(A) The fates of the larval MBONs that innervate the calyx and the 10 compartments of the larval MB. For MBONs that remain within the MB after metamorphosis, the arrows show the relationship of their larval compartment to the one that they innervate in the adult MB. The remaining MBONs trans-differentiate (T) to supply non-MB circuits in the adult, or their fate is unknown (?). Compartment designations as in Figure 2. Transmitters: green: acetylcholine; blue: glutamate; red: GABA; gray: unknown; checkered versions are presumed transmitters based on Li et al., 2020. (B) Images comparing the larval and adult forms of the MBONs that persist through metamorphosis. The images of larval cells from Saumweber et al., 2018
Nature Comm. 9: 1104. Adult names based on Aso et al., 2014, Li et al., 2020, or this study.
Figure 4—source data 1. Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neuron APL obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of line SS01671 late in larval life.