Figure 10.
Mechanism diagram showed how SDC1 and TGM2 mediate fusion of autophagosomes with lysosomes in GBM cells after IR. In radioresistant cells, with the transport of SDC1, TGM2 was recruited to lysosome. TGM2 in turn bond to LC3 on autophagosomal membrane, activating EPG5 interaction with LC3, promoting assembly of the STX17-SNAP29-VAMP8 QabcR SNARE complex and autophagosome-lysosome fusion. In SDC1 or TGM2 absence cells, EPG5 could not interact with LC3 and capture autophagosome, impairing STX17-SNAP29-VAMP8 QabcR SNARE assembly and autophagosome-lysosome fusion, which ultimately enhanced radiosensitivity.