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Distinct Developmental Function of Two Caenorhabditis elegans Homologs of the Cohesin Subunit Scc1/Rad21
Mol. Biol. Cell Mito et al. 10.1091/mbc.E02-09-0603.

MBC Videos

Figure 1.  Depletion of each cohesin component homolog causes defect in chromosome segregation. Time-lapse images of early embryos of wild-type (A-D), scc-3 (RNAi) (E-H), and scc-1/coh-2 (RNAi) (I-L) embryos. These images can be seen also in video movies (,, and, respectively). Fluorescence of GFP-tagged histone H2B and the DIC images are overlaid. The arrows in (F) and (K) indicate anaphase chromosomes with abnormal morphology. The arrowheads in (H), (I) and (L) indicate small extra nuclei generated by abnormal chromosome segregation. Bar: 5µm.

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