SV characterization of the eleven samples
(A) The number of SVs for each category per sample. Shared SVs were identified in all samples, and singleton SVs were identified in only one sample. The remaining SVs identified in more than one but not all samples were polymorphic.
(B) Proportion of SV classes in each type.
(C) The number of nonredundant SVs changes with the sample added.
(D) Length distribution of the SVs of each type.
(E) Proportion of SVs for each type and functional SV after VEP annotation. The inner ring shows the percentages of merged SVs for each SV type. INSs, DELs, DUPs and INVs are colored red, blue, green and purple, respectively. The outer ring shows the proportion of SVs inducing potential effects after VEP annotation.
(F) Fold enrichment for structural variants intersected with the chromatin state.