Biochemistry Correction for “Crowdsourced RNA design discovers diverse, reversible, efficient, self-contained molecular switches,” by Johan O. L. Andreasson, Michael R. Gotrik, Michelle J. Wu, Hannah K. Wayment-Steele, Wipapat Kladwang, Fernando Portela, Roger Wellington-Oguri, Eterna Participants, Rhiju Das, and William J. Greenleaf, which was first published April 26, 2022; 10.1073/pnas.2112979119 (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 119, e2112979119).
The authors note that a reference to switch architectures being identical “up to circular permutation” needs to be further qualified as also up to “swapping of two FMN aptamer segments” and should refer to panels in Fig. 2F and not Fig. 2G. Additionally, they inadvertently neglected to credit an Eterna player Jennifer Pearl whose submissions were entered through her algorithm’s name SaraBot. Finally, the published SI Appendix excludes SI Appendix, Fig. S6. To correct these issues, the SI Appendix and the main manuscript text have been updated online.
On page 6, left column, 2nd full paragraph, the line “Several independent solutions converged on an architecture with identical ordering of the FMN aptamer segments, MS2 segments, and static stems up to circular permutation of the sequence (Fig. 2G).” should instead appear as “Several independent solutions converged on an architecture with identical ordering of the FMN aptamer segments, MS2 segments, and static stems up to circular permutation of the sequence (Fig. 2 F, compare Left and Right) and swapping of the two FMN aptamer segments (Fig. 2 F, Middle).”
Also on page 6, right column, 2nd full paragraph, the line “Players also disseminated screenshots of arcplots with striking features (e.g., spirals) (SI Appendix).” should instead appear as “Players also disseminated screenshots of arcplots with striking features (e.g., spirals) (SI Appendix, Fig. S6).”