood residue with a cotton swab, the CSF was collected using a 31-gauge insulin needle (Becton Dickinson) and stored at −80°C. Collection of blood plasma followed CSF collection. Blood was collected and centrifuged at 12,000 xG for 15 minutes. Plasma was collected and stored at −80°C.
LC-MS/MS analysis of LPAs and LPCs
LPA analysis in blood plasma and CSF samples was performed with liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) are described in detail in the Supplemental Material and Methods 41. The methods were adapted to low sample sizes to allow for analysis of LPAs in individual mouse CSF samples.
C57Bl/6J mice, weaned around postnatal day P16 and habituated to standard chow for at least 4 days before starvation, or adult AgRPDTR animals were used for electrophysiological analysis of hippocampal neurons or of prefrontal cortical neurons. After starvation, animals were anesthetized with isofluorane, decapitated and brain was rapidly removed and transferred to ice cold oxygenated ACSF (in mM: 126 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 1.25 NaH2PO4, 1 MgCl2, CaCl2, 26 NaHCO3, 10 D-glucose). After cutting with a vibratome (Leica Biosystems), horizontal brain slices containing the hippocampus or the prefrontal cortex were equilibrated for at least 1h. Whole cell neuronal recordings (hippocampal CA1 neurons or layer II/III prefrontal neurons) were performed at 32°C at a holding potential of −70mV using patch pipettes (3-9 MOhm) filled with (in mM): 110 K-gluconate, 20 KCl, 5 NaCl, 5 EGTA, 20 K-HEPES, 0.5 CaCl2, 2 MgATP, 0,3 NaGTP. mEPSC measurements were recorded after addition of 0,5µM TTX and 10µM SR-95531 to the ACSF. 1µM HA-130, 10µM 18:0 or 18:1 LPA) were added via continuous flow as bath application 4. For the analysis of mEPSCs following application of LPA 18:0 and LPA 18:1 slices were pretreated with 100 µM cyclothiazide for 30 min 1. Recordings were performed using a low-pass filter at 2 kHz using an ELC-03XS amplifier (npi electronic) with a power3 1401 A/D converter (CED) and analyzed using Spike2 software (CED).
Statistical analyses were performed with GraphPad Prism software (version 9) or with the BEST R package (version 4.1.2) for estimation of the Bayesian posterior distribution (for details see Suppl. Mat. and Meth.). Data are expressed as single values in box plots showing all data points or as bars representing the mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) and dots representing single values. Appropriate statistical tests were chosen based on the experimental condition. Following outlier identification (using ROUT or Grubbs analysis), normal distribution of data was assessed using a corresponding normality test. For data analyzed with Bayesian statistical methods (using the BEST R package 4.1.2) see Extended Data Table 1 and Supplemental Material and Methods for details. When normal distribution was rejected, a non-parametric test was used as described. Significance was considered for p ≤ 0.05. For Bayesian posterior distribution, significance was defined as ≥ 80% difference between the means of the group values as well as an effect size ≥ 80% and were labelled with *, differences of the means ≥ 90% as well as an effect size ≥ 90% were considered highly significant and were labelled with ** 42.
Extended Data Table 1.
Bayesian posterior analysis | ||||
group comparison | accuracy ranges of the differences of the means | significance | ||
Fig. 1B | total LPA levels plasma | wt control vs. wt fasted | 96,9% | highly significant |
| ||||
Fig. 1C | LPA subtypes plasma levels | wt control vs. wt fasted | ||
LPA 16:0 plasma | 97,1% | highly significant | ||
LPA 18:0 plasma | 89,9% | significant | ||
LPA 18:2 plasma | 60,9% | n.s. | ||
LPA 20:0 plasma | 99,7% | highly significant | ||
LPA 20:4 plasma | 99,1% | highly significant | ||
| ||||
Fig. 1D | LPA 18:1 plasma | wt control vs. wt fasted | 83,8% | significant |
| ||||
Fig. 1E | LPA 18:1 CSF | wt control vs. wt fasted | 96,4% | highly significant |
| ||||
Fig. 1F | LPA subtypes CSF levels | wt control vs. wt fasted | ||
LPA 16:0 CSF | 98,7% | highly significant | ||
LPA 18:0 CSF | 90,3% | highly significant | ||
LPA 18:2 CSF | 76,9% | n.s. | ||
LPA 20:0 CSF | 60,0% | n.s. | ||
LPA 20:4 CSF | 89,2% | significant | ||
| ||||
Fig. 4B | total LPA levels plasma | fasted control vs fasted AgRPDTR | 81% | significant |
| ||||
Fig. 4C | LPA 18:1 plasma | fasted control vs fasted AgRPDTR | 90,5% | highly significant |
| ||||
