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PLA cells and MSCs were processed for immunofluorescence for the indicated CD antigens. Cells were co-stained with DAPI to visualize nuclei (blue) and the fluorescent images combined.
Adipogenic differentiation by PLA cells is accompanied by growth arrest.
Panel A: PLA cells were harvested and plated into triplicate 35mm tissue culture dishes per differentiation period. All dishes were maintained in Control medium until approximately 80% confluence was reached. The cells were induced with Adipogenic medium (AM) for the indicated days. To determine cell number, cells were harvested in 0.25% trypsin/EDTA and directly counted using a hemocytometer. Cell number was expressed as the number of PLA cells (# cells (105)) versus differentiation time. As observed in pre-adipocyte cell lines, adipogenic differentiation by PLA cells was associated with growth arrest. Panel B: PLA cells were harvested and plated into 35mm tissue culture dishes. All dishes were maintained in Control medium until approximately 80% confluence and the cells were induced with Adipogenic medium (AM). For each time period, the cells were stained with Oil Red O (Zuk et al. 2000) to detect lipid accumulation. A time-dependent increase in Oil Red O/lipid accumulation was observed.
Panel A: PLA cells and MSC controls were cultured in Adipogenic medium (PLA – Fat and MSC –Fat) or non-inductive Control medium (PLA – Control, MSC - Control). Cells were processed for immunofluorescence for the expression of leptin and GLUT4. Cells were co-stained with DAPI to visualize nuclei (blue) and the fluorescent images combined. Panel B: PLA cells and MSC controls were cultured in Adipogenic medium (AM) or non-inductive control medium (Control) for the indicated days. Total RNA was isolated, cDNA synthesized and PCR amplification performed for the indicated genes. A murine pre-adipocyte cell line (3T3-L1) was induced in AM for 14 days as an additional positive control. Duplicate reactions were amplified using primers to Beta-actin as an internal control.
Panel A: PLA cells were harvested and plated into triplicate 35mm tissue culture dishes. All dishes were maintained in Control medium until approximately 50% confluence was reached. The cells were induced with Osteogenic medium (OM) and cell number was counted at the indicated days. To determine cell number, cells were harvested in 0.25% trypsin/EDTA and directly counted using a hemocytometer. Cell number was expressed as the number of PLA cells (# cells (105)) versus differentiation time. Osteogenic induction appeared to result in distinct phases of proliferation, synthesis and mineralization. Panel B: PLA cells were harvested and plated into duplicate 35mm tissue culture dishes. All dishes were maintained in Control medium until approximately 50% confluence was reached. The cells were induced with Osteogenic medium (OM) for the indicated time periods. For each time period, one dish was stained for alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity and one dish was stained using a Von Kossa stain (VK) to detect calcium phosphate (Zuk et al. 2000). Osteogenic induction resulted in the appearance of AP activity and an increase in matrix mineralization.
Panel A: PLA cells and MSC positive controls were cultured in OM or maintained in Control medium for 21 days. Cells were processed for immunofluorescence for the expression of osteopontin, (OP), osteonectin (ON) and osteocalcin (OC). Cell surface expression of OP in osteogenic MSCs is shown (arrow). Panel B: PLA cells and MSC positive controls were cultured in OM or non-inductive Control medium (Control) for the indicated days. Total RNA was isolated, cDNA synthesized and PCR amplification performed for the indicated genes. A human osteoblast cell line (NHOst) was maintained in Control medium (Con) or induced for 4 weeks in OM as an additional positive control. Duplicate reactions were amplified using primers to Beta-actin as an internal control. PCR products were resolved by conventional agarose gel electrophoresis.
Panel A: PLA cells, under micromass culture conditions, were induced in Chondrogenic medium (CM) for up to 7 days. At the indicated time points, PLA cultures were stained with Alcian Blue to detect sulfated proteoglycans. PLA cell condensation at 12 hours, ridge formation at 1 day and spheroid formation from 2 to 7 days are shown. Panel B: PLA cells, under micromass culture conditions, were induced in Chondrogenic medium (PLA - CM) for 4, 7, 10 and 14 days or maintained in non-inductive Control medium for 10 days (PLA - Con). Cells were analyzed by RT-PCR for the indicated genes. A chondrocyte cell line from human knee (NHCK) was induced in a commercial pro-chondrogenic medium for 10 days as a positive control. Duplicate reactions were performed using primers to Beta-actin as an internal control.
PLA clones (Adipose-Derived Stem Cells/ADSCs) exhibit multi-lineage capacity.
PLA cells were plated at extremely low confluency in order to result in isolated single cells. Cultures were maintained in Control medium until proliferation of single PLA cells resulted in the formation of well-defined colonies. The colonies were harvested using sterile cloning rings and 0.25% trypsin/EDTA, subcloned and amplified in Cloning Medium (15% FBS, 1% antibiotic/antimycotic in F12/DMEM (1:1)). The isolated PLA clones were differentiated in OM, AM and CM and multi-lineage capacity assessed by histology and immunohistochemistry using the following assays: Alkaline Phosphatase (Osteogenesis = O), Oil Red O (Adipogenesis = A) and Alcian Blue (Chondrogenesis = C). Tri-lineage, single PLA-cell derived clones (O, A, C) were termed Adipose Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs).