Effect of 30 min perfusion with cocaine on responses of cultured enteric neurons to nicotine, nicotine acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonist RJR 2429 and serotonin (5-HT) application. Perfusion of 14 d cultured enteric neurons with 10 µM cocaine for 30 min resulted in a significantly reduced number of responding neurons/cluster (A), number of action potentials fired by each neuron (B) and burst frequency of action potential discharge (C) in response to nicotine (100 µM), RJR 2429 (10 µM) and 5-HT (1 mM) application, respectively. Horizontal lines within data points indicate median values; n = cultures/clusters (whereas each culture was derived from a single animal), nicotine n = 4/43, RJR 2429 n = 3/41, 5-HT n = 3/19. Wilcoxon test, *** p < 0.001.