Fig. 4D | total LPA levels CSF | fasted control vs fasted AgRPDTR | 92,6% | highly significant |
LPA 18:1 CSF | 68,4% | n.s. | ||
| ||||
Fig. 4E | ratio LPA 18:1 / total LPA | fasted control vs fasted AgRPDTR | 93,5% | highly significant |
| ||||
Suppl Fig. S4B | LPA subtypes CSF levels | wt control vs. wt + PF8380 | ||
LPA 16:0 | 97,6% | highly significant | ||
LPA 18:1 | 99,2% | highly significant | ||
LPA 18:2 | 84,5% | significant | ||
LPA 20:4 | 69,9% | n.s. | ||
| ||||
Suppl. Fig. S5B | Food intake | Wt control vs. PRG-1R346T/+ | 86,7% | significant |
| ||||
Suppl Fig. S6A | total LPC LPC 18:1 |
fasted control vs fasted AgRPDTR | 88,0% 86,8% |
significant significant |
| ||||
Suppl Fig. S6B | LPA subtypes plasma levels | fasted control vs fasted AgRPDTR | ||
LPA 16:0 plasma | 79,7% | n.s. | ||
LPA 18:0 plasma | 84,4% | significant | ||
LPA 18:2 plasma | 68,4% | n.s. | ||
LPA18:3 plasma | 85,7% | significant | ||
LPA 20:4 plasma | 55,1% | n.s. | ||
| ||||
Suppl Fig. S6C | LPA subtypes CSF levels | fasted control vs fasted AgRPDTR | ||
LPA 16:0 plasma | 68,8% | n.s. | ||
LPA 18:0 plasma | 69,4% | n.s. | ||
LPA 18:2 plasma | 97,3% | highly significant | ||
LPA 20:4 plasma | 95,5% | highly significant | ||
| ||||
Suppl Fig. S6E | ratio LPA subtypes / total LPA | fasted control vs fasted AgRPDTR | ||
LPA 16:0 plasma | 90,2% | highly significant | ||
LPA 18:0 plasma | 97,5% | highly significant | ||
LPA 18:1 plasma | 93,5% | highly significant | ||
LPA 18:2 plasma | 98,8% | highly significant | ||
LPA 20:4 plasma | 70,5% | n.s. |
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
Fasting-induced peripheral metabolic changes increase synaptic active lysophospholipid (LPA) levels in the brain leading to cortical hyperexcitability
Fasting-induced hyperphagia and body weight gain under high fat diet are modulated by cortical hyperexcitability and are reduced following inhibition of the LPA-synthetizing enzyme ATX
Hypothalamic AgRP are part of an overarching loop regulating peripheral and subsequent CNS lipid changes during fasting, and thereby modulating fasting-related cortical excitability and fasting-induced hyperphagia
We thank Cheryl Ernest for proofreading the manuscript.
This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 1039, 1080, 1193 and 1451) to JV, RN, IT and SG, and under the Germanýs Excellence Strategy – EXC 2030 – 390661388 to JV, by the European Research Council (ERC-AG “LiPsyD” and ERC-PoC “PsychAid”) to RN, by the Boehringer-Ingelheim Foundation to JV and SG, the Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz to JV, RN, and FZ, by InfectControl 03ZZ0826 to YL and 03ZZ0835 to FK, and by the German Research Foundation (DFG, grant FOR2107 DA1151/5-1 and DA1151/5-2 to UD; SFB-TRR58, Projects C09 and Z02 to UD), the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF) of the medical faculty of Münster (grant Dan3/012/17 to UD); SHIP is part of the Community Medicine Research net of the University of Greifswald which receives grants by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (01ZZ9603, 01ZZ0103, and 01ZZ0403), the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the Social Ministry of the Federal State of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. Genome-wide SNP typing in SHIP has been supported by a joint grant from Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (03ZIK012); European Union and European Social Fund grant (EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-0008) and an NKFIH grant (KKP126998) to B.R.; and NIH grants AG052005, AG067329, DK126447 and a Klarman Family Foundation Grant to T.L.H.
Competing interests: HJG has received travel grants and speakers honoraria from Fresenius Medical Care, Neuraxpharm, Servier and Janssen Cilag as well as research funding from Fresenius Medical Care.
The other authors declare no competing interests.
Data availability:
The data that support the findings of our study can be found in the source data which is provided with this article. Expression data of Enpp2/Atx and Prg-1/Lppr4 was analyzed using the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas.
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Associated Data
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Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
The data that support the findings of our study can be found in the source data which is provided with this article. Expression data of Enpp2/Atx and Prg-1/Lppr4 was analyzed using the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas.